Zifu Xianyuan

220 Qingfan Flag, Ancient Forbidden Array

Gang and Liao Wangfu officially agreed on a six-day decisive battle period to attack the strongholds of the two sides in the youth. Three days ago, it was attacked by King Liao's Mansion, and Qinghong Inn became the target of the local gang in Qingzhou City. Almost all the masters of the major gangs in Qingzhou City gathered around the Qinghong Inn and launched waves of attacks.

And the gangs of the Northern Gang are waiting for the day, guarding the Qinghong Inn, and they are not nervous.

Ye Qin has been staying in the courtyard of the inn for the past three days, paying close attention to the condensation of the ground. In addition to occasionally releasing the divine consciousness and visiting whether there are immortals around, he is indifferent to the harassment of ordinary martial artists.

In the past few days, under the effect of not extinguishing the fire, more than ten wisps of green fire in the fire house are constantly condensing, getting hotter and hotter. A faint blue flame has been revealed on the top of the flame, which surprised Ye Qin.

As long as it goes on, a wisp of extremely hot blue fire will be born.

But what's annoying is that the fire spirit stone and wood spirit stone in his hand consume too fast, and he consumes at least four or five yuan a day, some of which are not enough. Even if there is a treasure gourd in hand, it is difficult to maintain.

Ye Qin thought for a moment, took out all the low-level golden swords and fire knives in his storage bag, gave them to Zhang Qiao, and asked her to go to Xianyuan City to help him sell these pieces and exchange them back for some inferior spirit stones.

He now uses all magic weapons. These low-level spiritual weapons are all obtained from Lingwu Grand Canyon and Wankuling Cave. They are no longer useful to him. He sold them in exchange for hundreds of inferior spiritual stones, which has a greater effect.

In the place of Xianyuan City, he didn't dare to go back now, so he had to let Zhang Qiao go there.

The three-day deadline for the appointment of the Liao Palace in the Beibang. It passed by in a flash.

Qinghong Inn was attacked several times. But it is still as stable as a rock. There is no sign of being attacked.

Master Liao even came to Qinghong Inn in person. Check the situation. Supervise the war. The thin light wall outside the Qinghong Inn. The world is invisible to mortals. He is a person who cultivates immortals to see the ground clearly.

But after seeing it clearly. His face became more and more gloomy.

His cultivation is too weak. It is impossible to find out who is casting spells in Qinghong Inn. That layer covered the wide-scale light wall of the whole inn. It only makes him feel a trace of fear. Such a means. I'm afraid it's not an ordinary monk who can do it.

Several landlords of Qingzhou City. Shen Li and others. They complained to Prince Liao one after another: "Lord. Qinghong Inn is too difficult to attack. The local gang in Qingzhou City dispatched several waves of masters to test the inn, but not to mention attacking the Qinghong inn. Even the edge of the inn couldn't touch it and was retreated. How strong do we have for the Northern Gang? I don't know anything."

"We still don't know how many people have come to the Northern Gang, how they are, and we dare not launch a general attack easily. Once the general attack fails, the situation will be very passive.

Prince Liao ignored these and said, "Today is the deadline. If you can't attack the south, you have to give it to the northern gang. Iron Palm Gang, Red Blood Hall, the general rudder of your gangs is in the south of the city. You can do it yourself.

Li Zhong, the housekeeper of the royal palace, said, "Old prince, do you think you want the state government to send some yamen into the inn to check their details? When the government comes forward, the people of the Northern Gang may not dare to stop it.

Prince Liao pondered: "The government officials in Qingzhou are all soft bones, and I'm afraid they dare not provoke these northern gangs. Go to the general who led the soldiers in the guard's office and go into the inn to search the details of the northern gang.

"Yes, the little one sent someone to the guard station!"

Li Zhong nodded quickly.

Half an hour later, five or six hundred armored soldiers surrounded the whole Qinghong Inn. Without saying a word, these soldiers quickly formed a small army array full of murderous spirit outside the in the inn, with knives and shields in the front row, halberds in the middle row, crossbows in the back row, and quick hands and feet. Obviously, they are well-trained elite soldiers. Although such elite soldiers are not proficient in martial arts, once they form an array, they are by no means what ordinary people in the world can resist.

A middle-aged general in a general's uniform, riding a tall horse, looked up to the outside of the inn and shouted loudly. There were bandits hidden in the Huaiqinghong inn and wanted to enter the Qinghong inn for investigation.

"If you can't beat us, you can't find the officers and soldiers and use such bad means."

The masters of the Northern Twentieth Gang were a little dumbfounded and slandered. They also dare to compete with these officers and soldiers. Not to mention whether you can win or not, even if you win, you dare not do it. That's the officers and soldiers stationed in Qingzhou, and the 50,000 heavy armored soldiers in the guardhouse outside the city. It's not a joke. No matter how hard the fist of the Jianghu Gang is, it dares not compete with these officers and soldiers, otherwise you will not discuss the encirclement.

Zhang Rong, the master of the Northern Twenty Gang, saw this and quickly asked his men to let the general go without stopping him.

The middle-aged general disased with satisfaction and entered the inn with a small team of guards.

Zhang Rong quickly came forward and said with a smile, "This general is Zhang Rong, the leader of the Northern 20 Gang."

The middle-aged general waved his hand to interrupt Zhang Rong's words and sneered proudly: "No matter what kind of northern gang or southern gang you are, call out all of your people and routinely check. Someone reported that there are harboring bandits here. I want to see if there are any bandits. In fact, this kind of pursuit of bandits is handled by officials, and there is no need to dispatch officers and soldiers at all. However, when he took the money of the people in Liao's mansion, he needed to eliminate the disaster for others. Liao Wangfu spent a box of gold and silver and asked him to come to the Qinghong Inn to inquire about the situation inside. Naturally, he will not refuse this kind of cheap thing.

Zhang Rong hesitated. It's nothing to help ordinary people, but it's too much to let the boss come out. However, he still called out all the northern gangs to be inspected by the officers and soldiers.

The middle-aged general saw that Zhang Rong was so happy that he got up and said, "Is there any hiding in this inn?"

Zhang Rong smiled bitterly. The Qinghong Inn was full of people from the Northern Gang, that is, there was a mysterious small courtyard, and the master can go in. But the problem is that he can't get in, and he doesn't know what's going on inside, let alone others.

"General, if you don't believe it, just check it yourself."

The middle-aged generals did not talk much nonsense, and took a large group of officers and soldiers to search in the Qinghong Inn. When he came to the courtyard, he unexpectedly touched the "wall" and was bounced away by a soft force.

The middle-aged general was in a daze.


He was a member of the Lu family in the Southern Liang Kingdom, so he was able to garrison a young general in Qingzhou City. Although he is not the core of the Lv family, he has also seen the immortals of the Lv family, and naturally knows some things about the immortals. This kind of wall that bounces people open also has the heavy land of the Lv family, which is a defensive formation.

Zhang Rong has been accompanying the middle-aged general, who ate and suffocated in front of the small courtyard, heart

, said, "This general, this small yard is the general ladle of our northern gang. Do you really want to go in?"

The middle-aged general was stunned, "Is your general of the Northern Gang a fairy?"

Zhang Rong smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

The middle-aged general was shocked. As a member of the Lu family, the secular clan naturally understands that mortals can intervene in the fight between immortals without authorization, otherwise it will cause trouble, and the family will not offend other immortals in order to save such an unimportant secular clan.

"Misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. Collect the troops!" The middle-aged general shouted at his soldiers in a cold sweat. The soldiers who were searching in the inn were puzzled and hurriedly closed.

Zhang Rong saw that the general finally opened his mind and put his hands into his sleeves, took a heavy bag, stuffed it into the hand of Vice General Lv, and said with a smile, "This is indeed a misunderstanding. There are no bandits here. It's not easy to have a hard trip in the cold weather. If you have a little money, you can buy some wine to warm up.

Lv General didn't know that he walked down the steps and collected the money bag with a smile. He hurriedly took the officers and soldiers of the brigade to evacuate the Qinghong Inn and returned to the barracks outside the city.

"Lord Lu, how is the situation in the inn?"

A servant of Liao's mansion greeted him and said with a smile.

Lv Zhang was angry. He slapped him, staggered the servant, and cursed, "Fuck you, I almost killed your Master Lv. Your Liao Wangfu is in big trouble and actually pulls your Master Lu to cushion his back. Get out of here!"

The servant hugged his red cheek and was stunned. Didn't this Master Lv accept the money from the Liao Palace? How can he turn against him? Do you think you don't have enough money? The servant was full of complaints and hurried back to report to Manager Li.

The mobilized soldiers could not find out the situation of Qinghong Inn. In the evening of the last day of the three-day period, the local gangs in Qingzhou City could only attack with all their strength. In the middle of the night, only a few insignificant courtyards were captured, and most of the places could not be taken. In particular, one of the small courtyards can't be approached at all, let alone take it down.

According to the rules of the world, Liao Wangfu is a failure to attack the stronghold this time.

The gangs of Liao Wangfu retreated sadly, and they couldn't retreat if they didn't.

After late at night, the general lady of the Northern Gang had already left the Qinghong Inn with a large group of people and attacked the Liao Palace. They must return to the Liao Palace to prevent the Liao Palace from being taken by the Northern Gang. If the Liao Palace is taken down, the gangs in Qingzhou City will have no face to get along, and they can only surrender.

But the Northern Gang tried to attack the Liao Palace, but it didn't go well.

In the mansion of King Liao's Mansion, there has been a small forbidden array at this time.

This forbidden array is a little strange. After opening, a layer of blue fog enveloped the whole Liao Palace. As soon as people enter, they lose their way, just like entering the desert sea. Only people with great perseverance can cross the desert sea and come out of the formation alive. People with a slightly unsteady mind can only be trapped in the formation in the despair of not being able to get out of the desert.

More than a dozen first-class masters of the Beibang rushed in, and only three or five people came out.

Such a strange formation, secular warriors can't attack.

Zhang Zhe personally attacked once and almost got stuck in the formation, but he couldn't rush into Liao's palace. Zhang Zhe had no choice but to ask Ye Qin to help to see if he could break the forbidden array of Liao's palace.

Ye Qin came outside the Liao Palace and checked the green formation. He, a foundation-building monk, explored with spiritual eyes and penetrated the blue light and mist. He could only faintly see a cyan flag magic weapon in Liao Wang's mansion, emitting a cyan dazzling light.

Ye Qin's heart moved.

With the magic weapon as the flag, the power can be extraordinary. This flag is much better than the spiritual weapon in his hand.

However, this magic weapon must be a foundation monk to exert enough power. There are definitely no foundation monks in the Liao family now. They can only use the spirit stone to start the array, so that the power is extremely weak, but I'm afraid it's less than one-tenth of the original.

This one-tenth is enough to keep him out of the formation.

Over the years, Ye Qin has also seen a lot of defensive arrays and phantom arrays, but he has never seen such a blue and hazy array. He will not easily take risks to try this kind of power formation, so it is not worth it to take his own life.

Ye Qin pondered for a moment and turned back to Zhang Zhe and others: "The Liao family in Qingzhou City has been inherited for at least thousands of years. It is not surprising to have such a strange formation. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the Liao family would have been served in the pot long ago.

Zhang Zhe nodded, "Well, the immortals of the Liao family huddled in the royal palace and dare not come out, regardless of them. Even if we can't win the Liao Palace, our Northern Gang has won at least half of the city. Now I will take people directly to subdue the major gangs in the Nancheng District of Qingzhou City.

The Northern Gang attacked in a large-scale attack. In just three days, the general rudder of the large and small gangs in the south of Qingzhou City could not withstand the pressure from the Northern Gang and surrendered one after another. The situation is stronger than people, and the strong in the world are respected. King Liao's mansion is guarded in the mansion and can't protect them. They can only turn to the Northern Gang.

"Iron Palm Gang, Shen Li, the master of the gang, led the crowd to follow the general ladle of the North Gang." The Red-blooded League, Sun You, the leader of the alliance, led the crowd to obey the general manager of the Northern Gang." At the wind meeting, Zhu Changtian, the leader of the meeting, led the crowd to return to the general manager of the Northern Gang.

Most of the Qingzhou local gangs controlled by Liao Wangfu surrendered in just a few days, and the situation in Qingzhou City changed greatly. Almost all the gangs, large and small, were shaken in the north. Even street vendors and hooligans know that Qingzhou City has changed. Liao Wangfu is no longer the only one who can be in charge, and the Northern Gang has risen strongly in Qingzhou City. Most of the power of King Liao's Mansion was almost cut down. In time, the Beibang will take the whole Qingzhou City, I'm afraid it won't be a problem.

This Qingzhou gang has changed its color, which is only limited to the Jianghu gang in Qingzhou, which has little impact on the ordinary people in Qingzhou. The rise of the gang power was only limited to the two strongholds of Qinghong Inn and Liao Wangfu, which did not spread on a large scale. There were surprisingly few deaths and injuries between gangs, let alone innocent people. Even the state capital of Qingzhou City did not come out.

The end of the year is approaching, and the city of Qingzhou is getting more and more lively. The immortal Taoist fighting conference jointly held by Qingyunguan, Shuanglong Temple, Qing'an, Dalong Temple and other more than ten prosperous Taoist temples in Qingzhou City was also held, attracting hundreds of thousands of people from inside and outside the city to watch. Under this grand event, the matter of the North Gang and the Liao Palace competing for territory did not attract attention.