Zifu Xianyuan

23 Zifu·ben ming yuan shen bei

Hehe, I found that the brothers who read books are really awesome. Every ups and downs of the plot can be clearly felt by the brothers.

However, Baili specifically shows that the movement was a little bigger when the Zifu was born, but in fact, everyone changed their mind. No matter what the Zifu chief looks like, its essence is just a "field". It is just a platform for growing "crops", which is also the core of this book and will never be boundless. Baili made a solemn guarantee that the crops were planted, and the strength of the protagonist of "Zifu" grew little by little.

I hope everyone will continue to vote for it!


It was surprised to find that a floating limestone island had appeared in this boundless gray fog void.

This floating island is composed of a large number of extremely hard gray rocks. The surface of the island is undulating, the radius is exactly one mile, and there are many abrupt and sharp rock forests under the island.

There are only gray rocks on the island, bare, and there is no vitality. Far away from the island, there is still a heart-wrenching endless gray fog and vast void.

It was overjoyed and immediately drifted towards the island. That feeling was like a sailor floating in the endless sea for a long time, and suddenly met an island in the sea where he could rest. He was ecstatic and rushed over desperately.

It floated to the island and set foot on the island. It suddenly had a very down-to-earth feeling in its heart, beating happily and enjoying the comfort. This is like a home. It no longer has to float around in the void like rootless duckweed.

In the center of the island stands a simple and old stone tablet about ten feet high and three feet wide. It seems that at the beginning of the formation of the island, the stone tablet was available and integrated with the whole island. This stone tablet is surrounded by an aperture, and the range is nearly ten feet away, just like a big drop of water bubble.

I don't know why this stone tablet gives it a very safe feeling.

It moved in its heart. It floated over. It was easy to get into the aperture bubble. I saw something on the stone tablet.

I only saw rows of lines on the stone tablet. It's like a natural rift. It seems to be like a carved word again. His tattoo is ancient and clumsy. The meaning of the word is difficult and secluded. But strangely. It actually understood the above words at a glance. What does it mean?

From top to bottom. Look from left to right. The inscription on the stone tablet reads:

Zifu·Bunming Yuanshen Monument (Wood)

Master: Ye Qin

Fuyu: one mile in a circle. Perfect. No.

Fu Attributes: Wood

The spiritual root of the five elements of the owner: gold 20, wood 20, water 20, fire 20, earth 20.

The owner of the house, Shouyuan: the initial Shouyuan is 81 years old. Increase the life expectancy by 0 years. It has taken 15 years of life in January 29 days. The remaining life is sixty-five years, November one day.

Fuyuan: Tianji

The main fate of the house: robbery

It "touched" the lines on the stone tablet, shook its heart, and countless roars sounded in its mind. Countless memories poured into its mind like a tide, and it finally remembered everything in the past.

Ye Qin!

Isn't it Ye Qin?

It seemed that it was collecting medicine from the peak, ate a gray egg from the eagle's nest, and then came to this endless void. It's really weird. How did you appear in such a place?

What is this floating island called Zifu?

How did you get out of here?

Are you dreaming? This dream is a little too long.

It thought, tired, and then a strong sense of sleep came and fell asleep drowsily.


Ye Qin feels very depressed! I feel as if I have been imprisoned by something, and I can't breathe.


He couldn't hold back. He struggled desperately, tried his best, and hit forward with his right fist, hitting a strong wall. With a click, the wall was hit by his fist to make a hole the size of a fist.

A fresh air with a cold wind poured in immediately.

He breathed greedily.

"I'm suffocated!"

Ye Qin tried his best to break the thing wrapped around his body and crawled out.

On the top of the mountain, the sky is still dark.

The dim moonlight slightly illuminates the top of the mountain, and you can barely see the situation around you.

The situation around

stunned him. Under the huge rock, a human-shaped pupa that is enough to accommodate a 15-year-old boy is made of dead grass, firewood, ashes and gravel, which is very strange.

Just now, he broke a hole in the strong withered chrysalis and climbed out of it.

Are you wrapped up in this strange thing?

No wonder I was so depressed that it took a lot of effort to open it.

I just seemed to have a strange dream that I had a strange void and a floating island.

Ye Qin sniffed his body. His shorts were covered with sticky mud and withered grass, and there was a strange smell of sweat all over his body. He pulled off some withered grass stuck to his hair on his face, quickly pulled out a water bag from the big herbal basket, drenched it from head to toe, and washed his face and body.

The cool water shivered his little body, completely frozen and woke up, and also clearly remembered everything that happened tonight.

First, he ate the eagle's egg, was poisoned, his stomach was like colic, and then he had a strange dream, endless void, gray fog, dangerous purple thunder, floating island, Benming Yuanshen Monument. He clearly remembered all the situations in the dream, and then woke up and got out of the chrysalis.

Ye Qin touched his stomach. Anyway, at least the poison is no longer on the attack. His life should be worry-free. As for that strange dream, he couldn't understand and didn't think about it anymore. There is no need to make yourself restless for a dream.

The sky is still dark, and the cold wind on the cliff is fierce.

Ye Qin drilled into the boulder, spread the grass again, shrank, and fell asleep.

The next day, the sky was bright and the sun was rising.

Ye Qin looked at a pile of herbs in front of him with a sad face.

When I got up in the morning, I cleaned the big herbal basket, took out the medicinal herbs and basked them in the sun, and found that the rare green grass was not there.

I vaguely remember that when he had a stomachache last night, he seemed to grab an herb from the herbal basket. But he didn't remember what kind of herb he took. I guess I ate the little green grass before I got the poison.

He couldn't help but regret it.

The small green grass is estimated to be worth at least one silver leaf, which is worth the amount of medicine collected in three or four days.

However, it's good that other herbs are fine.

Ye Qin carefully checked the price of these herbs and found that they were worth about three or four silver leaves, that is to say, he had completed three-fifths to four-fifths of the drug collection task of this month. It seems that it should be able to complete the drug collection task normally this month, and there will even be a little extra. For the rest of the time, he doesn't have to risk his life to collect medicine in those dangerous places.

That morning, he didn't go to collect medicine. Instead, he found an open and flat rock on the top of the mountain, poured out all the medicinal herbs and basked in the sun. Most of these herbs have withered. If they are dried in the sun, they will not become moldy and deteriorate. They are easy to preserve, and the weight will be much lighter.

When drying medicine and seeing medicine, Ye Qin was not idle.

He leaned against the shadow of a stone and took out the thin heart formula "Sitting Forgotten Sutra" that he had obtained from the medicine collection hall as early as when he was a medicine boy in his arms, and read it with relish. Ye Qin has been used to reading the formula every day, and then meditate and practice.
