1875 I come from the future

Chapter 33 Start

[33] Start

In the morning sun, Yao Fan rode his bicycle and rushed to the city. This is a brand-new mountain bike. The fluorescent yellow body was painted with enchanting light in the sun.

After quickly returning to the store, Yao Fan hurriedly summoned everyone and ordered them all to go out with him.

After receiving the notice, the guys of Zaofan's firm also hurriedly arrived. They sweated and fought with a large number of newly hired workers of the Yao family in the yard, covering the hill-like goods with rainproof canvas on the site one by one. The four corners of the canvas were all tightly tied with thick ropes and fixed to the deep around them. On the stake. Despite the great drought, Yao Fan still felt that the rain prevention work of painting snakes and adding feet must always be done to feel at ease.

Yao Fan rushed back and forth on the site and urged everyone to say, "From today, the large-scale construction of the reservoir area will begin here. It's time for everyone to work! Hurry up, everyone! Hurry up!"

He Shicheng didn't see Yao Fan for ten days. After seeing him again, he rubbed his hands excitedly: "Dongjia, what do you want to do!"

Yao Fan asked, "How much wood is available in the wood store?" You tell them, the shopkeeper Wang Shouye, and ask him to transport them all here. According to my plan, a large number of board houses will be built, a large playground will be flat, and a large wall will be built in the north to be used as a warehouse area for stacking goods.

"Yes!" He Shicheng pushed his bicycle and rode it to the city.

He Wannian, who hurried to this wilderness in a carriage, came up at this time. He approached Yao Fan's ear and said, "Brother Yao, do you want to inform Lord Liu of the customs this time? If there is no hand-inspection of the goods, he may not be able to trust us.

Yao Fan listened to it, looked at no one around, and whispered to He Wannian, "No, I haven't been to customs. At that time, I will only say that it is the goods shipped from land. Who dares to question me? If you want to question, you have to have proof of ship traffic, right? Later, you send 2,000 taels of silver to Liu Ziming, Sun Maowen and Wei Guofu respectively, and at least you will gag them. This money is still on my account.

He Wannian opened his eyes wide and saw unknown goods piled up like hills everywhere. He said to Yao Fan in horror, "Brother Yao, what did you ship this time? How many? If the worms see this, I'm afraid the saliva will wet the tonic.

Yao Fan bit his lip and said in embarrassment, "Brother He's words are reasonable! Since ancient times, the goods have been charming. I think this warehouse area needs to be established quickly! In the future, I will erect a high wall so that outsiders can't see it. They don't know how much I have shipped before they can balance their mentality.

He Wannian nodded heavily, shook Yao Fan's shoulder gently, and said admiringly, "That's right! Brother Yao, as long as you understand! I don't think it's too late. Brother Yao's Zhuangzi will be built immediately.

Before, Brother Yao recruited a large group of guys to provide delicious food. I still wondered what Brother Yao was going to do. It turned out that Brother Yao had already thought about it today, good!"

Yao Fan just smiled. He turned around to find a box he brought this time, climbed up the wooden box, stood on the top and looked around. He saw that the ants on the yard were generally scattered as clerks, and more than 100 people were busy working.

Yao Fan cleared his throat, raised his head and said, "Big guy, put your hand alive first, and I'll say a few words!"

Seeing that the boss wanted to lecture, the guys stopped their work and looked up to Yao Fan, who was dazzling in the sun.

"All the people of my Yao family are here today. Let me tell you a few words. I haven't seen you these days. Let me ask everyone first. How have you eaten at my Yao's house these days?

When everyone below saw Yao Fan standing there shouting, they were extremely respectful.

All the guys in the crowd faced Yao Fan and shouted in their own high or sharp or thick voice: "Eat well! ......Good food! ...Thank you for your kindness! ...May Dong's parents live a hundred years old! Generations and grandchildren! ...May the owner's business prosper! Money is rolling in! ......”

Yao Fan was quite happy to stand there. Obviously, after a period of recuperation, these beggars have gained vitality and speak with anger. Yao Fan spread out his hands and made a slight pressure move. The guys stopped talking and all looked at Yao Fan quietly and listened to Yao Fan.

These days, these young people, mainly beggars and the children of poor farmers, experienced the heavenly life in the Yao family, had a full meal, and ate well. At least this situation of having enough white-faced steamed buns and porridge and not having to work is simply a small paradise in the minds of these bankrupt farmers.

99% of the source of beggars in the Qing Dynasty were bankrupt farmers. Generally, these people could not live for three years after becoming beggars! Most of them will die silently in the next winter, and the rest will just rely on physical endurance to survive for a few more days. If you encounter a year of famine, it is impossible to survive until the first winter, let alone three years! Therefore, these beggars know that Yao Fan is a lifesaver for them and a support for survival. In these days of eating and drinking and not working for nothing, they are also in a hurry. They urgently need a chance to perform well in front of their new owners.

And the happy life of these beggars simply made the residents of Qingdao feel pointed out: "These monsters and broken households have new clothes and shoes! It's unreasonable! That Yao Fan is a fool, right?!"

After Yao Fan hired more than 100 people, the treatment he gave directly led to the lack of dead clothes in the ten-thousand-year pawnshop. According to Yao Fan's instructions, the third sister resolutely carried out the order to buy new clothes and shoes for the staff, and bought all the suitable clothes in the estimated clothing store in Qingdao, and then The third sister continued to pay money from the internal account room and bought new clothes and shoes directly in the ready-to-wear store. This move made the owners of the clothing store crazy, and everyone behind them praised the Yao family's compassion for their subordinates. Indeed, the Yao family's thick shirt for the buddies completely shocked everyone in Qingdao. As for the Yao family's beggars, they praised Yao Fan as kind as the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva who saved the hardships!

Yao Fan organized the words and raised his voice, "I, Yao Fan, am a person who will do what he says. If you want to live a good life, I will definitely fulfill it!" But I also said before that it's hard to work, which is not for fun.

As we all know, this wasteland has been bought by my Yao family. We need to build a large warehouse surrounded by walls. It is surrounded by the Yao family's village. There are many warehouses and houses to be built here.

But if no one is working, these ideas will not be realized. To turn ideas into reality and build warehouses and houses, you need to rely on everyone to work hard! Can the Yao family be built? Can the Yao family take root in this place? Who does it rely on? It's you! Rely on your hands and labor! Do you think you would like to help Yao Fan with this?

When people heard Yao Fan say this, they felt that it was time to repay their kindness and began to be excited and full of "willing!" Yes! Willing..."

The current leader of these beggars is Li Hainiu, who raised his arms and shouted, "The owner is so kind to us! Are we still afraid of suffering? We must do it day and night! Cover Yaojiazhuang!"

"Yes! Cover Yaojiazhuang!" A burst of slogans broke out in the crowd.

Yao Fan achieved the purpose of encouraging motivation, so he jumped off the wooden box and walked into the group of migrant workers in person and commanded them to work.

Bundles of shovels and thongs were distributed, and construction site trolleys were assembled. With the tools, the work of leveling the land immediately became much easier.

Wang Shouye, the shopkeeper of the wood shop, came with his clerk an hour later, and there was a four-wheeler carrying wooden boards behind him.

Yao Fan frowned when he saw this: "Mr. Wang, this wooden board is not enough."

Wang Shouye said, "Don't worry, Yao Dong's family. I have stored a lot of wood these days. When I cut it, I will pull a car for you."

Yao Fan took Wang Shouye to the edge of a pile of boxes, opened a box, grabbed a handful of nails from the plastic bag and put them in Wang Shouye's hand and said, "Mr. Wang, the nails are all here, a box of 50 catties, a total of 800 boxes, a total of 20 tons, that is, 40,000 catties of nails of various specifications. These nails are galvanized and will not be light. Easy to rust. Last time you said that a house costs about 30 catties of nails. The nails here are enough to build 1,300 rooms. So now you have to solve the wood into a board and supply me to build a house.

Wang Shouye looked at the silver nail in his hand and stagled, "Galvanized? Did Yao Dong's family talk about the silver on it? Can this prevent rust? How much money does it cost! Oh my God!"

Wang Shouye held the nail and looked left and right, swallowed his saliva and said, "Yao Dongjia, where did you buy such a good nail? There is also a round head on it! Is this round head made to make it easy for hammering? And this nail is not the edge of the hammer, but it seems to be cut out. The workmanship is really meticulous. The most rare thing is that these nails are generally the same! It's really hard for these blacksmiths!"

Yao Fan said disdainfully, "What kind of blacksmith, now where foreign artificial nails are used by blacksmiths? They are all made by machines. Steel wire is sent in and the nails are cut out. It's very fast. I also brought 200 bow saws and 10,000 saw blades here. I guess you will use it to untie the wood.

Shopkeeper Wang, if you can teach my guys to build this kind of board house I said, I can give you some of these bow saws.

Yao Fan smiled, but thought to himself that he might earn some saw blade money in the future.

When Wang Shouye heard that he could get this bow saw, he was immediately overhearded.

He picked up a bow saw as if he had won the treasure, clumsily learned Yao Fan, adjusted the length of the bow, put on the saw blade, and tightened the screw.

Yao Fan pointed to a wooden box with nails and said, "Would you like to try?"

Wang Shouye nodded, "Try it."