Zifu Xianyuan

137 Three years in a flash

Qin held a branch of "water thorn" in his hand and thought deeply.

Cultivated through water spirit stone, the mutated second-order water thorns have no wood poison of wood thorns, no fire poison of flame thorns, only one kind of cold poison. However, this kind of cold poison occurs very slowly in the body, which is far less rapid than the fire poison. Any immortals have enough time to suppress the spread of cold poison and force the cold poison out of the body. On the contrary, its role has been greatly weakened. Although this water thorn is also a mutation, it is a failed mutation.

How to strengthen its power?

Ye Qin's eyes suddenly stopped on a small pile of ice spirit stones in the Purple Mansion. These ice stones were picked up by him from the cold pool. There are about dozens of them. The ice stones are rare and have been kept for a long time.

He thought for a moment. He immediately took hundreds of wood thorn seeds, crushed an ice spirit stone, sprinkled them on the field, and covered the seeds.


The seeds of thorns in the field were frozen and sealed into frozen seeds by a strong cold aura in a very short time. Not to mention mutation, it can't even germinate.

Ye Qin took out all the wood thorn seeds, looked at them one by one, and found that they were all frozen into ice strips.

Since the water spirit stone can promote the seed variation of wood thorns, there is no reason why the ice spirit stone cannot.

He gritted his teeth and tried again!

This time. Experiment with more cold-resistant water and thorn seeds. Hundreds of watery thorny seeds. It itself contains a strong cold atmosphere. It also has high cold resistance.

In the field. Sprinkle the ice spirit stone.

This time. Hundreds of seeds are still frozen by the cold aura. However. Not all of these seeds died. One or two seedlings resisted freezing gas. Slowly break out of the shell. Absorb the ice aura. Grow up slowly.

Ye Qin looked at it in surprise. Wait for it to grow.

After a long time. A pale snow-colored plant. The second-order mutant ice is a thorn in the shape of transparent ice strips. I grew up in the field. The whole shrub. Every leaf. Every thorn. It's all covered with frost. It's chilly. On the branch. There are even snow-colored ice flowers.

This is on another field of flames and thorns. It's like a flame. Exactly the opposite.

"Frost and thorns!"

Ye Qin had an amazing feeling in his heart, and he couldn't help but come up with a very appropriate name.

At a busy thorn honeycomb in the cracks of the limestone, several golden bees smelled the fragrance of flowers and immediately buzzed excitedly to the frost thorn field, and then flew to the top of the frost thorns. "Cock!" Strongly cold, condensed ice crystals on their golden wings. There were more and The heavier it is, the slower their flight speed is. Every time they flap their wings, they are extremely laborious, slow, and can't withstand the pressure. It's even more pathetic to fall on the frost and thorns. They are directly frozen on the branches and become ground bee ice eagles, strange, flapping wings, upside down. He landed, staring at his eyes, and he looked like everything. Only a few bees picked nectar, left quickly and returned to the hive.

Ye Qin was stunned, and the cold air was too domineering!

Since the golden bee was nestled in the purple house, it has gradually begun to multiply, and now there are as many as forty or fifty.

Every time the thorns bloom, they fly to collect honey and pollen.

The heat emitted by the flame thorns has a great impact on them. Once you pick nectar, you will be smoked by the fire and become sick and listless. You need to rest in the honeycomb and eat some honey to recover.

The frost and thorns fell well, and they were simply frozen and sealed, and they couldn't even escape.

Ye Qin didn't want them to die, otherwise without them to help pick honey, the thorns would not bear fruit. Take out all these "ice carved bees", directly break the ice shell, and put them back. Because they were not frozen for a long time, most of them were not frozen to death, but their wings were frostbitten.

He ran out of several ice spirit stones, and he cultivated the second mutant thorns - frost thorns.

The Qingdan Mountains, hot summer, autumn, flying snow, spring melting, the four seasons change, year after year.

In the mine of Beiying Mountain, there are no four seasons, no difference between day and night. Time seems to have stopped here, and there is no difference. Mining, alchemy, meditation, mining, alchemy and meditation are repeated day after day.

In addition, there is nothing else to do.

Occasionally, wood thorns are used to try to mutate them, but after all the spiritual stones have been tried, this repeated attempt has eventually become boring.

The only thing that surprised him was that the nest of golden bees actually split up.

A nest next to the field of flames and thorns, taking root.

Another nest was transferred to the "campment" next to the field of frost and thorns.

What made Ye Qin laugh and cry was that he had no intention to insert willows. These two nests of bees have been in contact with flame thorns and frost thorns for a long time, and have actually changed. When the number of bees in the two nests exceeded about 100, there were very few one or two mutant combat bees.

The golden flame thorn bee, the second-order mutant bee, is thick, and the tail thorn has both gold and fire attributes. Broken armor, fire poison.

The golden frost thorn bee, the second-order mutant bee, is thick, and the tail thorn has both gold and ice attributes.

Broken armor, frost.

These powerful and stunned combat bees are usually not collecting honey, but are responsible for guarding the nest. As soon as the golden bee of the other party's honeycomb was found to cross the boundary, it immediately flew over and drove it away.

Obly, the two nests of battle bees will accidentally kill together.

Ye Qin had to do it himself to block them.

Ye Qin sat cross-legged and closed his eyes in the abandoned mine. He sat and looked indifferent, and gradually fell into a state of self-residation.

From the first to the third floor, meditate and forget. It is required to restrain all external breaths, expressions, transform every trace of energy into vitality, and effectively reduce consumption. Silent, indifferent, and even cold.

The fourth to sixth floors, no dirt and no injury. Convergence of eyes and mind, which makes people look like wood. It is better to be dull in appearance and reduce the response to the outside world. At this stage, only keep your mind moving.

The seventh to ninth layers, hidden, thick and thin. The mind gradually did not move, and the brain was kept blank as much as possible. It relied purely on the body instinct, operated the skills, and accumulated all the essence, in order to forcibly break through the last threshold of the refining period, break through the bottleneck, and step into the fairy road.

The only purpose of this set of skills is to close the external venting vitality and reduce vitality

So that all the essence, qi and gods can accumulate in the body and continue to be the earth god.

A group of early immortals in Lingwu Xianyuan City. At that time, they were obviously not good at refining elixirs. They could not rely on external forces and purely rely on their own hard work to increase their vitality. In order to embark on the path of immortality, they created this set of almost extreme and highly flawed immortal cultivation skills. Relying on this set of immortal cultivation skills to make a breakthrough, there are only a few ancient monks with high talent, and many monks have died on this set of skills. Later, in view of this, most of the monks created other immortal cultivation skills to avoid being unable to control their bodies in the later stage of the gas refining period.

Ye Qin practiced this set of skills purely by chance. He got this set of immortal cultivation skills in the medicine collection hall in Zhuqi County.

"Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra" requires the practitioner to restrain their expressions, emotions, and minds, and accumulate every point of energy to transform into the vitality of the yuan god. Of course, it's okay not to do this, but it will lose vitality.

At the first level of the refining period, you can practice seven white mangoes every day. If you don't restrain the leaked breath, it will automatically leak a trace of vitality, or even more, thus reducing the effect of cultivation.

In order to enhance his cultivation, Ye Qin had to suppress all his expressions at that time, make himself silent and indifferent, and endure the misunderstanding of his brothers and sisters. For the sake of the ground, it is to cultivate a little more white light every day to make yourself stronger and not be controlled by others.

Later, the adventure of the eagle cliff gave birth to a purple house in his body. The way to increase vitality has changed from Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra to relying on the spiritual power of the dew elixir to improve cultivation and progress rapidly. The role of sitting and forgetting the scriptures is greatly reduced, but it plays a slight auxiliary role.

He didn't forcibly suppress his emotions anymore.

At the fifth floor of the gas refining period, this set of skills did not have much impact on him.

In this mine where he can't see the sun, there is no one to disturb anything. He meditate alone, and his heart is as calm as water. Naturally, he does not need to deliberately cover up his expression, and it does not consume his mind at all. "Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra" has played the greatest effect, thick and

With the rapid growth of cultivation, this set of skills has begun to show its power. Even if he doesn't take the initiative to restrain, he will automatically try to restrain the breath, and his whole body is like wood, like a wooden chicken.

Such automatic convergence is already more skillful than the "convertion technique" performed by ordinary monks. Unless the refining monk with the same strength sees him with his own eyes, it is difficult to feel his faint breath.

But in the depth of Ye Qin's pupils, that ray of light gradually became pure.

Three years later.

Ye Qin is already a 20-year-old young monk. He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

He was suddenly shocked and suddenly opened his eyes. A ray of divine light flashed through his eyes, and then dimmed. That divine light at least let him out a trace of vitality.

However, Ye Qin didn't care about this.

He looked at a homemade simple hourglass in front of him. In this huge hourglass, there is enough fine sand for seven days. At this time, in the hourglass, the fine sand was almost flowing, leaving only the last little sand.

also said that it has been seven days since my meditation.

In fact, he was still at the peak of the eighth floor of the gas refining period seven days ago. He just wanted to meditrate and practice the "Siting Forgotten Sutra" for half a day. He didn't want to practice for so long at all. However, under the continuous operation of "Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra", his heart paused, unconsciously fell asleep, and unconsciously, he entered the ninth level of the gas refining period in one fell swoop.

Ye Qin was not happy, but also had an unspeakable fear.

The ninth layer of the gas refining period is already a very dangerous cultivation stage. Once the mental thinking ability is completely closed, he will not be completely isolated from the outside world. Whether he can break through the bottleneck between the gas refining period and the foundation period is completely up to fate.

If it hadn't been for this sudden surprise and I hadn't woken up from my sleep, I'm afraid that there would be an extra monk in the abandoned mine who died because of practicing the "Siting Forgotten Sutra".

"It seems that this "Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra" can no longer be practiced. We must think of other ways to break through the bottleneck and successfully build the foundation.

Ye Qin whispered to himself and sat down calmly for a while.

He has just set foot on the ninth floor of the gas refining period, and he is not irreparable. As long as he doesn't meditated, he will fall asleep. If it reaches the peak of the ninth level of the gas refining period, I'm afraid it's difficult to resist this automatic convergence.

There are two ways to build the foundation. One is to rely solely on your own asceticism, and the hope of this method is extremely slim to tell you. Another way is to take the foundation elixir with the help of external forces, which is about 30% sure.

The monks on the ninth floor of the gas refining period can already take the foundation elixir to forcibly break through the bottleneck.

Perhaps it's time to consider going back to Qingdanmen and get this foundation dan.

Ye Qin stood up, his body shook slightly, and a layer of dust on his body was immediately shaken away. He stuffed a flame berry into his mouth and flew away from the abandoned mine. After these three years, he didn't think about it. He had forgotten how to get out of the mine, so he had to fly around and find a way out.

In the mine, some first-level and second-level miners in the gas refining period, as well as those villains who seized the third and fourth floors of the gas refining period in the mine, only saw a flash of shadow in front of them, and a high-level monk flew past their eyes.

They opened their mouths in astonishment and didn't understand why a high-level monk came into the mine. However, they did not dare to say anything about what the high-level monks had done, so they buried their heads and continued to dig.

After half a day, Ye Qin finally found the exit and flew to the mouth of the cave. He glanced at Supervisor Wang at the mouth of the cave and walked by indifferently.

Supervisor Wang, who had a big belly, sat on his big chair boredly, his eyes were dazzled, and he saw an extremely strange young monk standing at the exit of the mine. After exploring with spiritual eyes, Inspector Wang immediately stopped. He was stunned for a moment and did not dare to stop him.

He had an abnormal doubt in his heart. He stayed here every day, and the ants didn't want to disturb him, so he ran in. But he had never seen this brother and entered the mine.

"When did this brother enter the hole?"

Suddenly, Supervisor Wang's face changed dramatically and he trembled all over. Looking at Ye Qinyuan's back, he couldn't believe it. "It was the guy who entered the hole three years ago! He stayed in the mine for three years. He didn't eat or drink, but he didn't die. And he has practiced to the ninth floor of the refining period. How did he do it!" ( To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to www**m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

First release