1875 I come from the future

Chapter 4 Pawnshop

[4] Pawnshop

Yao Fan looked around and saw two cages standing in the open space of the square at the door. His body, who had just felt relaxed, suddenly trembled again.

"Fortun�, I reacted quickly and my skin looked clean. This time, there was no unclear lawsuit, otherwise I would have stood in this cage at this moment.

I read that the cage of the Qing Dynasty was the most vicious, seemingly simple but actually cruel. People were stuck in the neck and hung in the shackles. Generally, they would die if they couldn't hold it for two or three days. Compared with Qiu Hou's beheading, which needs to be reported to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Qing officials prefer to kill people directly in this way without having to deal with it...

Yao Fan's heart was both sad and scared. He couldn't help shaking his whole body. He quickly took his eyes away from these two cages with many lives and walked around the city heavily.

At this time, Qingdao was just a small fishing village port. The city wall was low, the housing planning in the city was messy, and the conservative Chinese courtyards with black tiles and white walls were clustered in the city.

"The Qing Dynasty in 1875 turned out to be like this. It's so boring. I don't want to stay here. I want to seize the opportunity to quickly pour something out in two time and space and quickly make money to become a millionaire. Then... I will enjoy glory in 2011! God knows when my ability to travel through time and space will disappear. Yao Fan thought as he walked on the dirt road mixed with loess and blue stone in the city.

Along the way, the visible people were dressed in rags, and there were many people with yellow faces and thin muscles. Yao Fan looked back and found that there was always someone behind him staring at him.

While being observed, Yao Fan is also observing the people here.

Most of the poor people here seem to have symptoms of malnutrition. They are all very black and yellow, and tall people are very rare. Yao Fan estimated that their average height was less than 1.6 meters. Yao Fan's 1.85-meter head is about the tallest in the city.

The poor people here don't seem to need to lose weight, but they are thin, but they don't have any brilliance. Everyone exude a kind of numbness and meanness from the inside out, and their bodies seem to be engraved with the word poverty, and there is an indescribable sadness in their turbid eyes.

Men are tied with a dirty yellow pig tail behind their heads. A pickled thing that does not belong to China at all is extremely dirty, twisted and entangled hanging down from the top of the back of the scalp. This sign of shame has lasted for more than 200 years. The men's foreheads, temples and back necks are scraped together, revealing their black and yellow dirty scalps with short hair. Yao Fan knew that they had adapted to this hairstyle and the identity of the slave nation.

Yao Fan found that in the Qing Dynasty, it was very simple to "excust people by their appearance". Those who looked at the people who lived better were scraped their scalps clean, wearing wrinkled coarse cotton or coarse hemp cloth, and those who lived better wore silk coats. As for the poor, Yao Fan really couldn't recognize the oily and dirty clothes on them. Whether it is cotton or hemp, they have probably lived like this for more than 200 years, and they don't care.

When Yao Fan, who was strangely dressed and clean and tidy, curiously observed the people here, people around him also observed him like monsters. Several children followed Yao Fan with their noses like tails, looking at the fake foreign devil's every move with curiosity. In their eyes, Yao Fan not only had strange clothes, but also walked strangely. He held his head high and shook his hands like singing. Unconsciously, the children behind him laughed and learned Yao Fan's strange movements and deliberately shook his hands and walked away. The children soon found that walking like this was really proud, arrogant, abnormal and impolite, so they stopped continuing.

The attention of passers-by did not make Yao Fan feel uncomfortable. He smiled and walked into a bustling street in the city.

At the corner of this street stands a wooden archway painted with red paint. There are wooden signs on the archway depicting some allusions and flowers and birds that Yao Fan can't understand. Yao Fan is not interested in allusions and flowers and birds. He is not interested in the culture of a backward country.

There were some squirming rags on both sides of the ground under the archway. Yao Fan took a closer look and found that it turned out to be a group of naked black beggars, who gathered here to beg for food.

Yao Fan subconsciously felt that these beggars were surprisingly disgusting. They seemed to be half-dead and could not distinguish the original color of their skin. One by one, they knelt or lay down, like a group of absces growing from the mud. The beggars had white eyes all over their bodies, but this made their eyes more and more like demented dry corpses. It's scary and disgusting. Some of them kneel on the ground, and the bowls made of gourds are held high by the arms of half of the mummified corpses. Some are knocking on bamboo crops and singing beggars that Yao Fan can't understand. In addition, many of them are disabled to varying degrees. These people are also moaning and begging in general. In short, these are blind or lame. The ugly and dirty chorus group is really horrible. At this moment, they lay on the mud and stared at Yao Fan, trying their best to squeeze out the voice, "Good morning, grandpa, enjoy the meal... The Queen Mother bless you, and give me something to eat..."

Yao Fan sympathizes with beggars and hates beggars. Sympathy is nature, and disgust is a habit. One is born and the other is acquired. He was wary of these dead spirits, secretly reminded himself that he was not here for charity, and walked away quickly with guilt.

Along the way, Yao Fan can see that this street should be the most prosperous place in Qingdaokou. There are still poor people who squat on the corner of the roadside and sell themselves. Some dirty children who can't tell their gender are also scratched on their heads. It seems that it is not illegal for people to be easy to be here.

Where you can afford slaves, there must be rich people. Where there are rich people, you can do business. Yao Fan's logic is very simple.

There are still some women who appear on this street. Although the number is small, their influence is not small, which at least scares Yao Fan.

They have red faces, loose chests and clothes, and attract customers on the street. Obviously, they are wild prostitutes.

Yao Fan's curious eyes attracted the attention of wild prostitutes. Two ugly women shouted to Yao Fan hard: "Grandpa, come and sit down. There is good tea and melon seeds in it." With that, he deliberately pulled the skirt open, revealing the white front breast.

Yao Fan smiled. He appreciated the other party's enthusiasm for self-selling, but he was not interested in the goods. The skin business is the lowest service a country can provide.

Yao Fan accelerated his pace and walked quickly through the street. At this moment, although he was still a little strange and afraid of the local area, he had found a feeling. After all, this is still China. Although it looks strange, barbaric and unimaginable, it is still China after all.

This street is not long, and Yao Fan has a feeling when he walks down. Although Jiaozhou is not as prosperous as Shanghai today, it also has the prototype of the city.

All the way clothing stores, clothing stores, shaving stores, bamboo stores, butcher shops, fish shops, fish weaving online stores, salt shops, rice shops, grocery stores, hat shops, leather goods stores, pawnshops, porcelain stores, medicine stores, pubs, restaurants, cake shops, tea shops, wood shops, carts and horse shops... The existence of the shop clearly told Yao Fan that this place was already a prosperous town.

In a word, Yao Fan opened his eyes and discovered the composition of the commercial form of a small town in the Qing Dynasty.

It seems that this city is mainly inhabited by merchants and craftsmen, as well as wealthy urban landlords. Of course, farmers and fishermen will not live in the city. It's also a lively place to visit. No wonder the court has set up 9 various * offices and customs here.

He thought about it again and had to have dinner with Sun Maowen in the evening, and immediately muttered in his heart--no money!

"You can't pay me for this meal, can you? But as a time traveler, how can I find the silver circulating here? I don't even bring artifacts such as watches that travel travelers must have. This is because I usually use my mobile phone to watch time and never consider the possibility of time travel. I really lost the face of a time travel party such as the Northern Dynasty Longkong. What's so good?

Yao Fan, who was overstretched after thinking about it, decided to cheat him first anyway.

As a modern man from the 21st century, you can't waste your own blood for a little money, can you? If you have to force yourself to travel through time again for a meal, how can you have the face to fool around in the forum in the future?

Thinking of this, Yao Fan raised his head and straightened his chest, like a 100-meter runner preparing for a gun. He shook his head left and right, shook his shoulders, patted his clothes, turned his legs upside down, and killed a pawnshop called Wanniandang energetically.

"If you really can't cheat, I'll just run away." Yao Fan thought of it clearly.

This pawnshop called "Wanniandang" is not too big, but the facade is already bright on this street. The hollow window grille is pasted with plain paper, and there is no luxury as glass, which makes people feel that there is an old vicissitudes.

Yao Fan hesitated in front of the door and adjusted his mentality to be a hooligan. After that, he stretched out his legs and strode in. When he entered, he saw the clerk standing behind the high black wood counter, looking at his second devil dressed in surprise.

After entering the store, Yao Fan's eyes rumbling and looked at the store first. Then he found a chair by the window, opened his two long legs and sat down, and howled vigorous: "Come here! Uncle has treasures! I'll send you some money for the time being!"

When the clerk saw that the man was very big and dressed as a bright foreign devil, full of official words, he was afraid that he was a fake foreign devil, so he had to make an exception to open the cabinet door, turn out from behind the high platform that could bring psychological advantages, carefully walked to Yao Fan and asked, "This guest, what do you want to be?"

Yao Fan brushed his suit sleeve, took out his mobile phone like a treasure, held it solemnly and held it high in his hand, and said in a tone like a skin-faced singing drama: "Be ten thousand taels!"

The man almost laughed and said with a twitch on his face, "The guest laughed. How can this box be worth 10,000 taels? Besides, even if it's worth it, I can't decide. I have to ask the boss to decide.

Yao Fan didn't give him a good face, but darkened his face and shouted loudly with double neutrality: "Then what are you talking about! Tell your boss to come out!"

The man was helpless and dared not offend the seemingly good-looking deep well ice two devils, so he quickly went to the back hall to call out the boss.

After the boss came out, he found that Yao Fan was a decent fake foreign devil, and immediately straightened his attitude and hurried to watch tea.

Yao Fan looked at the boss. The man was wearing a silk robe and was not afraid of heat. He was also covered with a Tibetan blue vest and cleanly dressed. The thick eyebrows with rich and noble appearance are close to a pair of thin eyes, and the eight-character beard on the lips is carefully cultivated into two willow leaves, which are aligned with the corners of the mouth. The light green beard under the jaw is about a long, sparsely long on the chin, and the loyal purple begonia face makes people feel smart and honest.

After self-introduction, Yao Fan knew that the boss's name was He Wannian, so Yao Fan reviewed what he had said to Sun Maowen again, so He Wannian also knew that Yao Fan was a great sea merchant.

I heard that Yao Fan was born in a Western giant business family. He Wannian's expression was obviously more attentive, and it was Brother Yao who opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

Yao Fanxin said that since you are all brothers, I can start to cheat.

"Boss He, please take a look. Let me show you this computer."

Yao Fan rolled his sleeves, clicked on the calculator function of the mobile phone, and began to do four operations with his right index finger.

He Wannian knew Arabic numerals and knew that this method was used by foreigners to count them. Looking at the tens of millions of Arabic numerals on the screen, the calculation speed does not even need to be used in the blink of an eye, and this glowing jade board called the screen is so magical...

He has seen all kinds of foreign goods more than once ten thousand years ago. No matter how strange it is, it will not escape from human cognition, but it is the first time he has seen such a rare foreign goods in Yao Fan's hand. He Wannian really felt that this computer was simply a treasure in the sky, and it was ingenious.