Zifu Xianyuan

673 Magic Battle Platform

The big wing warship flew at a normal speed. A few months later, Ye Qin finally saw a vast continent and boundless coastline in the sky. The sky of this continent is light blue, rugged mountains and rocks, vast deserts, lush mountains, vast rivers, and fields full of fields higher than people.

Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger drove the warship and gradually reached the edge of the Southern Demon Continent.

The huge magic city stands on the northernmost coast of the South Demon Continent. This place was also the first place for the East China Sea monks to arrive at the Southern Demon Continent. The ancient practitioners gathered here to build a magnificent fairy city.

Like the Southern Demon Continent, there is a huge fairy city, and the monks live in the fairy city. Nowadays, a large part of the city is descended from Gu Xiu, and there are monks who continue to breed here. There are not many monks who come directly from the East China Sea to cultivate immortals.

When approaching the Demon City, you can already see a large number of high-level monks in the sky driving dazzling magic weapons or flying by on demon-bird mounts.

The nine-tailed spirit fox hesitated for a long time, and finally proposed to Ye Qin that he would put the gray egg and purple spirit on him.

She is a demon. These two things have nowhere to hide and can't be carried with her. Moreover, she also has to attach herself to Ye Qin's flying sword. She dares not walk around in the southern demon continent at will, so as not to be caught by the monk Huashen. The seal on the Shentong-level flying sword can only seal the Yuanying-level weapon, which is useless for her demon saint.

"Senior Qingqiu gave this thing to the younger generation, so he didn't worry about me..."

Ye Qin was very surprised, his heart pounded, and his mouth was a little dry. If he doesn't know what the gray egg can do, he won't care about this holy thing. But he knew that he would inevitably be a little unbelievable.

He didn't dare to think of this gray egg before. After all, it was in the hands of the nine-tailed fox demon saint.

But I didn't expect that this sacred object of the demon world, the mysterious treasure that the demon saints fought for at the cost of their lives, was easily released into his hands.

"What's the use of taking my demonic relics? Can you discover the mystery of the sacred objects? Just put it on you for the time being. When I have a suitable body, I will naturally take it back. And this purple spirit grass should also be taken care of so as not to lose it.

Qingqiu Li looked quite disdainful.

"However, the younger generation needs to take risks to take risks for their predecessors!"

"If you are in trouble, I will try my best to help you."


Ye Qin touched his nose and "rely reluctantly" to temporarily keep these two important things. He put the gray eggs and the purple spirit back into the storage bag. Qingqiu turned into a small spirit fox, attached to a fire-type small magic-level flying sword he carried with him.

Huangfu Binger looked aside and squeezed her lips. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. The nine-tailed spirit fox demon saint actually had a miscalculation, and he didn't know that his husband knew the bottom of this gray egg.

But then again, it's useless for Ye Qin to get this gray egg. He already has a purple house space of four floating islands in his infancy period, which is more than enough for him to practice. He can't use this gray egg of the nine-tailed spirit fox.

It is best for low-level monks to use gray eggs. For each level of promotion, a floating island is born in the space of Zifu, which can maximize the benefits. After the Yuanying monk used this gray egg to break through and enter the realm of the Huashen period, he could only get a floating island, which was much worse.

The big wing warship gradually flew near the magnificent Magic City.

The Magic City is extremely large, and there are many monks entering and leaving the city.

There is also a market-like lively place not far from the city, where a towering giant flag is hung with the words "Magic Fighting Platform." It is paved with large and small bluestone platforms, and there are dozens of bluestone platforms. Some monks gathered tens of thousands of Yuanying monks, Jindan monks, and even many Huashen monks on the Qingshi platform.

Ye Qin put away the warship and flew down and went to the Demon City.

He, Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer came to the north gate of the Magic City together and planned to enter the city.

The guards at the gate are all Yuanying monks. Although it is the early days of Yuanying, it is also shocking enough.

"The monks of the Huashen period enter and exit the magic city for free, and the entrance fee for the monks of the Yuanying period is one seven-order Yuanjing per person. There are three of you. You need to pay three seven-order cage crystals to enter the city. Don't you know the rules?

A Yuanying guard in black armor saw that Ye Qin, Huangfu Binger and others had not handed over Yuan Jing, so he wanted to enter the city. He couldn't help stopping the three people and looked unhappy.

"Do you need to pay Yuanjing to enter the city? Can you do the top-grade spirit stone?

Ye Qin was stunned.

"No spiritual stone, only Yuanjing. You not only need to pay Yuanjing to enter the city, but also need to pay a Yuanjing for every day you stay in the city. This is the rule of Magic City! Is it the first time for you to come to the Magic City and don't know these rules? Go and earn Yuanjing again!"

The Yuanying guard was a little contemptible, and the foreign Yuanying monks did not have a high status in this southern demon continent. No one will care unless it is in the deification period.

Ye Qin couldn't help frowning. He just came to the Southern Demon Continent. Of course, he didn't know this.

The Yuanjing produced in the Southern Demon Continent is easier to use than the spirit stone, and naturally it is not very rare to use the spirit stone.

He only has one Yuanjing from the seventh-order Warcraft in his hand, which is obviously not enough for the entrance fee of the three people.

"Let's go, let's hunt a few monsters and come back! The southern demon continent is so big that there should be a lot of monsters.

Huangfu Binger, with the veil of a bamboo hat, took Ye Qin's arm and whispered.

"Haha, where are you going to hunt Warcraft? There are tens of millions of miles around the Demon City, and there are monsters in the main territory. Only the lords can send people to hunt. If you enter the lord's territory at will, there will be no place to complain if you are killed.

"Of course, in the wilderness in the depths of the Southern Demon Continent, there are also large areas that are not occupied by monks, where warcrafts can be hunted at will. However, there are powerful monsters in the wild land, and only the god monks can survive in that place. If you think your life is too long, you can also try your luck.

The guards couldn't help laughing at the words and laughed one after another.

"Go away! Go to the magic platform at the gate. If you are strong enough and lucky, you may earn a lot of Yuanjing after a few rounds. If you can win ten rounds, maybe some lords are willing to recruit you to work! The more rounds you play, the more you earn.

The guard captain waved impatiently to drive Ye Qin and the other three to leave, so that the other monks behind him could enter the city.

Ye Qin had no choice but to leave the North Gate with Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer.

The blood gourd ancestor once said that after letting him go to the magic city of the South Demon Continent, he reported the name of the blood gourd ancestor to find someone to lead the way to his territory, and he would be given double the reward to hire him to work.

Ye Qin planned to live in the magic spirit city with Bing'er in the city to see if there was a recipe for refining the elixir and find a way to enter the realm of the god period. If he and Bing'er can break through the realm of the god period by themselves, naturally there is no need to work for the blood gourd ancestor.

It's definitely better to find a job by yourself, and it's easier and more comfortable. If he really can't find a breakthrough in the god period, he will consider temporarily relying on the blood gourd old demon to see if the blood gourd ancestor can help him become a god.

But what made Ye Zuo depressed was that he didn't have Yuanjing, and he couldn't even enter the gate of the Magic City.

The only crystal in his hand was obtained by accidentally hunting a demon ape on a ownerless island on the sea a few months ago. The guard said that there are lords on the land of the Southern Demon Continent, and they are not allowed to enter and hunt Warcrafts without authorization, otherwise they will be killed.

In this case, unless he spends a few more months to go to the ownerless islands in the distant sea, he can't kill Warcraft to get Yuan Jingkou. Besides, there are not many Warcrafts to kill on those overseas islands. Living in the Magic City, you need a seven-order crystal a day.

"Ice, let's go to the magic platform! Those guards said they could earn the spirit stone and go there to see the situation.

Ye Qin said.

Huangfu Binger nodded and took Bai Xiuer to the magic platform outside the magic city.

The magic fighting platform is an open fighting arena in the open air several miles outside the North City Gate, and there are many monks watching. Many monks on the stage were fighting, and the onlookers shouted excitedly.

"Wang Daoyou tried his best to kill the one surnamed Sun. The surnamed Sun is about to die. His mana will soon be unable to support it. Fight to death!"

"Oh, why can't this king have the power to use his killer copper at this critical time!"

"Damn it, the good situation has been turned upside down! The old man lost more than 100 crystals again! Damn it, I won't bet on this king's victory next time! I doubt whether he had discussed cheating with the person surnamed Sun.

Ye Qin, Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer were a little curious to enter the human appearance and watch the fight.

Ye Qin looked at it for half an hour and quickly figured out the rules of the magic platform.

Any monk can go to the ring to become the master of the ring, bet with Yuanjing, and accept the challenge of other monks.

Any monk under the stage can bet with the same number of Yuanjing, and then go to the stage to challenge the ring master.

In general, there are two monks and two groups of monks fighting, and fighting between monks of the same rank. A late Jindan monk fought against a Jindan monk, and a late Yuanying monk fought against a late Yuanying monk.

If you are not afraid of death, you can also challenge multiple people by one person, and low-level monks take the initiative to challenge high-level monks.

As long as it falls from the bluestone platform to the ground, it will be a defeat, and the loser will lose the bet.

Few monks dare to challenge the high level one-to-many, because in addition to betting Yuanjing, there is also a point of life and death on the magic platform. The two sides on the stage are allowed to fight their opponents to death, and they don't have to bear any responsibility for killing them. If the monk knows that he is invincible, then jump out of the ring as soon as possible and take the initiative to admit defeat, so as not to be killed by the opponent. The rules of the magic platform are very loose. Basically, there is no limit on the level of cultivation, the number of people, and the number of times, as long as the ring owner is willing to accept the opponent's choice of money.

Onlookers can also bet on the game and bet on winning or losing.

One of the most exciting rules of the magic platform is "fight in turn, double the bet".

The ring is the master of the ring. For each more round, the required bet will be doubled. Ten rounds, twenty rounds, or more, no upper limit. After the rounds of battles, the Yuanjing needed is simply an appalling astronomical figure.

As long as the leader does not step down and is not defeated, he can keep it all the time. ( To be continued RH