sin totem

Chapter 251 Soul Forbidden, Lord's Dirty Soul

The construction of the City of Scars has entered the planned trajectory. Unlike the imperial capitals of major empires, the City of Scars has to build a solid and high wall.

Many workers were building the Scar City under the employment contract. At the same time, a considerable number of slaves released due to the death of the slave merchant Dares in North Rock Town also came to the construction site of Scar City and signed an employment contract.

Needless to say, there is no need to say that the You principle has been closed for a long time in this busy environment. Of course, there is also the essential soul treatment for the violent bear king every day.

In the magic laboratory, the body of the ghost in the blood soul array is constantly refined in the extremely strong erosion force, and the continuous erosion force is like a long river in nine days, and the continuous erosion force constantly washes the body of the ghost field.

At the deepest depth of the erosion of the body, a trace of primitive erosion is slowly growing in the continuous refining of the blood soul.

This primitive erosion power is not a short-term outbreak of the power of the original force, but a primitive erosion that was impacted by the depraved emperor's power in the fallen emperor's body.

Now, this trace of primitive erosion power has been slowly growing in the continuous erosion of the blood soul array, but according to the estimation of the ghost, it will take at least ten years or even longer to convert all the erosion force of the body into the original erosion force.

For so much time, it is naturally not allowed in the original plan. At this time, a trace of sadness appeared in the original.

With the movement of the soul of Youyuan, the surrounding seven abyss demons stopped summoning the power of erosion, and the erosion power rolling in the laboratory gradually eased.

It seems that the stopping summoning of the eroding power, some demon larvae born in response to the blood soul and the howling of resentment slowly disappeared in the plane where the original was located. Only the third-order demon with the strongest ability can stay in this laboratory.

Youyuan did not have time to study the collaterals of these blood-soul arrays, but fell into meditation.

If the power of erosion in the body is not transformed into the power of primitive erosion, the feeling of relying on the law of the human soul has the capital to advance to the Holy Land at any time, but at the moment of advancing to the Holy Land, the power of the bloodthirsty apostles and the power of the original will will will inevitably be lost.

If you lose the power of the original will, it is likely that you will never be able to feel this magical power in your life.

If the power of the bloodthirsty apostle is lost, the bloodthirsty god will definitely be aware of it, thus completely destroying the plan of the ghost.

Therefore, there are two solutions to the secluded at this time. One is to complete the transformation of the original erosion power as soon as possible, and the other is to give up the power of the bloodthirsty apostles and advance to the Holy Land at the beginning of the plan three years later.

However, does losing the power of bloodthirsty apostles also represent the road to eternal loss of the power of gods?

For a moment, Youyuan hesitated and didn't know how to choose.

Suddenly, Youyuan's heart moved again. On that day, the wandering elves obviously had the power to borrow the original will. Why did they burst out of divine power in their bodies at the last moment?

As far as you know, the body with the power of the original will will automatically reject everything related to the divine power!

Is there any secret in this guy that can integrate the power of the original will with the divine power?

Now is not the time to think about these problems. Although Youyuan has been sure of advancing to the Holy Land within three years, if all the erosion power in the body can be transformed into the original erosion power, then all the problems will be solved.

The ability of this erosion force to isolate and sense has such a purpose, which was not expected when the power of the blood soul of the ghost was transformed into the force of erosion.

While I was frowning in Youyuan, suddenly, an inspiration belonging to the magician moved again.

It's very easy to recite magic spells. A second-order fire demon knight appears in the laboratory, which is a low-level summoning magic that Youyuan has long given up using.

It's not that there is no higher-level Yanmo knight, but if you want to summon the third-level Yanmo knight, although it is not like summoning the third-order abyss demon that requires extremely tedious sacrifices, it is by no means easy to recite magic spells. Anyway, it also requires corresponding costs and steps.

With an order from the soul of Youyuan, the flame emitted from his body slowly came into his body.

Youyuan is naturally not afraid of this low-level magic flame, but Youyuan clearly remembers that when practicing in the secret hut of the Magic Academy, the blood demon seed was extremely afraid of this low-level magic flame.

Yes, at this time, Youyuan actually began to use the evil means of using blood demon seeds to parasitize low-level summons.

This method relies on the blood demon seed to suck the blood and soul of the creatures and provide it to the caster. It is an extremely evil and cruel evil skill. However, because Youyuan only uses this skill to summoners, it does not feel the evil and domineering of this technique.

At this time, as the top magic mentor of the fifth-order, it is easy to make a blood demon seed king, but according to reason, this blood demon seed provides the blood and soul of Youyuan, which is just a drop in the bucket for Youyuan at this time.

A few hours later, Youyuan recalled the blood demon seed in the fire demon knight, and suddenly the fire demon knight screamed and lost his breath of life.

Later, the mysterious field with closed eyes opened its eyes in surprise.


Yes, although the blood and soul power brought back by this blood demon seed can't provide any improvement of combat effectiveness for Youyuan at this time, it has a great impact on transforming the erosion power in Youyuan's body into the original erosion power.

With surprise, Youyuan summoned eight fire demon knights in one breath, and at the same time split eight blood demon seeds to parasitize.

In this way, it is believed that within three years, all the power of erosion in the body can be transformed into the power of primitive erosion. At that time, there will be no choice between the power of the bloodthirsty apostles and the power of the original will, because the power of primitive erosion will completely isolate the rejection of the two forces.

When this matter was solved, Youyuan was so happy that he couldn't help thinking about the whimsic soul art of the past.

However, this was originally just a whimsical soul art. At this time, after the human soul of the ghost, there seems to be a slight turning point.

Since the human soul is the most fundamental part of a creature's soul, does it mean that all the core of a creature is this soul?

As far as you know, the power of the three souls is not a force.

The soul in the body of the creature is the real power, and the power of the three souls is only the controller of the body and soul of the creature. Therefore, even if the soul of the fifth level of Youyuan is only in the confrontation with the power of the three souls in the third level, it is only an equal position.

was even injured by the angry roar of the power of the three souls of the other party.

In this case, if you can control the power of the other party's human soul, can you get all the magical abilities of the other party, and even some instinctive talents?

In the fifth-order existence now controlled by Youyuan, there are a total of four people with magical skills, namely, the shadow escape technique, the black lightning of the fire prison, which can crack the escape technique, the spiritual mine art of thunder, and the space technique of violet.

These magical skills are the magical abilities that Youyuan has admired for a long time, and even wants to take them for themselves. However, even though Youyuan has been using the art of blood soul control to make it his own soul slave, he still sighs at these magical abilities.

But now, the perception of the law of the human soul has given Youyuan a turning point.


In three months, the ghost of the laboratory has continuously refined the original erosion power in the body, which is to heal the soul injury of the violent bear king, and all the remaining time is devoted to the development of soul art.


No, the other person's soul is equal to himself, which represents the mental control and the most fundamental existence of a creature. His own human soul cannot be enslaved and controlled at all, let alone perception.

What should I do?

It's another problem!

In the past three months, such a problem has been met more than a dozen times in Youyuan, the soul master, but it has been solved one after another and has reached the final stage today.

With a sad frown, Youyuan lowered his head and fell into thinking, and even turned over his magic notes.

Two days later, Youyuan, who was looking at his magic notes, suddenly moved and patted his thigh!

"Dementor Demon Light!"

This dementor demon light is the unique ability of the blood demon king after controlling the creatures. It is an extremely ** power to the soul. Youyuan once named this ability the dementor demon light in an experiment, and then he didn't care about it.

However, at this moment, this dementor magic light should be able to solve this problem!

With great joy, Youyuan used the blood demon seed king that had already cultivated in his body to quickly extract the dementor magic light, and then entered a crazy state of magic experiment.

"It's done! It's really feasible..."

is another countless soul problem, another solution after another.


One month later, with the excitement and trembling magic spell in the laboratory, a soul art that has never appeared in the endless world was born!

"Forbidden, slaughter the master's sly soul!"

With the emergence of an unprecedented feeling in the body of the secluded, the power of the soul, the power of erosion, the power of the body, and the power of imperceptible elements...

All the forces that make up the body of the ghost, at this moment, there seems to be a combination that has never been seen before in the ghost, which seems to be instinctive and intentional control.

"Magic Flame!"

A real magic flame bomb appeared in the mouth of the Youyuan, which is the original real magic flame power of the abyss demon!

Youyuan is even trembling with excitement!

Because just now, Youyuan used the power of the human soul to control a fourth-order abyss demon that formed the blood soul array. At this time, he naturally and without hindrance, he used this genuine flame bomb!

Moreover, the incomparable soul power of Youyuan has doubled in an instant. Does this mean...

Infinite surprise, the soul of Youyuan moved, and later, the shadow appeared in the laboratory of Youyuan.

"Forbidden, slaughter the master's sly soul!"

However, this time, there was no inspiration for the shadow escape technique in Youyuan's body, and Youyuan's face changed.

Has this soul ban failed?

Youyuan did not have other expressions such as panic or loss, but fell into thinking.

In the magic experiment, failure is inevitable. As long as it is improved, the only thing that takes is time and energy.

Suddenly, Youyuan had an idea and summoned the keel knight Glenn in again.

"Forbidden, slaughter the master's sly soul!"

This time, there was also no feeling, and Glenn's ability was not felt at all.

However, Youyuan was not disappointed, but showed joy.

"Is it possible that the reason is in the blood soul array? Because I have been making soul friends with the seven abyss demons of the blood soul array all year round, can I master the ability to form the soul slaves of the blood soul array?

Infinite joy appeared on the face of Youyuan. Later, violet, thunder and shadow replaced the blood soul array composed of the three soul demons of Youyuan.

Time passes day by day.

On this day, the originally calm Youyuan's eyes suddenly opened, and the soul power in a sevenfold state was like the scorching sun in the sky, which was breathtaking!

"The art of shadow escape!"

Mu Ran, a shadow that is the same as the ghost plain appeared at the foot of the ghost plain and moved freely.

This shadow has the same breath as the ghost plain, like the second split of the ghost plain.

At the same time, between the transformation of the original mind, I also became a shadow and was able to teleport freely between the two shadows!

"The art of spiritual bomb!"

It was extremely slow, and it took about five seconds for Youyuan to barely condense a spiritual bomb that was only the size of a nail cover, and this spiritual bomb was extremely obscure and could not be moved once arranged.

Youyuan has no doubt that the power of this spiritual bomb is equal to that of the light and dark magic crystal cannon!

However, although Youyuan can still condense about three such spiritual bombs, the cohesion time of each one is double that of the previous one. Of course, the power is also doubled!

"The art of space pocket!"

A huge dimensional space appears in the induction of the secluded, about the size of several rooms.

"The art of space sealing!"


At this moment, in this laboratory where there is no one else, Youyuan feels extremely proud.

A soul forbidden art really developed by the power of Youyuan alone has been completed. The ability brought by this soul forbidden art will spread the name of Youyuan all over the endless world.