Zifu Xianyuan

26 Slow cultivation

Wang Cai's pharmacist worked hard, threatened Gali to lure, and also forced Ye Qin to collect medicine more desperately. There is a reason for this. As a master, Wang Cai has the right to get a part of the share from the herbs collected by his apprentice. Five percent of the herbs collected by Ye Qin belong to himself, ten percent of the money belongs to Wang Caiyao, and the rest belongs to the medicine collection hall. Therefore, Wang Cai pharmacist naturally hopes that the more herbs his apprentice picks, the better.

Ye Qin knew this well, but he bowed his head and was silent.

In a year, he earned 60 silver leaves, which is far from the money of buying a low-level secret book with a gold leaf. How could he easily take risks without enough force? The medicine is someone else's, but the life is your own. He lost his life in order to collect medicine, and he didn't think it was cost-effective. As for Yang Yicheng and Feng Xiao, it's their business that they have to work hard.

Ye Qin was distressed, not only that he was told by Wang Cai's pharmacist every month.

What he is more worried about is the progress of his practice.

After a year of hard practice, he only increased the brightness of his white light ball by less than one-tenth. At this speed, it will take him at least ten years to double the brightness of the photosphere.

And the lowest level of the lowest level of "Sitting Forgetting the Sutra · Sitting Without Self" must at least double the photosphere to complete the work. In the second layer, the energy required is doubled.

Make a simple rough estimate. It will take ten years to finish the first level of the realm, 20 years to finish the second level of the realm, and 30 years to finish the third level of the realm.

When Ye Qin finished practicing the first, second and third levels of the lowest level of "No Self", he was already a 70 or 80-year-old old man, and then he was so sad.

And his life expectancy is only 81 years.

At this age, it is clearly engraved on the stele of his original life, and every day passes, one day is missing. Although Ye Qin didn't know why he had his own life expectancy on this stone tablet, he had already believed in that stone tablet in the past year.

Thinking that I would die at the age of 81. Ye Qin had a sense of powerless fear in his heart. Fear of death. This is human instinct. Especially know which day you will die. This sense of fear is even greater. This has nothing to do with his courage.

After knowing when you will die. Ye Qin told Wang Cai that he was promoted to a pharmacist. There is a famous hall in the medicine collection hall. Things like marrying a wife and having children. There is already a lack of interest. I can't get any interest.

In addition to these. There are also some changes in Ye Qindi's body.

Because of the first to third levels of the skills of "Sitting Forgetting the Sutra · Sitting without a Self". In the process of cultivation. It is required to restrain all the leaking "breath". In order to avoid any leakage of local gas.

The first layer of convergence and leakage of "expressions". Try to avoid expression fluctuations.

The second layer converges and vents "emotions". Try to avoid mood swings.

The third layer converges "heart power" and tries to avoid doing things that are exhausting and exhausting.

In this way, it can restrain all spirits and speed up the effect of cultivation. If it cannot be restrained, it will cause additional loss of essence and slow down the speed of cultivation to a certain extent.

Ye Qin has just begun to practice the first layer, so he needs to restrain his expression.

Over the year, whether it is wind, rain, lightning and thunder, scorching sun or cold winter, or other people's cynicism, he has almost maintained a look - indifference. Because this kind of expression can be maintained for many years without much effort.

He also gradually became less talkative, because it is easy to change his expression.

Now, even though Ye Qin's mood is still fluctuating violently, his mental strength is clearer and more sensitive to thinking, but his expression is motionless.

Others don't know the reason. In the eyes of those who know Ye Qin, he has undoubtedly become a little indifferent and difficult to approach.

During the past three years of taking medicine boy, Ye Qin was indifferent, never aggressive, and had an awe-inspiring youthful momentum. He is neither as competitive as Yang Yicheng, like a gangster in the world, nor as much as Feng Xiao, who cares about trivial things. The taste of the market is too strong. Among the five brothers, Ye Qin is undoubtedly the best to get along with.

Qian Ruoxiu and Sun Ying, two sisters, like to chat with him quietly, share some interesting things with him, and take some cakes specially made by them for Ye Qin to taste. Girls are always precocious and precocious than boys, and they have made plans for their future.

But since they became pharmaceutical apprentices, they can only occasionally meet each other when they return to the county every month. They have a lot to say to Ye Qinqing. However, Ye Qin was more indifferent than once, and he did not respond to the joyful things they encountered, just like strangers who heard strange things. Such "relentless" made them heart sad. Instead, they resented him and ignored him.

What else can Ye Qin do except a trace of bitterness in his heart?

Even if it is bitter, it is also bitter in the heart, and it is impossible to show an expression on his face except for indifference.

He and these two sisters are still like this, and his relationship with his brother Yang Yicheng and his brother Feng Xiaoze has naturally deteriorated.

Yang Yicheng once asked Ye Qin to go to the street for a drink with him and a group of apprentices from the medicine collection hall. Ye Qin refused because he didn't want to go to too busy places. Yang Yicheng thought that Ye Qin had swept his face and was not a brother enough, and he had a good opinion on Ye Qin.

Feng Xiao thought that Ye Qin was too lonely and arrogant. Ye Qin greeted him and never smiled. As a result, he was hated by him. The relationship between the brothers, which was originally barely compatible, has become more and more weak this year. Occasionally, we meet each other, it's just a greeting, and there are few opportunities to chat together.

Wang Cai's pharmacist did not care about Ye Qin's changes at all. He himself had a cold and stinky face all day long. In Wang Cai's eyes, Ye Qin's indifference was very suitable for his appetite. This is an attitude that a medicine apprentice should have. Why do you need so much enthusiasm? You can't eat it as a meal. It's a serious thing to do a good job.

The only thing that comforted Ye Qin was Cheng Da Niu.

Every time Ye Qin returned to Zhuqi County, he would go to the Yang family's iron shop to see the big cow. The big cow has become a blacksmith's apprentice and a black and strong 14-year-old man. With Uncle Yang, he can skillfully play some iron farm tools. It is no problem to be self-reliant. Da Niu is still the same as before, and he will not have a gap because of his indifference. However, the relationship between him and Da Niu is no longer like his brothers who shared joys and sorrows, and Da Niu is more in awe of him.

Ye Qin's heart was gloomy. He saw this look of awe in the eyes of many residents in the county, which was the awe of ordinary people to the people in the world. However, as long as Da Niu can live well in Yang's iron shop, he will be at ease. He can't ask for too much now.

He knew that if this situation continued, no one in the medicine collection hall could stand his growing indifference. From the beginning of practicing "Sitting Forgotten Sutra · Sitting and Looking at No Self", I'm afraid that this road is destined for him to go on alone.
