sin totem

Chapter 158 Escaped Soul Cognition

Spring has arrived, and many Arctic beasts from the polar north icefield have slowly retreated to the polar north ice sheet with the rise of temperature, and the orc grassland has also restored the ecosystem of the past.

Many tareans in the Barbarian Land did not usher in the imaginary war with the ogre tribe. At the same time, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and began to start a new year's farming on the melted land, waiting for the autumn harvest.

The area covered by the erosion power where the plain is located has been listed as an absolute forbidden area by the Barbarian Land Department, and any tauri is prohibited from approaching. As for the reason for the forbidden place, all tauri elders have not explained in detail. However, in Youyuan's view, it may be related to the extra tare-headed body after he returned from the ogre tribe.

The exploration of the soul art has never stopped. With the efforts of several powerful abyss demons, a new temporary magic laboratory has emerged. The huge force of erosion does not stop operating with the laboratory as the core, and the force of erosion completely covers and spreads to the whole valley for more than ten miles.

Several orc mercenary expedition teams thought that there was any treasure in this newly generated dangerous land and explored it several times, but they were all violently intimidated and escaped by Youyuan, so the Youyuan Laboratory has also become a dangerous place for civilizations near and far.

On a magic experiment altar, there was a purple demonic soul flame in the eyes of Youyuan, paying close attention to a soul that had been dissected by a small warcraft. From time to time, he turned over the magic notes to record something, and stopped the experiment from time to time and began to think, and even occasionally referred to other magic notes.

"Since the power of the three souls does have this thing and is the foundation of the will of life, it should have its own manifestation, instead of not that we can't find the three light spots that once appeared anyway."

Yes, although the exploration of the soul in Youyuan has gone a step further than before, the ogre tribe has obtained the power of the three souls mentioned in the cannibal world without any clues. It seems that the power of the three souls has been hidden in the soul and can't be observed at all, and has never taken the initiative to appear.

"If the three light spots seen in the seven abyss demons last time were really the power of the three souls, then where is the power of the three souls usually hidden? Why did the power of the three souls appear again when the abyss demon advanced, and strongly resisted itself as a soul manipulator?"

Constant speculation and continuous answers, the soul knowledge of Youyuan is progressing at an unimaginable speed of the outside human race, and even some knowledge in the soul field has reached the peak of the human soul system. However, for Youyuan, who is now crazy about studying, everything in his eyes is only a deeper soul skill.

"That's right, since the nine-day blood soul control spirit art said that the blood demon seed can erase the soul will of the manipulated, why did the power of the three souls, as the fundamental three soul will, reappear in the body of the seven abysss demons that have been erased and resisted?"

Occasionally, the spiritual light flashed, and there was a burst of excitement in Youyuan, as if he had found an explorer in the New World, and even quickly began his experiment with slightly red eyes.

Low-level monsters were soon implanted with blood demon seeds by Youyuan. With the achievements of today's soul skills, this low-level monsters have no resistance at all and are easily controlled by Youyuan. However, if the blood demon seed is initially implanted, this low-level warcraft should have its own thinking, just like the dry turtle in the chaotic land and the shadow catwoman around the secluded now.

What Youyuan wants to observe is how this blood demon seed erases the will of life, that is, erases the power of the three souls!

All the forces were completely gathered, and even simulated the soul fluctuation after the transformation of the blood soul at any cost. In an instant, the soul flame in the eyes of Youyuan was full bloom, and a faint soul pressure flashed!

In this state, Youyuan maintained all his attention and finally gave instructions to the Blood Demon Seed King to erase the will of life.

The blood demon seed king spread his tentacles to all corners of the low-level Warcraft soul in his ugly octopus form and controls the low-level warcraft soul. However, at the moment when Youyuan ordered the blood demon seed king to erase the will of the low-level warcraft, every tentacle of the blood demon seed king emitted a strange power, which completely wrapped the soul of the whole low-level warcraft in an instant.

"This kind of soul power?"

Yes, this strange power emitted by the Blood Demon Seed King at this time turned out to be a soul attack force that has never been seen before in Youyuan. Moreover, this power only seems to have an attack on the soul and has no attack on other elements.

"Let's name this power soul-eating magic light."

Youyuan was discovered temporarily and immediately named this power, but this is not the main point of Youyuan's magic experiment, so Youyuan still stared at it with 100% of his own attention.

Unconsciously, Youyuan once again took the blood demon seed king as the carrier and entered the first vision of erasing the controlled low-level warcraft will.

An ocean completely composed of the power of the soul. In the feeling of the ghost, this ocean seems to be completely controlled by itself. It is in the control of this ocean and can dominate everything! However, Youyuan soon understood his situation. Through the soul vision, Youyuan's soul was slightly shocked!

Because, in the observation of Youyuan at this time, he actually appeared in the soul of this low-level warcraft in the form of three light spots of the power of three souls!

Yes, Youyuan originally hoped to observe the power of the three souls of this low-level soul, but at this moment, the power of the three souls of the low-level warcraft was not observed, but saw the power of his own three souls, which made Youyuan have to laugh and cry.

However, when Youyuan observed his soul, he also did not find the power of the three souls to express his will in his soul. As for how the power of his three souls appeared in the soul of this low-level warcraft at this moment, Youyuan did not feel it at all.

Mu Ran, the soul power of this low-level warcraft swung slightly.

The power of the three souls of Youyuan raised his head, and his soul was shocked, full of unbelievable shock!

The endless river of heaven and earth is like a bottomless sea. When he advanced to the fifth level, Youyuan once peeked up once, but at this moment, he looked up for the second time, but he still couldn't stop the shock of the dust looking up at the giant!

Youyuan himself is just an extremely small dust. In front of the long river of the source of heaven and earth, it is just a drop in the sea and a sand at the bottom of the sea.

However, at this moment, from the extremely deep ocean, three groups of light that also seem to be a drop in the sea appear outside of this low-level soul, roaring madly at themselves! In the induction of the ghost, the power of the three souls is the power of the will of this low-level warcraft, but it did not appear in its own soul, but from the long river of the source of the day!

seems to be extremely afraid of the soul-eating magic light that wraps the power of the whole soul, and the three groups of light do not dare to enter their souls. However, in the sense of the power of the three souls of the ghost, even if you already have the power of the fifth level, as far as the power of the will of the three souls is concerned, there is no difference between you and the power of the three souls of the low-level warcraft. It seems that you have equal will and equal power.

Youyuan seemed to be just a research magician, staring at everything calmly and taking no action.

In the soul world, Youyuan has no concept of time at all. I don't know how long it has passed. Maybe in the real world, the soul-eating magic light wrapped in the low-level warcraft began to slowly penetrate into the soul of the low-level warcraft, as if it began to gradually change the soul nature of this low-level warcraft.


Finally, the power of the low-level Warcraft three souls outside the soul power no longer hesitated and rushed into his soul and roared crazily to the ghost.


In reality, Youyuan opened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of blood. Although his face was extremely pale, he was extremely excited and began to observe the soul of the low-level warcraft again. At this moment, the soul of the low-level warcraft has lost the power of the three souls again. It seems that as the soul-eating magic light changes the soul nature of the original low-level warcraft, the power of the three souls has begun to slowly lose its close connection with its own soul and gradually return to the long river of heaven and earth.

"Is it! Could it be! Could it be that the power of the three souls is not in every soul at all, but exists in the source river that expresses the original will of heaven and earth, manipulating its own soul? In other words, his existence is precisely because of the countless creatures in the world that he can show the most magnificent and noble infinite power. Even great gods must submit to this infinite power! No wonder I can't find the power of the three souls in my soul. No wonder the blood demon seed king's pace fundamentally erases the will of the creatures..."

Incomparable excitement, incomparable excitement, Youyuan even trembles for his discovery, and can't control the most primitive happiness in his soul.

Yes, in terms of the discovery of this level at this time, it has far exceeded everything that the current level can express, and even exceeded the achievements of the human magic system! Perhaps, this discovery cannot provide an exaggerated improvement for the strength of the original for the time being, but the cognition of the soul system of the original provides almost unlimited potential.

The art of the soul! This is the real soul art! This is the real soul art!"


The sun and the moon are like a shuttle. Youyuan is constantly carrying out soul magic experiments far beyond the cognition of the human magic system of the mainland in incomparable excitement and happiness. Even any small views and magic can be listed as forbidden by major magic colleges and strictly guarded, but it has been kept by Youyuan again and again. Show and record into your own magic notes.

Except for several times sent a large number of valuable magic test items, sent by the fox and the orc Pete to the magic laboratory of the Yuan, the Yuan has never been disturbed by the outside world, and is concentrating on a magic research that can almost bring qualitative changes to the Youyuan.

Autumn is coming again, and the autumn atmosphere is refreshing.

Many taurion warriors in the Barbarian Land almost forgot their own tribal chiefs, and all of them were happy with the harvest brought by planting arable land in spring. They were extremely happy and peaceful. The cordial atmosphere of the loess earth rendered every pragmatic taurman warrior.

However, on this day, the arrival of the two characters changed the peace of the whole barbarian region in an instant. These two people turned out to be the high priest of the ogre tribe and Mu Mu, the son of the blood hoof earth!

Youyuan's laboratory, on the experimental altar where magic experimental research has been carried out many times, Youyuan stopped the experiment in his hand, and his eyes were bright, and a breath of a great sage naturally appeared. This noble breath came from the cognition of heaven and earth, from the cognition of himself, and from the spirit. The cognition of the soul.

Even if the holy land and even the gods can have the power to despise all sentient beings and suppress everything, they can never have this extraordinary temperament and seem to have transcended one world.

Coquettish Gou and Peter opened their mouths and looked at the secludedness as if they had completely changed into a person. They were at a loss, and even a deep inferiority appeared in the depths of their souls! This inferiority originates from the primitive instinct, which is caused by their ignorance, ignorance and indiity after seeing the secluded plain, but they don't know the reason, and their cognitive system can't understand it, so they don't say anything.

"Finally, are you going to war with the Temple of Night?"