sin totem

Chapter 156 Transaction of Taoist Value

There is an endless starry sky above and an endless starry sky below. This is a space composed entirely of starry sky. The endless starlight is the only embellishment of this space.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Stars!"

It seems to be the middle of this starry world, with a broad and supreme throne standing, sitting on a magician, surrounded by stars, as if it is illusory and real. This magician is Trunks, the god of stars. This space is the divine space that expresses the origin of divine power. Each god has the incredible ability of illusory reality in his own space.

"Youyuan visited the great god of stars!"

This time, although Youyuan also exercised considerable etiquette, he was not too humble because it represented the bloodthirsty apostleship.

In the original induction, although the starry sky is endless, this divine kingdom is limited, and its edge should be countless void turbulence.

"Ha ha, don't be polite. This time I invite you to visit the Star God Kingdom. In addition to the bloodthirsty god behind you, I am very interested in the power you use against my servants. Unfortunately, the bloodthirsty god came in person in the last period, but I don't think that power should be your limit, right?

To the point, Tranx's pale and mysterious face looked directly at the secluded, with a color of thirst for joy in his face. It seemed particularly quiet and peaceful against the endless starlight of this star kingdom.

"Ha, Trunks, is this little human friend the reason why you left?"

Mu Ran, the starlight in this star kingdom moved slightly, the space fluctuated, and a rickety figure slowly appeared.

The skin is slightly green, old and wrinkled, and the curved back has almost bent to the ground. The white beard is sparse, and two cold cobras with a horrible smell wrapped around their waist, spitting out their tongues from time to time to look at the secluded. Only those eyes seemed to reveal the wisdom of endless years, and Youyuan suddenly had an absurd feeling that he was just an ignorant child.

"Lord Witch Doctor Prophet!"

Instinctively, Youyuan is the feeling, and the person in front of him is the witch doctor prophet of the orc!


The two cobras hissed, and the cold eyes seemed to disappear.

"Well, you actually know this old guy, hehe, even before I established the kingdom of God. However, after the establishment of the Kingdom of God, this old scoundrel will not leave, hehe.

Tranx was surprised that Youyuan immediately recognized the new old man and teased the witch doctor prophet in a relaxed tone.

"Ha ha, my old bone is in your star kingdom, and I don't know how much effort the emperor will be saved to expel the supreme law of death."

The witch doctor prophet, with a crutch, walked to the seat of the god of stars and began to carefully examine the original.

"Oh? Trunks, this little friend actually has the alienation technique you created in those years. Is it because of this that you suddenly left the kingdom of God?

Tranx, the god of stars, smiled.

"There are many magicians practicing alienation on the mainland. With his primary alienation, how can he let me leave the divine kingdom in person? However, this guy turned out to be an apostle of the bloodthirsty god. Before I left the Kingdom of God, I didn't expect to have to meet the bloodthirsty god.

"Oh? How about the split power of the bloodthirsty god?

It seems that the bloodthirsty god is not strange, and the witch doctor prophet asked with interest.

"It's hard to say, if it's just this split power, I can completely rely on the advantage of my own innate spirit to suppress him in this continent where faith is restricted. However, since he was the messenger sent by the supreme hatred in the demon world, some hidden means are not easy to deal with.

When the witch doctor prophet heard the god of stars, Trunks, say so, he just nodded silently, but did not ask any more.

Then, the witch doctor prophet and the god of stars, Trunks, looked at the slightly drooping plain. Youyuan was noticed by these two people, and the original erosion power of his whole body completely boiled, crazily resisting the perspective of the other party's soul, and even trembled in a blink of an eye because of the other party's too powerful power, and his face was pale, but he did not dare to say a word.

"Oh, there are really some ways..."

The witch doctor prophet muttered, and the two cobras at his waist hissed separately, and then he no longer looked through the soul of the secluded plain and became silent. On the contrary, Transcus, the god of stars, was very interested to see that the erosion power of Youyuan's body actually resisted the soul perspective of a god.

"This power nature is somewhat similar to the god of corrosion in those years, but it is less infectious and more permeable."

After meditating for a moment, the god of stars withdrew his will and sat on the ground with a crack, sweating coldly.

"Well, I won't embarrass you. I'm very interested in the power you used to resist my servant. For the sake of you and me, and you are a bloodthirsty apostle, I will exchange ten times the value for your strength. You now have three choices. First, if you also practice the alienation technique I created in those years, then you should know the curse power of alienation, such as

If you can practice alienation to an advanced state, then alienation is no longer a simple curse. The ultimate purpose of this technique is to make myself immune to all abnormal states! So the first condition is to forcibly upgrade your alienation to an advanced state!"

Youyuan smiled bitterly and did not foolishly ask if he could agree with this forced transaction. In one mouth, the primitive erosion of the size of the last fist in his body appeared, which instantly attracted the attention of the witch doctor prophet and the god of stars.

"Dear the god of stars, this primitive erosion power contains the power of the fishy spirit, which I got by chance. Although I am very interested in advanced alienation, I still want to hear the last two conditions.

It is stronger than the power of erosion in the body of Youyuan. Even the power of the will of the star god can't forcibly penetrate the original erosion power of the outer layer to feel the fishy power contained in it! However, the god of stars seemed to have no doubt. With a roll of starlight, the primitive erosion power disappeared.

"The second condition is that I spend some willpower to personally make ten star divine powers for you. Although the nature of your power is strange, its value should be much worse than that of divine power. What I care about is the strange nature of that power."

When the god of stars saw Youyuan, he still didn't open his mouth and began to slowly say the third condition.

"I think your soul is extremely powerful, and you should have cultivated your soul. Just in time, when I bought this ogre tribe, I got a very primitive soul inheritance skill in this tribe, which is the cannibal world. Some of them are amazing even for me, which shows the wisdom and talent created by the ancestors of ogre. But I don't have the art of the soul

Good at it, this magic skill will be transferred to you as ten points.

Ten points of power? As soon as the soul of the ghost moved, even if this word was heard for the first time, it seemed to be the name of a unit.

At this time, Youyuan is facing the test of choosing one of three. If you choose to directly improve the advanced alienation technique, there is no doubt that your strength will definitely increase in a short period of time. Maybe you can crush the end of Mu Mu, the son of the earth, but the feeling of the ghost is the same as the feeling of holding a bloodthirsty blade, which is the power obtained without duckweed.

Choose the second condition and get ten points of star magic power, which can not only be used as a necessary means to save life, but also a sense of the mystery, which may bring a certain opportunity! However, because Youyuan already has the means to create the power of fishy spirits, this condition has been greatly reduced in Youyuan's heart.

"The world of food? Is it the transformation technique performed by the ogre patriarch?

The god of stars was a little surprised to see that Youyuan seemed to be very interested in this condition.

"I thought you would choose the first condition without hesitation, but I didn't expect you to care about this condition. The ogre patriarch is indeed the art of the cannibal world, but the reason why she can change the flame phoenix is that when I bought the ogre tribe, she used a holy field warcraft with a trace of empty beast black phoenix blood to make 30 points of Taoist power, no

Then her talent in practicing the food world is just a waste.

The god of stars smiled, but Youyuan heard that the cultivation of this soul skill seemed to be quite limited.

Youyuan did not say anything. It seemed that he was struggling to choose the three conditions. Translux, the god of stars, did not urge him, but sat on the huge throne and looked at Youyuan with great interest.

Endless starlight flows in a unique law. In this space, it seems that time has turned into an eternal force without any feeling. Youyuan lowered his head and didn't know how long he had been meditating. When Youyuan raised his head again, the witch doctor prophet had disappeared in front of him, leaving only the star god Transcus staring straight at Youyuan.

"I choose the third condition to get this ogre soul skill and the cannibal world!"

With a fly smile, the god of stars did not hesitate, and a huge ancient animal skin shot into the secluded plain.

"Hehe, I've been thinking about whether to abolish the second condition just now, but since you chose the third condition, forget it. All right, wait a minute. I need to meet a friend.

As the Yuan silently retreated to the side, a starlight flashed and gradually formed countless mysterious magic runes, followed by a magic array slowly forming, and a strong and extreme space fluctuation broke out.

"Hahahaha, the great god of stars, you haven't forgotten the contract 30 years ago, have you? Now my Flame Legion has completely conquered that low-level plane. Twelve primitive races are left with the earth devil spider family, and they have established a unified star temple. I don't know how 10,000 Taoist forces are ready?

With the roaring laughter, a huge flame element more than 100 meters high passed through the magic array and stood into the starry world. But even in this star kingdom, the magnificent flame heat is still burning, like the dazzling sun in the starry world.

However, although this flame giant is terrible, the feeling that it gives Youyuan is barely stronger than the violent dwarf king who is promoted to the Holy Land. For Youyuan's continent, it is not the strongest at all. However, what Youyuan cares about is that behind the starry gate, countless eyes are staring through the starry gate.

"Ha ha, there were some accidents more than ten years ago and took some strength, but since you have completed the contract, it's nothing for me to lose some willpower. However, it was completely unexpected that your Flame Legion could conquer that plane and build the temple so quickly.

As if in the same action, the Flame Giant and the God of Stars jointly took out a skin printed with countless blood-colored runes to refer to the comparison. Suddenly, the huge power fluctuated even the whole starry world waved slightly, and countless strange runes scattered!

"The contract is correct..."

"The contract is correct..."

The god of stars nodded silently, and suddenly the whole starry sky swung one after another, and then it seemed that the star god country shrank slightly and collapsed a little, and then 200 points of bright crystal ** appeared in front of the god of stars, which was the power of the stars wrapped in the power of the will!

His face was slightly pale, but he immediately returned to normal. With the mouth of the god of the star, nearly ten thousand stars appeared, all over the sky, dazzling and abnormal!

"Hahahaha... Within a month, the power of that plane faith will be fully delivered. I hope the Flame Legion will have a pleasant cooperation with the great star god next time!"

In the huge roar and laughter of the flame giant, one mouth swallowed up the 10,000 star magic power in the sky, then turned into the star magic array and disappeared, and the starlight magic array slowly dispersed.

From beginning to end, the flame giant did not look at the plain next to him.

"Great star god, this is..."

The original tentative question.

Tranx, the god of stars, seemed to be in a good mood and smiled.

"That guy just now is just a commander of a low-level space battle army. In essence, he is the same as the fallen emperors and angry emperors of the mainland. It's just that the value of their conquest plane is very different!"