sin totem

Chapter 229 Encountering the Fierce Battle of Cologne

As expected, even in this form, the Marquis of Violet did not take the initiative to propose the specific date of the marriage to Haranchi.

It seems that the Marquis of Violet has made up his mind. On the one hand, he wants Haranchi and the Marquis Lankel to lose each other, and on the other hand, he just delays the time and only waits for the day when he will advance to the Holy Land to grasp the overall situation.

In this form, Youyuan's plan to remove Lankel first finally began.

Unable to take action in the imperial capital, it was naturally replaced by outside the imperial capital, targeting those caravans controlled by the other party. This is also the reason why Lankel fought with the Marquis of Violet half a year ago. At that time, Lankel won a complete victory with four holy areas.

These four holy places are the demon mixed-race Molani and the fire element magician Sugeta and the two hell banshees.

At that time, the two families first sent low-level warriors to attack the caravan near the other's imperial capital. With the intensification of conflicts, they continued to send senior warriors to suppress the other's low-level warriors, and finally even sent the Holy Land to fight against them. The whole process took less than a month.

Now, the caravan near the imperial capital only sees Lankel's motorcade, not the Marquis of Violet's motorcade.

In three days, Youyuan attacked the seven teams of Marquis Lankel's caravan day and night. All the goods were thrown on the spot, and the profits of millions of gold coins went directly into the hands of Youyuan.

Of course, these are just small caravans of the Lankel family.

With such a high frequency, if the Ministry of Public Security had not clearly known that it was an infighting of the Zijinxiang family, it would have dispatched air troops and reported to the Imperial Metropolitan Public Security Administration or even the military department.

Many people who survived the robbery of the caravan all mentioned a mysterious magician in a purple-black magic robe. Their methods were clean and ferocious. Even for the rest of their lives after the robbery, their hearts were still trembling and their faces were full of fear.

The reason why Youyuan was able to accurately grasp the direction of the Zijinxiang caravan is all due to the accurate information of the bloody shadow.

This bloody shadow was the backhand arranged by Grand Duke Zijinxiang for Haranchi before his death, in an attempt to let Haranchi inherit the Zijinxiang family with the help of the bloody shadow force. Unexpectedly, the three holy places went against his will and chose Lankel and the Marquis of Violet respectively.

At this moment, Youyuan held the latest information in his hand and nodded happily to a black man beside him, and then quickly disappeared into the sky.

A convoy, nine cars of precious magician materials are being transported to the imperial capital, the flag of the Zijinxiang family is flying, and three fourth-order and eight third-order guards carefully guarding the caravan.

At these days, they have heard about the continuous attack of the Zijinxiang family's convoy. Legend has it that the attack on the convoy was a mysterious magician in a purple-black magic robe, with extremely powerful and cruel means. He is a real evil star.

This makes them seem to recall the situation six months ago. Lankel and the Marquis of Violet killed each other's caravan. At that time, the probability of death of the caravan's guards reached an alarming proportion.

At this moment, a figure in the faraway sky quickly flashed in front of the convoy, like a meteor falling down, and even the sky burned a blazing flame.

The fourth-order warrior leading the team's face changed greatly, and the fighting spirit under his feet instantly gathered and disappeared in place with the help of the power of the earth.


The waves rolled, the ground shook dramatically, and several grooms overflowed blood from the corners of their mouths and fell into a coma. Several third-order warriors fought for defense one after another, but they still unconsciously retreated more than a dozen steps and suddenly looked forward.

A pair of purple soul fire pupils glanced around in the falling pit. With the release of an amazing breath, the surrounding smoke and dust suddenly disappeared. A magician with strong elemental power slowly stood up and looked at the convoy unscrupulously.

"Get out of here, I want everything here!"

Full of rampant ruffian smell, this man is disguised by Youyuan.

However, this time, Youyuan saw that although many warriors were slightly frightened, they urged the fighting spirit one after another and stared at Youyuan, looking ready to go.

This is different from the caravan you met several times before. The former caravans had more or less slipping away, and then Youyuan started to kill.

"Hahaha, you finally appeared. I heard that you specially attacked the convoy of the Marquis of Lankel. Today, I will exchange your head for a bounty!"

With an unbridled laughter, a golden gorgeous sword appeared, and the dazzling light instantly stood in front of Youyuan. It turned out to be a strong fifth-order bald man.

Youyuan was slightly stunned when he saw this. Isn't this person Cologne who once attacked himself in a chaotic place?

At this time, although Cologne has no hair and is more mature, its regal breath and this golden sword have not changed at all. As soon as Cologne appeared, he poked his golden sword on the ground fiercely and looked up at Youyuan with his chin, as if Youyuan was a piece of meat on the plate.

The soul breath of the ghost has long been hidden, and the power of the blood soul has become the current erosion force, Cologne naturally does not recognize the ghost.

At the same time, two fifth-order figures silently appeared in the team, forming a situation of encirclement with Cologne.

Youyuan narrowed his eyes, and the fifth-order that appeared in the last two must be an important card of Lankel - there is no doubt about the shadow killing. It is said that each of the five shadow killings was carefully cultivated by the Grand Duke Zijinxiang before his death, all of which were trained to pose a threat to the Holy Land.

One of the shadow killers is short, only about 1.5 meters, surrounded by a strong smell of earth elements, and seems to be a magician who is good at the power of earth.

Another movie killer turned out to be a rare human race with strong mental strength. The strong spirit has a strong restraint from illusion and hiding, but because it is difficult to practice, it is very rare in the human race.

Youyuan hadn't spoken yet, but Cologne looked at the shadow killer who was good at mental strength first, as if he was extremely afraid of this person's ability.

"Hey, Lei Zi, if this guy is killed by you, remember that the head is mine. Anyway, that Frankel won't give you more reward."

The energetic shadow killer stared at Cologne fiercely, but did not say anything, but once again stared at the surrounded purple-black robe magician, with a surprised face.

Unlike the other two people, Lei Zi's spiritual power is particularly powerful**.

But at this moment, because of the obstruction of the erosion power of the secluded plain, Lei Zi found that in addition to being able to feel a trace of frightening power in the mysterious magician's body, he found that the other party's extremely huge soul power invisibly suppressed his spiritual power.

When Youyuan saw that Cologne was still the same unscrupulous old appearance, a deep laugh suddenly came out, and the power of elements all over his body slowly retreated, revealing his real face.

"I remember your name is Cologne, right? It seems that you are still the same, haven't you changed at all?

Cologne, whose face was still full of relaxation, saw Youyuan. Mu Ran's pupils shrank and his body stiffened in an instant. Then his face changed greatly, and his body's fighting spirit exploded!

"Roar! Everyone, please disperse and be sure to inform the imperial capital that the culprit who killed Seymour appeared!"

The changes in Cologne made everyone a little scared. They rarely saw such an expression in Cologne, who was only one step away from advancing to the Holy Land.

However, when Cologne's words shouted out, everyone's faces completely changed!

Many of them know that it is this mysterious magician named Youyuan who indirectly caused the bleak scene of the Zijinxiang family today, and some strange legends about him have already spread within the Zijinxiang family.

For example, the secluded plain where the Zijinxiang family once assassinated the chaotic land not only returned, but also died several powerful fifth-level people, and even the purple star sword saint was killed.

Of course, all they know is just inaccurate rumors.

For another example, the fallen empire revoked the wanted order of the Youyuan, and the fallen imperial capital magic academy erected a stone statue of the Youyuan...

At this moment, in the face of the famous secluded plain, no one can keep calm, and even several third-order existences are ready to run away.

However, Youyuan sneered when he saw such a situation. The reason why he exposed his identity was that he was absolutely sure to leave all these people behind.

One mouth, several bloodthirsty gods stand in the void.

The will of the invisible gods are scattered. Under the pressure of the lofty divine law, all the low-level beings and souls are frozen in an instant. There is only black and white left in the world, and time has no meaning.

As for those third-level and fourth-level warriors, their movements are actually like fixed pictures, and it is difficult to walk. Even the three fifth-level warriors near the Youyuan are soulless.

At such a time, the magic spell was recited in the mouth of Youyuan. As the space swings, the seven-headed and fourth-order abyss demon suddenly appeared in the void above the head of Youyuan.

The devil's eyes were cold and ruthless, and the dark bat wings slowly flapped, and the strong power of magic flame and erosion were unscrupulously released from the sky.

With the movement of the soul of the ghost, the seven abyss demons flew around like clouds and water, unexpectedly to completely surround this place.

Two shadow killers and * as fifth-order strong men, first wake up from the soul of the divine will.

When Cologne saw Youyuan summoning seven abyss demons in an instant, he suddenly thought of something. His pale face quickly pulled out the golden sword inserted in the ground, and his fighting spirit burst into a huge sword of more than ten meters. With the power of the earth under his feet, he quickly bombarded the Youyuan.

The huge and cohesive fighting spirit actually made Cologne like a golden man at this time, which is much stronger in momentum and speed than in a chaotic place.

Cologne is the reason for this to delay the strange summoning of endless power.

However, Youyuan was expressionless when he saw this. Looking at Cologne's full blow, he simply stretched out one hand to the sky, and a 100-meter eroding flame burst out.

Then with the fierce grip of Youyuan with one hand, the power of erosion condensed into the power of primitive erosion. With the appearance of a huge hand composed of several meters of pure primitive erosion force, a golden sword bombarded by Cologne.


The dark and golden light flashes over.

The Cologne fighting sword is full of a solid will. Even the original erosion power of the giant hand of Youyuan only restored the original after slightly deforming the giant sword. Delong was proud to see this.

Youyuan was stunned and had a sarcastic smile at the same time.

At the moment when the ghost smile appeared, the place where the golden fighting sword was caught by the original erosion power quickly turned into a dark color and spread quickly.

Colon's eyes suddenly opened, and his face was extremely complicated when he saw that he was blocked so easily with one blow.

But after all, a reluctant roar gave up the urge of fighting spirit, and the golden fighting sword completely dissipated.

At this moment, the seven far-headed abyss demon finally completely surrounded the caravan.

In the seven corners of the caravan, the seven abyss demons flashed one after another. With the crazy beating of the demon blood seed king in the soul, the seven abyss demons combined with a mysterious soul rhythm, and the heaven and earth were quiet in an instant!


The magnificent and endless erosion force forms a huge ring in the sky almost instantly, and then in the blink of an eye, it seems to fall into the blockade, and then the magnificent and endless erosion force begins to spread.

At this time, the three fourth level of the Zijinxiang caravan finally woke up from the shock of the power of the will of the gods. However, what they saw was the endless purple noble mysterious power spreading wildly from the sky and the earth, which had formed the caravan into a situation, like a rolling wave of heaven and earth.

Incomparable despair, at this moment, these fourth-order people looked at the rolling waves of heaven and earth, and unexpectedly had a small feeling of personal will against the power of heaven and earth, with a pale face and shock.

"Forbidden, solitary prison suppression!"

On this side, Youyuan is about to chase and kill Cologne, who gave up the sword of fighting spirit. Muran, who is good at earth magic, actually directly uses an earth-based forbidden skill.

The ground flashed, and hundreds of white solid stone pillars were like a big mouthful of cannibal flowers, swallowing down the secluded plain and quickly forming extremely fine stone prisons.

Looking around the stone prison, the erosion power burned wildly, making the white stone prison slowly turn purple and black.

At this time, as the soil around the stone prison rolled, it turned into an extremely huge earth python and blocked the stone prison. In front of the plain, it was dark, and the huge earth mound composed of the earth python replaced and sank the ground.

The heart of the secluded plain trapped on the ground under the stone prison moved.

Is this forbidden spell called solitary prison suppression?

So, it was just a solitary cage and a prison before, right?

Thinking of this, Youyuan in the stone prison did not hesitate to perform the transformation of the blood demon, and an amazing breath broke out from the closed stone prison.

The wings on the back slowly unfolded, and the rough and wild silver lines of the body flowed all over. The back stock appeared with a long tail like a scorpion, and then Youyuan actually reached directly to the top of the stone prison with one hand.


Outside the stone prison, with the one-handed pat of the earth shadow killing magician, a 50-meter stone peak unexpectedly fell directly from the sky to the ground, fiercely suppressing the earthen prison that imprisoned the secluded.

The earth shook crazily, and dense cracks spread in all directions for hundreds of meters before slowly stopping. Strong waves overturned all the carriages of the caravan.

"Leizi, put the spiritual mine you prepared under the stone peak. I feel that this forbidden art will not completely suppress him!"

After using this serial forbidden technique, the shadow killer had no magic at all. His body was actually weak and his face was pale like a piece of paper.

"Understand. Just now, I have prepared two spiritual mines, which are enough to kill the power of a holy place!"

Leizi is extremely confident. His spiritual mine is no less powerful than that of anti-magnetic mines, but his power is more concentrated on the central point of blasting.

This magic of spiritual landmine is an extremely powerful attack method created by Lei Zi according to his own advantages. The only drawback is that it requires a lot of preparation time and extremely poor flexibility.

But as long as the conditions are sufficient, if the number of spiritual mines to the limit of thunder is really placed at one point, even the spiritual impact of the thunder at that moment is confident that he can kill some famous holy places on the mainland!

However, at this time, Cologne in the distance saw that the two shadow killers were still arranging to kill Youyuan, and suddenly blushed and roared.

"Roar! Stop wasting time! We can't kill him. Let's get out of here quickly! This guy is a devil, not a normal human race at all. The last time he was in the fourth level, even two reverse magnetic thunderbolts did not kill him. We have no hope at all now!"

After Cologne roared, he did not hesitate to take a look at the endless erosion power that had rolled all over the sky. As soon as he gritted his teeth, his body burst into an extremely strong golden fighting spirit, and his head pierced into the cloud of erosion, and the sound of squeaking erosion continued.

After listening to Cologne's words, the two shadow killers turned white and white, but they still gritted their teeth and chose to stay. They must complete the task as the first purpose.

A small area of the stone peak on the ground turned purple and black, and then spread out in an instant.

A pair of palms full of silver lines fiercely revealed the demon-like figure after the transformation of the ghost.

At this time, the wings behind the aura slowly flapped, and the erosion power of the body echoed the endless erosion power summoned by the blood soul array, and the whole stone peak has turned purple and black.

However, Youyuan did not completely walk out of Shifeng, but felt the change of the blood soul array with some surprise.

In the induction of the ghost, at this time, there was a third-order abyss demon and more than a dozen second-order demon larvae in the blood soul array, which were aimlessly confused, and several resentful souls with about the first-order second-order strength floated in the sky. Isn't this the existence accidentally cultivated in the barbarian soil of the Tauren?

And has it been advanced and evolved?

Not mentioning the surprise of Youyuan, Lei Zi looked at the footsteps that had not taken by Youyuan for a long time, and a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down.

In the void more than ten meters in front of the secluded plain, two extremely obscure spiritual mines are hidden, waiting for the thunder to attract it at the right time.

Did he find out?

Lei Zi guessed suspiciously in his heart.