sin totem

Chapter 228 Distribution of Benefits

In just one day, Haranchi and Lankel both left the imperial policing office.

The reason for leaving the security office is very simple. The two reached a settlement, and Haranchi was able to agree to Lankel's reconciliation request, which was naturally manipulated by Youyuan behind the scenes.

At this time, in Haranchi's mansion, five divine powers of different attributes stood in the void, revealing the power of the law and the breath of divine will, like five bright stars in the sky.

Three gold cards, all of which are the largest denomination of million gold cards, plus the five divine powers, this is the compensation that Lankel can't refuse.

And this is only compensation for the Youyuan side. I believe that the imperial capital security team will never be soft. This time, Lankel is likely to really not have much oil.

However, Youyuan's heart suddenly moved. Since Lankel has so much oil and water, the Haranchi under his control will never be any worse. Otherwise, why did it form a trend of competition between the two sides?

Thinking of this, Youyuan couldn't help but feel hot. Most of Halanchi's property appeared in the form of entities or shares. It would take a period of time to convert it into cash, but it should be almost ready after a few days.

Hidden evil and iron blood are obviously not interested in gold card, but their eyes can't take their eyes off the five divine powers of the void, revealing a color of desire.

However, although this was the case, the two did not say anything to Youyuan. Obviously, they have acquiesced to the dominance of Youyuan.

The original face is calm, but I can't help thinking about the distribution matters.

The assigned problem is also the responsibility of the head of the legion.

If the distribution is uneven, the dissolution of a legion will become easy; and if it is properly distributed, it will also be the best time to win people's hearts.

Thinking of this, Youyuan also has his own distribution plan in his heart.

The two divine powers were directly separated by Youyuan and given iron blood. Youyuan looked at the iron blood with a smile.

"This time, Sugeta, the magician who left the element of the sacred fire element, is the master's merit. These two divine powers are what the master should get."

When Iron and Blood heard Youyuan's words, he smiled and was not polite. With a wave of his hand, he swallowed the two divine powers directly into his mouth, and his satisfaction flowed.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I could get these benefits by helping my old friends, which is equivalent to the benefits of my life for the legions outside for a year!"

However, despite this, he looked at Youyuan again, and the iron blood wanted to see how the Youyuan distributed the remaining benefits.

Youyuan smiled, and a divine power turned to the hidden evil. The hidden evil did not say anything, but also took this divine power.

"The hidden evil master successfully blocked Master Molani in the opposite sanctuary. Naturally, he also has a credit. This divine power belongs to you."

Unlike iron and blood, hidden evil is clear that Youyuan has spent a lot of power to save himself, so he is quite grateful for the distribution of Youyuan at this time.

The reason why the hidden evil did not refuse is that on the one hand, he really needs magic power too much, because at this moment, he already knows that if the sealed sword demon goblin in the chaotic land is really released, even five of him can't achieve the goal.

On the other hand, of course, the hidden evil knows that Youyuan is pulling in itself, and this time, even if you accept this divine power, it should be won by Youyuan.

"Thank you very much."

Hearing the short words of hidden evil, Youyuan nodded and smiled and unexpectedly separated one of the remaining two divine powers again.

"Master of iron blood, please transfer this magic power to the white robe medicine saint. Originally, he should have participated in the plan this time, but he stayed because he may have been identified by the two holy places. I'm really sorry, so this divine power was handed over to the white-robed medicine master.

The iron-blooded eyes lit up, and the face showed appreciation.

In his opinion, the Baipao Yaosheng is clearly the person who is with him, and Youyuan actually gives Baipao Yaosheng a part of the benefits alone, which is equivalent to reducing Youyuan's own income, and he can't help but appreciate it.

However, Iron Blood does not know that in Youyuan's view, both of them are members of their future doomsday army.

On the one hand, it is a means of solicitation, otherwise why didn't Youyuan personally hand it over to the white robe medicine saint?

On the other hand, there is a greater interest in Youyuan, that is, the one that Haranchi will bring in a few days.

If two or three divine powers are lost, they will get one of their own doomsday legion to survive the difficult beginning stage in the future, so what's the matter even if all these magical powers are handed over at this time?

After thinking about this, Youyuan unexpectedly took out another million-denum gold card, which stunned the hidden evil and iron blood.

Youyuan smiled.

"The reason why this plan is so smooth is inseparable from Badala's precious intelligence support, so this is what he deserves. As for the rest, as the organizer of this plan, I have no credit and hard work, so I don't have to accept it.

With an iron-blooded smile, even the hidden evil grinned, and he could hear the meaning of the joke in the original words.

Youyuan was happy to see everyone present, and he couldn't help but feel a little satisfied.

However, at this moment, the iron blood suddenly thought of something again, and the smile convered slightly, and looked at the ghost plain seriously.

"So, what should we do next?"

It seems that he has been prepared for the problem of iron and blood. Youyuan's eyes showed a slight light, and at the same time, he had an extremely cold smile.

"Originally, our plan was to unite one of the two families to deal with the other, and then destroy one family first. But this time I found that although it is safer to do so, it will not only take a long time, but also the profits will pass a lot, which may even make us expose our identity.

Saying this, Youyuan squeezed his lips and smiled coldly.

"Our biggest advantage now is that we are still in the dark, and their defense against me is still very limited. They even regard the opponent who competes for the power of the Zijinxiang family as the biggest enemy, thinking that we are just a bigger pawn. Therefore, we have to take advantage of our advantages now to kill one branch first, and the other can naturally be slowly grasped.

The iron and blood is also a flash in the eyes.

"Do you mean to kill Lankel first?"

Youyuan smiled and nodded slightly when he looked at the workers who were renovating the courtyard of Haranchi's mansion in the distance.
