1875 I come from the future

Chapter 30 Board House

[30] Board room

The next day, the wood shop in Qingdaokou also got a big business. Yao Fan ordered a large number of wooden boards from them to build a large number of wooden houses on his own land. Wang Shouye, the owner of the wooden shop, couldn't laugh or cry about this.

According to Yao Fan, the board house does not need a tenon structure or a particularly thick wooden board. You just need to set up a wooden shelf, nail a half-inch thick board, and then use yellow mud mixed with straw to paste the cracks.

"Yao Dong's family, if this house is nailed with only a few nails, it will not be reliable! If you want to be reliable, the cost of nails will go away. According to what you said, a house with a length of two feet and a width of 20 square meters, I estimate that it will cost more than 3,000 nails of all kinds. If you don't pay attention to it, 2,000 nails will also be needed.

Yao Dong's family, at present, one catty of iron nails will be sold for two or five yuan, but one catty is only less than one hundred. When you build this small wooden house, you need more than 30 catties of iron nails alone! This is seventy or eighty taels of silver! You also said that it was a waste of money to build up workers with only coarse wood?

I only use the worst pine wood to calculate the money. For a wooden house like this, it costs seven taels of silver to buy wood and two taels to cut it into boards. But the price of the nail is nearly ten times, which is too expensive.

Yao Fan stood in the wooden store and looked excitedly with a new Zhuqi toilet. He looked at the iron hoop on the toilet and smiled without looking back: "Boss Wang, you don't have to worry about the nails. I'll cover this. You just need to take out the wood and the staff and teach my workers to build a board house. You don't have to worry about the rest. I'll calculate the wood money and wages for you.

After saying that, Yao Fan bought a new toilet and gave it to He Shicheng to turn around and leave.

Wang Shouye, the shopkeeper of the wood shop, looked at Yao Fan's back and shook his head and sighed, "This Yao Dong family is really a strange man. In his eyes, it seems that it is not as good as a toilet. He is really rich, and he doesn't know what he wants to build so many wooden houses for..."

In the next few days, it was probably because I saw the ten beggars getting rich overnight. The new clothes and shoes were eye-catching. Every day, locals came to Yao Fan's house to apply.

In less than a week, Yao Fan's new recruitment of nearly 100 people, Yao Fan scattered them in his Taiping Street store and the newly purchased Yang family's mansion.

Yao Fan ordered the young and mature Wang Gui to be responsible for this matter: "... Tell them to get together on time. I will come to choose once a day at noon and only hire young and strong people. After that, you will take them to take a bath as usual, change new clothes and shoes, eat rice porridge and steamed buns, and go outside the village to build a house after a few days."

Wang Guiren was a big kid and whispered, "The owner is really a Bodhisattva's heart. It's so good for these beggars to settle down. You don't know that these white-faced steamed buns can be eaten casually. Ordinary people can't eat them at all! Those farmers, that is, can eat two corn flour nests when they are busy with agriculture, and usually drink miscellaneous grain paste.

Yao Fan said, "Since these people have defected to me, I can't make them wronged. They will eat whatever I eat. Wang Gui, can I treat you fairly?

Wang Gui quickly raised his voice and shrilled, "Wang Gui can see that the owner is my own person! Our staff, regardless of size, eat together in the yard, and the owner also eats with us. We eat whatever the owner eats.

Yao Fan said, "If I am that kind of snobbish snobbish, how can I make you eat the same as me?"

Wang Gui looked at Yao Fan with ached heart and said, "You are the heart of Bodhisattva. We are all looking forward to you and saying that you will live a long life every day. But as soon as I saw you being cheated, I was unhappy.

Let's talk about those transformations. These people are thinner than monkeys, and they don't have two catties of meat all over their bodies. What can they do? But they eat more than pigs every day, that is to say, Li Hainiu, he can eat eight big steamed buns per person, three or two sides!!! You can also drink three bowls of porridge! Half a bowl of pickles! I'll go small. I'll eat a meal of pickles, no meat dishes, and he will eat ten of you!

But you still serve them three meals a day. Oh, my God, even when the farmers are busy, you can't eat three meals a day? That's white noodles! Thirty children a day, you have to eat one or two pieces of silver a month!

The owner! Why don't you count this account?

Now you give these foodies one taels of silver a month. When you add them up inside and outside, one person is two taels of silver a month! Zhou Fourth and five of them are only two taels a month.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "I understand what you mean. I'm also very gratified that you can think about me. However, the food is not good at present. I want you to have a meal with me in the future.

Wang Gui looked at Yao Fan as if he had seen a ghost and said that his boss had been evil. I didn't say that the food was not good! I'm talking about too much food! Aren't I talking about people? Didn't the host understand?

Yao Fan left the depressed Wang Gui and found He Shicheng, who was helping in the kitchen, and asked, "Shicheng, have the craftsmen in the new house finished their work?"

He Shicheng hurriedly replied, "Master, the main courtyard has been almost repaired. The mason has replaced the rotten tiles on the roof with new ones, the missing bricks on the ground have been repaired, the walls have also been painted with lime, the painter has repainted the column doors and windows, and the window paper has also been replaced with new ones.

At the owner, Wang Xin chose twelve waist-high water tanks from the porcelain shop. I have checked them with my own eyes. They are all two-inch thick large tanks with no fine lines on them. One of four taels of silver. I think the price is also suitable, so I asked the third sister for silver to pay the bill. The water tank has been put into the yard, and I am not afraid of water in the future.

The owner, at present, the house is already liveable, but the other yards have not been repaired.

He Shicheng reported one by one, because Yao Fan did not allow him to call him master or other honorific titles, so He Shicheng could only call Yao Fan's owner. According to He Shicheng's idea, he and the guys don't get wages from the Zaofan business. In fact, they are Yao Fan's family, and they should call Yao Fan a master.

"Then let's move tomorrow." Yao Fan suddenly said.

Yao Fan didn't know if he could live in that new house for a few days. Now he can move there and enjoy the feeling of the luxury house of the Qing Dynasty in advance.

"Yes." He Shicheng simply agreed.

He has also long hoped to move into a new house. With the Yao family buying a new carriage and returning the old carriage to He Wannian, there will be a night vigil alone in the carriage alley next to the yard for fear of being stolen. As long as they move into a big house with an animal yard, these problems will be solved.

What's more, Yao Fan recruited more and more white food eaters. The outer courtyard of the second-entry courtyard on Taiping Street has been full of clerks. There are three rooms, each with two simple wooden boards, one of which is crowded with five people. If it can't be accommodated, he will be sent to Yao Fan's new house

While chatting here, I heard Zhang Baichuan, the shopkeeper of Hengli, come to see Yao Fan. It turned out that he informed Yao Fan that the gold he had set had arrived.

Yao Fan quickly ordered He Shicheng, Zhou Fourth, Li Hainiu and a total of ten guys followed Zhang Baichuan to Hengli to exchange the 100,000 taels of silver for gold.

Because it had been booked before and paid for the fire consumption in advance, Hengli arranged ships and darts bureau early and quickly transferred gold from Tianjin and Shanghai. I don't know if it was because of Yao Fan's butterfly wings instigation, the exchange ratio of 16.59 no longer exists. Hengli's new price is 16.75 .

In Hengli's back hall, Zhang Baichuan, the shopkeeper, took the abacus and chatted for a long time and said to Yao Fan, "Yao Dong's family, after deducting the 20% fire consumption this time, 100,000 silver tickets are actually equivalent to 378 catties and 11 taels of gold, plus the 36 catties Hengli owed you last time, a total of 414 catties and 11 taels of gold, leaving five silver. The fraction of the son..."

Yao Fan waved his hand: "No, five yuan, what are you? I can't laugh at you."

Zhang Baichuan smiled and said, "The rules of our industry can't be wiped. If you don't want it, that's another matter.

Yao Fan hurriedly said, "I still have something to do, so I won't talk about it. More than 400 catties of gold is eye-catching. I have to transport it away quickly."

Zhang Baichuan nodded urgently: "It's the best. Now Hengli has so much gold that I don't sleep soundly. The eight darts and a group of guys hired by the main store dare not leave the back hall for a moment. I'll give you gold from the warehouse now.

As ten small wooden boxes containing gold were moved out, Yao Fan quickly ordered the guys to lift the carriage outside. More than 200 kilograms of weight pressed on Yao Fan's new carriage, rattling the axles.

Ten guys escorted Yao Fan and the carriage and walked straight to Beiling Mountain outside the city. At the foot of Beiling Mountain, everyone unloaded these particularly heavy wooden boxes.

Yao Fan whispered to He Shicheng, "Shicheng, take them back. I'm waiting for you here, which is still the old rule of the last Tianhou Palace. I'll be back in ten days. You can take care of my home during this period."

He Shicheng was valued and agreed repeatedly. He took the rest of the guys and left with the carriage.

Yao Fan cut his finger to start the blood sacrifice. After a wave of white light, all the wooden boxes containing gold disappeared with Yao Fan.


On the way back to the city, someone began to whisper. A newly hired clerk said, "Hey, brother, why do you think the owner brought so many dead boxes to this wilderness? What does the host do when he stays there alone?

Another beggar hired earlier said, "Oh, you have no eyesight. That box is so small and heavy, one is more than 40 catties. What else can it be but gold? The shopkeeper transported the gold here, but I'm afraid he has to quietly choose a place and dig a hole to bury it.

He Shicheng heard a guy behind him talking, so he pulled the carriage, turned around with a whip, pointed to the two guys who had just made a sound, and cursed, "Don't talk too much! What the owner does has his own reason, which has a lot to do with you!"

Li Hainiu has been eating a lot at Yao Fan these days, which is also quite maintenance. He shouted, "I heard what Shicheng said!" After returning to the city, who wants to chew this matter again? Let's go in with a white knife, come out with a red knife, and tell him to wait!"

The two guys didn't dare to talk more when they saw what Li Hainiu said fiercely.