The strongest dung bee

Chapter 242 Tianwai Building

In the center of Qihuang City, there is a nine-storey high-rise building with carved beams and painted buildings, which are extremely luxurious. Standing upstairs, you can have a panoramic view of the thousands of weather in the city.

This is the Tianwai Building.

Tianwai Building can be said to be the most powerful chamber of commerce on the bloody moon continent. It is extremely rich. Wherever there are people, there is Tianwai Building, which is not false.

Not only in Changshengtian, but also in other major cities of martial arts sects, there are Tianwailou.

It is a miracle for such a large chamber of commerce.

Of course, the reason why it has not been annexed so far is that in a sense, Tiangai is also a sect.

Moreover, his suzerain is still a strong man.

However, this sect loves peace, and the first iron law of living outside the world is to never compete for hegemony.

Just like the gurgling water, water does not compete with everything, but everything can't compete with it.

Su Han and Lao Jin came here.

Standing at the door of Tianwaiju, he looked up at the three big characters on the golden signboard. Su Han's eyes were indescribable in his heart.

This signboard is obviously a spiritual weapon, and even a very cherished and powerful product in Reiki.

This nine-storey building is not a dead building, but a flowing whole, like a trembling mountain.

"Brother Su, please."

Lao Jin said politely.

To be fair, the consumption of living outside the sky is extremely high, and even with his own money, he has never been here several times.

And now, he has made up his mind to eat this meal by himself.

If Su Han's gambling bone before only made him take a look at Su Han, then Lao Jin would be completely amazed to defeat Mr. Su.

Obviously, this son is by no means a thing in the pool.

Su Han smiled and entered the door with him. As soon as he entered the door, a sense of wealth came to his face.

Such an atmosphere is not real, but a special aura formed over time in a specific place.

Like a grave, it is gloomy. Over time, it will form a cold atmosphere and may even produce some kind of evil thing.

Like a brothel, people come and go, flowers and green, as soon as you enter the door, it will make people's hearts move, * germinate.

And on this day, the business is booming, the guests are like clouds, and the day is fighting for gold. Over time, there is a sense of wealth and nobility.

If the purse is not bulging, you will be timid when you enter the door.

Su Han didn't feel anything about the spirit of wealth, but when the old King Kong entered the door, his heart suddenly and played cleverly.

It's not that I can't afford a meal, but I've been stingy for a long time. It's inevitably a little uncomfortable to enter such a place.

"Welcome, two distinguished guests."

There are beautiful women welcoming guests, wearing a tailored light gauze, which is beautiful and delicious.

"Find a quiet place." Su Han waved his hand and said casually.

Under the leadership of the beautiful welcome, the two soon sat in an Accord near the window on the third floor.

There are nine floors outside the sky, and one to three floors are counted for three days. As long as you have money, you can come to consume.

Three days on the third to sixth floor is not something that ordinary rich people can enter, and it requires considerable strength and status.

As for the sixth floor, it is hosted by absolute strong men, at least Jindan-level monks, who can enter. Even if ordinary people are extremely rich, they don't want to enter at all.

As soon as he heard such a rule, Su Han's eyes lit up.

The boss who came up with this kind of business method is definitely a genius.

This day's foreign residence is really extraordinary.

However, this is not the time to study the extraterretion, but to take good care of Lao Jin first.

Sitting down is ordering, and as soon as he opened the recipe, Su Han was stunned.

Although there are many extremely rare dishes on this recipe, which are like dragon liver and phoenix marrow, which are of great benefit to the body and even nourish the soul, this is not the reason for Su Han's surprise.

Su Han was stunned because of the names of the dishes on it.

"Chiba tofu, pickled cabbage stewed vermicelli, chicken stewed with mushrooms..."

It is not surprising to see such a name in any restaurant on earth, but it is in the Blood Moon Continent. Seeing such a name can only explain one problem.

With a stir in his heart, Su Han suppressed his thoughts and ordered a table full of dishes in one breath, all of which were common dishes on earth.

Seeing that Su Hancai was generous, the corners of Lao Jin's mouth moved, and he secretly had a toothache.

Each of these dishes is often more than a hundred elixir. It's not a dish. It's obviously a plate of elixir, which is too luxurious.

"Brother Jin, look, what else is needed?"

Lao Jin waved his hand quickly, "Enough, enough."

Su Han didn't force it. He put down the menu and gave him a cup of Wudao tea, which is unique here. He said, "Brother Jin, have you been doing business in the bone gambling hall for some years?"

Speaking of his old career, Lao Jin sighed, "I entered the industry at the age of 15. For 40 years now, I haven't blown it. There are not 10,000 soul bones I have seen, but there are also 8,000, but I still admire my brother. The first time you bet on the bone, you can open a perfect soul bone. Compared with you, I'm so old that I live on a dog.

Su Han said modestly, "No, no, I'm just lucky to bet on a perfect soul bone, thanks to Brother Jin's care."

Old Jin smiled bitterly.

I still feel a little distressed.

The value of a perfect soul bone can be regarded as a rare treasure. It feels like being bought from under the eyelids... It's so depressing that I want to die.

The two chatted for a while, and the dishes were served.

Su Han moved a few chopsticks and became more and more sure of his thoughts.

These dishes are all from the earth.

Obviously, in the middle of this day, there is definitely one of its own kind.

Su Han's mind is intertated.

Is this... a masterpiece of earth people?

This idea came to his mind, and he suddenly felt a little un calm.

You should know that on this bloody moon continent, the existence of the earth is called a demon outside the sky, and it will never be recognized. Once recognized, there is only one way to die.

Who can have such a huge energy and create such a huge industry here?

To be fair, Su Han felt that he could not do it at all.

Doing business is not a battle. Although I am confident to live in such a place, it is absolutely difficult to achieve a commercial property.

"Come here."

His heart moved, and Su Han opened his mouth and called in the waiter standing quietly at the door.

"Dear guest, please tell me." The beautiful waiter entered the door, bowed lightly and said.

"Where do these delicacies come from? Introduce them to me." Su Han asked.

The waiter did not hesitate, but said without hesitation, "These dishes are new products recently launched by Tianwaiju. Each dish is carefully made by the chef, such as this chicken stewed mushroom..."

The waiter introduced it in detail, and the answer was fluent, which obviously made a lot of effort.

Lao Jin curled his lips secretly. He really didn't expect that there was so much attention to eating.

The combination of such ordinary ingredients produces an amazing taste.

"Go and call the chef for me." Su Han said again.

The waiter's face stagnated, and he never thought that Su Han could ask such a question.

"What, can't you?"

"It's not impossible, it's just that the chef..."

"Go!" Su Han's voice intensified a little.

The waiter's lips moved, just like a breeze, going out quickly.

Lao Jin's face was a little surprised. Looking at Su Han, he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Did he want to dig up the chef?

There is no precedent like this.

The prince of a large family eats out and is full of praise. He often digs the chef to his own house and acts as a private cook.

For a while, Lao Jin thought about Su Han's identity again.

Not long after the waiter went out, there was a crisp sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a fragrant wind entered the door.

It was a woman who entered the door.

Wearing a big red robe, it looks extremely luxurious and exquisite, and is absolutely extraordinary.

And this woman is also as beautiful as a flower, with a pair of charming eyes flowing, Chu Chu Chu touching.

"Is this Mr. Su Han? Nu's Mei Niang, the master of this room, if you have any requirements, you can tell me.

She said, her voice was soft and beautiful, which made people's hearts flutter.

Su Han frowned quietly, looked up at her, and was shocked.

In this extremely pleasant sound, it seems to have some wonderful and unique magic, which makes people feel involuntarily fond of it. Obviously, it is definitely not the woman's own tone, but an extremely mysterious method.

Moreover, she actually knew her name. She should have heard about what happened in the gambling hall of Qibaozhai. She was so energetic and well-informed.

Thinking of this, Su Han became inexplicably alert in his heart.

stood up, grinned, patted the position beside him, and grinned, "Mei Niang, good name, good name, better person, come and sit here, I'll buy you a drink."

Lao Jin suddenly shivered, coughed violently, and looked at Su Han.

Su Han's current appearance is like a playboy, and he wants to flirt with the beautiful woman in front of him.

However, the foreigner is very powerful on this day, and almost no one has ever dared to make trouble here. Moreover, this graceful beauty is obviously not the kind of person who eats with wine, and her status is not low.

Lao Jin clearly remembered that there was once a self-respecting alchemist who made trouble in the out-of-law and finally was abandoned and beaten into a dead dog.

Thinking of this section, Lao Jin suddenly stood up and just wanted to ease the atmosphere, but he saw Mei Niang shaking step by step, twisting the sexy and charming water snake waist, and coming over and sitting next to Su Han.

"The young talent of Mr. Su is admired by the slave family. I would like to give you a toast."

She picked up the wine glass, smiled skillfully, and stared at Su Han closely, with a little inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

Su Han smiled and said, "It's good to say that amber wine is as beautiful as jade. I won't get drunk today. I don't have any other ability. Eating and drinking have always been a strong point. Mei Niang has to accompany me to the end.

"It's my honor to drink with my son."

Mei Niang said with a smile. As soon as she raised her wrist, she drank a glass of wine and looked at Su Han.

The wine in Su Han's glass hasn't moved yet, but stared straight at her and said, "I want you to feed me."

As soon as this sentence was said, Lao Jin's hand shook, and the jade chopsticks suddenly fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.