sin totem

Chapter 258 The real use of the blood soul array to condense the power of the fishy spirit

At the top of the mountain wall outside the chaotic king city, Youyuan sat opposite Youji.

Although ordinary people are sleeping in the wilderness, for the existence of the fifth level or above, they have the kindness to sleep with heaven and earth because of their understanding of the origin of heaven and earth, which is no different from the house.

And Youyuan and Youji are on the top of the mountain at this time, exchanging the magician's experience closely.

Youji is dressed in a light cyan dress, with elegant beauty and elegant manners.

Youyuan is dressed in a wide purple-black magic robe, calm demeanor, and his eyes are full of erudite wisdom.

This exchange is naturally a request of Youyuan. Youji can agree without hesitation, all because Youyuan used a space force, which shocked Youji for a long time before responding.

Although Youji was extremely curious, she knew that this involved the secrets of the ghost field, so she did not open her mouth in the end, but only exchanged some experience about space merchants and space sealers.

After a day and a night of communication, Youyuan has made great progress in space knowledge, which may not reach the height of a special space merchant, but there may be breakthrough progress in combining the use of soul art with the use of blood soul art.

It was not until the morning of the third day that the refreshed Youyuan nodded to Youji with satisfaction. After lowering her head and meditating carefully, she took out the magic notebook again and began to take notes, with an extremely serious and focused look.

Youji sat opposite the plain and looked at it quietly, and the breeze was blowing her light and elegant clothes.

At this moment, looking at the mysterious field on the opposite side, which is addicted to the magical world, I don't know why this half-elf is a little intoxicated. It seems that it has entered a realm where I forget two things. In my eyes, only the mysterious plain on the opposite side is bowing his head and taking notes, thinking from time to time.


A loud dragon roared, and it was Youji's frost giant who roared in the distance, proclaiming its dragon power.

Youyuan in the notes frowned, stopped the quill in his hand slightly, and looked up at the frost dragon in the distance.

It seems that the Frost Dragon had some conflicts with a local warcraft there, but it did not reach the point of battle.

Youyuan was naturally not in the mood to pay attention to these things, but when Youyuan inadvertently saw Youji looking at him stunned, he was suddenly stunned.

"Master Youji, are you all right?"

When You Ji heard Youyuan's words, she suddenly woke up from her stunned and looked at the surrounding environment. Then she immediately thought of something. A red glow instantly reflected on her face, which was really beautiful.

I was a little flustered and sorted it up in a hurry, as if to hide the embarrassment.

"Oh, oh... it's okay, I just suddenly thought of something. Huh? Ah! By the way, looking at my memory, I forgot what I had prepared for you.

With that, Youji moved the power of space and took out a head-sized wooden box directly from the space pocket, and a seal charm was posted.

"This is..."

Youyuan took the wooden box from a pair of delicate and lubricated hands and gently opened the wooden box seal. Suddenly, a barbaric and irritable hot-blooded breath appeared in the Youyuan induction, and there was also a strange smell.

Gently opened the wooden box, and a fist-sized bear bile appeared in the eyes of Youyuan, and even had a trace of vitality beating slightly because of several life crystal magic arrays arranged in the wooden box!

"Is this the Holy Land bear gallbladder?"

There was a strong light in Youyuan's eyes, and he asked Youji with a trace of surprise.

Seeing this smile, Youji nodded slowly.

"Exact. This bear bile was exchanged from a sanctuary space merchant who had been dealing with for many years. It is said that he happened to have just got it and even maintained fresh vitality, so I arranged a magic array to preserve vitality to seal this trace of vitality.

Youyuan was happy and quickly buttoned the wooden box and sealed the seal talisman again.

At the same time, he bowed his head and meditated on the exchange handed over to Youji.

According to the original agreement of Youyuan, something must be given to the value of the crystal nucleus of the Holy Land. Although Youji did not emphasize anything, Youyuan naturally cannot destroy its reputation in front of this space master who can be called a friend.

After thinking about it, Youyuan suddenly had an idea. A round ball of primitive erosion the size of a child's fist appeared, and the lofty power breath surprised You Ji.

"Oh, this level of power..."

Youyuan shook her head slightly at Youji, and Youji looked at Youyuan puzzledly.

Youyuan smiled and didn't explain anything directly.

Because part of the natural original erosion force has been condensed in the body, the ghost at this time has a considerable control over the original erosion force, so the original erosion force ball floats slightly with one hand to the void in front of it.

An invisible power fluctuation, a trace of primitive erosion power spread outward under the exquisite control of the secluded plain, and this fist-sized ball is getting thinner and thinner.

Youji still looked at Youyuan puzzledly. However, at this time, an extremely noble force appeared. This degree of power even shocked Youji, and her eyes stared at the bright light of this power.

Order, mapping, control...

This is the ultimate direction of the development of the blood soul array at this time, condensing the power of the spirit!

In just one moment, the primitive erosion force, under the exquisite control of the secluded plain, once again wrapped this fishy power to prevent the passage of power, and also completely isolated others from sensing of this fishy spirit.

Youyuan looked at Youji with a smile, while Youji was slightly shocked and lowered her head to think about something.

For a while, Youji raised her head and looked at Youyuan.

"This outer force should be the power of primitive erosion. It seems that I have heard that this power has the magical ability of completely isolated induction, but I didn't expect that you would use this power to wrap the more noble power.

As for the power in this primitive erosion force, although you don't have much understanding and turn it into a law in your holy land, I can feel the absolute noble breath from this power.

This breath even exceeds the lofty level of the four-level law I have seen. Is it the lofty level of the five-level law?

No! I remember that if the power of primitive erosion is transformed into the law of primitive erosion, there will definitely be a four-level law.

So if it's just a higher level, there is absolutely no need to be wrapped with the power of primitive erosion, but there is no ancient breath of the power of the Lord and God in this power..."

Although Youji looked at the ghost field, she was guessing to herself.

I bowed my head again and meditated again.

It has to be said that the positioning of the value of space goods is a compulsory course for space merchants, and the fundamental principle of value positioning is the essential strength and scarcity of goods.

This time, You Ji pondered for a long time and didn't get a reason, but she couldn't let Youyuan wait indefinitely, so she still raised her head and smiled.

"Although you can't characterize this item, obviously there is no breath of law and no divine will to wrap it to prevent the passage of power, you have found another way to make this pseudo-divine power, but it also absolutely has the value of trading.

Ha ha, well, this transaction was successful.

But can you tell me the name of this power?

After seeing Youji take down the original erosion force, Youyuan nodded.

"This is a means attached to the art of my blood soul. The name of this power is the power of the fishy spirit, but the cohesion of this power takes some time."

When Youji heard this, she suddenly stared at Youyuan with infinite shock in her eyes.

"What! You mean... this fishy power is condensed by yourself?

The original is extremely strange.

"That's right, what's wrong?"

You Ji opened her mouth and couldn't speak. She blinked a pair of big eyes, but did not answer Youyuan's words. Instead, she asked Youyuan again.

"So, how much time do you need to condense this fishy power?"

Youyuan frowned when he saw Youji making a fuss, but he still answered truthfully after thinking about it.

"It will take about 20 days now, and this time may be shortened in the future."

You can obviously see that Youji's whole body was shocked, looking at the Yuan is full of brilliance, and she will no longer have a light and beautiful image in the feeling of the Yuan for the first time.

It seemed to be strange to see Youyuan. Youji tried to calm down and seemed to suppress the matter for the time being.

"Well, maybe you don't know much about the value of divine power!

The use of divine power mainly has two aspects, derivation into combat effectiveness and unlimited extension of the period of reincarnation.

In terms of delaying the reincarnation period, because your fishy power has no will at all, so it is impossible to have this effect, so the value in this regard is removed.

In terms of combat, the divine power is divided into two outbreak modes, one is a single explosion, which can be used to temporarily enhance part of the power.

The other is that 30 or even hundreds of the same magic powers explode together, and then use different magic skills!

In terms of this fishy power, because it is not a divine power, there is definitely no way to perform magic, but in terms of the single explosion, it is absolutely not lower than the real divine power, but there is no divine will.

As far as I know, the general divine will pressure has a limited use for those who have been fighting all year round!

So, I guess the value of your fishy power is at least half-power!"

After bowing his head and thinking about it, he was still a little puzzled.

"It's just the value of half power, which is worthy of the master's surprise?"

Yuji thought of something again and began to explain again, but her smile was more obvious.

"You're right. Half power is really not surprising to me.

However, you should know that you can mass produce this power!

Isn't the reason why the gods can order and hire space legions to fight for them depends on the ability of gods to create divine power?

As far as I know, the innate gods are not clear, but if the gods don't want to damage their will, it usually takes ten days or even half a month to create a divine power according to different forces, and then accumulate into huge numbers to buy faith planes from the space army.

If you have such power, isn't it equivalent to a pseudo-god?

Until this time, Youyuan, who heard Youji's explanation, finally understood how powerful the blood soul array can condense the power of the fishy spirit!

However, the power of the spirit can have the value of half power, which is also because the power of the spirit is extremely rare for the endless world.

After all, not all strong people use divine power to extend the reincarnation period, and even most of the strong people in the Holy Land rely on divine power to fight, and those who rely on divine power to delay the reincarnation period are some weak Holy Lands and even the fifth level.

In this regard, if you replace the divine power with the power of the spirit, and only the general cost is required, I believe there are still a lot of strong people who are willing to buy it.

Thinking of this, Youyuan couldn't help but be slightly excited. The means of condensing the power of the blood soul is clearly a machine that prints money infinitely!

Youyuan is in his own excitement!

In this way, Youyuan has taken a big step in all the ideas of the doomsday army, and his heart is infinitely happy and excited!

On the other side, You Ji looked at the mysterious young magician who was rising like the same sunrise. Unexpectedly, her face was unconsciously hot, and even her heartbeat accelerated slightly!

This feeling...

Uncomparably strange and uncomfortable, Youji frowned and abruptly suppressed this feeling.

However, he is also happy for the original method, and the original that is immersed in his ideals does not find the strangeness of Youji.

Half a day later, Youyuan first left the mountain wall.

Youyuan clearly remembers that all the permanent elders were the last to appear at the General Assembly of Elders in the Land of Chaos.