sin totem

Chapter 178 Goddess of Night

In the face of the Bimon Holy Beast, the secluded and the gods of the stars, the high priest of the night did not seem to pay attention to his safety at all, but his pale face felt the breath of the goddess of the night.

Looking at the absent-minded appearance of the High Priest of the Night, Youyuan didn't care anything and began to look down at the ground of the battlefield. At this time, the earth has long been destroyed by the attacks of many strong people, and it is devastated, and there is almost no place covered by the original vegetation of the night forest.

As for the temple of the night, because the high priest of the night performed magic and the arrival of the goddess of the night, it has lost the solemnity of the sun and was destroyed by many low-level orcs. Even the statue of the goddess of the night full of gold was also dug out at this time, leaving only stone and mud.

Many low-level orcs have left the center of the battlefield of the Night Temple, but there are still many orcs wandering around the earth and taking the opportunity to make a fortune.

Youyuan didn't care about anything else, and his eyes were quickly attracted by a golden blood stain. It was a mouthful of golden blood spit out after the Golden King Bimeng fought against the goddess of Night. At this time, the blood began to slowly emit flames and soon dissipate.

Without any hesitation, the secluded land landed in that area.

Youyuan does not intend to personally participate in the confrontation of the High Priest of the Night. To deal with her, it is enough to have a golden king than Mon. At this time, it is time to sort out the harvest of his life.

A delicate magic vessel was taken out of the wide magic robe of the Youyuan, carefully collected the golden blood of the evaporated gold of King Bimon, and unexpectedly collected three small bottles.

"Hey! Leave some for me. There are a lot of power fluctuations in this blood. Maybe the patriarch can use it.

The Star God's follower Youyuan saw that Youyuan had collected three small bottles of the blood of King Bimon and began to collect it. As for the patriarch he mentioned, it was the single-headed ogre who used the art of the cannibal world to transform the fire phoenix.

Youyuan looked at the appearance that he could probably collect a small bottle of golden blood on the ground and curled his lips.

At first, I saw this guy fight because he peeped at both sides of the Star Temple. At that time, this guy looked like a magic stick. At this time, after getting familiar with it, there is no prestige of a divine envoy. At least the two are not solemn and serious when they have a personal relationship.

"Then collect it quickly and don't let it evaporate. This precious blood generally has a lot of use, even if you exchange it with some strong people, you can get a good price.

The Star God made him happy and didn't care about the ghost. He lowered his head and began to collect some residual golden blood drop by drop. It seemed that it would take a lot of time. Youyuan ignored it, put away three small bottles of golden blood, and ran to the body of a snow-tooth giant in a holy land at the first time.

When the violent dwarf king killed the holy ice wolf king, Youyuan once coveted the body of the wolf king. Although according to the spirit control technique, all high-level slaves use the blood soul array to gather strength and cultivate from low-level slaves, there are still some fluke in the heart of Youyuan.

After all, how can you determine that you can't cultivate the blood demon seed king of the Holy Land without your own experiment? If there is a chance, then the secluded will soon become an anti-sky existence.

The heart of this sacred snow-tooth giant was taken out, with a huge body of three meters, and several scars on the back of his burly body, which seemed to tell the fierce battles experienced by the snow-tooth giant, but these were not important to all of the secluded areas, so the ghost was not placed at all. In my heart.

Quickly, Youyuan implanted a blood demon seed king into the body of this holy land, hoping for a miracle.

Although the soul of the body of the snowtooth giant has lost consciousness, it has not completely dissipated and is still dissipating. The blood demon seed king smoothly entered the body of the snow-tooth giant, only to absorb the remaining soul power and blood power.

However, at this time, the blood demon seed king actually had a cold feeling, followed by the ice and snow law, and the blood demon seed king suddenly turned into ice crystals in the body of the snow tooth giant, and there was no sound.

Youyuan was a little surprised.

Although I know that the key to advancing to the Holy Land is the understanding of the power of the law, I don't know that even if there is a dead body in the Holy Land, there is still the power of the law. It seems that some of the key points of the Holy Land are not understood at all.

After all, Youyuan is only a fifth-order existence, and there is no taboo sanctuary. It is still very confused about some unique abilities of the Holy Land. Maybe after advancing to the Holy Land, there will be some changes that the fifth level is not known to Youyuan.

There is no time for more detailed research. At this time, there are still many fifth-level corpses on the battlefield, which are almost countless. This is a good time to cultivate the blood demon seed king.

The figure of Youyuan quickly surpassed the ground battlefield, and the Star God shook his head when he saw Youyuan like this. In his opinion, Youyuan must have made a fortune. As the leader of the ogre clan, he can't let go of his body to do such a thing.

The king of the golden Bimon in the air only imprisoned the high priest of the night, but did not mean to kill it immediately. Perhaps compared with killing the high priest of the night, the battle about the three great gods is its most concerned thing. And the high priest of the night did not seem to have the intention to escape, but silently prayed for something. It seemed that he was blessing the goddess of the night.


The goddess of night kept fleeing with magnificent divine power, but she was soon caught up by the bloodthirsty god and the god of stars, and a divine war broke out.

The wanton divine power was sprinkled, and there was no vitality on the ground. The cracks in the space were born and disappeared one after another. At the same time, the magical elements were dispersed by the power of the lofty laws controlled by the three gods.

Several tiger tribes were almost easily erased by the remnants of the three gods at will because they were chasing the gods, and there was no trace to inquire.

A huge mountain, thousands of meters high, is the time when thunderbirds are moved south from the upcoming natural enemy ice eagles. Therefore, thousands of such warcrafts occupy this huge peak, which is one of the famous dangerous places far and near.

However, at this moment, with the arrival of the goddess of night in front of them, many unintelligent thunderbirds seemed to instinctively sense the oppression of the soul, making a low cry one after another, looking at the figure of the goddess of night that was about to leave with great fear.

However, with the arrival of the two figures again, many thunderbirds did not even sing, and all of them landed on the ground tremblingly, as if the doomsday was coming.

"The bloodthirsty god, thousands of years of sleep does not seem to make your split smarter, but you are still so greedy!"

The goddess of night in front of her coldly looked back at the chasing bloodthirsty god.

"If the three goddesses hadn't worked together, how could my split be hit hard and fall asleep! If I hadn't had some means to escape in those years, I believe that this split god had already been divided up by you, right? But today, it's time for you to taste the feeling of being hunted down!"

With a sneer, the bloodthirsty god took action, and a thousand-long horrible bloodthirsty power turned into a sharp blade in the air and fiercely cut off the goddess of the night. The goddess of night has fought with the King of Gold Bimeng several times, and then received the power of the main magic, and she could not resist the bloodthirsty god to take action with all her strength.

The goddess of night only had time to shout angrily and tried her best to miss the huge blade attacked by the bloodthirsty god, and then fled faster.

The deviated bloodthirsty giant blade fiercely bombarded the thousand-meter giant peak on the ground, easily flattening the huge peak with several surrounding hills. Thousands of thunderbirds instantly turned into ashes in the bloodthirsty power of destruction and earth, completely annihilated.

With the speed of the three gods, she ran through half of the orc empire in just one day. Finally, the goddess of night fell into the attack of the god of stars and the bloodthirsty god, and despair gradually appeared on her face.

However, the goddess of night still made her last efforts and looked at the strange god of the stars.

"Dear unknown gods, I confirm that I have never met you, let alone talk about hatred. Why do you chase me like a bloodthirsty god?"

For a low-level god, if the goddess of the night had not come as a split and the other party was completely coming, the goddess of the night would not have lowered her posture at all.

"Because there is a great need for the divine identity of the goddess, I chased here!"

With such frank and direct words, the goddess of the night suddenly stiffened, and there was no possibility of relaxation at all.

"Hmm! A low-level god, don't bury your hard-won eternal things because of greed!"

The goddess of night seems to be warning and threatening. However, when he heard this, the bloodthirsty god laughed desperately.

"Haha, the goddess of night, I didn't expect you to be just like this. You actually looked away from this newly born god of heaven and stars, and even said such a low-level threat! Do you think that even if you come in person, you can be a real innate god? I don't think the power of your faith has reached this level!"

With the unbridled laughter of the bloodthirsty god, the face of the goddess of night suddenly changed.

"Ingenital gods! Impossible! When the innate spirit is born, there will be more or less news from the endless plane. Why don't I know the birth of the god of stars at all?

Although this is the myth of the daughter of the night, the faint surprise in the previous will seems to have been confirmed at this time. The goddess of night looked at the face of the god of stars and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Are you the innate spirit born of this plane mainland human race?"

The goddess of the night asked tentatively, but the god of stars only smiled and did not speak directly. The explosive power of the stars was soft and bright, like a real boundless galaxy.

"This! Sure enough, it is an absolute fit between divine power and will! You are indeed a real innate spirit!"

It seemed that she had closed her eyes. The goddess of the night actually looked at the bloodthirsty god with a trace of revenge, and then her body dissipated into a crystal substance the size of a thumb.

This thing seems to be the supreme essence of heaven and earth. Even if you just look at it, an uncontrollably appears that seems to be the instinctive desire of the soul, ** all the creatures that feel it.

"The great god of stars has the honor to know a real innate spirit is also an opportunity, and this split god is regarded as a gift! If you don't mind, I would like to forget the unpleasantness between us. The God of Night welcomes the great god of stars at any time!"

Trunks, the god of stars, was slightly stunned, thought about it seriously, looked at the bloodthirsty god next to him, and nodded.

"I have received your sincerity. If it is convenient, I don't mind going to the Night God Kingdom."

With a crack, the soul breath of the goddess of the night disappeared, and then a high force of will suddenly dissipated in heaven and earth, like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, everything calmed down.