sin totem

Chapter 197 Dealing with Youji

"About Alder?"

Youyuan asked rhetorically and looked at the flame giant doubtfully. At this time, the flame giant shrank and turned into a lava villain with only a meter, all of which was restrained in his power. If it was mixed into the volcanic environment, it was really difficult to distinguish.

However, at this time, the lava villain slowly opened his mouth after giving human etiquette to Youyuan.

"Well, the respected Master Youyuan, that's it. Since I was forced to stay in the chaotic land of this continent, the place suitable for the human race to live is not suitable for me to practice, so the Naquud volcano has become a habitat for cultivation. And after a long time of my original effort, I finally managed to create dozens of people with the same fire element as me in the environment of the Kugoud volcano.

Youyuan nodded, and Youyuan barely knew something about the life of the Kugude fire element. At a meeting of the elders of the land of chaos that Youyuan once participated in, the flame giant made a request for the rights and interests of his people, but was ruthlessly rejected by the king of chaos, and later there were some compromises under the turnover of Youji.

Then, Youyuan began to continue to listen to Alder's words.

"But not long after, a flame dragon from the Holy Land came to the Kugd volcano and announced that the Kud was all its territory and would expel all our people from the Kud volcano. You should know that at that time, all the people of our clan were in their infancy. If they left the flame environment of the Kugwd volcano, they would disappear almost immediately, so I had to use the flame of Vulcan.

When Youyuan's eyes lit up, it was clear that the dragon family was innately afraid of the divine power. Alder's flame of fire god has the nature of a god, so that even if Alder had only five levels at that time, if the opposite flame dragon was not a powerful dragon, he might be suppressed by Aldersheng.

"With the use of my fire god flame, the flame dragon suddenly feared the divine power and escaped. However, in the following years, almost every few months, the flame dragon came to invade me, and it seemed that it gradually began to have some resistance to the power of the gods and continued to strengthen. The last time I fought with me just before Yue Xu, the flame dragon actually suppressed me completely after the war and slaughtered several of my flame people. According to my estimation, next time maybe all my people will be slaughtered, and next time, even I may have to escape from that volcano and wander the continent.

Hearing this, Youyuan shook his head in his heart. There are countless strong people in the mainland. With the life form of this fifth-order fire element alien element, it can't be said that he will be bombarded into scum by any strong man.

"Youyuan, with your current strength, plus me and Alder, should be able to completely suppress the flame dragon. At that time, the giant will be forced to sign a magic contract with us, and Alder can also stay in the Kugud Volcano."

You Ji looked at Youyuan and said with a little request. Youyuan lowered her head and thought about it.

On the one hand, if you don't agree to the other party's request, you really can't speak. On the other hand, since Alder can compete with the flame dragon, even if the flame dragon is afraid of the divine power, it shows from the side that the flame dragon's strength is not too strong. If Alder adds Youji and herself can really completely crush the flame dragon; in the end, the dragon has the habit of collecting treasures!

Thinking of this, Youyuan raised his head and smiled.

"Since Lord Youji opened his mouth and felt guilty for the offense to Master Alder just now, then this battle with the Flame Dragon is a meager force."

Hearing Youyuan say this, Youji looked happy, and the fire giant Alder was extremely grateful for the fire of his soul.

Seeing this, Youyuan opened his mouth again.

"However, Lord Youji, I came here to ask you something else."

Youyuan's words gradually calmed down, and her smile slowly converge. After thinking about it, Youji looked at Youyuan.

"About Lilith?"

Youyuan thought for a moment, but did not answer.

"Liris's matter is too deep, and it is not suitable for adults to participate in the current form, but if the time is ripe, it is impossible to ask for adults. And this time I came here, but there are two other things.

"Two things?"

Youji asked Youyuan, and at this time, the fire giant Alder next to her coughed softly.

"Maybe I should avoid it?"

Youyuan waved his hand and said to the fire giant that there was no need to do so. The fire giant is also not an ordinary fifth-level, and Youyuan still cares about the relationship with him. Sure enough, the fire giant Alder saw the ghost like this, and a satisfied color flowed by.

"The first thing, maybe adults will soon know that I want to build a scar city in three years. Although some preparations have been made now, according to my estimation, if you want to build a perfect city within three years, there is still a big gap with the strength I have. Therefore, I came here to borrow the reputation of Lord Youji to help me contact other major chambers of commerce in the mainland, ask them to help transport more materials to the City of Scars, and welcome them to invest in the City of Scars!"

You Ji was slightly surprised to hear that Youyuan said that she wanted to build a city out of thin air, but it was nothing compared with finding that Youyuan could borrow the power of the original will. She nodded slightly after being surprised.

"It's easy. Only when you make money, those guys won't care too much. However, how about the funds there? After all, I have interacted with some big chambers of commerce, and the credit is very high, so I must determine your situation to estimate how much investment needs to be pulled in.

Hearing Youji's question, Youyuan immediately smiled confidently and didn't say much. Unexpectedly, he took out an extremely exquisite box directly from the magic robe with a bloody magic seal attached to it, which was a little mysterious.

Youji and Alder looked at Youyuan curiously and guessed what Youyuan was going to take out.

As Youyuan gently tore open the seal on the box, an extremely pure water element breath suddenly spread around, and at the same time, a trace of law rippled slightly.

"Holy Land Crystal Core!"

Olde exclaimed and looked at the Yuanyuan in disbelief. He couldn't help guessing that the person in front of him had reached the level of slaughtering the Holy Land? A trace of fear flowed through my heart.

Youji is better. She has been trading between planes for a long time, and with the profits earned from the unique orchids in Youji Mountain, she has a considerable background, so the two sacred crystal nuclei are not a big fuss.

"Do you want to trade this crystal nucleus with me for gold coins? In this case, I may only trade one of them, because I am different from mainland merchants. My trading objects are mainly other space merchants. Gold coins have no trading value here, so I don't have too many gold coins. However, over the years, I have also saved some gold cards, which looks like millions, but I can barely exchange one of them with you.

Youyuan was stunned, but this was his negligence. With Youyuan's strength, these two sacred crystal nuclei should be able to be exchanged, but now it seems that Youyuan's thinking is not comprehensive enough.

But Youyuan immediately thought of something and smiled again.

"It doesn't matter, just one. I recently did an extremely critical magic experiment and needed two extremely critical materials. One is the dragon grass produced only on the Dragon Island in this continent, and the other is the bear bile of a sacred land bear warcraft. If the master finds any of them, he can exchange the sacred crystal core equivalent items with me.

When You Ji heard the two materials mentioned by Youyuan, she was slightly stunned and then covered her mouth and smiled, which made Youyuan a little confused.

It seems that you haven't figured out the value of the two items you need to look for. Although the dragon grass is still precious and rare in this plane, it is basically not too precious for us space merchants. After all, I don't know how many giant dragons there are in the endless plane, and there will always be so many dragon grass born every year. As for the sanctuary bear bile, although it is not easy to find for space merchants at my level, if you pay attention to it, it is basically an additional thing for trading, which is not worth much money at all.

Youyuan opened his mouth wide. It seemed that he still underestimated the convenience of the space merchant, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and still smiled, even if the smile was a little reluctant.

"This time it was my negligence, but since the words have been said and the loss is still within my tolerance, the conditions just now are still valid!"

This time, it was Youji's turn to be surprised and looked at Youyuan with a strange face. However, after seeing Youyuan's serious expression, she gradually showed appreciation, and the fire giant Alder next to her looked incredible.

"Good! If you can maintain this style, when you are really strong in the future, maybe your achievements will exceed the imagination of all of us, at least in the eyes of me, a space businessman! But this time, your two sacred crystal nuclei are destined to stay with me, so I happen to have a dragon grass here.

With You Ji's words, she waved her hand out of thin air, and a space force appeared, and then abruptly tore open a space opening in the void in front of her. Youyuan knew that this was the unique space pocket ability of a space merchant, which was equivalent to opening up his own private space in the endless void.

After a while, with a smile of Youji, a grass the size of a palm appeared in the palm of her hand.

"This is the dragon grass, or the one I collected more than ten years ago. I didn't expect it to be traded today."

Youyuan looked at the dragon grass in Youji's hand. Although it was slightly dry, the pungent smell and a trace of strange power wandering in the veins made Youyuan quickly confirm it. This is indeed a real dragon grass, and the year seems to be not low.

Youyuan nodded, directly handed over the exquisite wooden box with two sacred crystal nuclei in his hand, and at the same time put the dragon grass close to his body.

Youji was satisfied to put two sacred crystal nuclei into the space pocket, and then handed over a large number of gold cards of varying denominations to Youyuan, adding up to more than 1.3 million.

"I will pay attention to the matter of the sacred bear bile. According to my estimation, with the purity of your sanctuary crystal nucleus, it can probably be exchanged for 1.1 million gold coins. However, I am very interested in your Scar City. The extra 200,000 gold coins are my investment. I hope the city lord will not forget my investment at that time.

In the face of Youji's laughter, Youyuan also smiled.

"At that time, Lord Youji will certainly not regret the investment at this time."

"It's me too!"

At this moment, the fire giant Alder next to him suddenly interrupted, making Youji and Youyuan look at the fire giant at the same time.

"I mean, I accidentally found a pyrolite mine in the magma vein of the Kukud volcano. Although it is not very big, it is rare that it is very pure. It is all medium and superior crystals of your human race. If the matter in the territory of Kwoude volcano is resolved this time, then I will ask my fire people to collect these ores and give them to you. On the one hand, thank you for your action, and on the other hand, it is also my investment in the future Scar City.

Youyuan heard the other party's explanation and smiled.

"Scar City, thank you for your investment. There will definitely be your territory in the city in the future."

The three talked about the future Scar City for half a day. During this period, some of the ideas and difficulties of Youyuan were mentioned. In the face of such a comprehensive concept of Youyuan, Yuki and Alder couldn't help but really believe that in the near future, a city would rise in a chaotic land.

Half a day later, Youyuan finally said the second thing.

"As for the second thing, I hope to meet Lilith's master Duoduo through Lord Yuji's space art."

When Youji heard Duoduo's words, her face suddenly became slightly stiff. Youyuan also knew the embarrassment that Youji had refused Duoduo's pursuit.

On the one hand, it is a racial problem, and Dortuo regards himself as an abys demon family, which makes Youji unbearable; on the other hand, it is an emotional problem, a powerful abyss demon who grew up in the environment of evil competition and the jungle of the jungle. Some problems are too lacking in emotion.

However, this matter is related to Lilith, and the importance of Lilith to Duoduo, so Youyuan had no choice but to speak out that Duoduo's power is indispensable in Youyuan's plan.

After thinking about it, You Ji finally nodded and said nothing more. She took Youyuan to another laboratory with an extremely huge altar, leaving a strange Alder.

This time, Youyuan Zuzu talked with Duoduo's virtual shadow in this laboratory for a day and a night. During this period, Youji consumed too much magic and had to interrupt several times.

However, after a day and night, Duoduo weighed the pros and cons and finally agreed to Youyuan's crazy plan.

"In my opinion, if you offend a great god, even a few more lives will not be enough! But I hope that as you said, the bloodthirsty god can't convey the message of his split to the body at all, otherwise even I have to give up Lilith.

left a complaint, and Duo's shadow disappeared from the altar and never said a word to Youji.

Looking at Youji, who has a slight loss and a pale face because of her magic, she really feels a little touching, and she is a semi-elf bloodline...

Youyuan scolded in the bottom of his heart. After handling the preparations for the City of Scars, the Fallen Emperor must go to see Anliya except for the magic college and the Engezas mentor! Well, and the fat man Badala who has become the viscount of the imperial capital.

And... to sweep the tombstones of the brothers who grew up with Andy.