1875 I come from the future

Chapter 32 Yao Peng

[32] Yao Peng

Yao Peng saw this and knew that he had said something wrong. He quickly explained with an embarrassed face, "The main thing is to help a group of film photography enthusiasts like me develop film for fun. They say it's shooting scenes that are not tired in the exam."

Guan Shan couldn't make up for the scene of Yao Peng playing cosplay with gray hair in front of him, so he had to say foolishly, "Brother, you are playing so high-end now. I don't know you are cos anime characters? Or the revolutionary model before cos?"

Yao Peng said with great interest: "Ancient costume..."

Without Yao Peng's words, Yao Fan quickly said, "Dad, it's getting late. Let's move the machine quickly."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot the business, move the machine, move the machine." Yao Peng said hurriedly.

So he asked Yao Fan to take out 20,000 yuan from his satan bag and give it to Guan Shan. After some tossing, Yao Peng and his son finally transported the film expansion machine to the moving company's truck. Guanshan left after the on-site debugging was completed. Before leaving, Guan Shan also told Yao Peng to come to his store often and bring some cosplay works he created. Guan Shan said that Yao Peng's works must be hung in the most conspicuous place in the window of the photo studio.

After Guanshan left, Yao Peng began to be busy. The horizontal and vertical machine had been debugged, and the development potion had been added, so he roared eagerly to start printing the photos taken by Yao Fan.

"Dad, you occupied my room as a printing room, so can I go to the hotel to sleep at night?"

"What's not occupied? I didn't take down your bed. You can just take it.

Besides, your mother is looking for a house. At that time, she will change to a big house. I think this equipment can be owned by one. Yao Peng had a beautiful dream, hoping that he could have an independent printing room, and then he could show off in the circle of photography enthusiasts.

Yao Fan shook his head with a wry smile: "Dad, how are you doing with the company I asked you to do?"

Yao Peng continued to fiddle with the machine wholeheartedly: "I entrusted your Uncle Wu to apply for a license. You can't set up a company until you get a license."

Yao Fan said urgently, "This is too slow. Can't you put up the shelf first?"

Yao Peng looked at the instruction manual and said slowly, "Isn't it just a few books translated into traditional Chinese? I ran back to the archives and was busy for several days. Now it's done. There is software in our archives that can convert PDF into text format, change the font, typesetting, and stuff pictures in. It's very convenient. It's much cheaper than you said to hire college students.

Yao Fan appreciated his old man's private use of public weapons and asked, "Have you reviewed the manuscript?" Is there no flaw? If you take 1875, will there be any trouble?"

Yao Peng opened the film warehouse of the printing machine, carefully put it into the film and closed the equipment, and then looked up and said seriously, "Your mother and I have seen it overnight. There are no flaws, but I'm not sure if there will be any trouble.

Yao Fan, be careful not to poke the hornet's nest! Those General History of Britain, General History of France, General History of Germany, Cambridge European Economic History, Cambridge Illustrated European Medieval History and so on are not bad. After all, they are history books and economic books.

But I think it's a little taboo about the history of Western philosophy, the Wealth of Nations, Hegel's Complete Works, Kant's Complete Works, Goethe's Complete Works and so on.

As for the Complete Works of Marx that you want, which only collects Romanx's works before 1875, there are many more problems, that kind of explosive-like thoughts; prophetic predictions; eagle-like insight; and his belief in violently cleaning up all the garbage in the human spiritual world, plus his whole The means by which the world proletariat unites...

In a word, Fan Fan, if there are rulers in the Qing government who can understand this, I'm afraid you will be scared to pee in your pants, and you will also have a lawsuit!

There are also a large number of works of French revolutionary figures that you urgently need, such as Montesquieu's "On the Spirit of Law", Voltaire's "Philosophical Communication", Bufeng's "Natural History", Rousseau, Diderot and other works, etc., which are all very impactful. Once read, it tastes wrong and how to treat it? Your sins are all good!

As for the literary novels you want, such as Shakespeare's Collection, Cervantis Collection, Schiller's Complete Works and so on, it is equivalent to exotic style, and there should be no big problem.

Fanfan, why don't you bring some literary and historical books back first? Relatively speaking, these anti-imperial and anti-feudal ideas are still relatively obscure. Unlike other books, they are completely open to challenge the feudal emperor system.

After saying that, Yao Peng held the glasses and began to set the equipment parameters and print the film according to the instructions left by Guan Shan.

Yao Fan thought about it and felt that Yao Peng's idea was still old-fashioned. If he started the process of popularization of Marxism now, he would spread a batch of red popular science books such as the Declaration of the Supply Party, the doctrine of Surplus Value, the Criticism of the Gotha Program, and The Poverty of Philosophy, which may not be anything. What's the effect?

Suddenly, Yao Peng said, "Van Fan, I have seen that you are going to rebel."

Yao Fan smiled dryly and did not deny or affirm.

"1875 China should need the Enlightenment most." Yao Fandao.

Yao Peng pressed the start button and turned his head and said, "You are right. In the era of ignorance in 1875, talking about doctrine and so on was empty words. At that time, the most urgent need of society was to quickly break free from the feudal imperial system. Next, no matter what path of modern society we take, we can greatly liberate the productive forces and improve social freedom.

Van Fan, to put it bluntly, 1875 needs a Napoleon most.

Yao Fan said, "Dad, what you said is not completely right. You know, among all Western capitalist countries, only France carried out large-scale land redistribution and equal distribution in the era of the Great Revolution and Napoleon, which was the most thorough and average era of land redistribution in France! After sending a large number of feudal lords and nobles to the guillotine, countless soldiers who were divided into the land stood under Napoleon's flag and fought side by side with him until the last minute, sweeping the revolutionary wave throughout Europe and completely shaking the imperial foundation of Europe. It is because Napoleon's soldiers are farmers who share the land, so they are particularly effective!

Even MacArthur enforced land reform and implemented the 'self-farmer' policy in order to solve the turmoil in Japan after World War II. In the land reform order issued at the end of 1945, the U.S. military forcibly redeemed the land of those super landlords in Japan, stipulating that individuals could not own more than 10,000 square meters of land, which was only 15 mu and about 2.5 acres. The excess land will be 'redeemed' at the same cabbage price, because the price is as low as *, and many super landlords commit suicide. This move allowed Japanese farmers to own their own land and decisively established the U.S. occupation of Japan. Without the support of farmers, all forces in Japan, regardless of the left or right, could not find a source of soldiers. No one was willing to follow them to rebel, so they had to be their grandchildren.

After that, the United States launched this land reform policy in South Korea, and Taiwan also quickly carried out land reform in the state of homeless dogs, which stabilized its East Asian territory.

Yao Peng smiled and said, "That's what I mean. It's good that you can understand that doctrine is invisible to the people in the early stage of the rebellion. What the people really care about is the actual policy. As long as a policy can improve productivity and benefit ordinary people, it is a good policy. If it only improves productivity and benefits belong to the minority ruling class, it is an unfair policy of class oppression. If a policy can't even improve productivity, then such a policy is complete rubbish and there is no need to implement it.

Taizu has long said that the problem of the Chinese revolution is the land issue, and the essence of the Chinese revolution is the land revolution. As for the road after this, it depends on which one can enable China to complete the national rejuvenation independently and lead the world. Obviously, you have to choose the most cohesive path that can resist military aggression and economic aggression. This is also the most suitable development path for China that has been proved by history. There is only one answer!"

Yao Fan smiled tacitly and changed the topic and said, "Dad, have you printed those books?"

"I sent it to the printing factory next to your mother's school for printing. That factory usually helps the university print materials and papers, and also prints and copies all kinds of books, regardless of book numbers and so on. It's really bold."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Is't all small printing factories like this? Otherwise, how can they make money?"

Yao Peng saw the film spit out hotly from the printing machine and shouted excitedly, "Come out! It's coming out! The photo is out!"

Next is Yao Fan's 'guide' time. He did not tire of introducing the characters, places, objects and scenery in the photos to Yao Peng one by one. Yao Peng looked happy and almost danced!

"Oh, I really want to scan it and send it to the Internet. This is first-hand information about the Qing Dynasty! It's still a color photo!"

Yao Fan was shocked and quickly stopped the old man's dream.

"Dad, please charge two more of these single photos for me, and I'll give them away in 1875."

"This is not easy, son. Now you know the benefits of color expansion machines at home, right? Isn't this money spent in vain?" Yao Peng is very proud.

After a while, Yao's mother came back and praised the house she saw today, but Yao Fan was not interested in it.

"Mom, you can decide this by yourself. I don't understand."

Yao Fan turned on the computer and began to implement his own procurement plan.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have arrived. Yao Fan took his newly purchased warehouse goods and directly carried out the time travel in the warehouse rented on the edge of Beiling Mountain. When Yao's father and Yao's mother reopened the warehouse door, there was nothing in the warehouse area, and the warehouse was empty. Yao Fan had left with all the goods. .