sin totem

Chapter 289 Bloodthirsty God Power, God's Greed Desire

In the whirlpool of elements, the bloodthirsty god came.

This time, the bloodthirsty god appeared as a bloody burly body of more than 20 meters, and the majestic bloodthirsty power was shake off layer by layer, making all creatures feel small, humble and subservient.

This form is the effect of the bloodthirsty god who spent all the stored divine power to come, which is used to sensitize the first believers and appear in the divine power.

However, when the bloodthirsty god slowly descended from the vortex of the element with a majestic, noble and holy image, a color of doubt appeared in the heart of the bloodthirsty god. Why is there no statue of himself on the ground? At the same time, there does not seem to be a scene where many believers pray and worship together.

It seems that... everything is completely different from the imagination of the bloodthirsty god!

"God, where are my believers and statues?"

The majestic voice swept all over the world like a tsunami, but there was no answer. The bloodthirsty anger that had completely come to the chaotic land appeared, and his eyes flashed red.

The bloodthirsty god grabbed the void directly with one hand, and a dagger emitting demonic light appeared in the hands of the bloodthirsty god, which was the bloodthirsty blade. As the landing coordinate, the induction of the bloodthirsty blade naturally appears at the first time.

The bloodthirsty god does not feel any breath of the bloodthirsty god at all, and there are only two possibilities to cause such an effect.

One is that the bloodthirsty god left here, completely beyond the sensing range of the bloodthirsty god. The other is that the bloodthirsty god has completely died and his soul has dissipated.

Gods perform magic, and naturally borrow power from gods.

Just now, the bloodthirsty god did feel that a considerable amount of power was borrowed by the bloodthirsty god. However, in the thought of the bloodthirsty god, it must be the bloodthirsty god who exerted his power in front of believers to win people's hearts.

Such a thing, the bloodthirsty gods came to the continent as a senior god split, and they have not experienced it once or twice, and they have even been used to it and didn't care at all.

And in terms of the strength of the bloodthirsty god sensing the power strength of the fifth level of the Youyuan, it is not enough to perform two or three magic spells. As for the subsequent soul and vitality burning trauma, after a period of time, the divine power will be completely healed.

It can be said that as long as the gods are immortal, the gods will almost have the same longevity and last forever.

However, the development of things now seems to be completely beyond the imagination of the bloodthirsty god, and we must make things clear!

Thinking of this, the bloodthirsty god swept away the vast area around.

There are about ten holy places where bloodthirsty magic broke out, two of which must be paid attention to. However, this person's eyes...

The bloodthirsty god flashed fiercely!

I don't know how many times the bloodthirsty god has seen such greedy and excited eyes, and the consequence of these people is ruthlessly erased by the bloodthirsty god, and there is no room.

In front of the power of the gods, the general sanctuary is completely vulnerable!

Even today, the bloodthirsty god is only a split, and all the power of faith is suppressed by this plane, leaving only two sources of faith in the mainland, and will never tolerate the existence of such a look.

This demeanor is the greed of humble creatures for the supreme deity and the desire for the source of supreme divine power.

Thinking of this, the bloodthirsty god had almost no warning or warning, and at this time, under the greatest power of faith since he came to the mainland of the gods, he suddenly took action.

With just one hand, the bloodthirsty cloud within a hundred miles began to roll, and then a giant hand with the same magic and bloodthirsty anger effect exerted by the incarnation of Youyuan No. 1 appeared. The difference is that the bloodthirsty god exerts a huge hand for thousands of kilometers, and at the same time, it is closely combined with the will of the gods. The power is not the same as that of the Youyuan.

Almost at the moment when the bloodthirsty god took action, the Lord Luger in Red and the two remaining holy land behind him woke up from the endless greedy fantasy of the divine.

However, at the moment of sobriety, there is endless despair!

The Lord Ruger in Red roared, and the sacred flame ignited 100 meters, while the other two holy places knew that they could not survive under the power of the bloodthirsty gods, and they actually had the intention of slipping away.

However, the moment when the thousand-meter giant hand appeared above the heads of several holy places, Muran seemed to have 10,000 pounds of power in the surrounding space of the holy places. The two holy places who planned to escape only felt like being trapped in a deep quagmire, struggling to walk, and at the same time, their bodies involuntarily fell to the ground.

As for the leader in red, although he could barely fly, he knew that the main target of the bloodthirsty god was him, so he fell into the final crazy struggle.


The earth collapsed within 10,000 meters and was covered by bloodthirsty magic power. A mass of lava emerged from the ground and was instantly covered by bloodthirsty magic power.

However, at this time, the bloodthirsty god seemed to notice something, with a sarcastic ridicule in his eyes, a big mouth, and a pillar of bloodthirsty light flashed into the broken earth, and then the master of Ruger in red completely lost his breath in a wailing.

With such power, the bloodthirsty god slowly stopped his pace and hesitated. As for the strong and horizontal atmosphere in the farther world, it also slowed down one by one and was surprised.

On the other side, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family is busy with the disaster of the fortress because of the heavy damage caused by the last magic used by Youyuan.

And unlike the existence of the continents of gods, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, as an existence outside the undeveloped advanced intermediate translocation plane of the mainland, has long been greedy for the gods than any strong person in the continents of gods.

Because for any holy land, as long as the divine form is obtained and refined, and then a perfect belief system is established, it is the real god.

That also marks that a holy realm has ascended to the sky and surpassed any holy realm. No matter how powerful this holy realm is, mortals can't fight against the power of God after all. The huge power gap between the Holy Land and the gods is also the reason why the endless world is more greedy for the divine status than the undeveloped advanced intermediate plane of the God Continent.

In the endless world, the gods and holy realms with a complete belief system can't be completely transformed into two levels of battle proportion!

It is also because of this that almost all the holy realms of the endless world understand the horror of the gods. At all, the first reaction to see the gods is greed for the divine, but deep fear.

Therefore, for the nine grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, the fear of divine power has completely defeated greed.

The nine grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider showed her submission almost at the first moment and lowered her noble head to show her respect, which is also one of the reasons why the bloodthirsty god only chose to destroy the god in red.

At this moment, the bloodthirsty god felt that more and more sacred areas would gather here, and finally began to notice something was wrong.

This seems to be a conspiracy!

The gods are incomparable to their own deity**. As a god, they naturally know how eager and greedy each sanctuary is for their own deity while they submit to themselves.

Kidling gods and seizing the gods is almost the ultimate dream of all the holy land that can't become gods in the endless world.

Once there is an opportunity, almost all holy areas will not give up such an opportunity. What the gods fear most is that the almost endless sanctuary is blinded by greed.

Of course, there are basically no fools in all holy areas and will never make wedding clothes for others, so this kind of thing happens quite rarely in the endless world.

However, if the strength of the gods has been reduced to the point that they can't make the Holy Land feel desperate, then almost every Holy Land will think that they are the one who is lucky to seize the divine identity, and the following Holy Land is afraid of being taken first by others, then the consequences are...

The bloodthirsty god's face is solemn. In such a dense holy area, this separation that lacks faith is indeed a little uncontrollable.

Thinking of this, the bloodthirsty God is about to leave this place as soon as possible, but what happened next made the bloodthirsty God slightly afraid!

That is, the source of faith in Scar City has completely disappeared!

Naturally, Youyuan No. 2 of the Scar City used the means arranged in advance in the bloodthirsty god statue to completely destroy the bloodthirsty god statue, so that the bloodthirsty god completely lost the support of faith.

At this time, in the city of scars, the magic moon is leading a large number of high-level existence, forcibly organizing the order of the square, and promoting some bloodthirsty gods*, and at the same time arranges perfect lies for the ghost plain.

Losing the trend of faith, the reaction to the bloodthirsty god is that the divine power that can be controlled is rapidly decreasing.

And the reduction of strength is the root cause of the fear of the bloodthirsty god.

Mu Ran, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider nine mother and all the holy land that sensed the situation here, were all ecstatic. At this moment, in everyone's hearts, greed once again defeated fear.

However, although the nine-faced grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider's greed over fear was only momentarily, as if it were fleeting, she still changed her face and hated her stupid greed. At the same time, her head was lower and she tried her best to cover it up, hoping that this god would not notice her.

The heart of the bloodthirsty god's heart was slightly cool, and almost all the holy places that sensed this place were ready to move. It was almost permeated with the greed that could be completely felt by the bloodthirsty god. What's more than 30 holy places of different forces had completely appeared in the field of the bloodthirsty god's vision, and their eyes were greedy and hot. Here.

Anger and fear coexist, and the bloodthirsty god looked at these greedy eyes and appeared ruthlessly.

Today, there is only one way, that is, to hope for the sudden outbreak of the strongest divine power to deter these greedy holy realms!

Then take advantage of this time to leave here quickly.

Thinking of this, the bloodthirsty god looked at the place where the greedy intention just closest to him appeared. The man was the nine grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider.

"Bloodthirsty field!"