The strongest dung bee

Chapter 243 Unexpected Changes

What Su Han said was really bold, and the blatant provocation and insult really scared Lao Jin.

There seemed to be a heavy stone in his heart, afraid that a master guard outside the door would suddenly rush in and chop them into mud.

In other people's territory, he is still so arrogant. Su Han is really... too ignorant.

And Mei Niang's face is also a little more gloomy.

The reason why she cooperated with Su Hanxu and the snake before was to set out the details.

After all, what happened in the gambling hall, if it was a similar family force, Su Han's name was basically known by now.

The perfect soul bone is to help Su. These two things are enough to make Su Han famous and have his own place in this Huangcheng.


"Mei Niang, I'm teasing you. Look at your little white face. Haha, it's so cute and lovely."

At this time, Su Han also laughed and said.

Mei Niang is testing him, and Su Han is also testing where this woman's bottom line is.

Obviously, she is very proud, which proves the strength of Tianwailou from another perspective.

Only when you have the capital can you be proud.

When Su Han said this, the atmosphere on the court suddenly eased a little. Mei Niang was also a warm master and said coquettishly, "Sir Su, you bully the slave family, and the slave family does not follow..."

The ending was very long and curling, like the soul-eating magic sound, which made Lao Jin involuntarily shiver, and all kinds of illusions appeared in front of him.

At this moment, Mei Niang urges her magic sound to the extreme.

This charming magic sound is a compulsory skill for the person in charge of living outside the sky. Both men and women, their cultivation conditions are also strict to the extreme. From childhood, they maintain their voices with many precious medicinal materials, and then practice vocalize until their souls resonance.

Mei Niang has also stayed in the Tianwai Building in Qihuang City for several years. Relying on this hand, she has tried many times.

Often many men will be ugly as soon as they hear this sound.

However, at this moment, there was no wave in Su Han's eyes. He still stared at her calmly and smiled, "Mei Niang's voice is so beautiful. If...haha..., life is a great joy."

Mei Niang's eyes stagnated.

She originally wanted to** Su Han to find this scene, but she didn't expect that Su Han was unmoved at all and said something with a stronger hint.

For a moment, she felt a little overwhelmed.

The tried-and-tested Baimei magic sound did not have any reaction on him!

Mei Niang can't accept this result at all.

Although she also got the news before that Su Han competed with Mr. Su's soul power in the gambling hall. Su Han won, but the strong soul power does not mean that he can resist the charming magic sound.

The magical skill of Baimei Magic Sound is not a method of soul attack, but a very special auxiliary means.

It has a strange effect, which can unconsciously affect people's minds and moisten things silently. The stronger the soul power, the greater the impact it will be.

And Su Han...

Why is it not affected?

Mei Niang can't figure it out at all.

Su Han's face remained calm, but there were also slight waves in his heart.

To be fair, I was really affected a lot just now, and there were a trace of ups and downs and waves in the sea of souls.

However, the power of your soul is not only vast, but also pure. After surviving the disaster of life and death, it has even condensed into a substantial tower. Because of this, it is not affected at all.

"Okay, I won't bully you."

"Actually, there is one thing I want to discuss with you."

"I was originally a delicious person. Wherever I went to eat, I was a real gluttony. This dish suits my taste very well. Call the chef out and show me."

Su Han said.

Su Han is 100% sure that the chef who can make this meal is definitely from the earth, and he can't help but be curious.

Who the hell is that?

If you can go out of the earth and come to this blood moon continent to participate in the bloody trial, you can think that you are also a strong man on the dominant side. No matter how bad it is, you are also a talent of a Xiuzhen family. How can you fall to such a level?

Hearing Su Han mention this again, Mei Niang bit her lip, "The prince ate an egg and thought the egg was delicious. Why do you have to know the hen that laid the egg?"

Su Han's mouth twitched twice, and this woman was really eloquous.



"I can't stand it anymore! You bunch of demons, perverts!"

At this moment, there was a sudden scream outside the door. With this cry, there seemed to be a riot.

Mei Niang's face suddenly changed. She stood up and complained to Su Han, "Sorry, something happened outside. I'll go out and deal with it. You two use it slowly."

At this time, Lao Jin came to his senses and looked at Mei Niang with dull eyes, and his head was full of cold sweat.

After saying this, Mei Niang quickly walked out of the door, hurriedly and looked very anxious.

Su Han stood up, even though she walked out of the door.


In the magnificent hall, there was a bloody figure, like a skinned rabbit, whose whole body was bloody, and half of the human skin was caught.

And half of his body is flesh and blood, and the other half is intact, which looks disgusting.

The strong blood is disgusting.

At this time, the hall was empty, and the scene had already been controlled. Two tall men tied the man with a rope and wanted to pull him back.

He worked hard for his life, suffering such a serious injury, but he was still struggling desperately.

Because at this time, struggling to alarm more people, making things big, and there is hope of living or dying. If you don't fight, even death will become a luxury.

"Damn, what's wrong with you? How dare you let this pig run out!"

"Catch him back. I'm just halfway through the peeling!"

A well-dressed young man came out of nowhere and roared loudly.

He was wearing a blood-red robe and looked like he was only 20 years old, but his face was white and scary, as if he had just climbed out of the grave, and his hands were stained with blood, which was extremely horrible.

As soon as he appeared, the temperature in the whole hall dropped sharply.

"Master Tu, don't worry, the little one will take him back immediately." The two big men trebled secretly, added some strength to their hands, grabbed the bloody figure hard, and pulled it towards a secret door.



"I don't want to die!"

"I really don't want to die!"

The man howled hoarsely, and his voice was extremely harsh, like a fat pig sent to the slaughterhouse.

"Little Six!"

At this time, a big fat man weighing at least 300 pounds, dressed in white, ran out from nowhere. Seeing this tragic scene on the field, he immediately shouted with red eyes.

He still held a kitchen shovel in his hand, waved hard and rushed towards the two big men at a very fast speed.

Two thongs, the two big men didn't have time to react, but they were knocked unconscious and fainted.

The fat man carefully picked up the man who had been stripped of half of his skin, and tears came out of his eyes in an instant.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu, you can't die..."

"Xiao Liu, hold on, the third brother will take you out of here immediately."

"Little Six!"

Dou's big tears couldn't stop coming out of his eyes, like broken pearls.

These two people, named Zeng Hong, were skinned, and their name is Zeng Cheng. They are from a cultivated family on earth.

The two also came to participate in the bloody trial, but as soon as they arrived in the bloody moon continent, they were recognized.

The evil spirits outside the sky, everyone was killed, arrested and sealed their cultivation.

Fortunately, he did not die, but he was sold as a slave and finally sold to Tianwailou.

Fortunately, Zeng Hong has good cooking skills. Although his cultivation is sealed, he can still support himself. He got a job in the outside building, and Zeng Cheng can only engage in the most despicable chores.

Tianwai Building serves the powerful and is extremely thoughtful.

Some psychopaths like to kill, skin cramps, torture, torture people as animals, and even worse than animals. They can't survive or die.

This young master Tu is one of them. He likes to skin people the most, which is extremely bloody and brutal, but today this "pig" resisted a little fiercely, breaking the chains and running out.

However, he was not worried at all.

In this building, although consumption is extremely expensive, ordinary people can't come in once in their lives, but what they can enjoy is absolutely noble service.

Customers are God.

At this moment, Mei Niang came over in a hurry.

At a glance, she understood the situation on the field and frowned slightly.

She doesn't like this perverted young master Tu very much, but she has no choice but to put her status there. Every year, she smashes a lot of silver and has to pinch her nose to serve him.

Master Tu is called Tu Gang, and his cultivation is average, but he has a good aunt.

His aunt is the most favored wife of the city owner. The city owner has no male and only one daughter. He is almost self-favored and spoiled Tu Gang.

In this Huangcheng, Fusu are the four princes. If there is a ranking of the four bullies, Tu Gang will definitely be at the top of the list, and no one is bad as him.

This man is sore on the top of his head, and his feet are purulent and bad.

"Oh, sister Mei Niang, I'm looking forward to you."

Seeing Mei Niang, Tu Gang's eyes lit up and came to Mei Niang. A pair of big hands stained with blood subconsciously touched Mei Niang's face.

Mr. Tu has never had any demeanor. His favorite thing to do is to skin people alive, and the second is to bow the overlord.

Seeing his move, Mei Niang took a slight step back, but with a smile on her face, "Master Tu, I will give you a satisfactory explanation of this matter."

Tu Gang smiled and didn't say anything.

"Zeng Hong! What are you doing?"

"You two, as evil spirits, are damned people!"

"I take you in with good intentions and allow you to work here. Don't be ignorant!"

"At the beginning, you signed the deed of life and death! Put him down and go back to work!"

Mei Niang's voice was suddenly harsh, and there was no softness at all.


Zeng Hong's fat body of more than 300 catties suddenly knelt down like a jade pillar. " stew, I beg you, please let Xiao Liu go. Although we are outsiders, we are also human beings."

"Xiao Liu... Xiao Liu... He was stripped like this..."

"Animals are not as good as beasts, not as beasts!"