sin totem

Chapter 177 Space Sealer Shi Wei

However, no matter how the goddess of night glanced, the hidden seal master seemed to be isolated from the world and disappeared, and the power of the goddess of night could not scan its trace at all.

"Great goddess of night! They used will-damaging to isolate your will insight and quickly use the night fog of the night forest for soul perspective.

During the critical period, the high priest of the night in the sky thought of a way to find the plain, reminding the goddess of the night in panic.


seemed to suddenly realize that the goddess of night closed her eyes, and suddenly the night fog of the whole night forest seemed to live, surging and hovering crazily. The fog accumulated by the divine power of the temple of night for thousands of years was extremely exquisite under the control of the goddess of night, as if her arms were flexible.

Even the hundreds of vacuum zones that were originally expelled by the war were swept through the fog of the night.

Mu Ran, the goddess of night also sensed a blank place, and at the same time, the power of the soul that has not been used for a long time seems to perceive that there are several powerful forces in the isolated place.

"This is it!"

The field of the night opened crazily. The goddess of the night felt that the will of the two gods in the distance was approaching quickly. She didn't care about anything else and directly used all her strength to bombard the blank area of the night fog. She knew that this was her last chance.

A layer of invisible barrier was soon broken by the goddess of night. Sure enough, at the moment when the goddess of night broke through this layer of invisible barrier, seven powerful breaths appeared in the will sensing of the goddess of night.

Six-headed Holy Land Golden Bimon Giant Beast, a Holy Land Bimon Orc! Six golden beasts are enough. Although they are very powerful for the general holy land, they are far from reaching the level of the king of gold. The goddess of night still doesn't pay attention to it. Only this orc is the space sealer who has just sealed this space!

As long as the seal master is killed, the split of the goddess of night is still quite likely to escape from this world and avoid the pursuit of the two gods.

In the distance, the king of Golden Bimon did not seem to worry about the meaning of those Golden Bimon and the seal master. After a sneer, he turned his head and looked coldly at other holy places representing the forces of the three goddesses.

The shadow cat queen turned pale on the spot. After gritting her teeth, she knelt down.

"My concubine confesses her past sins on behalf of the cat clan, and is willing to lead the remaining cat clan to obey from now on, and never betray the orc faith!"

With the kneeling of the shadow cat queen, an ordinary catman next to her also knelt down, as if she was the head of the shadow cat queen. However, when the night apostle Catman next to him saw this, his face changed several times, and the divine power of the night surged and fled to the sky.

When the king of Bimon saw this, the cold light flashed, and the huge stone in his hand smashed away. There was a white mark in the air because of the stone shooting, and the harsh sound burst sounded everywhere.

With a poof, the apostle of the night in the distance was hit by a boulder by the catman and turned into a blood fog without humming.

Even if the King of Golden Bimon and the Goddess of Night were damaged after a war, it was by no means an ordinary holy land that could fight against. For a time, it was magical. Once again, the king of Golden Bimon flashed in front of a mountain giant. The huge mountain giant was actually smaller than the King of Golden Bimon at this time, and the slow action was simply juggling in the eyes of King Golden Bimon.

After a roar, the king of Golden Bimon punched the head of the mountain giant in front of him. Suddenly, the mountain giant screamed, and the cyan gravel fell down, revealing a layer of solid stone with countless cracks, and the king of Golden Bimon opened his eyes.

"What a strong defense!"

With a praise, King Bimeng of Gold did not stop attacking, and his eyes appeared solemnly. With one punch, he carried the original will of heaven and earth and fiercely bombarded the unstable mountain giant.


The space was shaken, and the huge mountain giant roared sadly, and then flew thousands of meters away by the bombardment of this punch. Until his death, the mountain giant kept his body intact and not completely broken.

The King of Golden Bimon killed two holy places in a row. Suddenly, the other holy places of the three goddess forces could no longer hide their shock and fear, and they scattered and fled without any chance.

The King of Golden Bimon did not intend to pursue. After confirming that the Holy Land of all three goddess forces did leave, the original momentum suddenly waned and almost stood unsteadily. It seemed that he fought against the goddess of night, and its injury was much more serious than it seemed.

On the other hand, when the goddess of night opened the field of night and crushed the ground space seal master with all her strength, in the face of the divine power of the goddess of night, the space seal master was calm and seemed not to worry about her comfort at all.

When the goddess of night saw this, she suddenly thought of something. At the same time, her face changed slightly, but she gritted her teeth and bombarded the ground again desperately.

As if he was not affected by a trace of divine will, he glanced at the goddess of the night that rushed down. The seal master raised his head and waved his hand. Thirty extremely noble angry gods appeared, and the magnificent and ancient will pressure even dispelled the will invaded by the goddess of the night at the moment of appearance.

The goddess of night seemed to have expected this. The field of the night condensed all her will, like a meteorite falling and bombarding the feudal seal master.

The space seal master sneered and seriously angered the main god power one after another. Suddenly, these main god power turned into a ball, and then as the surrounding space was broken in all directions like paper, a huge virtual shadow head with 100 meters appeared.

Although this head is only a faint virtual shadow, which can't be compared with the virtual shadow that once appeared by the angry emperor with the help of the hammer of the main god's artifact, the ancient and magnificent pressure that dominates everything makes the whole field of the night dare not move forward, and the field is shaken.

"Lord magic, roar!"


The invisible roar of the great angry lord was like the first angry roar of a creature in heaven and earth. The law of anger was born, but the law of that night met the law of rage, one of the most noble ancient laws in heaven and earth, as if the snow of spring melted in an instant.

With just a roar, the huge virtual shadow disappeared. Half of the barrier in the night realm of the goddess of night was completely damaged. The breath of the goddess of night fell greatly, and a sense of anger rose in her soul, which even affected the body of the night god kingdom in a distant position!

The goddess of night forcibly suppressed all her states, with the broken field of night, intending to crush the seal master again, so as to lift the blockade of space and get the opportunity to escape from the ascension. It seems that the goddess has not planned to destroy the space sealer in one attack before.

The space sealer is a space merchant. Even if some ordinary space merchants accumulate, the wealth they have is unimaginable to ordinary people. The magic power rarely seen by some ordinary people has become the currency of trading with space merchants. As for some ancient and powerful space merchants, they can accumulate the power of the main god through wealth, and then use some of the main magic skills that only the main god can perform through a large number of power!

To appear here, the goddess of night certainly expected that this space seal master was not an ordinary seal master, but the goddess of night was still lucky and hoped that this seal master was not the space guide of the Bimont Legion.

However, as the ground seal master waved his hand again, and 30 angry divine powers appeared again, the ancient and magnificent pressure suddenly made the goddess of night collapse, and he could no longer care about wrestling with the seal master and fled to the distance without looking back.

However, she knows that her split is mostly more or less auspicious. As for the breath of one of the two gods chased, she is very sure that it is the bloodthirsty god of the demon world who also came from the fallen empire more than a thousand years ago. Her power is slightly less than in her heyday.

As for the other god, it seems to be only a primary god from the breath, and the breath is not owned by the demon god, but it contains a feeling that surprises the goddess of night. However, the inexplicable surprise really shocked the goddess of night that this junior god came to this continent in person!

Two magnificent figures also did not stop at all and disappeared into the sky.

The goddess of night has a trace of luck in her heart and escapes to the distance. As the goddess of night, the high priest of the night is also hesitant and wants to leave with the goddess of night. However, with the obstruction of the two figures, the high priest of the night had no choice but to stay in the air with infinite cold and resentment.

One is Youyuan, a bloodthirsty apostle, holding a bloodthirsty blade and fifth-level strength; the other is a star god, holding a star scepter, which is also a fifth-order strength.

"Hey, the strength of the two of us doesn't seem to be the opponent of the old guy opposite. You guys don't seem to work."

The star god made the ogre say to Youyuan, but although he said so, he looked worried at all.

"I didn't say that we forced her to stay, I meant to stop him from escaping. Dow really left. Even if she doesn't have divine care, it's not a good thing if a holy place really holds a grudge against you and me.

The star god thought about his ogre family, and there were only two people who could slightly fight against the Holy Land. Suddenly, he also flashed fiercely and looked at the high priest of the night with a sneer.

Youyuan also looked much better, but he turned his head and looked at the King of Golden Bimon, who was talking to the Shadow Cat Queen not far away.

"Hey! Although the great Golden Bimon King and the goddess of the night were hunted down by the two great gods, as the high priest of the night who really endangered the orcs for thousands of years, will you not pursue it?

The huge body of King Bimon, who was talking with the shadow cat queen, heard Youyuan's words, and suddenly there was a chill in his eyes.

"Your great angry emperor will deal with your affairs in person, and everything about the cat clan will be up to the emperor. Humph! As for the high priest of that night..."

The shadow cat queen turned pale and nodded slightly, daring to resist at all. If she defends the high priest of the sky night at this time, she believes that everything about the cat clan in the mainland will soon disappear completely.

The king of Golden Bimon roared magnificently and rose to the sky. His huge pupils looked directly into the eyes of the high priest of the night, and the huge momentum overwhelmingly covered the petite body of the high priest of the night.

"God of the night, as an orc family, you betrayed the faith of your own clan, betrayed your compatriot cat clan and defected to the goddess of night, and gave up the great faith of rage. Do you know your guilt?"