sin totem

Chapter 290 The Battle of the Holy Spirit

The mother of the nine clan of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider felt the fierce light of the bloodthirsty god, and her soul was suddenly clever. When she sensed the fluctuation of the magnificent power of the bloodthirsty god, she finally screamed with fear and flew away with an extremely pale face.

The mother of the nine-race spider is extremely decisive, and even the bloodthirsty god has a little unexpected appearance.

While the other ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider sanctuary was still confused, the bloodthirsty god sneered, his thick arms, and then a strange and fast barrier space flashed away.

is just a breath, a huge bloodthirsty field with thousands of meters appearing in the world, and the chaotic and strange bloodthirsty power fills every corner of it. At this moment, the bloodthirsty god is the absolute master of the bloodthirsty field.

Is the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider mother still unable to leave with despair in fear?

Several ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders appeared hysterical screams, constantly stimulating their own strength, trying to resist the crushing and destruction of the endless bloodthirsty magic power in the bloodthirsty field. However, in the face of the almost endless bloodthirsty power in the bloodthirsty field at this time, the rest of several ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders in the sanctuary were only despair.

A corner of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider fortress is covered by the bloodthirsty field, and the spider silk just barely resisted and disappeared one after another.

As for the low-level ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders that entered the bloodthirsty field, even the last desperate roar did not appear, and were instantly destroyed by the bloodthirsty divine power in the field. Only the sporadic fifth-order ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders barely showed some wave marks.

The bloodthirsty god narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider mother who was still struggling. Mu Ran stretched out with one hand, and then the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider nine mother only felt that the bloodthirsty power around her was like a torrent constantly squeezing towards her. The ninth grandmother finally made her last prayer under the power of burning life.

"Great and unknown gods, I am willing to give everything I have because of my mistakes, as your most loyal servant, and pray that you can forgive my humble life."

Several ghost-faced spiders who were still struggling next to them looked at their ninth grandmother in shock and were at a loss.

However, the bloodthirsty god, together with the other hand, also pointed to the nine mother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, and suddenly the endless bloodthirsty power increased a little.

"Hmm, then I will accept your loyal servant, but now, I want you to die!"

With the last scream of the ninth grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, the bloodthirsty power finally broke through the last resistance of the ninth grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider. The ninth grandmother's body was instantly torn into countless fragments by the endless bloodthirsty divine power, and then completely disappeared in the field without any trace.

When several other ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders saw the death of the ninth grandmother, they were immediately furious and cursed the bloodthirsty god loudly, and their language was extremely dirty.

However, with the cruel smile of the bloodthirsty god, all the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders suddenly looked desperate and had to burn all the power and vitality of their souls, making a final resistance to the bloodthirsty power that suddenly increased several times.

The bloodthirsty god has no expression. Wherever he goes with one finger, any ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider of the Holy Land will be turned into countless pieces with a bang, and then all the pieces will be completely destroyed. For a moment, it will be more powerful!

With such power, these ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders trapped in the bloodthirsty field were almost like chickens and dogs, and were ruthlessly erased by the bloodthirsty gods to warn the increasing number of greedy people in the holy land.

In the bloodthirsty field, the bloodthirsty god saw that all the holy realms were destroyed. Suddenly, the field was closed and his eyes looked around everyone.

"The ignorant soul, the great power of the gods is not what mortals in other areas can figure out, and they can't measure themselves!"

At this time, all the holy areas were shocked by the power of the bloodthirsty gods and did not dare to approach.

Under the power of that field, any existence trapped in it can only fight with the gods. But with the degree of power controlled by the gods and the power of will, can it be comparable to the power of the Holy Land?

Seeing that many holy places are like this, the bloodthirsty god breathed a sigh of relief and finally got up and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, the change suddenly appeared!

The unparalleled huge will of the bloodthirsty god seemed to feel something. When he turned around with extreme anger, the bloodthirsty blade disappeared in a flash.

An extremely obscure power fluctuation suddenly exploded at a distance of 100 meters from the bloodthirsty god, followed by a holy night elf appeared under the bloodthirsty god almost an instant, and an extremely small sickle-like weapon quickly stroked.

This weapon seems to have a special effect, driving a trace of night shadow-like darkness.

With a bang, the bloodthirsty god did not appear blood, but scattered in the air, emitting endless ** power, occupying all the vision of this night elf at this moment.

God, this is God!

Although it's just such a trace of divineness!

However, almost at the same time, the night elf hummed and split into two, and one of them was hit by the bloodthirsty blade and fell into a mummified corpse without any resistance.

As for the split of another dark elf, he grabbed the void of the remnants with one hand, grabbed all the points and swallowed them in one bite, and then did not dare to stay any quickly retreat hundreds of meters away, as long as a few flashes will leave here.

Everything happened in an instant. A sanctuary in the distance saw the power of the night elves and exclaimed.

"This is the Night Elf Scythe of the Undead Empire! That's right! The magical latent skill, the strange skill of splitting, and the holy weapon night shadow sickle. That's right, it must be him!"

Hearing the words of the night shadow sickle, several holy places suddenly exclaimed, obviously knowing its prestige.

But at this moment, the night shadow sickle, who left at a high speed, suddenly roared angrily.

"Roar, the song of nature, today's hatred is bound to be fully rewarded!"

With the roar of the fleeting night elf, a forest elf full of strong breath of life also flashed away. At the same time, the long bow was pulled up again in his hand, and an extremely strong bow and arrow with aura of life was placed on it.

"Hmm! Night Shadow Scysp, let's talk about it if you have the ability to escape my pursuit today!"

After saying that, the arrows of the song of nature flashed again, and the two quickly disappeared from everyone's sight, and behind them, they left several holy places one after another.

Although the trace of the god captured by the night shadow sickle is not enough to produce even the weight of the lowest-level god, it is absolutely immeasurable treasure. Whether it is used for understanding or trading, it has infinite wonderful uses.

And obviously, it is much safer to seize the god of this severely damaged night elf than to capture the bloodthirsty god.

At the same time, on the side of the bloodthirsty god, the body was cut by the night shadow sickle sacred weapon. With the addition of the belief trend of Thiosha Island, the divine body is being quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the bloodthirsty god did not pay attention to the repair of his god's body, but turned his head to look at the holy realms that no longer hide his greed.

A trace of regret flowed.

It seems that this split really doesn't want to leave peacefully.

At this time, in the eyes of all the holy areas, since the night shadow sickle can get the divine status, why can't I? In this way, those self-sufficient holy realms finally made up their minds to let go!

God-sling! Capture the divine spirit! The easiest way to become a god!

An extremely bright sword of holy light broke out, and four bright wings flashed away. This man is an extremely powerful four-winged angel of the sacred empire!

The bloodthirsty god's fierce light flashed, and he could only kill a bloody road!

Thinking of this, the bloodthirsty god waved casually, and hundreds of meters of bloodthirsty magic sword tore a large space cracks. With just a single fight, the sword of the four-winged angel's holy light was completely extinguished.

The four-winged angel's face changed, and as the angel's heart suddenly jumped, the sky fell down a pillar of light full of incomparable holiness covering his body, and his breath increased greatly.

However, it was also at this time that the bloodthirsty god narrowed his eyes. Just behind the four-winged angel, the space fluctuated slightly, and a dagger with incomparable scarlet demon light appeared, poking into the four-winged angel's chest.

The angel hymn muttering by the four-winged angel completely stopped, and he looked at the bloodthirsty blade on his chest incredulously, and then his body burst into endless flames. The next moment, with a bloodthirsty explosion, the four-winged angel completely lost its traces of existence.

The bloodthirsty god made a move with one hand, looked at the slightly dim bloodthirsty blade, and a sigh appeared.

After all, it is just a pseudo-magic artifact that believes in divine power differentiation and condensed. There is no real artifact as a rare material as a carrier. The life of this bloodthirsty blade in high-level combat is really limited.

Thinking of this, the bloodthirsty god shook his head and swallowed the bloodthirsty blade.

As one of the artifacts of the bloodthirsty god's differentiation of divine power, the bloodthirsty blade will definitely unify the power of the bloodthirsty god and improve it.


Mu Ran, an extremely strong purgatory demon's body magic flame exploded in the distant sky. In the roar that resounded through the sky, a huge hammer with a bear flame cut through the air and threw it over, and even a round of elemental flame was baked by the bear flame in the sky.

The bloodthirsty spirit flashed, put his hands together, and dozens of bloodthirsty silks suddenly appeared from his body, and a flash of tangled around the giant hammer.

Under the layers of bloodthirsty silk, the magic flame hammer slowly lost its strength and fell from the sky.

However, at this time, a magic flame wave mixed with red flame and dark magic flame appeared, which was the magic flame wave talent of the purgatory demon.

The bloodthirsty God did not panic. His hands tore and pull into the void in front of him, and a crack in the space appeared. As the bloodthirsty god stepped in, the next step was to walk directly out of the space crack in the sky hundreds of meters away, constantly easily dodged the magic flame wave, and even punched the powerful purgatory evil. Demon.


Several layers of flame shields were broken, and the 100-meter earth cracked and fell down one layer. Then the purgatory demon dragged half of his body and turned around and fled in panic.

The bloodthirsty god is about to eradicate the grass, but he can only shake his head and move his hands again.

"Bloodthirsty field!"

Seven or eight holy places were imprisoned in the field, but for a moment, except for a bright knight who burned his soul, raided through a small area barrier and fled to the distance without looking back, all other holy places were killed.

The bloodthirsty god quickly put away the field again, but if it is a source of faith in the mainland, it is not a space channel that has just arrived on the mainland. At the moment when there is divine support from a distant place, the bloodthirsty field consumes too much for the bloodthirsty god.

Relying on the power of faith of Yusha Island, he slowly replenished the empty divine power in his body. The only thing the bloodthirsty god can do is to drag to these holy areas to defeat greed again and give up the plunder of the divine.

With the power of faith, the regeneration of the divine power of the bloodthirsty god is far from being comparable to these holy realms.

Demuer has been out of the chaotic land for three years since he returned to the chaotic land by the fifth level of Youyuan.

At this moment, Demuir's eyes are red and hot. As long as he takes away the divine deity, he can not only return to the chaotic place to find revenge, but even Aram is only the existence under him!

Constantly fantasizing in his heart, Demour finally defeated everything greedily and tried his best to take action.

However, in just a moment, a bloodthirsty light column appeared, and Demuer was ruthlessly erased without humming.

A 100-meter fireball attacked, and the center of the fireball contained a strange wind power. It was Mulan who had several faces with Youyuan.

Next to Mulan, a 30-meter black dragon carries Dogo, obviously to defend the possible counterattack of the bloodthirsty god.

Naturally, the bloodthirsty god would not know the two. Once again, he stretched out and pressed it with one hand, and a huge hand of hundreds of meters appeared to cover the sky and the sun, and the 100-meter fireball was rudely pressed down.

Mulan's face appeared with a crazy look and a shout!

With the explosion of the power of a wind, the power of the fireball law burst out several times in an instant, as if to temporarily compete with the bloodthirsty god giant hand.

However, with a sneer from the bloodthirsty god, the majestic power of will was added to the giant hand, and the bloodthirsty hand condensed down again unceremoniously.


Black Dragon, Dogo and Muran have no sound, and have completely disappeared from many previous holy places.

Seroon wind blades break into the air...

The magic power of the bloodthirsty gods fluctuates more and less, and many holy places can naturally be clearly sensed. Therefore, although batch after batches of holy places die, the remaining holy places increasingly feel that they must be the lucky person to kill the bloodthirsty gods and then ascend to heaven step by step.

The offensive of many holy places is becoming more and more crazy. Although the bloodthirsty god's divine power fluctuates less and less, he still has the ability to easily kill the holy land. Therefore, the comparison between the two sides is whether the greed of many holy places is defeated by fear first, or the divine power of the bloodthirsty god is consumed in the greed of many holy places.

With the passage of time, the bloodthirsty god did not have the divine power at the beginning, and even began to constantly calculate the consumption of his divine power and the replenishment of the power of faith, and did not have the prestige of killing the Holy Land at the beginning.

In such a situation, the battle can never stop in a short period of time, and even a variety of holy areas have begun to fight strategies, wandering with cooperation and purpose.

And some of the holy areas also began to consider their next actions. Should they try their best to fight or give up everything to escape?

However, this battle situation began to change completely with the situation of the Bloodthirsty Temple on Thirsa Island!