1875 I come from the future

Chapter 31 The exam is not tired

[31] The exam is not tiring

Yao Fan chose a particular place. In 2011, it was sandwiched between Beiling Mountain and Jiading Mountain. It was an empty space surrounded by 300 meters. A little to the west is the location of his newly rented warehouse.

Before crossing, Yao Fan measured the distance with his thumb, looked at the distance of the peaks of the two mountains, and took out the proximetry in his pocket to calculate and measure the angle. After confirming that it was correct, he came back. Seeing that he was right in the middle of this open space, he couldn't help laughing with relief: "It seems that I can be a gunner and sloppy. The tiger passed.

The first thing Yao Fan did when he came back was to turn on his mobile phone. Yao Fan's parents on the other end of the phone learned that their son was coming back and couldn't hide their happy feelings. Yao's father immediately drove the car and came with Yao's mother.

Yao Fan put ten wooden boxes into the trunk of his QQ. The wooden boxes were only 20 centimeters wide and high, and not many of them were stuffed.

As Yao's father started the car, Yao Fan sat in the back seat and said, "Dad, I brought 414 catties and 11 taels of gold this time, about 207 kilograms.

The fraction is not counted. Even if 207 kilograms are good, I roughly calculated it. According to 290 to 300 yuan per gram on the black market, there are 62.1 million yuan.

Yao's mother immediately exclaimed, "So much money! Fan Fan, why don't you go back in the future? So much money is enough for you to get a family and a career.

You don't know that when you go this time, your mother can't sleep all night. She is afraid that something will happen to you.

Yao Fan quickly tried to dispel his mother's concerns: "Mom, it was still good in the Qing Dynasty. Zhengtong people, and the criminal law was clear... No, no, I was wrong. It should be 'government is bribed, and punishment is free of money'. As long as you have money in your hand, you don't have to be afraid of anything there. I have become acquainted with the officials in the government office there, and I am already a local rich man.

Yao's father said angrily, "Then don't bully the people. These days, I have made up for some history books of the Qing Dynasty. The people there are really suffering."

Yao Fan dared not say that he was going to rebel there. He knows that if he says it, his parents' hearts will never stand it. No matter which generation, no matter how mature the conditions are, the risk of rebellion is extremely high. Of course, so is the benefits.

Yao Fan casually started a topic and said, "Dad, don't you want to see the photos? I went there this time and shot eight volumes! About 250 pieces will be washed out later. You can always take a good look. It's fresh!"

Yao's father took the steering wheel of QQ and said excitedly, "That's great! Great! Fan Fan! I want to take a good look at what the Qing Dynasty looks like!"

Yao Fan smiled bitterly and said, "Dad, don't be happy too early. I have a question. How are you going to develop these photos? I tell you that you can't take it out to develop. This is really shocking. It's all color photos of the Qing Dynasty, and it's all high-definition resolution film. No one will believe such a cosplay level.

Yao's father said, "What exam is not tired?"

Yao Fan smiled and said, "It is an act of imitating specific people and specific scenes."

Yao's father said proudly, "That's simple. For the ready-made thermostatic controller at home, I can buy the color developer and wash it by myself. Your father used to wash the film by myself. The fineness and color saturation of the film I washed are absolutely no worse than the outside.

is the last printing is more troublesome, but I heard that now the film store uses digital printing. The previous film expansion machine has been eliminated. In 2002, the Fuji color film printing machine, which sold 1 million yuan, is now sold outside, and it only costs 50,000 yuan.

Yao Fan said, "That's the best. Now we have tens of millions of money!" As long as you like it, not to mention 50,000 yuan, it doesn't matter if the original price is 1 million.

In short, it must be kept secret. If this matter is made public, I will probably be regarded as a biological experiment. Any country will want to cut me down to study. Even if you are not peaceful, I guess you will be studied.

Yao's mother, who was sitting in the co-pilot, had a cold war and quickly told Yao's father, "Yao Peng, do you hear me! Don't leak the secret!"

Yao's father said, "Li Hongmei, can't you trust me? Just kidding, I'm a 30-year-old party member and a state cadre. Do you have this awareness?

Yao's mother said, "Okay, okay, haven't you just been the section chief in the archives all your life? Why can't you be the director if you have the ability? I will spend money indiscriminately, and I have to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a machine or a film. This money is exchanged for my son's life! You are really getting better and better."

Yao's father was so angry that he simply drove and stopped talking.

Next, Yao Fan's family began a long journey of selling gold. More than a dozen local gold stores in Qingdao ran down and actually sold all 414 catties and 11 taels of gold, with an average price of 302 yuan and more than 62 million yuan. In addition to the original deposits of the Yao family, the deposits in Yao Fan's account have been Reaching 67 million.

Yao Fan couldn't help but smack about the swallowing ability of local gold stores. He said that these jewelry-made people are rich, and Shandong is also worthy of being a province with gold mines. Gold trading on the surface and the black market is a trend. Merchants from all provinces come to Qingdao to purchase gold, and gold stores can easily make profits by collecting gold.

The domestic control of the import and export of gold is very strict, but it is completely a permanent attitude towards the domestic private flow of gold. The sale of gold before the founding of the People's Republic of China does not require an ID card.

After having so much money, Yao Fan's family couldn't close their mouths happily.

Yao's mother hurriedly made an appointment with the agent to see the house.

Yao Fan and his enthusiastic father came to a time-honored Guanshan photo studio on Shandong Road and planned to buy a second-hand Fuji color photo printing machine.

"Haha, Brother Yao, you're here, come in and sit down! Come in and sit down!" The owner of Guanshan Photo Studio received a phone call and ran out of the store to greet Yao Peng and his son.

Yao Peng entered the store, went straight to the topic, ran to the store and stroked the Fujifilm color printing machine the size of three copiers.

"Lao Guan, can you make it cheaper? I have been washing film at your house for so many years. In the past, hundreds of volumes of data film in the archives were not brought to you to develop.

The real name of the owner of Guanshan Photo Studio is Guanshan. He is younger than Yao Fan's father Yao Peng, but he is nearly 50, and his hair is gray.

He took out a cigarette with a wry smile and scattered it to Yao Peng and Yao Fan, and said, "Brother, it's not my dark heart. You also know my machine. I bought more than 1.05 million yuan at the beginning. If no one prints film now, I wouldn't have sold it for 50,000 yuan."

Yao Peng said, "I came to buy it because I know you don't need it. If you continue to put it in the store, it will be scrap in the future."

Guan Shan said, "Brother, you know, I am good at maintaining the machine. Although I don't turn it on, I regularly clean the roller once a week to prevent crystals from damaging the film. I have nothing to say about this machine. You can use it if you take it. If you don't believe it, I will debug it for you on the spot! Help you maintain it for life! This machine can print 60 volumes in an hour, and the quality is the same as that of the new one.

Yao Peng smiled and said, "I know this, but why don't you turn it on? Is the business so bad?"

Guan Shan shook his head unsently: "In the past, in the era of film, I rushed four or five hundred rolls a day and was completely busy. What about now? I only flushed more than a dozen rolls in a week, and I can't turn it on at all.

Yao Peng asked, "So what are you going to take to make film now?"

Guanshan pouted to a device behind the store and said, "Well, I spent 300,000 yuan to buy a film scanner. After scanning it out, I used my digital color expansion machine to develop it. This digital color expansion machine is the old price and cost me more than 3 million yuan. But then again, Brother Yao, why do you think of buying a film color expansion machine? Is this thing still useful now?

Yao Peng said, "I used to envy your photo studio, which has mechanized printing equipment, which can be washed and washed, and how big the photos you want to expand. Now that the price is cheaper, I will also have a fever. These days, it costs tens of thousands of yuan to buy a small SLR. I bought a color expansion machine to play, which was also a wish when I was young.

Guan Shan laughed and said, "Brother Yao, you still like photography so much when you are old. This energy really envious me. Unless the photographer in the store asks me to help you, I can not touch the camera for a month."

After saying that, Guan Shan suddenly smoked a cigarette, sat on the stool with his hands on his knees, lowered his head with a serious expression and meditated for a while, and then looked up again, "Brother Yao, have we known each other for more than 20 years? The film I made for you, public and private, adds up to 10,000 rolls. After thinking about it, it's not appropriate to sell it to you at such a price with our friendship for half a lifetime. Well, brother, you can make an offer. Whatever you say, no matter how much it costs, you can move away this machine. This machine has been with me for more than ten years and has a relationship with me. You are also a person who really likes photography. It has fallen into your hands. I can feel at ease and sleep soundly.

Yao Peng was ashamed and frowned and discussed, "This... Why don't you do this, Lao Guan, shall I give you 20,000 yuan? I also have more, but to tell you the truth, I'm a little reluctant to give up.

Guan Shan smiled cheerfully and said, "Oku! Didn't I say that you can give as much as you want. Brother, where do you live now? Later, I will call a moving company's car to help you transport it, and I will help you debug it myself. I still have more than 300 rolls of 120 negatives in my refrigerator, which have expired. I have the right to give them to my brother.

Yao's father was overjoyed, stood up happily, and shook hands with Guan Shan and hugged each other.

"Lao Guan, you really helped me with the emergency. It happened that I ran out of inventory in my refrigerator and I haven't had time to buy it online."

Guan Shan laughed and said, "Brother Yao, what are you playing now? Are you still engaged in data photography in the archives? So lacking in film? I know a friend who still has more than 10,000 rolls that can't be sold in the bomb shelter.

Yao Peng said, "Where, I'm going to learn from others. I won't be tired of playing the exam."

When Yao Fan heard the words, he sprayed out a mouthful of tea in his mouth on the spot.