sin totem

Chapter 122 Advance to the fifth-order induction of the source

The death empire changed and soon caused an uproar on the mainland. For a while, the name of the blood clan soon spread throughout the continent.

The Death Empire was originally a country with a high commercial status. After thousands of years of development, there may be some gaps between the Death Empire and the Light Empire militarily, but in other aspects, the Death Empire is far ahead of other countries.

However, the new death emperor soon issued countless edicts, and the death empire soon entered the national militarization mechanism like other countries on the mainland.

At the same time, because the old dead emperor was about to leave, the ice soul also decided to leave the continent. After all, she originally came to this continent because of the old lich.

The departure of the ice soul naturally caused the shock of many heterogeneous races. After all, it was because she came to this continent as a space transmission array.

Although it is much easier to leave the advanced intermediate plane than to enter, most people will still choose to leave if there is no task that must be left. A space transmission array and a peaceful environment are almost the foundation of the plane prosperity.

During this period, the ice soul clan almost disappeared from the death empire. Because of the ice soul, they knew more inside stories...

The Mage Tower of the Light of Dawn, where the plain is located, first left all the blood clans. At this time, the blood clan represents the ruling power of the death empire, just as the lich once represented the ruling power of the death empire.

Sequently, the holy ice crystal, which often communicates with the ghost and transforms, also left grimly without shocking anyone,

Vude Loris has been in a busy state since the death of the new death emperor, or since the morning and evening legion was about to leave.

Entering the autumn scene in a blink of an eye.

The dead imperial capital once again landed and rooted on the ground, no different from ordinary human cities.

However, it can be clearly found that due to the arrival of the blood clan and the promulgation of many war decrees, commercial convoys in the imperial capital began to gradually decrease, and more of a team of heavily armed cavalry appeared. At the same time, in addition to educating and improving combat effectiveness of lethal magic, the magic school no longer allows magicians to make it public. Other magic research.

Youyuan felt the gradual fall of the magic tower of the light of dawn and sighed. In a blink of an eye, the once prosperous city seemed to be the same as the fallen imperial capital, and began to become cold and strong.

Once, the Death Empire could hardly find beggars because of its highly developed commerce, but now, it seems that these beggars appeared overnight.

The vast majority of airboats were requisitioned for military purposes free of charge, and many wealthy businessmen protested, and even made the financial princes of the dead empire anxious.

The history of the Rose Fragrant family in the dead empire has been quite stable, but at this time, he also had to face the ruthlessly encroachment of his property and strength after the regime change, but he could only tolerate it.

However, soon, with abundant funds and background, the military strength of the Dead Empire has surpassed all other countries on the mainland and become the only existence that can compete with the Light Empire alone, which also makes the short tacit understanding between the forces of the underworld and the power of the demon world easily collapse.

The interior of the mage tower.

"Master hudloris, I think I'm going back to the angry empire. This is no longer the former empire of death. Like other countries on the mainland, it has begun to enter the state of continental hegemony. Even a few days ago, blood clans have killed orc compatriots on the street without being appointed. What sanctions.

The rhythm of freedom has completely dissipated here, and some, like all countries in the mainland, are xenophobic, rotten, cold and strong.

The old lich looked at the orc witch who resigned on the opposite side, with a look of regret.

Just a few days ago, there was a small friction between the border between the Death Empire and the Fury Empire, breaking the peace between the two countries that lasted for nearly a hundred years.

The most abominable thing is that the guard army there was completely defeated by the orc border tribe wolf clan. For a moment, everyone in the blood of the dead empire was indignant and had a tendency to fight with the angry empire.


It's really a pity that these things are not what we can decide. Everything needs to be established by the new rulers themselves in the future. All we can do is to ensure our responsibilities.

The witch doctor smiled bitterly with the old lich, and then the witch doctor slowly left.

"Oh, there are few people in this mage tower now..."

Looking at the dust gradually falling from the mage tower that used to be bustling with various studies, wu de Loris is very melancholy.

But this Dawn Light Mage Tower is only one of the former civilian research magic towers of the Death Empire. The loneliness of this Mage Tower is the epitome of all civilian magicians of the Death Empire.

At the same time, in the laboratory of Youyuan, a chilling evil breath filled the whole room, but Youyuan still frowned. At this time, Youyuan was still dissatisfied with these evil breaths.

You know, when the power of the fishy spirit was condensed, the power of the blood soul condensed ten days later was bursting with a blowout evil breath, and it seemed to correct a certain melody, unexpectedly producing a faint spiritual pressure similar to Longwei.

After thinking for a long time, there is still no clue about the breakthrough of the fifth level.

seemed to have decided something. Youyuan stretched out his hand slightly, followed by a terrible pressure. Suddenly, a drop of ** with strong bloodthirsty pressure condensed in the air, and waves of invisible pressure suppressed everything. At the same time, people unconsciously focused their eyes on it. , I can't help but surrender to my soul.

In the face of it, ordinary creatures have only one way to submit absolutely!

This is the last drop of bloodthirsty power of Youyuan. At the beginning, the bloodthirsty god was awakened by the bloodthirsty blade manipulated by Youyuan, and then gave three drops of bloodthirsty power to Youyuan.

One drop is used to defeat the advanced fifth-level Milong in the chaotic land, and the other is used to subdue Glen and a fifth-order keel. The last drop of Youyuan is still kept in a bracelet magic guide.

Close your eyes, try to calm your mind, accept the deterrence of the outermost divine will of the divine power with awe through the identity of God, and instinctively submit to the soul, but it is not completely frozen.

Then, slowly, in the original soul sensing, only this drop of divine power seems to be the epitome of a chain of laws in the world.

This law and countless chains of obscure, ancient, newly born, or eternal laws build a framework of the endless world plane, and then various elements move according to a certain melody in the framework, and gradually form an endless world that is now suitable for the survival of creatures. Boundary framework.

Just through this drop of divine power, Youyuan can barely see the vastness of the endless plane, which is the power mastered by the gods!

Even! Behind this effortlessness, countless believers transmit the power of faith through prayer.

However, Youyuan sighed. If his speculation is correct, the real difference between those top shrines and holiness is actually the magnificent will wrapped in the divine power.

I have studied the bloodthirsty power for a long time. After all, in addition to endless sighing about the greatness of the gods, it is the trace of being shocked by the other party's grand will.

Put away the last drop of bloodthirsty magic power, and a mouth of the ghost field, an energy ball the size of a fist that exudes the real demon attributes of endless erosion appears. Even the soul sense will be erased by this endless erosion, and there is a tinging feeling.

However, through the control of this eroding power, Youyuan learned that at the core of this power, there is also a drop of "divine power" that nurtures supreme power. At this time, Youyuan has no ability to master this fishy power at this time.

In terms of fundamental quality, this is completely at the same level as the divine power, but the unique will that wraps the divine power has been replaced by this blood soul power that erodes all power.

Although this pure black primitive erosion force can erode everything, it seems to have a strong protective effect on the fishy power in the center.

The subtle operation of the plain began to disperse the original erosion power of the fishy spirit. This time, he will take advantage of the moment when this bloody power dissipates to experience it carefully, so as to find the opportunity to advance to the fifth level.

Originally, it was only a layer of primitive erosion, but in the case of the whole soul spirit immersed in the street, it took three days to fade most of it.

Finally, when there was still a thin layer of the original erosion power, the fishy power inside began to diffuse an attribute close to the order, mapping, rules and control of the heavenly world.

The same grand and promoted nobility, but the only thing that does not seem to be to see through the nature of the endless plane law through this drop of power.

As this fishy power gradually dissipated, the sense of the ghost became more and more, and even occasionally came such a trace of inspiration in the end, but he immediately opened his eyes, because the fishy power has completely dissipated...

After a sigh, Youyuan gritted his teeth again, and with the same mouth, a primitive erosion force appeared again.

This is also a month of time to condense during this period. Originally, I hoped to have more reserve means when facing the enemy, but now I am looking for that opportunity of perception.

In the same way, the power of the fishy spirit began to dissipate in front of the most secluded plain, and the secluded slave controlled his soul and realized it carefully.

Mu Ran, the soul of Youyuan was shocked, and he seemed to see a different world.

"This is..."

The power of wind, the power of water, the power of fire, the power of earth, the power of thunder, the power of venom, the power of death, the power of sacredness, the power of light, the power of darkness...

Countless forces are forming in a unique flow with their own unique forms and laws, but their flow dynamics seem to vaguely apply to a certain law, thus generating the power of endless plane operation.

The power of all elements builds an endless plane suitable for the survival of endless creatures under the framework of countless law chains.

At this moment, Youyuan tried his best to feel it with his soul, but it seemed to be a frog in the well. What Youyuan saw was always only a trivial part of the endless world, even if Youyuan had worked hard...

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something. Youyuan raised his head and was completely shocked.

If the endless world he is feeling is infinitely wide, the huge thing above his head is infinitely deep.

This is a heavenly river hanging in the sky, but in the soul of the secluded plain, it seems to be the epitome of the will of the endless plane world. Although it does not have the real will to think about itself, it gathers the instinctive will of endless creatures.

The birth of every creature and the death of every creature is a process of the birth and extinction of a self-willed existence, and its origin and end are the epitome of the will of this endless world, that is, this Tianhe hanging in the sky at this time!

Incomparably vast, profound and vast, if the once bloodthirsty god stands in front of it, it is like an ant standing in the endless desert. Of course, the plain is like a grain of dust.

Even if the void beast only borrows a little willpower, it can fight against the gods!

With a bang, it seemed that some creatures observed it, and the endless plane instinctive will made a shocking sound.

The indescribable voice seems to be a thorough and clear power.

In an instant, a film in the soul of the ghost seems to be shattered, and the ghost also woke up from the soul-sensing world in an instant.

With the rupture of a film in the soul of the ghost, the original heaven and earth were replaced.

The mountain is still the mountain, but Youyuan knows that this mountain is not the epitome and extension of the original will. As long as you avoid these places, the power that could break through the earth for several meters will be dozens of meters at this time!

There are also countless microcosm extensions of the original will on the river. If the repulsive power of the original will can be accurately used, then the fifth-order existence on the river is like a flat ground!

There are also countless vine frames extending the original will above the sky. If you borrow the rejection of these original wills, then no matter what the power you use, as long as you can grasp these original places, you can fly!

This is the power of the fifth level! This is a cognitive force for the source!

Youyuan looked at the world that seemed to be different in front of him. The world seemed to be bigger and he seemed to be smaller. Since then, he is the real fifth-level existence, which is expected to move towards the palace of law...

The magical silver lines naturally appear and transform, presenting a simple atmosphere in almost every empty place with a mysterious rhythm.

"If you can't figure out the essence of the power of the spirit, you will never be able to enter the road of law, unless you feel the power of the law brought by another force."

Shaking his head, Youyuan admitted that if it hadn't been for the convenience of this bloody soul array, it would have been the lifelong experience of the poor Youyuan, and you would not have reached the current fifth level. After all, his qualification is just an ordinary human race.

"However, although the attributes of order, mapping, rules and control are reflected in the power of fishy spirit, it does not reflect any law power, let alone the power of the original will, why does it have such a high quality?

Even under the sensibility of Youyuan, this is basically a force that can fight against divine power!"

The blood soul array opened a key to the ghost in different directions because of the inheritance of different knowledge, but this is only the key after all. After the gate of the Holy Land Road, everything needs is his own real exploration.

However, at this moment, Youyuan waved casually, and a black and red blood soul power appeared directly.

At the same time, it is accompanied by the almost blowout evil power. Under the unique pressure of this force, ordinary creatures face the secluded plain like a giant dragon.