sin totem

Chapter 196 Yogi Mountain Fire Giant Alder

Leaving Beishi Town, Youyuan flew alone in the sky, and the cold wind blew from the side of the chaotic place. However, for the realm and power of Youyuan at this time, even wearing only a thin layer of magic robe did not feel any severe cold.

Looking at the sky, there are too many people on the ground who have wandered because of the war of the Holy Empire scattered in groups, trembling in the cold wind. I don't know how many people may survive this winter.

swept by, and no one on the ground found a fleeting shadow in the sky.

Three days later, in the huge square at the top of Youji Mountain, there were still several third-order soldiers standing under the white snowflakes, as if they were waiting to see Youji. As Youyuan landed gently, whether it was a third-order soldier waiting to see You Ji or the guards here, they were shocked and their faces were full of respect.

Being able to fly in the air is the symbol of fifth-order strength, and how many fifth-orders can there be in the whole chaotic land? This is a strong man in the same realm as Youji, the owner of Youji Mountain.

Standing on the ground, the snowflakes around him were brushed away by an invisible force. He smiled at the ceremony of several third-order warriors around him. After returning the ceremony of the magician, he turned to look at the guard of Youji Mountain, who was walking, who turned out to be two third-order warriors.

"Dear magician, Lord Youji is still receiving her friends, so it is not convenient to meet guests. However, the master can rest for a moment and drink a few cups of hot tea. I believe that Lord Youji will meet you soon after learning about the master's arrival.

Although the two guards do not know the identity of Youyuan, the strength of the fifth level is clearly placed there, so they speak respectfully.

"Well, Master Youji and I are close friends. You tell Master Youji about your original visit, and she will naturally meet her."

The two guards heard Youyuan say this and looked at each other. One of the guards slowly retreated after thinking about it. Obviously, he went to report to Youji; the remaining one smiled apologetically and did not let Youyuan enter directly because Youyuan was a fifth-order strong man.

Just a few minutes later, not only the escort who went to inform came back, but also You Ji followed him out in person and looked at Youyuan with a surprised look.

Dressed in a colorful feather coat, wearing green waterfall-like silk hair, revealing a pair of half elf long pointed ears, long eyelashes and a pair of sapphire-like clear eyes, Youji is still so stunning and touching.

At this time, Youji was surprised when she saw Youyuan, and then smiled, as if the spring peach blossoms were in full bloom, and the fragrance came to her face.

"Oh, Youyuan is really you. I couldn't believe it when my guard reported it to me just now! And you actually advanced to the fifth level, where is Lilith? Why didn't she come with you?

Youyuan also smiled in front of Youji, but when he heard Youji mention Lilith, his smile slowly convered.

You Ji was slightly stunned when she saw this, and then obviously understood that something must have happened to Youyuan. She immediately greeted Youyuan to enter the inner courtyard, and then apologized and smiled at several waiting third-order warriors.

"I'm really sorry, I have another good friend here, and I may not be able to leave to trade with you in a few days."

Several third-order warriors suddenly showed excitement when they heard the great Youji apologizing words in person.

"It doesn't matter. Lord Youji can do your own thing. We can wait!"

A third-order warrior said the words of other warriors first and suddenly welcomed the anger of other warriors, but the warrior did not seem to care at all, just looking at Youji with a smile on his face. Seeing this, Youji smiled apologetically again, and then entered the inner courtyard of Youji's palace without looking back.

The surrounding walls are completely built with the highest-level magic laboratory, and dozens of high-level magic lights illuminate the huge room. However, at the moment when Youyuan entered the laboratory under the leadership of Youji, a heat wave hit the front made Youyuan slightly stunned, and then a fire composed of pure flames appeared in his vision. Elemental life.

"This is my friend Alder. I think you should have seen it at the chaotic Wangcheng Presbyterian Conference."

Youji took the initiative to introduce the fire element life in front of her.

The life of this fire element was originally a heterogeneous existence. With the deep interaction with Youji, an accidental opportunity, Youji found the fall of a primary flame god who came to the gods thousands of years ago, and there was a divine flame with great power in this site.

Youji tried to subdue the divine flame for her own use. However, after many failures, Youji finally had to admit that she did not have such ability, so she thought of her fire element friend Alder. At that time, Alder, who was at the bottleneck of the fifth-order peak of the sanctuary, almost agreed, hoping to take this opportunity to break through the sanctuary in one fell swoop and have one more way to suppress the bottom in the future.

However, as a result, although Alder successfully refined the divine flame, he did not break through the Holy Land. What's more, the divine flame was integrated with this plane, so he was imprisoned in this plane by the law of space and could not leave, so Alder was also stranded indefinitely on this plane.

Of course, many high-level officials in the chaotic land know the story of the life of this fire element, otherwise they would not be allowed to hold the permanent elder position in the chaotic land.

Naturally, Youyuan also showed considerable interest in Alder, and almost instinctively stared at the huge fire element life in front of him.

The huge body of seven or eight meters seems to be surrounded by rich and pure elements of fire, and the hot flame burns the surrounding air. However, at this time, under the eyes of a pair of souls in Youyuan, Youyuan saw the core part of the fire element, a lava villain only about the size of a meter. This lava villain kept emitting amazing temperature, as if the huge flame body of seven or eight meters was just the rest of the power.

However, in the induction of the lava villain, there seem to be three secret forces in the body of the lava villain. Even the eyes of the Youyuan can't fully see what the three forces are. Naturally, a source will has been added to the eyes of the Youyuan.

I can see clearly that there is a white hot flame, a pearl only the size of a finger, and a crystal thing that contains the power of space.

The white flame is naturally the flame left by the god. The finger-sized beads should be similar to the original power. As for the last crystal thing with the power of space, Youyuan is also vaguely felt on the blood-toothed tiger given to Lilith on the sulfur sand island. This feeling.

I don't know how long it will take, Mu Ran's meditative Youyuan was shocked, looked up at his fire element giant, and immediately smiled apologetically, extremely embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry that I have been addicted to the art of soul, and such an alien race is really rare, so I can't control it and observe it naturally."

In the face of the apology and embarrassment of Youyuan, in fact, the fire element Alder's heart is even more embarrassing.

At first sight, Youyuan came in. Originally, the fire giant was still a little curious and kind in the existence of Youyuan, which had left such a great reputation in the chaotic land. In addition, at this time, Youyuan had been promoted to the fifth level, so he had a desire to make friends.

However, Youyuan's next move made Alder extremely angry.

Because Youyuan was stunned after seeing him, and then seemed to enter into thinking, and unexpectedly forgot himself in front of him! For Yuji's sake, Alder put up with it, but the original heart of friendship also cooled down.

However, as if the original had completely forgotten himself, Alder suddenly felt that his soul trembled, and a huge soul force seemed to have been completely penetrated, without any secrets, which made the fire element Alder suddenly furious! Even if Youyuan is a friend of Youji! I must teach this ignorant human magician an unforgettable lesson for a lifetime!

Alder naturally has his own capital to become a permanent elder in a chaotic land, but in the face of the same fifth-level and famous place, the general means are naturally impossible. Alder almost instinctively wants to mobilize the divine flame of his body.

However, at this time, with a strange feeling, Alder only felt that his soul had been completely pierced in an instant, and at the same time, a cold feeling ruthlessly penetrated himself countless times. At this moment, he was like a baby stripped naked. At the same time, the soul that was mobilizing the flames of the gods only felt clever and stopped all actions.

In the face of the ruthless penetration of the soul again and again, the angry Alder was not more furious. At this moment, he actually had a slight fear.

If Alder recalls his strange feelings just now, he will feel that his anger is deterred by an extremely powerful force, and his irritable soul seems to have been poured with cold water, accompanied by the so-called cold sweat all over his body.

It was because of the strangeness just now that Olde felt extremely embarrassed in the face of Youyuan's apology. He didn't know what to do, and the fire elements around him rolled endlessly.

"Youyuan! Did you borrow the original will of heaven and earth just now?

Suddenly, there was an unbelievable voice next to Youji, staring at her eyes full of shock, and her stupid right finger to Youyuan, as if Youyuan was a monster.

Youyuan knew that he had just become complacent because he was too addicted to the art of soul. His behavior just now did not conform to Youyuan's rules of life at all, and his face was slightly ugly.

However, after thinking about it, Youyuan nodded. There was no need to hide this matter from Youji.

"Yes, when I was forced to travel to the mainland after being hunted down by the Zijinxiang family, I accidentally had some insights into the art of the soul, and then realized the borrowing of this original will, but it was only a level of heaven."

However, even so, not only Yuji's face was shocked, but even Olde looked at the plain incredulously, and there was no sound in the room for a long time.

Once again, Yuji broke the silence.

"Finally, I finally saw that the second fifth level has the ability to borrow the original willpower. You are really incredible. Now don't talk about me, even the ordinary Holy Land is not your opponent, is it? It's incredible. I always thought that that guy was the only fifth-level existence in the mainland that could borrow the original will of heaven and earth!"

In the face of You Ji's almost lost state of breath, Youyuan thought for a moment.

"I guess you're talking about wandering elves, right?"

The son of the earth is unlikely to come into contact with the grace of light, so Youyuan thought that the most likely person is the wandering elf.

"Wandering elves?"

You Ji was stunned for a moment and immediately recalled what she said.

"Bear, when I saw that guy the year before last, he did say that a friend gave him the name of a wandering elf. Do you know Mosuge?"

Youyuan shook his head slowly.

"I don't know him, but I heard a friend talk about him."

After thinking about it, Youji didn't seem to care about it at all and began to look excited again, which made Youyuan a little surprised. Anyway, Youji is also a space businessman who has seen the world. Does she have the ability to borrow the power of the original will of heaven and earth make her so gaffe?

"Yes, how much do you understand about the use of the power of the original will?"

Youyuan showed a slight surprise.

The use of the original power of will? I have recently learned some tips, which have indeed improved my ability a lot, but in my opinion, there is still a gap if I can overcome the Holy Land by using the power of the source alone.

You Ji suddenly nodded and immediately thought of something.

"So you should have no name. I'm going to see Sister Yalimolan after a while. I will definitely tell her everything about you. At that time, I believe that you will not only get the skills of the original willpower, but also get the name given by Sister Yalimolan!"

Youyuan still knew something about the extraordinary relationship between Youji and the petrochemical Aram, but at this time, when Youyuan heard that Youji wanted to tell Aram that she could borrow the power of her original will, she suddenly fell into a conflict.

On the one hand, Youyuan really wants to get skills about the use of willpower, so that his strength can be improved; on the other hand, his plan is still in the initial stage, and Youyuan does not want to be too high-profile.

At the same time, the fire element Alder next to him passed a message to Yuji, who was still excited, which made Yuji slowly return to normal from excitement, and then looked at the secluded plain that was still in contradiction.

"Youyuan, since you have such strength, I think the three of us should work together to solve Alder's problem."