The president's runaway wife

Chapter 12 Trapped in the Mountains

"Keep looking for me!"

Yu Zhanpeng kept wandering anxiously in the room, and his undulating chest showed that he was on the verge of collapse at this moment. The look on Junlang's face changed from previous impatience to worry.

Tyusha looked at him with understanding and was also worried. She also muttered in her heart, where did Ning Xue go? Ouyang Hongxuan, who sent Nianxue back, said that she was going to do something. But it's eight o'clock now. Why hasn't she heard from her yet? I can't get through to my mobile phone. No wonder Yu Zhanpeng is crazy.

Asa, who kept calling on the side, repeated one number after another, which he thought might know Ning Xue's whereabouts. Without exception, everyone said they didn't know where she went? Even Ouyang Hongxuan, Huo Guanyu and Gao Minghui called from time to time to ask about Ning Xue's whereabouts.

"I can't find Miss Ning's phone number. Deputy Director Luo has a task tonight and has been turned off and can't find it.

Asa looked at him with a shaking head.

Hearing such an unprogressed report, Yu Zhanpeng immediately stopped and completely broke out. Ask the pony to bring the plane over immediately, and I'll find it myself!"

He doesn't believe it. He can't find the woman who has been out of touch for hours!

In the afternoon, he planned to cook for her, but when he opened the door, he saw Lei Ziyue and a strange man in the room. He thought it was Lei Ziyue's new boyfriend, so he said hello and consciously left again.

He wanted to call her and tell her to eat out at night so that she wouldn't have to come home and run out again. Unexpectedly, the call had been made, but was told, "The user you are calling is not in the service area!"

not in the service area? At that time, he was dumbfounded. I dialed several numbers one after another, including Lei Ziyue, and asked them to help contact Ning Xue, but all the replies were not in the service area and could not find her. Immediately, he called home to ask if Yu Nianxue was there? Xu's mother told him that Nian Xue had gone back and was sent back by Ouyang Hongxuan. He called Ouyang Hongxuan again. Only then did Ouyang Hongxuan know that Ning Xue was missing!

She is not a person who will disappear for no reason and make others worry. The first two times she disappeared, which was indeed for a reason. But since she promised to pick up Yu Nianxue, she will not disappear without responsibility. Even if something happens and she really can't come, she will call first to explain. Today, she disappeared for several hours for no reason, which is really a little worrying.

At this time, Huo Guanyu, Gao Minghui, Miao and Ouyang Hongxuan gathered together in another residence in the city, staring nervously and patiently at Bella in front of the computer. She was using the satellite positioning system to track down the location of Ningxue's sports car.

It's just that after working for a long time, five people were disappointed. Because the satellite positioning system on Ningxue's car has already been destroyed by her. After that, Bella used a full-body solution and finally successfully connected to the system of the traffic police, but Ning Xue's car had no clue after leaving the city in the south. To continue the investigation, you have to contact the traffic police platform in nearby cities.

When the big guys are worried about Ning Xue's whereabouts again. Ning Xue's car broke down dozens of miles away from Taoyuan Village.

Ning Xue was very scared after staying in this place where there was no store in front of the village.

As soon as the car stopped, she took out her mobile phone to make a distress call, but when she dialed the number, she was surprised to find that there was no signal here! As a last resort, she took her mobile phone, got out of the car, and walked while trying to see if she could get a little signal. But after she walked around 50 meters of hills, she didn't make a phone call.

With no choice, she had to go back to the car and wait for the arrival of dawn.

closing the window, Ning Xue looked at the quiet mountain road, sighed deeply and calmed down. Reach out and turn on the heating. Strangely, the heating switch was turned on, but it didn't feel warm.

"Isn't it?"

Ning Xue cried. Although this autumn night is not as cold as the winter night, it is still a little difficult to be so cold in this wilderness for a night! How many days will it not be repaired by the hospital for your own small body?

After thinking about it, she still turned on the lights. What if someone passes by here? Or is there a car coming?

After a while, she turned off the lights again and thought, is there a gangster passing by here? Isn't that just telling others that there is another idiot who is looking for his own death?

Over and over again, she turned off and turned on the headlights. Finally, she was tired, so she simply turned off the light and fell asleep in the back seat.

Originally, I felt a little tired, but after falling down, I became more and more awake. A heart is unwilling to recover as usual. The more and more joyful belly is also noisy at this moment.

Biting her lips, Ning Xue stared at the dark sky in the dark sky in a daze. Where is the moon? Where are the stars? Why didn't you show up? It seems that wanting to see the stars in the wild has become a bubble!

Looking at the ink outside the car window with great sadness, she was a little want to cry without tears. Why is it so unlucky? It's good to anchor in a place where there are people's homes! In this wilderness, if you are not scared to death, you will be starved to death.


With another sigh, Ning Xue pillowed her hand and shrank her body. In the colder and colder car, I'm afraid I really have to go to the hospital at dawn. Thinking of the boring days in the hospital, she gave birth to more sadness.

Thinking this way, so desperate, she felt that her consciousness was slowly separating from her body and becoming confused...

In the haze, there was a deafening rumble, followed by the light, and some people were patting the car window.

Ning Xue tried to open her eyes, but found that her eyelids were stuck to the "502 strong glue" and she couldn't open them!

"D smash the car!"

A man ordered calmly.

Ning Xue heard this familiar voice clearly. It was Yu Zhanpeng! But why did he appear here? It's a dream! It must be a dream! The dream of him must be beautiful! I continue to dream, hoping that this dream will not wake up. Forever...

This time, Ning Xue did not want to open her eyes, but closed her eyes happily and at ease.

There was a loud bang and the window was opened.

Yu Zhanpeng opened the door, patted Ning Xue's cold cheek anxiously, and called her. Cher, wake up, wake up..."

It's just that Ning Xue in her sleep still doesn't want to open her eyes.

"Miss, what's wrong with her?"

Chunzi, standing behind Yu Zhanpeng, raised her neck worriedly and asked. She has just been picked up by Yu Zhanpeng from his uninhabited island. Because only she can find the exact location of Ning Xue.

"Wake up, don't sleep. Let's go home and sleep..."

Yu Zhanpeng, who was only worried, ignored Chunzi behind him and shook Ning Xue's shoulder anxiously. Why didn't the loud sound of smashing her wake her up? Could it be that she is dizzy again like last time in the bathroom? The temperature in the wild is so low, don't catch a cold again!

With this idea, Yu Zhanpeng quickly picked her up and walked to the helicopter parked on the side.

Sitting on the helicopter, Chunzi boldly dragged Yu Zhanpeng's coat, pulled him down and put it on Ning Xue. At this moment, her young lady's whole body was cold and scary. Even if she was taken to the island by this terrible man, she didn't want the young lady to feel cold.

Yu Zhanpeng did not blame her for protecting her, but was a little moved. This girl is really thinking about Xue'er. Ouyang old guy really didn't choose the right person! If he hadn't thought of her at the critical moment, he wouldn't have found it so easily.

"It's so noisy!"

Ning Xue, who was disturbed by the complicated sound, muttered impatiently. He reached out and touched his feet, took off his shoes, and threw them at the source of the sound without raising his eyelids.

It's just that the shoes were not thrown out, but taken away.

"Sier, wake up. Open your eyes and have a look!"

Yu Zhanpeng took her shoes and coaxed them softly. She still has such a big temper that she often takes off her shoes and beats people, even in her dreams. I'm really impressed with her!

Opening her eyes slightly, Ning Xue saw the face that appeared in her mind many times and had been thinking about in her heart. Reaching out and touching the warm face, she believed that it was not all a dream just now.

"How did you find me? There is no signal here!"

After looking at him for a long time, Ning Xue said quietly.

"She brought us here."

With a trace of gloating, Yu Zhanpeng looked at Chunzi sitting next to the pony and raised the corners of his mouth. How do you explain it?

Following his eyes, Ning Xue found that Junzi was also coming. I heard that she was taken to an uninhabited island by Yu Zhanpeng. It must be very boring! Now when it comes to her, I can't help but feel a little happy for her.

She greeted with a smile. She remembered Yu Zhanpeng's eyes just now, so she asked why.

"I installed a tracker in your car."

Chunzi looked at Ning Xue with a little embarrassment, as if she had been caught stealing.

With such an explanation, Ning Xue understood that the last time she found Xiyan's grandfather's house, she still appeared in time when she was injured. Although she is a little dissatisfied with her behavior, it seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. She didn't scold her for anything.

Junzi looked at her flatteredly and was a little excited. Isn't the young lady angry? The old lady is right. The young lady is a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

Ning Xue is so calm that it makes Yu Zhanpeng a little unbalanced. If he installs a tracker on her Ferrari, she won't smash his car, and he will have stepped on shit that day. Why didn't she scold Chunzi? This is not fair!

"Consult, what kind of expression is this now?"

Ning Xue looked back at Yu Zhanpeng with a strange face. She is still very happy that he can appear when she needs help. Although they have nothing to do with each other, I can't help but be moved by what he did for himself.

grinned. Yu Zhanpeng reached out and touched her forehead. His body temperature was normal, and he was relieved. However, he still insisted on sending Ning Xue to the hospital for examination, but Ning Xue was strongly protested.

As a last resort, he had to ask the housekeeper in the nearest house to prepare food and invite a doctor to come so that Ning Xue would suddenly feel unwell in the middle of the night.

These careful actions made Ning Xue feel very warm, and even the cold feeling on her body disappeared.