sin totem

Chapter 257 Ally Moran's Ancient Language Continent

After the taboo, Youyuan, Aram, Youji and Burles began some relaxing topics, which seemed to be the basis for the next more direct conversation.


The sky gradually lit up, but I naturally didn't care about the four people present who were above the fifth level.

"Ha ha, when Sister Ali Moran found me, an unknown space businessman, remember that I was only the third level at that time, right? Ha ha, that was the first time I saw the Holy Land, and I didn't even know what my sister did..."

Youji covered her face and laughed, and her face was like peach blossoms blooming in the spring breeze.

"Ha ha, when I found the mobile space crack, I was also worried for thousands of years for fear of a second space tunnel. However, later I learned that the mobile space crack was a treasure for the space merchant, and at that time, information about you, a small space merchant, was transmitted to me, so I invited you here.

Alimoran has always had a faint smile on his face.

Burroughs, the king of mercenaries, rarely speaks. It seems that He has always been talking to Youyuan, Youji and Aram.

At this time, when the mobile space crack was mentioned, the heart suddenly moved. It seemed that Duoduo had mentioned that there was indeed this thing in Youji Mountain.

However, when Youyuan saw that the atmosphere had completely calmed down at this time, he finally planned to enter the theme.

"Ha ha, I'm really happy to be able to have a long talk with the petrochemical master and Master Youji overnight.

The reason why I took the initiative to come to the petrification this time is actually the most important thing about the Scar City and all the Holy Lands..."

Mu Ran, Arimoran seemed to have guessed what Youyuan was going to say, or a quiet and elegant smile, quickly waved his hand to stop Youyuan's next words.

"I understand what you're going to say, but I think you may have some misunderstanding."

Youyuan was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Ari Moran seemed to recall something and looked at the Yuanyuan with brilliance, as if it was a sarcastic mockery.

"Maybe in the eyes of everyone on the mainland, the chaotic land is dominated by me, Yali Moran, but all of you are wrong.

It has been thousands of years since the formation of the chaotic land. It was the battle of the mainland of the gods thousands of years ago that I sealed the nothing but the sword demon goblin with one hand, so that the land of chaos appeared on the mainland today.

However, no one in the mainland knows that the formation of a chaotic land is not my will. In fact, it is just the product of the compromise of several emperors.

I don't even care about the chaotic land at all, and I rarely leave this mountain, so I won't interfere with everything about you.

Youyuan opened his mouth and couldn't speak, and even Yu Burles was slightly surprised.

However, after thinking about it, he continued to ask with a frown.

"Why does the king of chaos have the art of petrochemicals?"

Arimoran heard it and smiled charmingly.

"Oh, you said him, but because the messengers of the Holy Empire and the messengers of the fallen empire jointly requested it at that time, it may be convenient for the balanced rule of several empires, so I gave him a wisp of hair to use some petrochemical techniques."

Youyuan was even more surprised to hear the words. You should know that even the three holy places in the chaotic land were worshipped by the petrified Yarimoran, and even mentioned her name from time to time.

Ali Moran finally calmed down when he saw that the plain was still puzzled.

"The reason why they are like this may be partly because of the sword demon goblin, and the other part is the advantage of living too long."

They? Naturally, it refers to several emperors and many holy places, as for living too long...

Ali Moran brushed his soft long hair, looked at the three people here slightly, and fell into memories.

"I have forgotten the specific time. In short, I was born in this plane. At that time, there were not many creatures on this plane, only sporadic beasts with great size and no wisdom.

However, I remember that the tree of the world was already several kilometers high at that time.

About thousands of years later, the number of native beasts on this continent has gradually increased. At the same time, some powerful beasts have advanced to the Holy Land and have the wisdom to communicate with me.

Since then, I have understood some things and began to consciously remember some things.

The first change in the continent was the day when the tree of the world bloomed for the first time. Now I still clearly remember that the elves of the continent was born at that time when the world tree was born, and the elves were the owners of this plane.

However, it has been about thousands of years. One day, a space fortress suddenly came to this plane. Well, it is the current chaotic king city.

After the arrival of this space fortress, many human races appeared and fought with the elves. After a hundred years, a huge change took place in the continent.

Another plane suddenly hit this plane. After a huge natural disaster, the original continent sank ten* into the seabed, and the continent became what it is today.

And the most important thing is that many strange races have come through disasters on this plane, including gobs and dwarves.

I remember that at that time, the space fortress of the human race was completely destroyed, so that it could not be evacuated, and then countless people were killed and injured. In short, the continent was very chaotic every day at that time.

After such years lasted for nearly ten thousand years, the goblins completely occupied the mainland. At that time, the human races and elves became vassals, and several other races were extinct, and the continent entered a peaceful period.

Yes, since that period, I have rarely killed. I have become interested in the development of this continent and am determined to observe everything on this continent silently.

The next change of the continent is a mobile space crack. It should be that a mobile space crack of the locals at that time was out of control, so disaster came to the continent. A horrible creature with extremely powerful power turned this mobile space crack into a temporary space tunnel.

At that time, the wentblin clan had made many great achievements, and many powerful beings were born in the mainland. It seems that the nine-headed giant snake emperor of the mainland now became the empty beast at that period.

However, with the emergence of countless mayflies gushing out of space cracks, led by the mayfly mother, they were dangerous to completely occupy the mainland. Even at that time, I thought that the mainland would enter a new period.

The result was very unexpected. In the final period, the Goblin clan suddenly showed an unimaginable development speed, which not only gradually turned defeat into victory, but also sealed the powerful mayfly mother in the final period!

However, at that time, the number of genieps, elves and human races was already very rare.

Just as everyone in the mainland was happy and proposed a plan that seemed to be called the Void Melting Cannon, the seven emperors came.

After the mainland barely defeated a Thunder Emperor, they all fell, and then became the current planning model.

Nearly ten thousand years later, the fallen empire gradually became the most powerful country on the mainland and had a tendency to unify the continent. However, with the battle thousands of years ago, the elf clan suddenly found the spiritual eyes of the treasure that had not been completed in the void smelting cannon plan, and then defected to the Empire of Light.

Using the power of this treasure, the Light Empire opened the door of time. Nineteen neutral gods came to the mainland, and the fallen empire was defeated, and the mainland became what it is today.

Youyuan, Youji and Boroughs were stunned, and their eyes flowed with deep shock and a trace of fear. How long did this American yarn petrochemical Yali Moran live?

Arimolan saw this and smiled as if he had expected it.

"Did you see it? This is the long-term advantage of living. Maybe in a few thousand years, I will talk about you to other beings, and then they will definitely show the same expression.

Youyuan and Burroughs showed an awkward expression. Burroughs may have a limited gap in power with Aram, but in terms of insight, Burroughs is just a passing historical figure in Aram's eyes.

Youyuan gradually suppressed the shock in his heart. The petrochemical Arrimoran is simply the ancestor and living history book of this continent.

However, just now, in the words of Yali Moran, there are four things that Youyuan pays most attention to.

The human race and the satorians are not native to this continent, but the invaders of this continent.

The mainland once sank nine times due to the impact of a plane.

The mayfly family entered the continent through a mobile space crack into a space tunnel, but was completely defeated in the end.

The battle of the gods thousands of years ago was a treasure in the eyes of the elves that reversed everything.

So, there is nothing in the treasure of the human race. What will the spirit be?

It is normal that there is no spread of the human race. After all, the human race is just an invaded race, and it is even more devastated during this period. It is fortunate that there is no extermination.

And as this native elf clan, it completely ruled the continent in ancient times, so it should have a huge amount of unimaginable treasures. So as the most powerful goblin family at that time, what was its treasure?

What is the empty melting gun plan?

Hearing such a long and ancient story for the first time, Youyuan, as a magician, couldn't help digging all the curious cells. After thinking about it, Youyuan actually took out a magic notebook on the spot and wrote down all the words of Aramlan in detail.

Ali Moran, Youji and Burles all laughed at this.

Ari Moran raised his eyebrows with a little surprise.

"Ha ha, are you also interested in the history of the mainland? As far as I know, the current human race only cares about the power they have in front of them. Except for a few historical research, they are hardly interested in the history of the mainland.

Youyuan heard it and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, that's right. I have a younger sister named Lilith. She is very interested in these, and these may help me a lot in the future."

After that, there was an indifferent chat, but Youyuan finally made it clear that why there were so many holy places in the chaotic land and no one sanctioned Youyuan.

The Holy Empire, the Elf Empire, the Death Empire and the Undead Empire are fighting in the area of the Holy Empire in the north of the chaotic land. The Light Empire and the Fallen Empire have had support, which has attracted the minds of almost everyone on the continent.

Nowadays, although the fallen empire has not participated in the battle again, the ghost represents the bloodthirsty god force, and the ghost is also born in the fallen empire, so the fallen empire acquiesced in everything in the land of chaos.

Or, does the fallen empire intend to take the bloodthirsty temple in the chaotic land the second battlefield on the mainland?

For everything, it is still a little far away from the secluded. At this time, the secluded plain is just lucky to survive in the cracks, and a breath of cool air is sucked into the secluded into the lungs.

In this way, Youyuan finally knows the difficulties of the god of stars, Trunks, but Youyuan Bitlanx is good, that is, the right time for the continent at this moment!

So, two years later, when the plan of Youyuan is completed, what will happen to the mainland?