1875 I come from the future

Chapter 5 Facade


He Wannian held his mobile phone and looked more and more frightened. He only felt that he was half short in front of Yao Fan. He was careful not to force, afraid of crushing, but also afraid to hold it with one hand, afraid of falling down, so he had to hold it with both hands.

Under the guidance of Yao Fan, He Wannian calculated by himself, and the more he was, the more frightened he became.

"Brother Yao, what's the name of this thing? Look at my memory." He Wannian eagerly asked Yao Fan.

"Calculator!" Yao Fan smiled and repeated patiently.

"Our Yao family has a side business in Europe, which is specialized in selling these computer tools to European royal nobles. Brother He, you should know that the European royal family has tens of millions of money. Without the help of a computer, it can't be counted as three days and nights.

He Wannian held the "electric computer" in his heart like a treasure and asked eagerly, "Brother Yao, I ask you, why can words appear on this box? What kind of fairy method is this?"

Yao Fan saw He Wannian's eagerness and obsessiveness, and his heart was fine. Immediately, the foam flew and the corners of the mouth were crooked: "This is the most advanced electrical calculator in Europe. The one showing Arabic numerals is the electrical screen, among which there are countless organs that drive Tiandi Electric to use it. As for how many others, I can't talk about it. Among them, only scientists in Europe and Western Europe. Only then did I know. I came to Qingdao this time in a hurry, and I have to have dinner with the state judges here in the evening, so I will deposit it at your place for some silver money. After two days, my cargo ship will come to Qingdao from Shanghai, and it will naturally be redeemed.

After saying that, Yao Fan took over the tea bowl brought by the clerk who was surprised by the calculator and said, "If you are also a blessed person, if it weren't for my temporary turnover, how could I mortgage this calculator worth 300,000 gold francs here? Then how can you have a chance to open your eyes and see the world's greatest Western thing today?

He Wannian wiped his hot sweat and said in surprise, "Brother Yao's computer is really rare and amazing! But the shop has never been this kind of thing, and the price is really uncertain. Mr. Yao, are you going to live or die?

"Naturally, it's a living life, ten days and half a month turnover, at most only one month."

He Wannian said, "Since it's alive, not to sell, that 10,000 taels of silver is valuable. Don't tell me about 300,000 gold francs. The small shop is small, but it can't be taken out anyway.

How about this? How about I give you 2,000 taels? In January of the current period, the monthly interest rate is two cents and one percent. If you are willing to die, I will grit my teeth and make 3,000 taels for you.

Yao Fanxin said that he was just paying back the money at a sky-high price, and that's enough to achieve that goal.

"What I want is cash, do you have it?"

He Wannian smiled and said, "In this Qing Dynasty, it's better to bring silver tickets if you want cash. You can choose the tickets of the four major Heng in the capital. On this persuasion street, there is a ready-made gold store with Hengli. Brother Yao can exchange silver at any time."

Yao Fan nodded when he heard the words and said simply, "That's 2,000 taels, and it's enough to turn around for a few days. However, this money must be zero and complete, which is convenient for me to spend.

So He Wannian carefully wrapped his mobile phone with his personal handkerchief, sent it to the back warehouse, then came out to fill in the ticket, took out the large and small denominations of silver tickets and carefully divided it, and then put some scattered silver two consecutive tickets together in a veil of white rags, even The handkerchief was given to Yao Fan together. Yao Fan ordered it correctly and put it away.

After getting the silver, Yao Fan was embarrassed to leave immediately. He sat in the store with his legs crossed, drank tea and chatted with He Wannian.

"Boss He, let me ask you where are the shops for rent in this city? In addition, I also need a warehouse, and the bigger the better.

He Wannian hid his mobile phone in the warehouse, came to sit down with him and said, "You are the right person. Just behind this Quanye Street, I have three shops on that Taiping Street. One of the rice shops has just moved to Fuhai Street, and the pavement is empty. If you have time, you might as well go and have a look with me. If you like it, Then you can rent it, and the price is negotiable.

Yao Fan was anxious and immediately said, "Let's go."

He Wannian looked up and down with a smile and asked, "Are you wearing this?"

Yao Fan woke up and nodded and said, "This suit is indeed a little out of place. What does Boss He mean?"

"If you don't mind the old one, I just got a fool in my store a few days ago. There is a good lake silk gown, which is probably new. You can have a look. If you like it, I will give it to you."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Don't pay attention to it. We go south and north in business. We dress too well and are boring. You dare not accept it when you give it to me. Just say how much money should be."

He Wannian shook his head and waved his hand politely, "Brother Yao, haven't you seen him? Where did you say that? At the beginning, this dress was used as two taels of silver, so you gave it back two taels.

Speaking of He Wannian, he ordered the clerk to take it. Yao Fan tried to fit his body. The dark blue lake silk was half new, and the wide robe and big sleeves were not tight on the outside of the suit.

The man on the side said happily, "Hey, fit, it's like being proudly prepared for me. This dress should be put in the old shop, or at least for five taels.

Yao Fan smiled and thanked Wannian and put it directly outside the suit.

The two then got up. Yao Fan bare his head, wearing black leather shoes, a green silk shirt, and no braids on the back of his head. He walked strangely to Taiping Street with He Wannian, who wore a black satin red thread and a six-in-one melon leather hat.

"Brother Yao, what do you think of this shop?" He Wannian shouted at Brother Yao almost, standing on the street and pointing to the shop on Taiping Street to face Yao Fandao.

Yao Fan didn't say anything and waited for him to unlock the side door.

Yao Fan pushed the door and went in and saw that there was a two-entry quadrangle courtyard, and the front and rear courtyards were paved with green bricks to communicate the long house porches between east, west, north and south. There has been moss on the green bricks, and no one has lived there for about a while. The front yard is large, with an area of about 100 square meters, and the backyard is smaller, with a total of 80 square meters. A large locust tree and three thin weeping poplars were planted in the four corners of the front yard, but the backyard was bare and there were no trees, but two large waist-high water tanks. Calculated, with the pavement of the front street and all the rooms in the back, the pure indoor area is about 700 square meters.

Yao Fan didn't have time to look at the rooms one by one, so he directly asked He Wannian, "What's the rent?"

He Wannian answered simply: "18 taels in half a year, 34 taels a year."

"It's not expensive, so I'll rent it for a year first."

Speaking of Yao Fan, he paid for Wannian, saying that the rent these days is really cheap. He Wannian was even more eager to make friends when he saw Yao Fan so cheerful.

Yao Fan asked again, "Boss He, this house can only be used as a store. There is not enough place to release goods. Do you know where there is a big warehouse?"

He Wannian put the silver in his pocket and said, "If you want to talk about the big warehouse in Qingdao, there are only a few largest warehouses on the side of the dock. They are all industries of various businesses in the north and south. It's okay for you to rent some places to release goods. You will never rent the whole warehouse to you.

Yao Fan frowned: "I have a lot of goods, and I can't put them in a small place. If I want to build a large warehouse here, what should I do?

He Wannian waved his hand and said easily: "The land surrounded by the city wall of Qingdao is no more than 20 taels of silver per mu, and the land boundary is good at most 40 taels, and the land boundary difference of 11 or 2 taels can be taken.

As for the land outside the wall and on the edge of the wharf, two or one mu could be used, but now it needs seven or two.

As for the barren grassland outside the city, nothing grows except grass. It was the cheapest when there was twisting, one or two yuan per mu. Now the price is a little higher, but it doesn't exceed two taels.

As for the arable land, I think you are probably not interested.

"As long as I build a warehouse, I will choose the barren grassland outside the city. After all, the land there is cheap and close to the city, which is convenient to take care of."

He Wannian also readily agreed, "Then I will help Brother Yao ask about the teeth in the past two days. If there is a suitable land, I will ask them to keep it for you. As for the procedures, since you know Sun Zhou's judgment, he must be able to help.

"Op, Brother He will help me pay attention to the inquiry. I will thank you very much."

"Look at what you said, hitting me in the face is not. Brother Yao came all the way from the West to find his ancestors. I should have thanked him for his help. He Wannian smiled, but his heart was very useful.

Yao Fan now feels that He Wannian is quite familiar with local land prices and various businesses, and has a good impression on him.

He Wannian feels very strange in his heart. Yao Fan's indescribable temperament is towering and independent, as if it is a towering tree between heaven and earth, which makes people trust him, but this person's hands and feet are not similar to ordinary people, and he is free and easy, which is really strange.

He Wannian feels that overseas Chinese like Yao Fan are probably like this, right? It looks completely different from this Qing Dynasty businessman. Ordinary merchants in the Qing Dynasty are treacherous and flattering, and few people are as positive and decisive as Yao Fan.

"After all, he has seen the world. I think he rented a facade in Jiaozhou Port and will build a warehouse in the future. It must be a long-term business here. It is really worth his good relationship with him." Congratulations on ten thousand years.

Yao Fan understood the land market in Qingdao from He Wannian's mouth, and finally knew that the land price at this time had no resistance to him. In this way, the space needed for your own time and space trade is done.

Yao Fan only took a rough look at the rooms in the yard and saw that they were very simple, so he walked out of the courtyard. Before leaving, he entrusted He Wannian to help him find some clerks to clean up the shop, and set up some tables, chairs, benches, beds and other household furniture. He Wannian agreed.

After the two separated, Yao Fan looked up at the dark and strode to the government office to invite Sun Maowen to dinner.

When you come to the gate of the government office, someone has been waiting for you.

Yao Fan, the second devil, was so eye-catching that he couldn't cover it in a robe. The Sun family recognized it from afar and greeted him.

"Master Yao, please go to Shijia Hotel, and my master will come later."

Yao Fan nodded and casually took a pair of silver from his sleeve pocket to reward the family. Yao Fan saw the style of the Qing Dynasty when he was studying. He knew that rewarding silver was the rule of the Qing Dynasty and the reputation of life, so he had already put some loose silver in his sleeve pocket.

The Sun family nodded and stuffed the silver into the seam of the belt and thanked it in an excited trembling voice. They trotted ahead with lanterns to lead the road. They also kept bowing back and politely greeting Yao Fan to be careful of the dirt, stinky water and sprained pits under his feet.

Generally speaking, Qing people don't give much reward money. In the TV series, it is really the style of princes or big families. Generally, it is very generous to give three or five coppers or ten or even more than a dozen big men, but Yao Fan doesn't know these rules.

It is natural for the Sun family to get a generous reward of one or two pieces of silver. I just don't understand why Yao Fan is so generous and obviously a very rich man, but why didn't he ride a carriage?

Yao Fan followed the Sun family to the Shijia Hotel and saw red lanterns hanging on the top and bottom of the two wooden buildings. There were four in front of the door, each with the words Douda written on it, which was "Shi, home, rice, shop".