sin totem

Chapter 219 The destruction of the moral order of magic

Baron Harlanchi is 60 years old and has entered the middle age compared with the general human race in the mainland.

But because Baron Harlanchi had a glorious time when he was young and became a top warrior of the second-order warrior, but later he gave up further possibilities because he could not break through the third-order bottleneck and the aristocracy.

But even if he did not advance to the third level, Haranchi looked like a 30-year-old young man at this time because of cultivation.

At this time, Haranchi's mature and steady face frowned, as if to twist into a pimple. He held two crystal balls in his hand and slowly rotated, making a squeaky sound, and walked slowly in the room impatiently.

I don't know how long it took, Baron Harlanchi finally raised his head and looked at his excellent daughter again cautiously, with a solemn face.

"Are you sure that the Saudi Kensei next to the Grand Duke of Finance personally handed you this letter?"

Emma looked at her father with a solemn face and nodded assuredly.

"Yes, father. At that time, the Saudi Kensei appeared, and not only did I see it, but also the two guards you sent beside me, and I was sure that the other party was the Saudi Kensei.

Later, he got the same answer from the two fourth-order guards beside his daughter Emma, which made Baron Harlanchi's lips tightly and was surprised!

At this time, the source of the letter in Haranchi's hand turned out to be the financial prince, the ruler of the Yulanxiang family! And if his daughter and the two fourth-order guards are sure that it is the Saudi swordsman personally handed it to them, then it is basically certain that this letter is indeed in the hands of the Grand Duke of Finance.

Baranchi doesn't believe that in this world, except for the fat man of the Grand Duke of Finance, who can mobilize the Saudi sword saint who has recently been promoted to the Holy Land.

However, the content of the letter really made it difficult for Baron Harlanch!

There is only one content of the letter, that is, to meet tonight at a street bar called Night Bar, and there is nothing else.

However, it was this short content that made Haranchi feel the energy of the financial grand Duke again.

As a branch of the Zijinxiang family, Haranqi should ignore the letter of the finance minister of the Yulanxiang family and even give it to the ruler of the Zijinxiang family, which is the end.

But here comes the key point!

That is, there is no ruler in the Zijinxiang family at this time.

If the letter is handed over to Lankel, it will inevitably be hated by the Marquis of Violet. At that time, if it is completely involved in the bottomless whirlpool of the family power struggle, then the energy held by Haranchi is indeed not enough compared with the two, and the same is true of the Marquis Violet.

And the most critical point is that no matter who obtains the family rule in the future, perhaps Viscount Moran Zuo and Viscount Silan can avoid the fate of integration, and even get some benefits, but only they can't!

I am in control of the extremely huge funds of the Zilanxiang family, and even at this moment, as a baron, I was robbed by the two families, which shows how afraid I am of them.

And if one of the two is in power of the Zijinxiang family, the first thing is to completely annex himself, and then give him a free title. From then on, he will be free all his life, which Baron Haranchi absolutely does not want to see.

At this moment, the Finance Grand Duke actually wrote to himself. In Haranchi's opinion, it was definitely to discuss his own separation from the Zijinxiang family and set up another door.

As long as you succeed in breaking away from the Zijinxiang family, the Zijinxiang family will definitely be greatly damaged, and it is difficult to say whether it can keep the duke's position. This is also what the fat man of the finance father wants to see most, and it is also the last thing that Baron Harlanchi doesn't want to see.

However, if you don't leave the Zijinxiang family, you have no confidence in whether you can preserve your power in the future, which is also your weakness.

I don't know how long it has been irritable. Only the squeaking sound of two crystal balls in Baron Haranchi's hand can be heard in the room, which seems to express Haranchi's irritability and uneasiness.

Finally, as if he had made up his mind, Haranchi looked up at his daughter.

"Prepare the car later and go to the night bar at night!"

In the end, Halanchi still chose his own interests, and at the same time, he constantly comforted himself with the creed of the demon clan. Everything seemed to be so logical.

Haranchi did not find that a trace of joy flowed silently in the depths of his daughter's pupils, and then seemed to be responding to his father's arrangement and masked it with a nod.

However, Haranchi does want to thank his wise decision, otherwise it can't be said that the news of Haranchi's unexpected death will come out in a few days, so that his daughter Emma will take charge of Haranchi's power.

You should know that two fourth-order warriors and his biological daughter Emma were completely controlled by Youyuan in the Haranchi mansion at this time!

Of course, there is also the old groom with no force.

However, if things really find that Emma controls the power of Baron Harlanchi, it will also weaken the power of this group a lot in disguise. As a last resort, you still don't want to do so.

At this moment, this nine-day blood soul control spiritual skill first showed the horror of this magic skill. Under the control of the blood demon seed king, the world will be full of betrayal and conspiracy, moral degradation and order destruction!

However, Youyuan must be glad that this is just a different world. There is no rules and order or even divine punishment unique to the Chinese world.

At the same time, in a corner of the vegetable market on the Didu Street, Youyuan easily controlled an ordinary servant, who seemed to be irrelevant in the Marquis Lankel's mansion.

Of course, Youyuan knows that there is almost no possibility to poison people's face, but as far as Youyuan knows, this guy has two sons and a daughter. Most importantly, because of competing for the power of the Zijinxiang family, these three relatives have been completely locked in their homes by Lankel to prevent any accidents!

And among these three children, the strongest is only the second level, and then...

Youyuan sneered and gently handed over the three small bottles to the soul slave under his control in front of him. Inside, it was Youyuan's refined cat inheritance and burning bone poison!

Due to the limited time and the materials are not a big road goods, Youyuan has only prepared five copies of Xinlan bone poison during this period, but Youyuan believes that these five bottles of Xinlan bone poison will definitely play a vital role at this time.

At this time, a message flowed in Youyuan's heart. Due to the strength of the soul power of Youyuan at this time and the fact that it was not far from controlling the blood demon seed king of Baron Haranchi's daughter, the information about Baron Haranchi's decision to go to the night bar was received almost instantly.

I was happy. It seemed that there was no accident over there.

Youyuan raised his head and saw that the sky was still very early at night. It seemed that the two bottles of burning heart bone poison left must be used well, and the two branches of the purple and golden family branches of Viscount Moran Zuo and Viscount Xilans must also take good care of them.

According to the information given by Fat Badala, the Molan Zuo Viscount is a lustful old man. It seems that he should start from those mistresses...

Youyuan sneered again and slowly disappeared at the end of the street.


At night, several prosperous streets of the fallen imperial capital are still illuminated and lively.

Baranchi looked at the mixed mercenaries and low-level knights on the street in the carriage, and there was a trace of disgust in the depths of his pupils. These rude and unbred guys were the least favorite people of the nobles of the inherited family like Haranchi.

At the door of the night bar, the sexy girl twisted her hot figure. Even in the cold winter, she was still wearing extremely revealing clothes, with a charming smile on her face. The active mercenaries, low-level knights, and even magic apprentices passing by the Imperial Magic Academy were constantly teasing.

Baron Haranchi frowned and followed a team of strong and rude mercenaries into the bar. The savage smell of these guys made Haranchi frown.

This group of paruns...

Haranchi cursed in his heart, but he could only follow them bravely.

This time, in order to keep a low profile, he even changed his aristocratic dress and only took the two fourth-order knights beside his daughter. After all, this kind of thing is unseeable.

The team of mercenaries in front of Haranchi has obviously just completed a task. Their captain is a two-meter tall man with developed muscles like a primitive gorilla. At this time, he is flirting with the waitress at the door of the bar with a smile on his face, and he does not hesitate to block the way for others behind him to enter the bar.

After a while, the gorilla seemed to be satisfied. He laughed fiercely and pinched the plump buttocks of the reception girl and strode into the bar with the mercenary behind him. Haranchi was finally able to enter this favorite place of the bottom mercenary.

The mixed people from all walks of life laughed and bragged, and the smell of coarse and pungent bad wine permeated the whole room. The unbredified girl** fiddling with her posture and barbaric and rough quarrels occurred more frequently. The banquet held here is completely different from the nobles!

Haranchi looked at everything around him, and he was well-bred and couldn't stand it for a moment.

However, at this time, Haranchi couldn't help but admire the financial grand Duke and meet in such a place. Such a place is really too hidden.

There were deep gasps and moans in many hidden rooms. What naturally happened inside Haranchi. Once again, I scolded in my heart, but my footsteps still kept walking deeper into the bar, where there was the most high-end elegant room of such a inferior bar, and it was also the place where the finance duke met in Haranchi's letter.

Sure enough, as the noisy sounds gradually disappeared, and Haranchi came to a luxuriously decorated room.

After calming down, he held his breath and knocked on the door gently.

"Please come in."

After Baron Harlanch heard the sound from the room, he squeezed his lips and entered the room.

Before he came, he had figured out all the conditions. As long as he could achieve his goal, even if the financial prince opened his mouth, even if he suffered heavy losses, this time he would completely get out of the muddy water of the Zijinxiang family and set up another door.

However, at the moment he entered the room, what was imprinted into Haranchi's eyes was not the huge fat body he imagined, but a mysterious magician. Suddenly, an ominous foreboding appeared in Haranchi's heart, and he even turned around and left without greeting.


The two fourth-order warriors behind Haranchi closed the door fiercely and looked at Haranchi like a stranger, which made Haranchi cool and looked at the magician again with a slightly pale face.

In his opinion, he even subdued his two warriors and sent the Saudi Kensei as a messenger. This man's power was so powerful that even Haranchi began to suspect that the royal family was going to attack him!

From beginning to end, Haranchi did not doubt his closest daughter at all.

"Mysterious and noble magician, if you have any mysterious instructions, please open your mouth, I want to..."

Baranchi made the lowest posture, which really has nothing to do with the nobility of the past.

This mysterious magician is naturally a ghost. Seeing Haranchi's appearance at this time, I don't know when the ghost has gradually adapted to this hypocrisy without any expression.

Youyuan stood up gently, and the fire of the purple-black soul lit up in his eyes. He looked straight at Baron Haranchi, looking extremely mysterious and horrible.

This made Baron Harlanchi more and more uncertain, and at the same time, he began to regret his careless intentions.

With a light smile, Youyuan slowly came to Baron Haranchi.

"I just want you to change my name. You should call me...master!"

No one knows what happened in the room. It's just a poor bar in countless street bars in the fallen imperial capital.