sin totem

Chapter 218 Emma, the daughter of Baron Harlanch

The struggle for power and profit within the Zijinxiang family has become a hot topic among the aristocracy of the imperial capital, and the Marquis of Peach Lankel and Marquis Zilan are at the forefront of the storm.

The two most powerful branches of the Zijinxiang family have been attacking each other since the death of Grand Duke Zijinxiang.

At the beginning, the bottom forces spread all over the territory of the fallen empire attacked each other. Yesterday, they were still a powerful aristocrat and turned against each other today.

Murder, conspiracy, frame, deception and countless other dirty things are going on in private, while the attacked party is also retaliating. In just a year or two, the fallen empire has attracted more than thousands of nobles because of the Zijinxiang family, and even more than 100 people have lost their lives for this.

However, these grassroots struggles are just warm-up matches between the core forces of the two sides. At this time, after a long struggle between the two sides, even the core forces of the imperial capital have begun to have continuous friction, and even many bloody cases have occurred in private.

However, as the ruler of the fallen empire, the fallen emperor did not seem to intend to come forward with this matter at all, and even seemed to acquiesce to the occurrence of this kind of thing. The remaining corpses found by the daily imperial patrol were secretly disposed of.

Many people speculate that behind this matter is the means used by the Grand Duke of Finance.

However, the existence of being able to fight for the two branches of the Zijinxiang family in the imperial capital is more than third-order strength. However, the existence of the third-order is not a cabbage radish, which can grab a handful. Therefore, in the past few months when the two sides have suffered increasingly tragic losses, there have finally been several figures of the Holy Land.

Youyuan got a very interesting news. Viscount Moran left and Viscount Silanth did not mention it. Although they also have some strength in their hands, because they are not excellent rulers themselves, neither Lankel nor Marquis Zilan basically paid attention to it.

However, as the least famous Baron Harlanchi among the five branches, he became the target of crazy solicitation between the Marquis of Lankel and the Marquis of Violet, and the way to win over was to marry Emma, Haranchi's only daughter.

Emma is a famous social flower among the imperial aristocracy. She not only has outstanding beauty and proud figure, but also has a clever idea of playing with various powerful people and wandering among major forces.

Emma is very good at grasping the minds of those nobles in power, so although many nobles know everything about her, they are still jealous of her and are trapped in the wonderful trap set by Emma.

However, this woman was soon sent to the peak of fame and became a dazzling crystal flower among the great nobles because of the competition between the two branches of the Zijinxiang family.

This night, Viscount Tanriel's banquet finally ended, and Emma, who wandered around the banquet, finally left the hall in a white dress. In an hour or two, it will be dawn. This is also the time for some secret transactions between the nobles, and the crowd exudes a dirty and dirty smell.

Rejected all the invitations. Emma knows that almost every move of her at this time will fall into the ears of the two people. If she does something wrong and causes any suspicion among them, it is likely to cause a series of shocking chain reactions.

At this time, Emma only felt as if she was walking a tightrope. Although she was extremely hungry and thirsty, there was no expression on her face. Seeing her familiar carriage and escort, Emma dragged her slightly tired body over.

However, at this moment, there was a shout behind him.

"Emma, I really love you, please believe me! What's so good about the two guys between Lankel and the Marquis of Violet? They are just dying with dog bites! Can everyone in the imperial capital see that the Zijinxiang family is about to collapse, and no one can save it!"

When Emma heard this, her face suddenly changed. She turned her head and saw that it was her old lover Tu Lu. At this time, he was staring at herself with a pair of melancholy application eyes, as if she really loved her deeply and couldn't extricate herself.

Emma couldn't believe Tu Lu's words. You know, in Emma's heart, this guy is definitely the most difficult to catch.

The other party knows the way of aristocracy and has never had real feelings. Only a few contacts are just the mutual needs of both sides, and even accompany themselves.

"Viscount Tu Lu, you are drunk!"

Emma knows very well what kind of disaster this guy's words will bring to him just now!

"No! I'm not drunk! Emma, have you forgotten what you said to me that night? You said I was your little sweetheart, your little baby..."


Emma shouted out and got into the carriage with an ugly face, and drove to the distance.

On the other hand, Tu Lu, who seemed to be depressed, also got into his carriage and drove in the other direction. Many nobles listened to each other and pointed out.

The two low-key figures quietly followed Tu Lu's carriage from different directions. The two people should belong to different strengths and beware of each other, but they did not attract anyone's attention, like ghosts in the dark.

In another dark place, the fire of the two souls in the eyes of Youyuan ignited. In the darkness, they quietly looked at the two people who followed the Tulu carriage, and a sneer appeared.

It's really on the hook! This Tu Lu is naturally a nobleman quietly controlled by Youyuan. The purpose is to attract the Marquis of Lankel and the Marquis of Violet who secretly monitor Emma's fifth-order strongman. Now it seems to be done!

If you dare to fight fiercely in the imperial aristocratic area, a large number of strong people will definitely gather in less than a minute, even the existence of the Holy Land, so Youyuan has to be careful.

Now the two fifth-order have secretly followed Tu Lu, and there is only one third-order guard beside Tu Lu, so Youyuan doesn't have much time. The arrangement must be completed as soon as possible, and then Emma will become a magic crystal bomb that will detonate the full-scale civil war of the Zijinxiang family!

Youyuan completely hides the soul's breath and dark obscene observation.

The carriage is protected by a groom and two fourth-order samurai, which may be due to the recent importance of Emma.

The groom said that it was really difficult for the two fourth-order warriors to control in this empty street, which made Youyuan have to use some means.

A blood force flowed into the ground from the body of the ghost and slowly approached one of the warriors. At the same time, the ghost completely concealed the soul breath, and his feet drifted away from the ground gently towards another warrior.


Youyuan covered the mouth of the attacked warrior with his huge power. At the same time, the continuous erosion power of his body eroded the warrior's fighting spirit with the struggle, and it was almost completely eroded at the moment the fighting spirit exploded.

"The art of blood escape!"

On the other side, the warrior's body, which had just reacted, instinctively burst out all the fighting spirit, and instantly converged into a strong giant shield, and a roar for help was about to burst out in his throat!

He knows very well that since the sneaker can subdue his companions in an instant, he is just an instant matter.

So, the only hope at this time is to call for help, which will attract a large number of strong people from the imperial capital to get out of the predicament.

However, as a drop of secret blood around the warrior turned into blood fog, Youyuan grabbed the subdued warrior and turned out and rushed straight to the warrior.

The palm turned into a remnant shadow with the power of purple-black erosion, and the fourth-order fighting shield was broken with a handful of paper, and then a big hand covered the samurai's mouth.


The warrior couldn't shout. Youyuan stared at the driving groom. Suddenly, the power of the original will of heaven and earth swung, and the groom fell down without humming.

Half a minute later, the carriage slowly continued to drive towards Baron Harlanch's mansion, and the principle gradually disappeared into the dark corner, as if nothing had happened here.

A few minutes later, Youyuan's mind moved, and the blood demon seed king who controlled Tu Lu died, which should be over.

After ten minutes, two fifth-order figures followed the traces of Emma's carriage and quickly followed again. A small episode was secretly staged on this street of the imperial capital.

Youyuan is very clear that the news about the murder of Viscount Tu Lu the next day will definitely spread among the nobles.

However, it's just like this.