Zifu Xianyuan

672 Warcraft and Yuanjing

The nine-tailed spirit fox Qingqiuli, transformed from a nine-tailed spirit fox into a woman, appeared silently on the deck of the warship.

She saw the scene where Ye Qin asked the ghost owner to leave just now, and her expression was a little strange.

In the demon world, if the demon cultivation is the enemy, they either kill the other party or force the other party to submit. There has never been such an act of "defeating the other party, but letting him go without conditions". This surprised her a little and difficult to understand.

In the past few years, she has been observing Ye Qin and found that Ye Qin has a wonderful nature, that is, not being ruthless.

To put it bluntly, it's a little cold-hearted, easy not to be ruthless, not to kill all. Like the ghost master's group of Yuanying ghost cultivation, he had the strength to kill it very early, but he never did it. He just practiced their swords with them and let them leave after practice.

Qingqiu Li saw the rise and fall of the demon tribe. The strong tribe annexed the weak tribe, and the movement destroyed the clan. The whole tribe killed everything, or forced it to become a vassal servant tribe. A character like Ye Qin is a little unimaginable, and it can't be found in the demon world.

"However, such a gentle and not vulgar man is quite in line with the nature of the fox clan. The fox people hate rough killing. No wonder many fox elders don't like other demon tribes, but they like to be close to human monks. Unfortunately, the human monks are unwilling to form an alliance with the fox clan.

Qingqiu Li sighed in his heart.

Ye Qin turned around and was about to go back to the cabin with Huangfu Binger. Seeing Qingqiu Li silently appear behind him, he couldn't help but be shocked and slightly nervous. He stepped forward and quietly blocked Huangfu Binger's side, "Senior Qingqiu, why are you free?" Although the nine-tailed spirit fox demon saint has not moved in recent years, he is still afraid of this haunted nine-tailed spirit fox.

"Do you know where the Southern Demon Continent is?"

Qingqiu Li looked at him strangely and asked.

"I know a little about it."

Ye Qin nodded slightly, and his understanding of the Southern Demon Continent came from the classic records of the General League of the Heavenly Demon League.

These classics are some top-secret archival materials, which can only be seen at the highest level of the Heavenly Demon League, and are almost never passed on. If it hadn't been for the blood gourd ancestor to let him go to the South Devil, I'm afraid the elders of the Heavenly Demon League would not have easily given these information to the elders of the Heavenly Demon League.

"There are still a few things in the Southern Demon Continent) Don't call it, the land of Warcraft, the land of killing."

Ye Qin said slowly, "It is said that the monster over there will demonize and crazily after inhale a blue gas." [body] The inner demon elixir turns into a crystal. After demonization, it often loses its wisdom, is extremely strong, and is extremely dangerous. If the monk inhales this blue magic gas, he will also demonize, lose his mind, and become a humanoid warcraft.

"It seems that you do know a lot. Then you should know that kind-hearted people can't live long in the Southern Demon Continent. You are soft-teigned and not addicted to killing, which is not suitable for living in a murderous land like the Southern Demon Continent. In contrast, the killing in Bei Ming Continent is much less, which is suitable for quiet cultivation. Ben Sheng is strange. It's impossible for you to be so rational that you have not considered this point. Why don't you go to Bei Ming Continent?

Qingqiu Li couldn't help sneering.

Ye Qin was silent.

There is a reason why he chose to go to the Southern Demon Continent.

He is practicing "Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra". It doesn't matter whether he goes to the Southern Demon Continent or the Bei Ming Continent. Once he enters the realm of forgetting the ethereal spirit, it is not the question of killing or not, but the question of when to stop killing, which has nothing to do with his animal.

There is a senior in the Southern Demon Continent who is willing to take care of it, which is more or less convenient. If you encounter trouble, you can also find the blood gourd old demon to discuss countermeasures and come up with a solution.

If you go to Beiming mainland, you are not familiar with the place of life, and if you meet something you don't understand, who will you go to?

Ye Qin didn't think that he, the elder of the East China Sea Tiandao League, could be taken care of by the monk of Bei Minghua. The Qinghao swordsman didn't mention the care and help in half a word. He didn't mean to pull in. Obviously, he didn't mean anything like this.

No matter which continent he goes to, he has to rely on his own strength in the end.

After Ye Qin thought about it, he naturally went to the Southern Demon Continent. Huangfu Binger has no requirements for which continent to go to. If she marries her husband, she will naturally go to the Southern Demon Continent.

Just when Qing Qiu Li thought he had nothing to say, Ye Qin finally opened his mouth.

"I'm repairing the Forgotten Sutra - it doesn't matter where I go."

Ye Qin looked flat, as if he was talking about something irrelevant, but he was somewhat gloomy in his eyes.

Huangfu Binger was beside him. Seeing Ye Qin's expression, he couldn't help holding his hand tightly.

"Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra"? There are many records of the immortal League monks in the East China Sea in the demon world, and many ancient League monks practice the "Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra". Are you too? No wonder when I saw you on the fairy and demon battlefield that day, your blood was so strong!"

Qingqiu Li's expression changed slightly, and he remembered something. Her birth is still short, only 5,000 years old, and she has never experienced the fairy and demon war in ancient times. But she has read some precious documents in the demon world, and also knows that there are some fearful opponents in the demon world, which brings great pressure to the monks in the demon world.

If he really practices the "Sitting Forgotten Sutra" and has a soft heart, it's a joke. If you say this, who in the demon world will believe it!

Qingqiu Li's eyes have also changed.

"If that's the case, you should live a comfortable life in the Southern Demon Continent!"

Qingqiu Li nodded, "I am the demon saint of the demon clan, and there are only demons left. After arriving at the South Demon Continent, there will be many inconveniences, and I can't appear easily. There are many gods and monks in the Southern Demon Continent. Maybe they will catch me and seal me into a weapon. It was only for a moment before that I had the idea of giving up, but I didn't put it into action. Ye Daoyou can help me find a fleshy body, and the little woman is very grateful. In return, the little woman is willing to serve until the mystery of the real thing is found out.

She is a demon saint. Originally, she didn't need to wrong herself and send her to others. It's just that the Southern Demon Continent is the territory of human monks. It is impossible for the demon clan to act alone. It must be the spiritual pet, mounts, attendants, etc. of the human race. She must exist as a monk's servant so as not to attract the peeping and attack of other monks.

"You're welcome, senior! It should not be a big problem for the younger generation to try their best to find the right body.

Ye Qin was a little absent-minded and didn't care what Qing Qiuli said. As long as the nine-tailed spirit fox doesn't move the idea of ice, other things are easy to say.

Huangfu Binger pinched Ye Qin fiercely, and his resentful eyes seemed to say, isn't it very happy to have a nine-tailed spirit fox demon saint to be a maid?

Niu Qin's arm was slightly painful, and he was a little confused and wronged.

Where is the warship now?

Ye Qin quickly changed the topic.

"I saw the map scroll of the South China Sea yesterday, and we are about a few months away from the Southern Demon Continent" is very close. After flying to the southwest for a period of time, we will go to the Magic City of the South Demon Continent.

Huangfu Bing'er said.

"The sea water here is already blue!"

Ye Qin came to the ship and looked down. The sea water of the sea of demons is light red. In the southern demon sea under the warship, the blue light waves are rippling, with extraordinary serenity and tranquility. Most of the sea is normal sea blue. There is a blue fog in some places on the sea, which seems a little strange and mysterious.

"This should be the blue sea near the Southern Demon Continent. It is said that after inhaling a large amount of blue gas, the monster will become crazy. I don't know what will happen to the monster after the demonization!"

Ye Qin whispered to himself.

The large-wing warship is flying at a high speed of thousands of feet.

After a month or two, it is getting closer and closer to the Southern Demon Continent, and the number of islands appearing on the sea has also increased significantly. You can see a lot of Warcraft activities in the islands and the waters near the islands. In the Southern Demon Continent, most of the monsters have been demonized.

Ye Qin, Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer have never seen the demonized monsters.

Qingqiu Li knows a lot, but it is also limited to the records of some classics in the demon world, and he has not seen it with his own eyes.

The big-winged warship flew over a small island, and Ye Qin saw a low-level magic ape moving on the island.

"Xiuer, go down and catch this monster and see what's the difference between the monster and the monster."

Ye Qin thought for a moment and lowered the height of the warship, which made Bai Xiuer fly down. Since there are low-level Warcrafts on the island, there should be no higher-level Warcrafts in this area. Don't worry about any danger.

Bai Xiuer answered, jumped off the warship hundreds of feet high, and landed on the island.

The seventh-order golden elixir-level magic ape was extremely burly and powerful. It was looking for food on the island. Suddenly, it was surprised to see a man falling from the sky. It seemed surprised how she fell from the sky and dared to enter its territory.

It is the overlord of this place. Who dares to provoke it?! If you dare to provoke, it has long been the food in its belly. Well, there was a magic python on the island in those years, and it dared to compete with it for the hegemony of the island. It was fiercely patted into meat mud by it.

With these extremely simple ideas, the demon ape roared and rushed to Bai Xiuer. His arms suddenly slapped out, which was powerful enough to crack the landslide and slapped Bai Xiuer to death.

Bai Xiuer held the cyan halberd and stabbed directly at the demon ape. A cyan light burst out of the cyan halberd, and the blue light hit the arm of the ape.

The seventh-order ape was shocked to find that its arm burst, "boom", and it flew dozens of feet away.

Bai Xiuer is a native wrestler of the Turkish nationality. His strength is equivalent to that of Yuanying-level monks. When dealing with Jindan-level monsters, it is simply destroyed. Bai Xiuer hit the demon ape away, and then realized that she was too heavy. Unexpectedly, she beat the seventh-order demon ape directly into pieces of meat. She couldn't help spitting out her little tongue.

Ye Qin was a little helpless when he saw this, and flew down from the warship with Huangfu Binger and Qingqiu Li.

Ye Qin looked at the corpse of the demon ape. This demon ape is larger than that of the East China Sea demon ape. The fur is thick and hard. Its strength should be quite strong in the seventh-order warcraft, and its pupils are strange blue.

He rummaged through the body of Warcraft and did not find the demon elixir, but only found a miscellaneous white crystal less than the size of gravel.

"Sure enough, there is no demon elixir! Is this Yuan Jing?

Ye Qin picked up this crystal and couldn't help but be shocked. He could clearly feel that this miscellaneous white crystal [body] had abundant vitality. The vitality of this crystal is not too pure. After refining, the yuan spirit can directly absorb the vitality inside.

After seeing it, he handed over Yuan Jing to Huangfu Binger.

"It's a bit like Zhu Guo, which is directly condensed by vitality, but such a small grain, less than Zhu Guo's Qianyi, has a limited effect on Yuanying monks. If it's a monk, I'm afraid the effect will be smaller.

Huangfu Binger said in surprise.

"Hmm! One metacrystal does not work very well, but if there are hundreds or thousands of metacrystals, it is enough to become a meta crystal in a short time. This southern demon continent does not need to refine the general elixir at all. If you want to improve your cultivation, you can directly hunt and kill the warcraft and leave.

Ye Qin nodded slightly and set off a stormy wave in his heart. The aura of the demon world is extremely strong, a hundred times stronger than that of the East China Sea, and the demon cultivation that enters the demon world is unwilling to go out at all.

There are Yuanjing in the Southern Demon Continent, which is hard to imagine the benefits for monks. No wonder after those god monks came here, they almost never wanted to return to the East China Sea to cultivate immortals.