Zifu Xianyuan

138 Dangerous Tasks

Qin left Beiying Mountain and flew straight back to Qing, one of the seven main peaks of the Qingdan Mountains

He came to the comprehensive hall of Qingquan Peak and handed over the miscellaneous bronze token for mining in Beiying Mountain. The original brother Qian, who was responsible for arranging the chores, has left and changed to a disciple surnamed Li on the seventh floor of the new gas refining period.

Although Brother Li was a little surprised why a high-level monk like Ye Qin went to the mine to dig mines, he didn't dare to ask more about what he wanted to do.

A large school of immortal cultivation like Qingdanmen has a strict class, and low-level monks dare not ask about high-level monks.

Ye Qin handed over the task and then left. To his surprise, Uncle Zhao, one of the stodians of Qingquanfeng, happened to enter the comprehensive affairs hall with a lot of trouble and passed him by mistake. There was no reaction at all, and he didn't even look at it.

Ye Qin was finally completely relieved. Uncle Zhao was busy with his business. I'm afraid he had forgotten that he existed for a long time. Even Uncle Zhao, who was extremely suspicious of him three years ago, forgot him, and other people would not be interested in such an unknown disciple as him.

This has something to do with the change of his appearance and breath. In the past three years, he has grown a little taller, and has faded the childishness of young monks, mature and steady young monks, because he has been in the mine for a long time, and his skin is a little whiter. His breath became extremely weak, making it difficult to catch and feel. Uncle Zhao remembers him three years ago, but he can't recognize him now. This is a normal thing.

Ye Qin thought silently and walked out of the comprehensive hall.

It seems that mining in the Beiying Mountain mine for three years is not without benefits.

The disciples on the ninth floor of the Qingdanmen gas refining period are rare. Among the 8,000 gas refining disciples, there are only less than a thousand. The rest are mainly the eighth and seventh disciples of the gas refining period.

He is a ninth-layer disciple of the gas refining period. Unless it is the uncle of the foundation period. Otherwise, few low-level disciples dared to question him at will. And the monks of the same level. The status is similar. He is also not qualified to ask him about things.

I returned to Qingdan Mountain by myself. The purpose is to get the foundation elixir from the teacher. It's just that the division has extremely strict control over the foundation elixir. This matter will not be a result for a while.

Ye Qin thought for a moment. Walk to the "Drunken Moon Building" of a five-story pavilion near the square in front of Qingquanfeng. He was closed in the mine for three years. I don't know anything about the current situation in Qingdanmen. Let's find out the situation first.

This drunken moon building is a pavilion specially designed for junior disciples to eat, drink and have fun. Some young family monks. When you have free time. I like to call a large group of fellow brothers. I'm free here. Gather together and hang out. Talk about the world.

In addition. Because there are usually a lot of people here. Many chemy disciples exchange items here. Make a transaction. A whole small market. Those monks who sell things. Find any table and chair to sit down in this pavilion. Take out what you want to sell. It's okay to make a signboard selling price. There are other disciples who like the words. Just go and discuss the purchase directly. Very convenient.

At least half of the people here are disciples of businessmen specializing in business. Specially purchase goods from other disciples. Sell it here. Of course. If you don't want to be charged an intermediary fee by these business disciples. You can also buy it yourself.

Ye Qin has bought the seeds and formulas of low-level elixir here before, and he is a little familiar with this place.

Entering the spacious first-floor hall, Ye Qin looked around. In this noisy hall, there were at least two or three hundred refining disciples. He came to the side of the hall, picked an empty table, ordered a few dishes and wine at will, drank the wine, and listened quietly to the conversations of other disciples in the hall. Although most of them are boasting about the venue, you can still hear a lot of useful things.

In the small comparison three years ago, more than 300 disciples of the refining period obtained the foundation elixir through "planting, alchemist, and fighting". Although Xiaobi has ended early, it is still the most talked about by the disciples of the same family. As soon as many disciples talk about this topic, they can't help but get excited.

"Hey, do you know, my brother Yuan, who has worshipped the land, is Uncle Yuan. He just successfully built the foundation last month and is the seventh successful foundation-building monk of this year. He is qualified to participate in the foundation-building disciple ratio at the end of the year."

On one, a slightly fat young monk with eight floors of the gas refining period proudly boasted to others.

Several other blue-shirted monks at the same table exclaimed one after another, "Brother Wang, you are so good. With such a master who has worshipped the handle, who dares to trouble you in the future! We brothers are the hardest in your background!"

"Brother Wang, it's up to you to take care of our brothers in the future!"

"Haha, I dare not. It's hard to say big things. It's up to me to do small things.

The slightly fat young monk laughed proudly.

Ye Qin looked at them and drank wine silently.

Every year, about seven or eight fellow brothers successfully set foot on the foundation, becoming the most promising foundation-building monks in Qingdanmen. This rate is not high, but it is by no means low.

He continued to listen.

During this period, some disciples from large families from various countries were the most eye-catching. They are supported by the strong financial resources of the big family. They take all kinds of elixirs for growing their cultivation almost every day. Once they succeed in building the foundation, it will greatly increase the strength of their family and bring great benefits to their family. There are not a few disciples of such a big family in Qingdanmen. Almost every one of them is a popular figure. They are highly valued by the masters and are accepted as apprentices by the elders of various peaks, which is the focus of the envy and discussion of the disciples in the refining period.

The group of people praised those lucky to build the foundation "


, after the "naturally proud son" who came from a big family, he began to laugh at the monks who failed.

Usually, the nine-layer monks in the gas refining period take the foundation elixir. If they fail to hit the bottleneck, they will still maintain the level of the nine-layer gas refining period.

But there is also a rare special case, that is, the monk on the ninth floor of the gas refining period broke through the ninth floor and jumped into the tenth floor of the gas refining period. The breakthrough is a breakthrough. The problem is that it has not been promoted to the foundation, but has risen to a higher level in the gas refining period.

This is a thing that makes the popular vomit blood, but helpless.

In Qingdanmen, there was even a powerful elder brother who participated in Xiaobi's "fighting" for more than ten consecutive years, successfully won three foundation elixirs, and made "breakthroughs" one after another. He reached the legendary twelve levels of the qi refining period in one fell swoop. Among the 8,000 qi refining disciples

However, the invincible existence in the refining period is still a disciple of the refining period, not a foundation-building disciple.

In the end, the legendary almost invincible brother was banned from participating in the Xiaobi after wasting three foundation elixirs. Under the sarcasm and white eyes of countless fellow brothers, he had no face to stay in the master's door. He took the initiative to leave the master's door and went to other countries to establish a family and open his branches and leaves.

This result really has to make people feel sad.

This year coincides with the nine-year-old big comparison. Only monks in the foundation-building period are eligible to participate in this ratio. The reward is more rare than the small one. The prize is Shouyuan Dan, which is used to increase Shouyuan. One pill can increase Shouyuan by five or ten years. It is one of the three Qidan in Qingdanmen. Only monks in the foundation period are qualified to enjoy such a magical elixir.

Ye Qin touched his nose helplessly.

It was not a good time for him to join the sect. Xiaobi missed it three years ago. In this big match, he didn't meet the conditions and was not qualified to participate. After three years, it will be Xiaobi, and Xiaobi will have the foundation elixir.

Have you been waiting for three years?

Ye Qin was gloomy for a moment.

If he can't break through this bottleneck as soon as possible, then as long as he meditate, he may fall asleep and sleep until he dies because of the skills of "Siting and Forgetting" and stopping mental activities. He has now stopped all meditation practice, and he has also stopped taking the qi elixir, so as not to grow further.

Suddenly, Ye Qin's ears moved.

Near the window in the distance, away from the noisy crowd, at a relatively deserted table, there are four male and female monks in blue on the ninth floor of the refining period, who are sitting together solemnly and talking about a teacher's matter in a low voice. These disciples in blue are the core disciples at first glance, and there is a formal master's teaching place in the sect.

A beautiful, white and tender young disciple said with a sad face, "In the past two or three years, the spiritual stone of the teacher is too nervous, and all the miscellaneous servants have given the spiritual stone reward, which has dropped by about 30%. If it goes on like this, it will greatly affect our magic practice. According to the gossip, it seems that several spiritual stone mines of our sect are about to dry up. Is this true?"

A proud young monk holding a wine cup and said, "Well, who knows. Anyway, in the past two or three years, the master has stopped arranging new disciples to go to each spiritual stone mine to mine. There is no mining token, and no one has entered the mine, and it is impossible to explore. I guess that there should not be many spiritual stones to dig in the mine, so there is no need to arrange this kind of handyman. This gossip should not be wrong, although the superior has been hiding it from everyone and refuses to explain how many spiritual stones there are still in the mine. However, in the past three years, Shimen has sent dozens of disciples in the refining period to find the spiritual stone veins in the dangerous places of the Lingwu Mountains. Nearly a hundred brothers were even sacrificed for this. However, only a small vein was found, and the spiritual stone in it was enough for the master to be used for about decades. Do you think our Qingdanmen is going downhill? Can the status of our third largest immortal school be maintained?

"The more spiritual stones in the Lingwu Mountains are dug, the less and less, which is an obvious thing.

Our Qingdanmen lacks spiritual stones. How can other sects be alone? Some time ago, didn't the big Roman suddenly hear the news that the spiritual stone mine was exhausted? Although this news has not been confirmed, ** is not far from ten, and it is not far away. I don't believe that those ancient doors and underground gates can be much better than us.

A middle-aged monk looked bland and didn't think so.

Next to him was a female monk, who seemed to be a double cultivation partner. He nodded and smiled and said, "Brother, this is good. At least our Qingdanmen has been cultivating immortals for tens of thousands of years. I don't know how many outstanding monks have done. They must have had a plan for this for a long time. How

The beautiful young disciple thought for a moment and whispered, "Come on, a few brothers, I heard from my master that the leader and the deputy masters seem to be preparing to arrange a big action recently to send a group of good hands to carry out a dangerous task. It is estimated that it will happen within half a month, which will be carried out at the same time as the big comparison between uncles and uncles. It's not clear what to do. The master won't say it. I can't figure it out. But my master asked me to prepare in advance and said yes. Are you going or not?"

When the disciple said the last few words, he suddenly changed it to ventral language and was very cautious to the other monks.

The arrogant young monk at the desk, as well as the middle-aged couple, heard his belly language, almost at the same time showed surprise and looked at each other. My brother's master is the deputy head of Zheng, and this news should not be wrong. In this case, it seems that we should also prepare well. Such a good opportunity can't be missed. To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to wwwidiancomm, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

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