sin totem

Chapter 179 The Harvest of the Winner

The brilliant goddess of night shot directly into the god of stars and fell into the hands of the god of stars, Transcus.

In the distance, the bloodthirsty god looked at the crystal god in the hands of the star god, full of greed and desire.

"Tlanx, we previously agreed that if this goddess of the night comes to kill each other, the divine dignity should be divided equally..."

However, when he heard this, the god of stars sneered and swallowed all the thumb-sized gods without looking back.

"Hmm! Bloodthirsty God, don't you think this is too childish? The original agreement is just an excuse for us to join hands. I believe that this divine spirit falls into your hands, and it is definitely the final say who has a big fist. Besides, this divine deity is clearly a gift from the goddess of night given to me. When will the two of us be killed?

With his hands on his shoulders, Transus, the god of stars, looked at the bloodthirsty god with a smile.

"You! It seems that the star god is very confident in his star power and the identity of the innate spirit?

The bloodthirsty god's eyes were cold and fiercely looked at the god of stars. However, Transcus, the god of stars, heard the last threat of the other party, sneered and looked directly into the eyes of the bloodthirsty god.

"I know that you have some noble power that has not been used. It should be the main god power of the legendary Lord of hatred, right? Thousands of years ago, you came to this world on behalf of the god of hatred in the demon world. How can the supreme master of the demon world not give you some power of the Lord God? I believe that you relied on these forces to save this split thousands of years ago.

As if in Transus's words, the bloodthirsty god is full of arrogance, as if it is an extremely sacred and proud thing to be able to partner with the great Lord of hatred.

"It's just that you only know that I master the art of stars, but you have almost never spoken about my alienation. It seems that your understanding of me is just an ordinary innate spirit!"

With the words of Triantus, suddenly on the extremely bright starlight, there was another seemingly obscure and strange law power, and it was the power of a strange law that the bloodthirsty god had never felt even in the endless world.

The bloodthirsty god opened his eyes! The face is unbelievable and shocking!

"Impossible! Two gods and gods! Impossible! Absolutely impossible..."

However, the god of stars smiled contemptuously. A delicate palm under the unique magic robe of the human race slowly stretched out and pressed directly to the bloodthirsty god. Suddenly, the color of heaven and earth changed, and the magnificent and endless divine power gathered crazily, and even the clouds of elements gathered and dissipated because of the divine power disrupted the order of the world.

Such a vision of heaven and earth, even the bloodthirsty god has not seen it, and suddenly became frightened.

"The bloodthirsty god, my body, a goddess of the night, is far from enough to advance to the intermediate god. If you still want to stay and compete with me, then your god will be rude to accept it!"

The magnificent power of the god of stars suddenly pressed against the bloodthirsty god. Suddenly, the face of the bloodthirsty god changed greatly and he could no longer care about retaining the means.


As tens of thousands of meters of space crack burst, an ancient and noble hateful power wrapped the bloodthirsty god** body and turned into a blood and disappeared into the sky.

The power of the void turbulence of the 10,000-meter space cracks has attracted endless elemental tides, gradually restoring the area to the original law of order.

In the elemental tide, Transcus, the god of stars, held a crystal bright god that was only slightly smaller than the goddess of night, and looked at the cold smile of the bloodthirsty god who fled to the distant sky in a panic.

"Is it that you really just regard the mainland as a depressed place, plunder it arbitrarily, and come and go freely?"

Then, Trunks swallowed the god in his hand again, ignored the weak bloodthirsty god and flew straight to the Star God Kingdom located in the ogre tribe.


Almost all empires on the continent have expected that the orc empire will clean up the temple of night. After all, a new round of faith war can be seen by bright people, so it is time for some unnecessary sub-god gods to leave the mainland.

Maybe the goddess of life has defected to the forces of heaven as a continent and has established an elf empire and has the ability to retain it. However, as the remnants of the defeat of the mainland demons thousands of years ago, the Night Temple and the Ice and Snow Temple, the demons will never allow them to continue to exist on the mainland before a new round of faith war, so they will inevitably use means to eradicate them.

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the underworld and heaven are at war first, and the majesty of the main god does not allow the blasphemy of secondary gods.

However, at the moment when the god of the stars used his power to force the bloodthirsty god out of the final means and left a small half god to escape, the existence with amazing power in several places on the continent was shocked.

In the depths of the most magnificent and towering bright church in the mainland of the bright imperial capital, countless holy light elves danced around, and dozens of bright angels with the strength of the holy land sang the holy songs of light. On the high temple, a supreme four-winged angel was originally holding a holy book with an endless atmosphere, but At this moment, the four-winged angel opened his eyes, stood straight from the chair, and looked far away in the direction of the orc empire. He was full of surprise. For a moment, the endless light power in the temple was also slightly confused, and many angels were at a loss.

It is also bright, but it is full of divine majesty and righteousness. A sacred four-wing fighting angel is talking to a patriarch in red, as if he is discussing the war. However, suddenly, the holy angel Mu Ran sensed something and ignored the leader in red on the opposite side and appeared in the sky in the direction of the orc empire in an instant.

The fallen imperial capital, this is the place where you lived in your childhood. In a seemingly ordinary carriage, the fallen emperor and the fallen princess are silently watching the clergy of the fallen temple spreading depraved beliefs, and many believers have praised the fallen chant. However, the fallen emperor was stunned, as if the fallen princess was also slightly aware of it.

"Father, is it on the orc empire side?"

The fallen emperor quickly woke up from a slight frenness, smiled after surprise, and held the beautiful face of the fallen princess's hell goblin.

"It's not the one who rejected you yet. But the power he exerted just now seems to be a little too strong..."

The depraved public advocated opening his mouth and was full of surprise.

"Tranx? Has he reached this level?

In the death imperial capital, in the elegant and romantic ball hall, many blood clans are holding a grand ball, and the death emperor is talking about something with a blood beauty. Similarly, during this period, the death emperor felt the powerful power and his face changed greatly.

In a huge mountain full of undead spirits in the undead empire, the strong dead air has almost become the only melody here. The keel hovering in the sky and the many powerful undead on the ground are almost out of sight. They are all a pair of soul fires of various colors from the head.

On an extremely huge altar, a skeleton that I don't know how many years old is closing its eyes and meditating. However, suddenly, the gentle soul flame jumped, and suddenly a law of reincarnation in the world swung. Countless spirits seemed to feel the abnormality of the skeleton, and all of them roared up to the sky. Although there was no sound, the momentum of the sky condensed in the sky in an instant. The cloud of death.

In the depths of the eastern wilderness, nine mountain-like huge heads instantly opened their closed eyes and looked far away in the direction of the orc empire.

Overseas Dragon Island, the Holy Dragon King, who is still recovering from his wounds, wakes up from sleep.

In a vast plain of the polar ice sheet, this generation lives a family of snow-tooth giants born with strong ice and snow power. At this time, the snow-tooth giants are praying in front of the solemn ice and snow temple. However, suddenly, the earth trembled, and the endless snowfield seemed to have a huge earthquake, and many snow-tooth giants looked panicked.

At this time, a plain but firm voice came from the Ice and Snow Temple.

"Don't panic. This is the evil spirit suppressed by the ice goddess. As long as everyone firmly believes in the ice goddess, the evil spirit will be suppressed again."

"It's the Ice Priestess!"

A snow-tooth giant seemed to hear this voice. Suddenly, his face was full of surprise. Regardless of the possible earthquake, he knelt down and sang the sacred song of the goddess of ice and snow on the spot. When the other snow-tooth giants heard this, they were no longer panicked and began to kneel down and sing praises.

The divine power of the Ice and Snow Temple surged, and suddenly the endless trembling ice field slowly calmed down and disappeared. Once again, the ice goddess suppressed the demons, and most of the snow-tooth giants burst into cheers. However, a very small number of snow-toothed giants looked at the ice and snow temple with hatred and silently clenched their fists.

In the angry imperial capital, an angry Bimon orc flew straight to the ogre tribe.


In the forest of the Night Temple, Youyuan was slightly stunned. In his feeling, the bloodthirsty divine power, which could only be borrowed from little, seemed to fall in an instant, which made him not know why.

However, the high priest of the night in the sky was extremely pale at this time, and there was no light in his eyes, and some seemed to be full of desperate darkness. Looking up, the high priest of the night looked at the extremely powerful king of Golden Bimon, and then at the secluded plain and the envoy of stars in the distance, with a desperate smile.

At this time, the high priest of the night has no divine power of the night, just a slightly stronger existence than the ordinary sanctuary.

"The goddess of the night has fallen. I think you'd better follow me to the angry imperial capital and wait for the emperor to fall!"

When the event came, Golden Bimon, who was going to solve the high priest of the night, temporarily changed his mind, which made the distant plains and the star gods involun't help but tighten their hearts and look slightly ugly.

"No, since the great goddess of night fell because of me this time, what face do I have to live in the world? All this is my fault! I know that no matter what method I use to repay the grace of the goddess of the great night, I can only die to get rid of it!"

An iron dagger was put away from the ground by the high priest of the night, and then inserted it into his heart without hesitation. Finally, he took a look at the statue of the goddess of the night temple that he served for life. His face fell down with great regret and tears.

King Bimon of Gold seems to confirm the death of the high priest of the night, but only nodded slightly to the secluded and the star god, and left the sky directly with the shadow cat queen and the ordinary cat sanctuary, and flew to the Fury Emperor with the Bimon space seal master and six golden Bimon giant beasts. In this incident, it must be the most Quickly tell all the angry emperors.

The Star God originally wanted to talk to Youyuan, but just halfway through the flight, Mu Ran's face changed.

"Hey! Youyuan, the great star position just summoned me to return to the tribe immediately. Since the old guy is dead, I won't stay anymore. See you another day.

After saying that, the star god disappeared quickly without looking back. Like the high priest of that night, almost all the god servants regard the gods they serve as the most important existence, and their oracle is everything!

At this time, a message also came from the soul of Youyuan, which asked Youyuan to quickly meet the bloodthirsty god on the sulsha Island, and then there was no news.

Youyuan was slightly stunned, then smiled, ignored it at all, and walked directly to the body of the fallen night high priest.

At this time, there are still some remnant catmen who seem to want to maintain the body of the high priest of the night, but the ghost is not a benevolent person. As soon as the power of erosion swings, all the catmen suddenly dispersed in horror, and then the ghosts are isolated by the power of erosion.

The corpse of the high priest of night, even if it has lost the grace of the goddess of night, is also a corpse nourished by the law of night all year round. Among them, there must be some places that are different from ordinary holy places, which are worth studying.

"Is this the magic power of the night? Thirty-five!"

In the corpse of the high priest of night, there are still 35 goddesses of night who personally refined the divine power of the night with her own will, which made Youyuan, who had just wanted to study the corpse of the holy land and cultivate the blood demon seed king of the holy land, was slightly stunned, and then he was surprised!

You're welcome to accept all the divine power of the night.

"Artifact, Chapter of the Night!"

However, at this time, the chapter of the night has completely lost the fluctuation of divine power. However, Youyuan did not intend to borrow the divine power of the night at all, because Youyuan knew that the words in the chapter of the night were definitely drawn by the goddess of night with her own will, and it was definitely not like those chants that deceived the world. They were all compiled by magic sticks.

Since it is drawn by gods in writing, the perception of some of them will be more intuitive, which is simply one of the best sacred objects to break through the Holy Land!

Surprisingly, the chapter of the night that lost its divine power was taken away, and then a scroll appeared in the hands of the secluded.

"Cat inheritance, burning heart blue bone poison!"

After the continuous harvest was collected, the secluded plain turned into a huge erosion flame and quickly spared a circle of the Temple of the Night. It seems that after remembering some of the key points, a large area of the flame of erosion was sprinkled, and the Temple of the Night had no divine power to protect it. In the cries of many remaining cat people, the Temple of the Night was destroyed!

Then, Youyuan carried the body of the high priest of the night and quickly disappeared at the end of the forest of the night.