sin totem

Chapter 157 The Power of the Three Souls of the Food World

The ogre tribe has once again restored the calm of the past. The low-level ogre still hunts and eats around the ogre tribe aimlessly. The high-order ogre prays with the inner city star temple as the core, just like the scene of a remote small tribe.

Muran, there was a space fluctuation at the top of the Star Temple, followed by a black space crack. The space crack seemed to be connected with a space full of stars. The incomparable power array of stars came, making the ogre who were worshipping like a miracle, crawling down and recite the star song.

Two figures appeared from the crack in the space. It was the ogre high priest and Youyuan. However, at this time, the two no longer seemed to hate the previous fight. Instead, they stood in vain with words and laughter.

"Master Youyuan, it is such an honor to be able to face the great god of stars in person. Even if I have only had such an honor for a few times, and I really didn't expect that behind you was the great bloodthirsty god. I hope you would forgive me before."

At this time, the ogre high priest smiled kindly and was completely different from the high priest who had seen Youyuan peeping at the star temple and opening the star boundary without saying a word. However, the reason why the high priest of the Star Temple can have such an attitude is, on the one hand, the strong strength shown by Youyuan, and on the other hand, the bloodthirsty god who once came.

"Ha ha, the great god of stars came from the master of the fallen empire a hundred years ago. It is also my honor to meet him in person. In this way, it makes sense for the Blood Hoof Department to send me to the Barbarian Land Department as a chief. On the one hand, it is possible to get some news that I was sent to be the chief of the barbarian tribe in the hope that the great god of stars can understand the previous offense of the barbarian tribe in the face of the same clan; on the other hand, I may not be sure about this news, and I hope I can confirm it.

Although Youyuan's tone is calm, he can't help but feel a little angry. It seems that all those in power are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Well, everything about our clan and the Taurus is handled by the great god of stars. Previously, the great oracle of the stars was as usual, that is, to continue to pay the land. But last year, the great god of stars suddenly came to the oracle and asked not to pay the land, which may indicate that the great god of stars felt that it was time to appear on the mainland.

The eyes of the ghost are flashing, and the god of stars is no longer secret. Is it that the war between the heaven and the underworld on the continent has begun to affect the will of the great existence here?

Two streamers crossed the ogre, but there was no obstruction. The high priest of the Star Temple had been sending the ghost to the boundary of the ogre forces before stopping.

"Priest, stay. I believe the above will deal with the matter between the Tauren and the ogre."

The high priest nodded slightly, and a smile appeared.

"I hope so."


Three days later, many tauri elders looked at the secluded plain sitting in the center of the tent with a serious face and meticulously. It is no wonder that the Barbarian Land Department has sent strong warriors to spy on the reality of the ogre tribe several times, but there was no consequence, as if a stone had sunk into the sea.

Now this new human chief is just a spy, which is a complete success and gets a lot of news, which makes the power of Youyuan seem to have silently improved a lot in the minds of many tauren elders, and an unfathomable feeling appears in the hearts of the elders.

Of course, Youyuan will not truthfully reveal all the information to the many elders of the barbarians. After simply describing some scenes, he turned his hand and picked up a goose pen and began to write on a scroll.

"Youyuan is lucky to meet the god of the stars, and everything is as usual."

made his own soul breath on the letter paper, Youyuan handed the letter to the tauri warrior next to him, and then ignored the many tauri elders in the tent and left the big account.

10,000 points of star divine power, although Youyuan does not know the full use of divine power, it is only used to use divine power. With this 10,000 points of star divine power alone, it is enough to perform hundreds of times as if the priest of the Star Temple performed the magic.

Hundreds of magics are enough to erase the whole chaotic land, but such power was obtained by a flame giant in an alien sanctuary, which had to deeply shock the secluded plain once.

The endless unknown plane, the endless unknown race, I don't know how many and what there are, but at that moment, the Youyuan is full of infinite desire for exploration.


If he is one of the six emperors of the mainland and has a successful government in the current continent, what will he get from the hands of the Lord God?


The seven-headed and fourth-order abyss demon posed a large array of bloody souls, and the endless erosion power spread. It was desolate within ten miles centered on the large array, completely covered by the power of erosion.

A demon larvae of only about one meter of abyss hiss, but it can't stop another more powerful abyss demon larvae from ruthlessly devouring.

Youyuan looked at nearly a thousand demon larvae eggs and hundreds of hatched egg shells on the ground at this time, and his eyes flashed.

"Did these extra abyss demon eggs appear in the past few days after I left?"

A catwoman's shadow gradually appeared with the questioning of the plain and slowly turned into the shadow cat girl, with a respectful face.

"Yes, master. In these days, some of the first-appearing abyss demon eggs have begun to hatch into demon larvae, and then begin to devour each other, gradually forming a group of more powerful abyss demon larvae.

Youyuan nodded. In his induction, it is true that all the abyss demon larvae are strong and weak, but the most powerful is only to have a level. The weak are just some soft reptiles with no combat ability.

"I'm not here at this time. Has anyone been here?"

The shadow catwoman didn't say anything, but silently took her to a recess, in which there were three bodies piled up in a mess.

One of them was a taur warrior with leather armor, but his heart was obviously stabbed and his heart was broken to death; the second body was a fox, but it was just a second-order low-level fox girl, perhaps just a scattered fox spies; however, the last one was slightly stunned.

The last corpse turned out to be the former wind escape catwoman, and even her body remained with incredible shock, as if she couldn't believe the sudden attack of the shadow escape catwoman.

"Hasn't the Temple of Night still given up?"

Youyuan sneered. At this time, in this valley full of endless erosion, even if the general sanctuary comes, it will be suppressed by Youyuan, so Youyuan will not be afraid of anything at all. Moreover, the news has been obtained from the Star Temple, and the orcs have moved quickly to the Cat Night Temple, and I believe that they will soon be tired of dealing with it.

Without continuing to pay attention to the night temple, Youyuan turned around and took out his harvest of going to the ogre tribe this time, and the soul skill combined with the cannibal world.

A huge animal skin scroll with dense human language. Obviously, this scroll is not the original scroll of the ogre, but may be a replica specially contributed by the ogre to the god of stars.

The cannibal world is a difficult soul art, which involves the creative wisdom of the soul art of the sages of the ogre tribe in ancient times, which is absolutely beyond the traditional wisdom of the human race. For ten consecutive days, Youyuan was absorbed in every rhythm of this soul art, and from time to time there was a burst of confusion and excitement.

Ten days later, finally, Youyuan raised his head and flashed in his eyes.

"To practice this cannibal world, first of all, you must have a rare cannibal body, and breed a food space in the body to replace the bag belt. From this condition, it basically breaks the possibility of cultivation between all races and most ogres!"

Finally, after careful consideation, Youyuan has reached a preliminary conclusion that it is impossible to copy and practice!

"Secondly, even if an ogre has a body of combined food, he still needs to have a powerful beast that is at least a holy place, and then accept its soul seal into the sub-eating space as a source of power for transformation."

"Finally, use one soul in the power of the three souls to forcibly absorb the sealed beast soul for a short time, and then realize the simulation of the soul for transformation, so as to have part of the power of the sealed beast soul."

The first two conditions are both conditions for restricting practice. Although they are limited, they are both sources of change for a wise human magician, so Youyuan does not care. In ancient times, it was said that there were no magicians in the human race. However, with the efforts of generations of sages and wise men, the human race not only learned the magic of the elves, but also developed and strengthened, forming an independent magic system unique to the human race.

The last condition, Youyuan used the wisdom of the human magician to see that the ogre sages and the human race have different thinking about soul understanding.

The human race's research on the soul has always believed that the soul itself is one, just an overall existence similar to an element. However, from this soul art of the cannibal world, you can clearly see that the ogre tribe seems to have conducted a deeper study of the soul in ancient times.

The soul is divided into two parts: the power of the three souls and the power of the soul. The power of the three souls represents the instinctive will of a creature, which is the most fundamental thing to prove that a creature exists in the world, and is also the source of the wisdom of the creature. The power of the soul is the medium between the power of the three souls and the body. It represents a force and a determinant of the physical nature of a living spirit.

About the power of the three souls and the power of the soul, Youyuan has no contact at all, and it is extremely unacceptable. With the deepening of magic cultivation, Youyuan has gradually integrated its knowledge system into the unique magic cognitive system of the human race.

And when the wisdom of another system conflicts with the original system and blindly accepts it without research, it is an extremely dangerous thing.

Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed in the plain!

The power of the three souls? Could it be the three light spots that roared at themselves in the depths of the soul when the abyss demons formed the blood soul array?