sin totem

Chapter 123 Blood Evil Feast

"Master Youyuan, I'm going to leave here this time. I didn't expect to ask you as a guest to see me as the owner of the magic tower now. I'm really ashamed..."

At this time, the flame of the demonic soul of wu de Loris is slightly dim.

In addition to several magic apprentices attending classes in the college, the whole Dawn Light Magic Tower often come, and the rest is Youyuan and Lilith, who stayed because they were promoted to the fifth level a few days ago, which can be described here.


Youyuan is a little sad. I don't know why youyuan miss those days when he has just arrived in the empire of death.

At that time, the death empire was still a fairly open country. All races coexisted peacefully and adhered to the belief of only studying common magic. He also gave a speech at the magic academy here, and even once thought it was an almost ideal country.

Although there may be many unreasonable things about the former death empire, at least it is much warmer than other parts of the mainland. However, at this moment, it seems that it is just a dream.

All this is because the battle of faith never stops.

Everything on the continent is just a microcosm of the supreme gods fighting for the endless world. As long as the gods are still ruling the endless world, the battle for faith will never stop, and the ideal world will never appear.

Looking at the departure of Vude Loris, Youyuan already knew that he was actually one of the many followers of the old death empire and one of the countless war soldiers of the morning and evening mercenary regiment. Hud Loris has no obligation to the death empire. hud Loris is only loyal to the morning and evening legion, and everything on this continent is just a task he has experienced.

Although this mission is too long, even for Vude Loris, a nearly endless Lich...

Of course, Youyuan and Lilith do not intend to stay in this empire for a long time. Now the expulsion of the death empire has gradually emerged, just like all countries in the mainland.

Here, there is no need for Youyuan and Lilith to leave behind. The important harvest is only to witness the footprints left by some predecessors in this open country.

Without waiting for the new tower owner, Youyuan and Lilith left the Dawn Light Magic Tower in the early morning of the day.

Last night's lamp and wine confusion does not seem to have dissipated. For the luxurious life of the aristocracy, the new rulers pay more attention to it, and the process is more cumbersome, the etiquette is more demanding, and the consumption is more luxurious.

Youyuan put on a simple magician's costume, and Lilith rode a growing white blood-toothed tiger and walked to the gate of the imperial capital of death on this slightly muddy masonry road.

A team of heavily armed cavalry shuttled through the city and trampled out mud and water, looking burly and tough.

Countless large and small war reports echoed in the city through these cavalry, and the people of the dead imperial capital gradually began to cheer for some victorious reports and frustrated war reports.

Even looking at the strong hostility of former friends and current hostile countries, this country tells everyone with indifferent eyes that this is only a territory belonging to the underworld camp.

Youyuan walked in front, and Lilith rode on the white and blood-toothed tiger without staining the magic robe because of the muddy ground.

"It seems that something is missing..."

Youyuan sensed something wrong with the Didu Street, because all the former beggars seemed to have lost their tracks in the dead Didu Street overnight.

You should know that because of a series of orders issued by the new death emperor, countless businessmen went bankrupt, farmers in the villages were displaced, and beggars of the death empire swarmed all over the country almost overnight.

At first, people were still not used to these poor people and always gave alms, but when they found that their pockets were gradually spleted and the beggars were almost endless, people in this country finally learned to watch everything coldly.

And now the people of the dead empire have turned all the guilt of these beggars to the existence of pagans, and even began to appear hostile hatred in their eyes.

"Uncle, where are the beggars here?"

Youyuan casually pulled up a man who looked kind and asked questions in his heart.

When the man saw that Youyuan was a noble magician, he was slightly surprised and immediately showed his respect for seeing the nobles.

"Dear magician, it is like this. The former lord of the city has issued an edict to gather all the beggars in the imperial capital to arrange a new life for them, because they have affected the holiness of the imperial capital.

After all, the emperor is the place where the emperor is located, which represents the origin of the glory of death shining on the mainland, and the lord of the city is a person who pays attention to etiquette. He believes that these beggars are disrespectful to the great god of death, so the lord of the city decided to arrange a new life for them.

With that, the uncle seemed to be in a better mood. After all, without beggars, the whole city seemed to be clean and bright at once.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the appearance of these beggars disgusts all those who are not beggars.

However, just then, a undead magician passing by on the street saw the uncle talking to Youyuan and immediately came over.

"Well, when did the people of the Death Empire start to abaist the magicians of the demon clan? It's really the face of the Death Empire."

The uncle, who was still happy, was slightly stunned when he heard the undead magician say this, and then glared at Youyuan.

"Bastard, why don't you say you are a demon!"

The uncle looked at the new undead magician apologetically and left here with a ashamed face.

The undead magic glanced at Youyuan and Lilith, and paid a little attention to the white blood-toothed tiger, but in view of the unfathomable strength of Youyuan, this guy still left without saying anything.

A group of cavalry passed by fully armed. The captain took a cold look at Youyuan. After confirming that nothing was wrong, he left like a gust of wind.

Because of the words of the undead magician just now, people on the street know the identity of the Youyuan demon clan, so they all avoid the Youyuan like avoiding dirty things.

Youyuan didn't say anything, and Lilith also looked quietly with a pair of bright eyes. In this country that suddenly became strange, a pagan in the alien camp was the biggest sin.

It seems that they have forgotten that they belong to the same human race.

Youyuan and Lilith looked at each other and saw endless thinking in each other's eyes, accompanied by a sense of powerlessness and sadness. Regardless of faith and camp, although the human race of this continent is called the ruler of the mainland, it is only a pawn of the alien gods outside the mainland.

Some things are understood, but they are powerless to resist, and even unable to resist, because the world is such a rule.


Two days later, in a suburb, more than a thousand ragged beggars were still dirty, but they seemed to have eaten and bathed, and everyone was refreshed.

These beggars began to be full of hope for the future promised by these blood lords. Although their former property has been lost, after so many hungry and cold days, they no longer look forward to getting everything they once had once again. They just hope that they can have a warm and quiet life for the rest of their lives in the future.

At this time, the camp is resting, and the sunset is particularly beautiful. The blood leader responsible for this team of beggars is squinting and enjoying the beauty of the sunset.

The blood clan was a vampire when he was a child. At that time, the vampire's intelligence was low and instinctively controlled. They were particularly** and had a fatal fear of the sunshine that the mainland had.

However, when the vampire grows to the third level and reaches the blood clan, everything will change...

"Baron, we have arrived in the Delonli Valley today. You said that the previous teams of beggars have arranged a new life here. I don't know how much time we have to reach the real destination?"

The speaker is also a beggar, but it seems that he is very powerful, and all beggars listen to him, so he has also become a bridge for the blood clan to manage this team of beggars.

However, today, the blood baron did not answer the question of the beggar leader, but looked at the afterglow of the sunset.

After a long time, the sunset was about to fall, and the Baron slowly turned his head with a noble smile like a spring breeze.

"Is the sunset beautiful?"

The beggar leader was stunned for a moment, but still answered instinctively.


seemed to feel the response of the beggar leader. The baron smiled indifferently and seemed to be in a particularly good mood. He asked again, "Are all the beggars here?"

"Yes, a total of 1,120 people, all here. Do you think... are we going to arrange dinner?"

With that, the beggar leader's stomach shouted in disartication.

There's nothing he can do. The hunger during this period has made him feel scared. The beggar leader scratched his head with embarrassment. I don't know if his status will decline in the other party's mind because of this kind of thing.

However, the blood baron's face was still a smile, as if the spring breeze warmed the earth.

Mu Ran said a sentence in a blood clan word, which made the beggar leader and the second monk confused.

"Then, the blood banquet begins!"

Just when the beggar leader didn't understand the words of the blood language just now and blamed himself for not being serious, the blood baron had already grabbed the shoulder of the beggar leader.

Then, under the great force of the other party's incompetence, his fangs appeared in his mouth and bit his neck.

Blood poured into the blood clan's mouth, and a pleasant long chant!

The beggar leader began to twitch in his unbelievably eyes. In just over ten seconds, the beggar leader's blood dried up and died completely.

At the same time, dozens of third-order blood clans completely surrounded the beggars and began to suck their blood crazily!

With the ability of these blood clans, killing everyone is almost a few breaths. However, these blood clans did not kill all the beggars in an instant, but only caught prey and sucked the delicious blood of the human race in the encirclement.

From time to time, some beggars desperately rush to be surrounded by the bleeding clan, but the blood clan will fall down with just a casual blow. After all, these beggars are just ordinary people who have no ability to attack.

These beggars screamed in fear and squeezed into a ball desperately. The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and the screams became more and more tragic, and even a prayer came out.

However, in the blood clan world that has fallen into madness, everything is useless. The ceremony of the blood banquet is a banquet used by the blood clan to vent their primitive instincts as vampires. All non-blood creatures are their prey.

At this time, they have completely lost all their rational and noble faces, and some are more barbaric and crazy than beasts. This is a crazy banquet based on tragedy.

Gradually, all the blood clans have reached crazy **, all howling excitedly, but they are already full, or finished eating.

After all, there are too many blood of more than 1,000 people, so the rest...

The blood baron's eyes were red and his mouth was full of blood. He followed many blood clans to look at the prey squeezed into a ball in the middle and howled excitedly.

On the one hand, it shows the most primitive bloodthirsty nature of the blood clan and constantly vents it. On the other hand, it hates the helplessness of the weak vampire period.

"The blood bath begins!"

The most primitive battle does not use any magic, but uses its strong body to tear all the prey to pieces and let the blood of the prey bathe the whole body for the most beautiful enjoyment.

The infamous blood clan is not groundless. This is something that some planes that have not been plundered by the blood clan rule will never be experienced...

Ten minutes later, the distant plain seemed to feel something. An almost instinctive angry sound turned into a silver light that cut through the sky and fell to the earth with a bang, and the ground cracked a large pit ten meters in diameter.

The extremely evil black and red breath burst out, which shocked the blood clan that had ended the blood bath and gradually restored the dignified blood clan soul. However, as a person in the plane battle, these blood clans naturally could not succumb because of pressure.

They all looked at the sudden emergence of the human race, and some were still tidying up their appearance soaked in blood.

Youyuan looked at the countless fragmented corpses of the human race, and at the blood clans that were almost more horrible than demons. A sadness that could not be expressed in words broke out, accompanied by the most instinctive anger and resentment.

This is not out of personal hatred, but out of a human hatred!

Maybe it is not wrong for the other party as a blood clan. They seem to be prey, but the hatred of the ghost is also out of the instinct of a human race.

He hates why the blood clan kills all these people for the most cruel ritual, and the human race of the Death Empire is still supporting them, just because of faith!

He hates why the current mainland people have reached such a level. They are not united as peers, but only because of the conquest of faith!

He hates and hates his powerlessness and ignorance...

In the end, everything is because the world is ruled by gods, resulting in endless faith wars.

At this moment, all the fallen beliefs of Youyuan were completely broken, and there was only a heart that hated the beliefs of the world.

At the same time, it is accompanied by the evil breath of the endless blood soul of the wilderness at this time, like the most primitive darkness in the world.

Evil has always been the heart, not the power.