Zifu Xianyuan

136 mine repair

Qin saw the fork in front of the mine with a dull face of the first layer of the gas refining period and the second floor of the gas refining period, and was stunned for a while before turning his head and continuing to walk to the depths of the mine. He really didn't understand how such a low-cultivation monk could appear in the mine of Qingdanmen. However, there is a reason why Qingdanmen arranged for these people to mine here. This has nothing to do with him. Digging the spiritual mine is the real thing.

He carried a basket on his back and entered the depths of the mine. As it goes deeper, there are more and more forkaries, winding and rugged, and it is difficult for new miners to figure out what mine these fork paths will eventually lead to. He could only choose one at will and take a chance. After walking for a long time, he came to a large cave. There was a tinkling sound inside, and he drilled in.

There are already several monks mining in this cave, all of whom are low-level monks like some of the monks I met before.

Ye Qin looked at the whole cave and found that there were a lot of spiritual stones, scattered embedded in the rocks, with a faint brilliance.

He looked at the miners again to see how they mined. They held the mine picks and chiseled them one by one, pounding hard on the wall of the cave, and dug the glowing spirit stones out of the wall of the cave.

Ye Qin did the same. He held the pick and knocked on the wall of the cave, "Ding", and went down with a pick, just smashing the rock into a small pit. He was surprised to find that the rock was surprisingly hard.

After thinking about it, he injected the mana into his hand into the picker made of unknown material, and then a fierce mine pick hit the rock wall. "Boom", a large piece of rock fell off the cave wall, and there were several spiritual stones in it.

Several miners in the mine, when they heard the loud noise, turned their heads and looked at him in consteritonishment, only to find that there was one more person in the mine.

Ye Qin, regardless of whether they were shocked or not, squatted on the ground and happily dug out the spirit stone from the rock.

"Who let you go to this mine to mine without authorization? You don't know the rules. Don't you want to die!"

A thin man rushed out of the cave. I saw one more person in the mine. I'm so angry. I didn't see clearly who Ye Qin was. Then he roared. With a wave of the whip in his hand. He beat Ye Qin.

Ye Qin was immediately shocked. Dodging. At the same time, he looked at the thin man who waved his whip. He is a three-layer monk in the gas refining period.


The whip whipped on the rocky ground. A half-inch deep mark on the ground. The whip is a spiritual weapon.

Ye Qin looked over the half-inch whip mark on the ground. Who is the person who came from? How dare you beat him with another whip. Could it be that the disciples of Qingdanmen would be whipped for mining here?

He suddenly looked up at the thin man. A cold murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

The fluorescent stone in his hand flashed.

Before the thin man could see what it was, he was suddenly hit by the force of Qianjun in the abdomen. With a scream, he suddenly flew backwards, hit the rock wall of the mine, and then rolled to the ground, and his sternum had been broken several times.


Another cold light flashed, and the sharp stone chisel pierced the left hand of the thin man holding the whip into the rocky ground, five or six inches deep.

The thin man's palms were bleeding, and he screamed in pain.

In the mine, three or four low-level monks exclaimed and hurriedly avoided and dared not approach the sudden fight at all. Their eyes were very strange, frightened, cowardly, and mixed with a trace of gloating.

Ye Qin walked over slowly and picked up the next spiritual whip. This spiritual whip has been used for a long time, is a little damaged, and is worth dozens of spiritual stones. He looked coldly at several low-level monks in the mine, and the low-level monks immediately retreated in panic, afraid that Ye Qin would be angry with them.

Ye Qinyin had a feeling that something was wrong, and this place revealed a trace of strangeness from the time he came in. They are all low-level monks who can't mine here, which is similar to the low-level monks, and there is almost no normal Qingdanmen disciple. It seemed that he was not in the Qingdan Gate of the immortal school, but broke into a place where he should not come.

This strange feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Outside the cave, there was a rapid sound of footsteps. Soon, a group of three or four fierce men rushed to the mouth of the cave. The head of a barbarian-faced man held a flame knife and roared, "Damn it, who dares to make trouble in my territory? Get out!"

"Head, save me!"

The thin man who was nailed to the ground screamed bitterly and shouted for help.

Looking at the three or four villains of the Ye Qin Dynasty, most of them were three layers of the gas refining period, and the strongest one was also four layers of the gas refining period, which was much higher than the cultivation of ordinary mining mining sites. However, it's still a little worse than him.

This man with a knife finally saw the situation clearly and stared, "Are you a new disciple of Qingdanmen on the fifth floor of the refining period?" He did not approach Ye Qin and was a little afraid.

Ye Qin's indifferent face looked at the barbaric-faced villain and arched his hand and said, "This brother, I just came here, and I don't know the rules in this mine very well. If there are any rules here, it doesn't matter to say it directly, and I won't break the rules. But if anyone greets like this one and does it indiscriminately, it's my fault.

The big-faced man usually dominates in the mine. When he hears the words, he is immediately annoyed. Who the mother is your brother, I'm coming

You haven't been born yet. He weighed his strength. One refining, three gas refining periods and three layers, against the previous five-level monks in the gas refining period, that is, just a draw. And a spiritual whip fell into the boy's hand.

Supervisor Wang is guarding the mouth of the cave. It is impossible for ordinary miners to bring spiritual weapons into the cave. This boy should be able to use this spiritual weapon.

The big man with a brute face turned his eyes and shouted in a low voice, "There are indeed rules in this mine. There are basically fixed manpower at every mine site, and they will not dig randomly!" My brothers are a little anxious. But you are too cruel. Return the whip and pay a few more spiritual stones. You can go.

Ye Qin looked at the spiritual whip in his hand, and then at the surrounding villains in front of him, and sneered in his heart. Want to play tricks? He wanted to see what tricks he was playing. He threw the whip on the ground on the side of the mine. Several flame thorn seeds were buckled in his hand.

The big man with a brute face suddenly showed ecstasy.

Without his order, there was a young villain on the third floor of the gas refining period beside him who took an amulet, flew over and picked up the spiritual whip.

And the barbaric-faced man and the other two villains each took an amulet on their bodies, and at the same time, they rushed to Ye Qinfei with their swords.

The young villain in the third layer of the refining period had just picked up the spiritual whip and shouted happily, "Head, I grabbed the spiritual whip!" But he found that the cave was quiet. When he looked back, his happy voice stopped abruptly, and there was only horror in his eyes.

The big-faced man, and the other two villains, have been entangled on the ground by three flames and thorns, unable to move. I was horried, but there was no way to pee.

Ye Qin coldly looked at the last young villain.

The young villain swallowed his saliva, hurriedly threw down the whip, fell back in fear, and shrank at the rock wall.

"Hold on!"

Ye Qin rewarded a flame thorn seed, wrapped the villain around him, and left the mine.

Several low-level miners onlookers are sluggish.

I dare not untie the thorns for those villains.

Ye Qin walked around the mine. The Beiying Mountain mine is very large, and it is estimated that he can't walk for ten days and a half months. And the varieties are complete, and the spiritual stones of the five systems of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are produced.

But only dozens of mine lanes have miners, and the remaining hundreds of mine lanes are waste mines, and no one digs at all.

In such an abandoned mine, the rich mine has been hollowed out, and the rest can't dig many spiritual stones. Only the occasional more than a dozen spiritual stones can be seen embedded in the cave wall on the wall of hundreds of feet of the cave. For miners, there is no value for digging.

Ye Qin picked a remote waste mine with no one and drilled in. For him, he consumes three or four spiritual stones every day, and a waste mine is enough for him to use for a long time.

Far away from Qingdanmen and the miners, he settled in the abandoned mine, began mining, sent it to the purple house to plant spiritual grass, and then used a copper sand alchemy furnace to refine the alchemy.

began his life of devoting himself to cultivation.

The monks in the refining period can't do Pigu, so they have to eat a little food every day.

This is not difficult for Ye Qinlai.

He can plant thorns and produce berries in his purple house. He found a few beasts in Qingxiu Mountain and tried it. He found that the berries with thorns and flame thorns could be eaten directly. It was enough to eat a thorn berry belly when he was hungry. He didn't need to go out of the mine to find food at all.

This kind of latent cultivation, day after day, is simple, boring, and even boring.

In addition to alchemy, Ye Qin also had the idea of using different spiritual stones to cultivate mutant spiritual grass.

He once planted first-order wooden thorns with pyrolite in the bat cave, and accidentally cultivated the second-order flame thorns. This flame thorn is not afraid of fire, which has greatly improved his strength.

If other spiritual stones can be used to cultivate other kinds of mutations, there may be special effects. Anyway, the spirit stone in this mine is inexhaustible, and he has enough time to test it.

Ye Qin thought it was a good idea and began to experiment excitedly.

The spiritual grass of alchemy will not be tested. The elixir taken by your own alchemy can't be messed up.

He mainly experimented with aggressive wood thorn seeds. In the field, sprinkle 300 seeds of wood thorns at one time, and use gold spirit stone, earth spirit stone, water spirit stone, wood spirit stone and fire spirit stone to sow the seeds of wood thorns in turn.

"The shell of the three hundred seeds of the golden spirit stone becomes as hard as a diamond. After absorbing a small amount of golden spiritual power, it dies."

"Muling stone, er, the wooden thorn is originally a wooden system, and the growth is still a wooden thorn. There is no need to try this."

"Three hundred seeds of water spirit stone absorb the water spirit power, and three plants have successfully mutated. However, it seems that the three water thorns after the mutation are just a little gloomy and cold, and there is no special power.

"The fire spirit stone has been tested, and the variability is extremely low."

"The shell of 300 seeds of earth spirit stone absorbs spiritual power, and the shell turns yellow, does not germinate, and has no mutation." ( To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to www**com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)