Zifu Xianyuan

25 vitality

The ranking has dropped by one place. Come on, brothers and sisters, and fight back with all your strength!


Ye Qin gave these lights a name "White Mang". After careful counting, these white awns are about one or twenty strands.

He widened his eyes and waited honestly in the aperture where the Yuanshen Monument was located, and did not dare to act rashly. In his heart, he only asked for these white lights and not to get close to where he was.

However, the gray island is only a mile round. They floated around, and a trace of them finally floated near the original shen tablet, touched the bubble aperture of the moto stele, and then got in with a dull head, swam and swam around in the bubble aperture, ignoring the same as the aperture. Ye Qin is a small light ball.

When Ye Qin saw it drilled in, he was almost scared and softened all over. He just wanted to dodge and run away from the aperture of the Yuanshen Monument.

But he quickly settled down.

Because I didn't instinctively feel extremely afraid like I met Zilei at the beginning, and I couldn't have any other ideas except to escape.

This white light approached him, which made him feel very happy.

In this way, this white light should not be a threat to him.

Ye Qin was happy, and he finally met a good person in this endless void. So he also floated up and slowly approached the white light, trying to touch it and say hello to it.

I didn't expect him to meet the white light. The white light suddenly became one with his white light ball.

Ye Qin at this moment. I also feel that my thin light ball body seems to be a little stronger. It lit up a little bit. Although the growth is very small. But he felt it clearly. It's like eating a tonic. All fatigue and sleepiness disappeared. Get refreshed. turbed.

Ye Qin was stunned for a moment. Then he almost shouted and jumped up excitedly. I don't know where these white lights come from. It turned out to be his "food". It can make him brighter and stronger.

This made Ye Qin have no hesitation. He quickly looked at the whole island. No purple thunder was found near the island.

Ye Qin immediately rushed out of the aperture where the Yuanshen Monument was located. It floated towards those white lights.

It won't take long. He grabbed the white light floating everywhere one by one. I ate it. It also made his white light ball slightly brighter.

Ye Qin couldn't help saying that it was a pity that there were too few white mangos here, which was not enough for him to "eat" a few bites. It would be great if there could be more. After a full meal, Ye Qin did not dare to stay on the floating island for a long time. He rushed back to the location of the original shen monument in the center of the floating island and hid in the bubble aperture of the moto yuan stele.

Grey Eagle Peak, under the boulder.

Ye Qin, who sat cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, sank his hands from his chest to Dantian, slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and then accepted the practice. There seemed to be a little more brilliance in his eyes, which seemed to be more brilliant and clearer.

However, he was still puzzled.

What is the mental formula of the last chapter of "Sitting Forgotten Sutra" <Siting hopeless>? It is not helpful for the cultivation of the true qi of the inner family, but it has some other effect. Now he still doesn't know what this effect is. But at least it is very helpful for his spiritual growth, so it is not all useless.

In the following days, Ye Qin kept experimenting with this process.

He also gradually found some tricks.

Every time I practice for a big week, there will be an extremely faint breath in my body, which disappears when it runs to the mud pills in the eyebrows. At the same time, there is an extra inch of white light on the floating island.

Is this the vitality of what is said in the book?

Ye Qin can practice seven weeks a day. There will be no more or less on the floating island, and there will be a lot of seven white rays. Obviously, that is to say, the weak breath produced by his practice did not disappear, but ran into this floating island.

Then, he entered the floating island to become a white light ball, and then ate the trace of white light. The thin and dark ball of light gradually became a little thicker. This process is very slow and requires years of continuous accumulation to solidate the photosphere.

As for how long it takes for the dark light ball to fully solidify, it is difficult to figure it out.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Qin decided to stop practicing < gather qi to concentrate >, but concentrate on the cultivation of this growth of vitality < hopeless>. He wants to raise this light ball and see how much effect this small light ball can bring to him.

Time flies, Ye Qin picked five medicinal herbs of silver leaves, and then returned to the medicine collection hall in Zhuqi County to hand over the task of the month.

Then he rested in the county for a day. Ye Qin had nothing to do in the county, and he didn't have many partners and friends. He was only familiar with his master, his brothers and sisters, and a big cow. He took a day off, said hello to these people, and then embarked on the journey of taking medicine again.

Winter goes and spring comes.

The first year after becoming a pharmaceutical apprentice has passed in a hurry.

After Ye Qin encountered a crisis of climbing a cliff and was almost torn apart by a group of gray eagles, he knew that his martial arts skills were not enough, so he no longer easily went to dangerous places to collect medicine. Like that kind of peaks, hanging walls, canyons and swamps, he never took half a step.

He only picks medicine in the safer forests, fields and mountains. Even if he meets a wolf, he can escape with strong physical strength. Moreover, he only picked enough herbs with the value of five silver leaves. If he reached the minimum limit stipulated by the collection hall, he would not pick more. The rest of the time, he devoted himself to practice and did everything possible to improve his cultivation.

Because Ye Qin's collection of medicine is too small, his master Wang Hong is very dissatisfied. Other medicine apprentices have been able to collect ten silver leaves in a month, but Ye Qin has always maintained the amount of five silver leaves.

Wang Cai pharmacist strictly warned him that if he can't collect more herbs every month, he can only be a drug apprentice in his life, and it is impossible to be promoted to a pharmacist, let alone enjoy many benefits after becoming a pharmacist - a higher status in the medicine collection hall, more monetary rewards, and have it in the county. A separate green tile house even has the right to marry female disciples trained in the medicine collection hall.

And there is no such treatment for drug apprentices.

After Wang Cai severely scolded Ye Qin, his face softened a little, and he began to persuade him bitterly, saying that he still had great expectations for Ye Qin, and he was also the most optimistic of the five apprentices in the same batch. Ye Qin was also fifteen or sixteen years old, and it was time to think about the future. Work hard for a few years, be promoted to a pharmacist as soon as possible, marry a wife, and raise a few little fat boys. What a good day! Look at Yang Yicheng and Feng Xiao, they are both working very hard to become a pharmacist. Qian Ruoxiu and Sun Ying are also becoming more and more beautiful. Don't let them take the lead.


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