The president's runaway wife

Chapter 13 Active Strive

Eleven p.m.

Everything that was noisy during the day calmed down, except for the brightly lit Yu's house, which was waiting for the owner to come for a long time.

Looking at Yu's house comparable to the garden, Ning Xue was a little shocked. Why is this guy's house so luxurious?

While admiring, a middle-aged woman about 40 years old trotted with a respectful attitude. Young master, please come into the room. Everything you ordered is ready."

After saying that, he smiled and nodded to Ning Xue.

Yu Zhanpeng hugged Ning Xue with a bad face and quickly walked into the house.

Bang her into a steaming bathroom upstairs and reached out to try the water temperature in the large bathtub. Yu Zhanpeng said lovingly, "The water temperature is just right. Take a bath, expel the cold, and don't catch a cold.

Taking off the coat she was wearing, Yu Zhanpeng consciously retreated and helped her close the door.

Hearing his distant footsteps, Ning Xue took off her clothes, lay comfortably in the bathtub, and turned on the sound quality in the bathroom. In the gentle and smooth music, she was carried away and enjoyed it so quietly.

Today is her most fulfilling and experienced day. She looks for clues to her case like a private detective. I got lost in the wild and experienced a scene where I was saved by a bear. It's really interesting to think about it!

With a handful of sweat from her forehead, Ning Xue leaned against the edge of the bathtub and thought about it carefully. I don't know if God is playing tricks on it? Or is our fate not over? After so many things, why are we still intertwined? If this is destined, is it useless no matter how we avoid each other?


The door was suddenly knocked open.

The conditions were average. Ning Xue pulled up the clean bath towel on the edge of the bathtub in horror, tied it to her chest, and stood up. This is Yu Zhanpeng's territory. Who would be so bold to break into the bathroom? Is the security factor here so low?

At the same time, Yu Zhanpeng appeared at the door in panic. Seeing Ning Xue standing in front of him with an angry face and calmly, he heard the light music flowing in the bathroom, and he smiled awkwardly. I shouted impudingly in my heart, but now I can't even wash it when I jump to the Yellow River!


Ning Xue, with a red face, roared almost angrily. I have never seen such a Dirity person bring her in to take a shower, but he broke into the door. Could it be that he still wants to commit adultness?

"I sent you food and knocked on the door for a long time, but you didn't respond. I thought you were dizzy again."

Yu Zhanpeng instantly regained his previous look of composuousness, but he was a little less cold than before. He thought that she must be hungry because she had been trapped in the wild for so long.

"Are you waiting for me to faint? Do you think you can take advantage of me if I'm dizzy?

As soon as she heard the word "dizzy", Ning Xue's face turned redder. She didn't know whether he was angry or because of shyness. The last time he fainted in the bathroom, it filled his eyes. Who knows, he is still expecting this today. I guess Qiusha is not in good health. He can't take advantage of it. Now he will look good when he takes a shower, right?

What does it mean to take advantage of her again?" Yu Zhanpeng is not very happy. Her angry eyes clearly took him as a pervert. He stared at her angrily, took the plate with food outside, and swaggered in.

"You can go out."

Seeing the food, Ning Xue's anger was a little less, but when she saw him deliberately rubbing here, she couldn't help roaring. How can he take a bath here?

Put down the food and took a look at Ning Xue's exposed bath towel, white and red, delicate and flawless skin. Yu Zhanpeng licked his slightly dry lips, smiled charmingly, and turned around and closed the door that had just been opened by him tightly.

"What do you think? Dead pervert!"

Ning Xue looked at him ironically. She really didn't expect that this guy from a hooligan really played hooligan here. Looking around, he saw the shoes that had just been taken off in front of the bathtub. He quickly walked over and bent down to hold them in his hand.

She took her shoes fiercely and turned around and threw them at Yu Zhanpeng, but she was stunned to find that the object she wanted to attack had come to her side? Fortunately, I looked at her leisurely and waited for the shoes in her hand to hit her.


Yu Zhanpeng was not afraid to meet those angry eyes.

His dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, which makes Ning Xue unable to do it. She is not a cruel person. In addition to being in front of Yu Zhanpeng, she is actually relatively gentle and kind.

glared angrily, Ning Xue loosened her hand and let her shoes fall to the ground. She returned to the edge of the small table where the food was placed. She leisurely picked up the snack and ate it.

"Don't you wash your hands?"

Yu Zhanpeng quickly followed and frowned at her hand holding the snack. She is too unhygienic, isn't she? Just now, she held shoes in her hand!

I lost a sanitary ball to him, and Ning Xue stretched out another hand. Gian contemptuously: Idiot! Didn't you notice that I was holding something with that clean hand?

Yu Zhanpeng, who came over, said nothing more, sat down beside her and carefully poured good milk for her.

After serving her half full and seeing that her face had returned to normal, Yu Zhanpeng was finally relieved. However, he had no intention of leaving. Her curd skin, thin arms and slender legs made his amazing eyes unbearable to move away. With such close contact, his body has long had a reaction from men in the face of spicy scenes.

Feering his hot eyes, Ning Xue looked up and stared and shouted, "Get out...cough..."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that she suddenly coughed badly, Yu Zhanpeng's desire in his heart was relieved a lot. He quickly turned behind her and stretched out his hand to pat her back with heartache.

"It's all your fault! I'm choking...cough..."

Ning Xue's smiling face, which had just returned to blood color, rose redder.

Hearing this, Yu Zhanpeng couldn't help laughing. This is called retribution! Who told you to always be so cruel? Will it be all right if you obey me?"

Do you dare to do this to me? Ning Xue turned her head and looked at the person behind her. Is this initiator still laughing? Still obey him? Why didn't he say that he obeyed me?

Another unbearable itching sensation spread out of her throat, and Ning Xue coughed again.

"I remember when I was a child, every time I was choked, my mother grabbed my ear and gently pulled it a few times. Why don't I give it a try?"

As he spoke, he really pinched her two ears and kept pulling up and down.

"If you are surnamed Yu, you don't play tricks on people like this!"

Ning Xue, who was so angry, stood up, raised her leg and kicked him fiercely. However, the action was a little big, and the bath towel wrapped around my body was shaken off. Subconsciously, she hurriedly pulled the sliding bath towel.


Seeing Ning Xue's angry and annoyed appearance, Yu Zhanpeng couldn't help grinning. After breaking up with her, those depressed moods were suddenly swept away.

"Have you seen enough? Get out of here!"

Pressing the bath towel with both hands, Ning Xuexing's eyes were round. Just now, she was still happy with today's sense of achievement. Now she was teased by him, and her mood suddenly fell into Shibuya. Does he think they are still in a previous relationship? Well, when they lived together, he was not as casual as he is now! Is he out of his mind tonight?

"I don't want to go out."

Yu Zhanpeng is determined to carry out the rogue behavior to the end. How could he be willing to leave when he was so close to her? God knows how much he expects time to stop at this moment?

Such a straightforward expression made Ning Xue's heart tremble. She knew that Yu Zhanpeng had never forgotten her. Otherwise, you won't find yourself trapped in the wilderness. But the one in his family is Nian Xue's mother, and they are the ones who should become a family.

Trying to calm down her sour mood, Ning Xue turned back to the bathtub and turned her back to him. She didn't want to show her reluctance to him in front of him.

Looking at her back in the surrounding heat, it gradually became a little confusing and illusory, and Yu Zhanpeng was in a good mood. He walked towards her with a smile and squatted gently on the edge of the bathtub. He rolled up his sleeves, squeezed out the shower gel on her smooth shoulders, and rubbed it gently. Bathing his beloved woman is what he is willing to do.

The bath towel wrapped around his body slowly dispersed, and the cool shower gel was gently wiped away by his warm hands. A strange feeling was slowly transmitted by his affectionate and loving palm in his gentle movements. Ning Xue's body trembled and fell into that indescribable feeling of joy...

"You know, why did I think Junko could find you tonight?"

Yu Zhanpeng's soft words were like a breeze blowing at night, refreshing and blowing away the silence between the two.

Ning Xue shook her head.

"I sent someone to investigate her. She actually trained as an agent in Japan. I think a person who can be an agent must have a way to find her master. Is my judgment accurate?

Yu Zhanpeng lay on Ning Xue's shoulder and looked at her beautiful side. The beautiful face close at hand seemed to exude a fascinating fragrance, which confused him to get closer and closer and didn't want to move away.

Finally, his lips were printed on her pink cheeks. One time, two times... Each time is like opening the deepest part of my heart, and there is a strong desire for her.

At this moment, I need her very much. Thinking so, he stayed on the back of her thin hand, uneasy about the status quo, and swam to the front...

His kiss is getting denser and denser, his breathing is getting heavier and heavier, and Ning Xue's heartbeat also changes with his changes. She clearly knows that at this moment, not only Yu Zhanpeng needs her, but also needs a method that can solve this kind of eroticism that makes her no longer suppress.

She can't stand this kind of physical and inner suffering!

At this moment, reason became very weak, and it could not convince Ning Xue's desire for him.

As soon as she turned her head, Ning Xue took the initiative to kiss Yu Zhanpeng's lips rubbed against the corners of her mouth. She can't control the child or Qiusha. Why let the cruel reality deprive her of love? She is unwilling! I don't want to!

At this moment, she decided not to give in! She wants to get him back! She should firmly grasp her happiness. She should not be sad after making seemingly chic concessions like her mother.

Her reaction surprised Yu Zhanpeng. She is finally going to fight for it! As long as she doesn't give up, he will clear all the obstacles for her!

In the bathroom with an ambiguous atmosphere, the thick gasps of men and women gradually covered the cheerful music. In the limited space on that side, they saw the infinite beauty of the future.