Zifu Xianyuan

219 strongholds

The old prince cheered up and arranged the strategy to deal with the challenges of the Northern Gang. The leaders of the gangs in the city followed the instructions and hurriedly led the deployment to prepare for a bloody battle with the Northern Gang. These local gangs in Qingzhou City are as few as two or three thousand, and as many as tens of thousands of people. It is not easy to mobilize a large number of people.

An hour passed by in a flash.

It's getting brighter outside the house. It's already dawn, and it's the deadline for the Northern Gang's ultimatum. However, unexpectedly, the Northern Gang did not carry out a bloody battle against the gang that did not take the initiative to surrender to the Northern Gang before dawn, as they said before.

On the contrary, the whole city of Qingzhou is surprisingly calm.

There was a heavy snow last night, which was cold and trembling. At dawn, there were almost no people outside the streets of the city. Except for a few occasional dog barks, it is extremely cold and quiet.

The spies who went out of the Qingzhou local gang did not detect any abnormal movements in the city.

On the contrary, the leaders of the gang were uneasy and didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Northern Twenty. Their family business is all in this Qingzhou City, not in other places like the North Twenty Gang. If the Northern Twentieth Gang kills in Qingzhou City regardless of the morality of the world, they are afraid that they will suffer heavy losses.

Just as these leaders, a rapid sound of horses' hoofs broke through the tranquility of the long street.

A man in a green robe with a bow rode a fast horse to more than ten feet away from Prince Liao's mansion. He stopped his horse and shouted loudly to the royal palace with the true spirit of the inner family: "The Northern Gang protects the law and guards the wind. Under the order of the general ladle, I pay a visit to Prince Li A letter, please have a look at it.

After he finished speaking, he took out an iron feather arrow that had been prepared from the quiver and tied the letterhead and put it on the big bow. With a "shh", the iron feather arrow shot out of the air and pierced the gate of King Liao's Mansion fiercely, and then the Qingpao Han rushed away.

Four guard with knives in front of Liao Wangfu were stunned. Dare not to catch up. The gatekeepers are just ordinary first-class masters, but they are the opponents of the Northern Gang. The guard leader pulled the iron feather arrow out of the door. It's up to three inches deep. The door was pierced with subway leather.

The big man just now is definitely a divine bow. Only then can you have such a strong arm strength!

The guard smacked his tongue secretly. Remove the letterhead inserted into the arrow. He hurried into the council hall of the royal palace. Submit a letter to the old prince. Just now, the Northern Gang shouted loudly. The whole royal palace was heard clearly. There is no need to guard and say more.

Prince Liao took the letter. There are only a few sentences on it. After watching it, his face looked dark. Talk to yourself. I underestimated the methods of the Northern Gang. It is actually to use this method to seize Qingzhou City.

He looked at the leader of the mainland gang in the lobby. The leaders have been waiting for a long time.

"The general handle of the northern gang. Draw a path with me in the letter. He said that he would challenge me to Liao Palace openly.

Prince Liao raised the letter paper in his hand, paused, and continued, "The letter proposes three ways to determine the ownership of Qingzhou City. One of the ways is that the northern gang and our Qingzhou city gang, each side has 50 gang masters to fight a life-and-death battle in the Nanpo mass grave outside Qingzhou City. The winner is respected, and the loser surrenders. The second way is that the two sides set up strongholds in the city and attack each other. The party who loses the stronghold must take the initiative to surrender to the other party. The three parties of the method have unlimited melee, each of which helps the guild to fight, assassinate, poison, etc., and does everything until one of them can't stand it and surrenders voluntarily. The general manager of the Northern Gang proposed these three methods, and Liao Wangfu chose one of them. You are all the three methods proposed by the general manager of the Northern Gang in the world. What do you think?

The masters were stunned that the people of the Northern Gang planned to use the rules of the gang to decide the winner? This made them a little unexpected and secretly happy. Since the northern gang intends to do things according to the rules of the gang, it's easy to say.

Shen Li, the master of the Iron Palm Gang, is a thin old man with a steady plan, and has always been famous among the gang owners in Qingzhou City.

He took a step forward and said respectfully, "Old Prince, according to the customs of the world, the three methods proposed by the head of the Northern Gang are in line with the rules. The Northern Gang proposed three ways for us to choose one. The intention is nothing more than to use an open and upright means to subdue our gangs in Qingzhou City. If we refuse, I'm afraid we can't convince the public.

Although the North 20 Gang has three conditions, what they can choose is only the first and second methods. The third method, an unrestricted chaotic fight will cause too much death and injury for both sides. I'm afraid it's inappropriate and should not be used. As for which one to choose, please ask the old prince to decide.

The masters whispered to each other and nodded in agreement.

Prince Liao took the letter and sat high in the lobby, closing his eyes and thinking about something.

The first way, the fight between life and death, must be excluded.

The current four slapons of the Northern 20 Gang are all immortals. As long as any one of them fights, it is enough to win. And it is impossible for King Liao's Mansion to send immortals to war. He is already in his twilight years, and he doesn't have the strength to participate in this kind of Jianghu fight. His son is in the Qingyun Taoist temple and is unwilling to come back to pay attention to these gang affairs. For the sake of safety, his grandson must leave Qingzhou City and go out to avoid disaster.

If the Liao Palace and the Northern Gang have a life-and-death battle, the Liao Palace will almost defeat, so it will be excluded first.

The third method is that the net is broken. The price of this method is too high, and the leaders of various gangs in Qingzhou City will never be willing to agree to this method. Although the people of the world are all knives

, hang your head on the belt. However, how many of the gang leaders are willing to lick the blood?!

The only way left is actually the second way.

That is, the two sides set up a stronghold, and which side's stronghold is seized, and then surrender voluntarily. This will be the least costly, and there won't be too many casualties. No matter who wins or loses, there is room for manoeuvre.

Moreover, the local gangs in Qingzhou City are familiar with the situation in the city and occupy the location. It is easier to defend their own strongholds. There may be a possibility of winning on the front line.

"Let's compete with the North Gang in the second way. Please ask Master Shen to run for a look, visit the general ladle of the North Gang, and convey the meaning of the king.

Prince Liao said slowly with a gloomy face.

Shen Li immediately agreed, took his confidant master, went to the Qinghong Inn, and met the general manager of the Northern Gang.

Since a few days ago, many masters of the Northern Gang have been concentrated near the Qinghong Inn. The local gangs in Qingzhou City have been banned from approaching the Qinghong Inn. Why did the Beibang choose an inn as its stronghold in the city, which made Shen Li very confused.

However, Li doesn't care about this.

The general handle of the north should replace the Liao Palace and control more than a dozen gangs in Qingzhou City.

That's the point.

Shen Li actually did not reject this. The Northern Gang replaced Liao Fu, but changed a big leader above his head. As long as his iron palm gang's territory is still the same, and he doesn't flash his muscles and bones, everything can be discussed.

With a few confidants, he came to the Qing Inn to politely talk to the Beibang gang guarding near the inn. Shen Li begged to see the boss of the Beibang and pass on the words of Prince Liao.

The leader of the Beibang guarding near the Qinghong Inn is Zhang Rong, the brother of Zhang Zhe.

Zhang Rong took care of the thin old man in front of him with his eyes and sneered, "It turned out to be the master of the Iron Palm Gang. I've been looking forward to him for a long time. You are not qualified to see the general manager of my Northern Twentieth Gang. Come on, what does Master Liao have to say to the boss? I'll just pass it on for you."

Shen Li suffocated and said with a dry smile, "Prince Liao has decided to set up a stronghold for each side. Our Qingzhou City Gang takes the Liao Palace as its stronghold. As long as the Northern Gang can attack Liao Wangfu, all our Qingzhou City Gang will surrender. I don't know where your gang intends to take as a stronghold?"

Zhang Rong nodded and returned to the Qinghong Inn to ask Zhang Zhe and others for instructions. After half a cup of tea, he came back, pointed to the Qinghong Inn behind him, and said to Shen Li, "The boss said, and the northern gang took the house of this Qinghong Inn as its base.

With a six-day period of three days, Liao Wangfu will take action first, with no limit on the number of people. If you have the ability to attack all the courtyards inside and outside the Qinghong Inn, I will immediately withdraw from Qingzhou City and no longer set foot in Qingzhou City. In the next three days, the Northern Gang attacked the Liao Palace. If the Liao Palace is defeated, it must withdraw from all the local gangs in Qingzhou City and must also surrender.

Shen Li was stunned for a moment and looked at the Qinghong Inn.

Although this Qinghong Inn is one of the few luxury inns in the city, it is not a high-walled and deep courtyard that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I'm afraid it's not easy to keep such a place.

On the contrary, Liao Wangfu is a real deep courtyard. The courtyard wall is not only tall, but also extremely thick, almost comparable to a small fortress. Even if the army is mobilized, it is difficult to attack in a short time.

The Beibang has just entered the Qinghong Inn for a few days, and I'm afraid it's too late to set a trap. Why can Beibang keep Qinghong Inn with such a big tone?

He said, "If you can't attack the Liao Palace after six days, and my Qingzhou Gang hasn't taken down the Qinghong Inn, what should you do?"

Zhang Rong smiled contemptuously and said, "It's necessary to say more. Since the two sides are equally divided, Qingzhou City is naturally half of our Northern Gang and Liao Wangfu. Liao Wangfu must give up the territory in the south of the city.

After listening to it, Shen Li said nothing more and left.

Qinghong Inn.

After receiving a reply from Liao Wangfu and deciding to use strongholds to fight, Zhang's brothers and sisters, as well as Fan Jiasheng, Xia Laohei and others, couldn't help but be surprised. Zhang Zhe originally planned to fight against the local gang in Qingzhou.

But he was dissuaded by Ye Qin.

The gang war in Zhuqi County six years ago still left a great shadow in Ye Qin's heart. He doesn't want the rise of the old and new forces in Qingzhou to be too bloody. It's best to use a simple way to make it smooth and excessive.

The strategy of choosing one of the three was put forward by Ye Qin, so the Northern Gang temporarily seized Qingzhou City to change the tactics.

"Brother Ye is really from the Jianghu Gang, and they are measured by the Qingzhou Gang." Zhang Zhe deeply admired, "The third way is that the gang's melee has lost too much, and it will definitely be actively excluded by the gang leader. The Liao Palace will choose the first method or the second method according to its own strength.

Liao Wangfu felt that his strength was not good and he was unwilling to fight hard, so he would choose a second way to solve it, and immediately fell into the trap of Brother Ye.

King Liao's Mansion never expected that a foundation-building monk would set up a forbidden array in Qinghong Inn. Even if they let the monks of the Liao family attack, they could not rush in half a step and attack each other's strongholds, and they will lose." ( To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to www**m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)