sin totem

Chapter 252 Blood Soul Array Secret Clues

Youyuan was not carried away by the great breakthrough of soul art. Although he was full of joy, he was still forcibly suppressed.

At this time, Youyuan can finally devote himself to the action of transforming the original erosion force.

It has been several months since the art of creating souls. During this period, Youyuan has been in a retreat in addition to participating in some major events in the construction of the scar city.

However, even so, the original erosion power transformed by the whole body of Youyuan is only about a quarter, and it will not be a matter of half a day if it is all converted into the original erosion force.

In this way, Youyuan can't help but use the extra time to transform the power of primitive erosion to think about the art of blood soul control.

As far as Youyuan is concerned, the means of obtaining this technique is also quite strange.

To the extent of today's Youyuan, at most, it is believed that this art was created by the heterogeneous human race. With such a varied perfect system and evil and domineering means, even the current Youyuan can't imagine what kind of sages and powers the human race are.

However, even so, the Youyuan, which started by relying on the art of blood soul control, is finally about to exert everything to the limit. At that time, Youyuan will have the power of the genius of the Chinese summer demon sect.

At that time, if you want to continue to exert the more powerful power of this technique, you must rely on the wisdom and strength of Youyuan.

The strongest power of the children of the Chinese Demon Sect is the power of three blood demon transformations. The second transformation is equivalent to the holy land of the world where Youyuan is located. The third power of transformation is when all the seven soul slaves who make up the blood soul array are promoted to the Holy Land.

Relying on three transformations and forming a blood soul array with the help of seven soul slaves equivalent to the strength of the Holy Land, this talented son of the Chinese Demon Sect can almost instantly condense the power of the fishy spirit into his own use!

This is already invincible to the highest level of the divine period in the Chinese world.

Such a degree of power, even in the overall chaotic world where Youyuan is located, is by no means an unknown person, and even has reached the level of various emperors and gods in the continent where Youyuan is located, and even can be suppressed!

However, even so, compared with those really powerful gods and even the main gods, it is only that.

With the current sense and strength of Youyuan, you can already feel the strongest power level of the blood soul art, which makes Youyuan have to consider the perfect path of the blood soul art first.

The art of blood and soul is created on the basis of the cultivation of true civilization in contrast to the Chinese human world of the alien world of the Youyuan. Therefore, although Youyuan has achieved certain achievements with reference to the skill experience left by predecessors, if you want to improve the magic of cultivating true civilization on the basis of the world civilization where Youyuan is located, it is simply a whim. The sky opens.

However, everything is absolute, and you can return to the truth when you reach a certain level.

Maybe Youyuan can't complete the expected goal of this technique according to the genius who created it, but it can't be said that Youyuan has embarked on another different road based on his own understanding and perception of the different world.

Therefore, at this time, Youyuan relied on the great confidence that had just completed the soul skill, and the newborn calf began to think about the mystery of the blood demon array.

Seven times the power of the soul of theyou yuan was released to the limit, and the huge soul power even made some low-level beings tremble!

Youyuan observes every operation detail of the blood soul array, hoping to find an entry point, and then find the real soul blood demon array.

The so-called sect secret is just like the core of the soul art is the root of the power of the three souls as the origin of heaven and earth, and the root of all the control of life.

This is the foundation of secret creation, and all the evolutionary means of secret art are created on this basis.

Therefore, if you want to improve the art of the blood soul, you must fully understand the real clan secret that makes up the blood soul array, and then create specific means according to the knowledge accumulation and needs of the ghost.

For a month, the soul has been micro-observed. In the sense of the seduction of the secluded, this erosion force seems to be a law. It appears out of thin air from the chain of thousands of laws, but because the perception foundation of the secluded plain is not enough, it has not transformed its own erosion power into the law of erosion.

In this way, this blood soul array sanctuary can borrow the advanced means of the power of the law before, which proves that the close entry point of the blood soul array is extremely high, at least not lower than the entry point of the art of the ghost soul.

With this speculation, Youyuan was shocked!

The entry point of the soul art involves the secret of the long river of origin. Although the noble degree of such an entry point is limited to the feeling of the secluded plain and cannot match the ancient word, it is by no means comparable to the law of general perception.

What is the secret of this bloody soul array? How can it compete with the soul art involving the long river of origin and even... suppress it?

All kinds of thinking doubts wandered in the heart of Youyuan, and were denied one by one by Youyuan's guess.

With a wry smile, Youyuan shook his head. This kind of unprovoked speculation is too funny. It is simply whimsical to guess a strange secret.

While smiling bitterly, Youyuan couldn't help recalling the whole journey of cultivation since he first got this magic.

In the low-level period, Youyuan has always relied on this technique to suppress the same level, but if you meet the existence of levels such as the children of the earth and wandering elves, it is basically a draw or may even be suppressed.

Even the existence of strength like the four guards of the cat's night shadow can completely threaten the secluded.

This kind of thing has come to an end since the beginning of the art of the soul.

After feeling the power of the three souls of Youyuan, after borrowing the power of the original will of heaven, Youyuan has the confidence to suppress Mu Mu, the son of the earth, and any fifth-level existence!

Even at this time, after the completion of the soul forbidden art of Youyuan, Youyuan dared to sweep some low-level holy areas!

Youyuan did not know whether the former god of stars, Trunks, had the dual ability of alienation and the art of stars when he was in the fifth level or the Holy Land, but Youyuan can be sure that Translux, who had dual abilities, was definitely a rare enemy of the same level at that time!

At this point, Youyuan felt proud and strengthened his confidence to improve the art of blood and soul.

That's right!

Thinking of the god of stars, Trunks, Youyuan naturally thought of alienation and the art of stars, and then suddenly thought of a seemingly coincidence!

Once, after killing the necromancerian cholera, Youyuan got a forbidden spell called Bloody Curse, and then mastered the alienation of fur according to this technique.

At that time, when Youyuan studied the forbidden art of blood-stained curse, he divided this technique into two parts, one of which was the art of alienation sealing. Through this technique, Youyuan mastered the art of skin alienation.

As for the other part, it is the blood-induced array method. At that time, according to the research of Youyuan, the power caused by the blood-induced array method was somewhat similar to the power of the blood soul of Youyuan at that time, and it seemed to have a sense of homology!

Thinking of this, Youyuan couldn't help shaking his soul, which seemed to be a real opportunity!

Quickly, Youyuan took out the magic notebook and turned to the page recording the blood-stained curse of the forbidden spell.

Five-order forbidden art, blood-stained curse:

Use mithril to outline the blood magic array, based on the blood of five fourth-order Warcraft elemental attributes, and take a fourth-order body strong living heart as the carrier to stimulate the magic array, attract the blood qi of heaven and earth, and inject blood into the heart.

After six consecutive months, after sealing the heart with alienation sealing, you can cast a forbidden blood curse, causing the body alienation of the subject, which is a small-scale lethal and extremely strong forbidden magic.

There is infinite joy in my heart. According to what Youyuan knows, this blood-stained cursed forbidden art should have been passed on to the star god Translux in the period of the death empire, and Transcus in that period never became a great god!

Since the power of the blood soul is somewhat similar to the mysterious power summoned by the blood-induced magic array, does it mean that the blood soul array is somewhat similar to this blood-induced magic array?

In that case...

Youyuan controls his excitement. This is the only clue about the blood soul array for Youyuan now. Perhaps only when you get the creation secret of the blood-stained curse forbidden art from Trunks, it is possible to calculate the clan secret of the bloody soul array at that time!

Thinking like this, Youyuan's eyes narrowed.

Now, it is by no means the time for Youyuan to take the initiative to ask Trux to discuss the sect.

After all, the other party is a great god, and the secret matter is likely to involve the power of the other party. If Youyuan goes rashly, it is likely to cause misunderstanding.

However, if one day Youyuan also has at least the same status or power, then the two sides will become academic exchanges, and some things will be much easier at that time.

Thinking of this, Youyuan simply relaxed.

Now there is still a long time to go on the road of the ancestors of this blood soul array. It is not immediately anxious to improve the blood soul array. Youyuan still has a long time to develop.

With a slight smile, Youyuan put away the magic notes, and the endless erosion power once again flooded Youyuan's body.


A month later.

This day, Youyuan was forcibly stopped from retreating.

Two major events, the death of the King of Chevrolet and the General Assembly of Elders in the Land of Chaos!

It is easy to say that an envoy from the imperial capital came to inform in person that Youyuan, as one of the elders, has the right to participate.

However, the death of the king of Chevrolet shook the whole chaotic land. At the same time, a snow-tooth giant named Blue-dyed caused a sensation in the whole chaotic land. It is said that he will replace the former king of Chevrolet at this chaotic land elder conference!

According to Youyuan's knowledge, the top of Xuelan is also full of two fifth-order snow-tooth giants and several fourth-order. As for the third-order, don't talk about it.

In addition, the king of Selangor has been operating for so many years, and some surrounding forces have been completely conquered and destroyed by this snow-tooth giant named Lan Ran. Who is this guy?

Why didn't there be any name of this person in the once chaotic land?

Moreover, according to the fully determined information, this blue dye is a real fifth-order snow-tooth giant.


Youyuan's heart moved!

When Youyuan just returned to the chaotic land, according to the news from the king of Xuelan, there was a spy from the ice goddess of the polar north ice field who fled, and even the king of Xuelan at that time had an ominous foreboding.

Now that nearly a year has passed, is this blue dye really a strong man from the far north ice field?

After thinking about it, Youyuan's eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly.

Once promised that after the construction of the Bloodthirsty Temple, the King of Chevrolet must tell the bloodthirsty God about the polar north ice field and arrange a meeting. I remember that the king of Chevrolet at that time also promised three sacred crystal nuclei!

Now, because of the secret plan of Youyuan, Youyuan no longer intends to fulfill its original promise. Coincidentally, the king of Xuelan has died...

There was a little guilt in his heart, and a coldness appeared in Youyuan's eyes.

Is it from the Ice and Snow Temple?

In this case, the first is to avenge the love of the king of Chevrolet, the second is to attract the remaining snow-tooth giants in many chaotic lands, and the third is to...

The snowtooth giant named Lanran has such power that it must be a strong existence on the far north ice field, as if Mu Mu, the son of the earth, exists proudly under the orc holy land!

In this way, if the other party really has any extremely powerful ability, isn't it an excellent soul slave to form a new blood soul array for the ghost of the soul?

Thinking of this, Youyuan resolutely left the laboratory.