1875 I come from the future

Chapter 63 Grand Saddle

[63] Grand Saddle

Ding Baozhen heard the words, opened the triangular eyes that he had been narrowing, and his eyes were shining and said, "Man is alive, he should do a heroic career, become a marquis, and become famous in the world!

You can pay 100,000 taels just so that Guo Jixiu won't bother you. Are you short of money? If you don't have an identity, what's the use of earning more money!

If you have an official body, how dare Guo Jixiu dare to touch you?

Yao Fan, as long as you come to the Machine Bureau, the position of the general office will be yours sooner or later.

Yao Fan has the advantage of a time traveler. He knows that Ding Baozhen has been working in Shandong for a long time, and he is determined to make trouble. How could he be confused by such a small profit? He immediately opened the topic and said, "The younger generation has found someone to naturalize and intends to donate an official body."

Ding Baozhen said contemptuously, "What's the use of donating officials! If a man has no right, how can he come out? There are 257,000 and 400 candidates in the official department of the Qing Dynasty! You have to take turns to lack, and unless you smash a lot of money down, it will be more difficult than climbing to the sky!"

Yao Fan said, "I only need an official to protect myself, but I dare not ask for anything. Otherwise, as a donor, I just want to retrieve the money I donated by the official, and I don't know how much I want to be greedy.

As a mortal, it is inevitable that there is morality on both sides. When the character is placed in the middle, I dare not say that I can be an exception after becoming an official and become a clear official.

Ding Baozhen appreciated Yao Fan's frankness, tilted his head and looked at Yao Fan, thinking, "Yao Fan can say such a thing, which is a hundred times better than those in the officialdom who have been working hard all day and want to donate a missing one. Those greedy people can give their wives and children's parents in order to make a deficiency.

"Yao Fan, I value you very much. If you come to help me, I won't accept a taels of money from you and help you. Whether it's Guo Jixiu's matter, whether it's the donor official's lack, and your suspected smuggling, I'll do it all for you."

When Yao Fan heard about smuggling, his heart suddenly thumped.

Ding Baozhen said, "I heard that you are very active in Qingdao and are suspected of smuggling. I tell you, as long as I don't care about you, you only teach your business to make trouble! Hu Xueyan also borrowed money from a foreigner's bank and transferred the printing money to Daqing. Such a lawlessness, do you think Zuo Zongtang is difficult for him?

I also know that smuggling along the coast is very rampant, but remember, it's very different from me without me!"

Yao Fan was really moved. He could hear the thirst for talents outside Ding Baozhen's words. This kind of appreciation is heartwarming. But Yao Fan does not have three heads and six arms. If he stays in Jinan, what will happen to the rebellion plan that Qingdao is implementing step by step?

After thinking about it, Yao Fan had an idea and said, "Your Excellency, how much can I understand the principles of astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry and mechanical arithmetic alone? If you really want to do this foreign business, you have to rely on the support of the whole Yao family. The key is to quietly get you a good machine in the West.

Do you think that if foreigners knew that I was an official in the Qing Dynasty as the eldest son of the Yao family, making gunpowder, guns and bullets to help the Qing Dynasty get rid of its dependence on them and help the Qing Dynasty become self-reliant, will they still sell me the important machine of the Yao family?

When Ding Baozhen heard this, he suddenly woke up and thought:

"Yes, this Yao Fan is not so much a foreigner than a response from the Qing Dynasty in a foreigner's home! If this effect is big, it will go to the sea! It's better to keep him in the dark than just letting him and Xu Jianyin run the machine bureau together.

The more Ding Baozhen thought about it, the more he felt that the way was right. Thinking that the family behind Yao Fan could play a great role in intelligence, technology and machines in the Qing Dynasty, he was suddenly relieved and immediately relieved that Yao Fan did not want to be a meeting official of the Machinery Bureau.

"Good! OK! OK!" Ding Baozhen said three times in a row.

"Yao Fan, you have a good intention in your heart, and I'm very relieved! Remember what you said today! Help me do a good job in the future."

After saying that, Ding Baozhen pulled out the silver ticket from his sleeve, put it aside, and resolutely said, "This 100,000 taels is a reward for you. Take it and help Xu Jianyin purchase the machine. I will accept other gifts."

Yao Fan was tongue-tied.

"Nima! This is obviously my filial piety, okay?

If you want to reward me, how can I repay you a hundred thousand taels of silver from a provincial governor? Lao Ding, are you a joker?"

Ding Baozhen got up and said simply, "The brothers of the Li family are in the East Courtyard. You can go to see them and have dinner together in the evening."

After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Yao Fan finally fooled him, so he took back the silver ticket and followed Ding's family to the East Courtyard.

Ding Baozhen returned to the inner house and sat on the chair and gasped. The weather was so hot that he was exhausted by the conversation.

A maid stood on the side and gave him a fan. The eldest son Ding often sat on the chair next to him, with an excited face: "Dad, what's this Yao Fan from? The gift is very rich and fresh. Inside, a two-foot-high jade Buddha is also covered with a crystal box. There is also a jade Ruyi and a jade cabbage. I'm afraid it won't be more than 10,000 taels.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "I opened the crystal box and looked at it. The jade inside was warm and greasy, and it was not as cold as Hetian white jade or Kunlun green jade. It was really a material I had never seen before.

There are also some other pancreatic pancreas, which are also much better than the alkali pancreas commonly sold on the market. They smell fragrant and are absolutely top-quality!

There are still some things that look exquisite and are wrapped in crystal covers, but there is a cloth inside, with a pimple on it written heaven. I really can't understand it and I don't know what it's used for.

Ding Baozhen said, "You have written it down."

Ding often said, "Of course, I wrote it down. Our family has accounts for gifts."

Ding Baozhen said, "You can't understand what it is. Bring it to me."

So Ding Ting often ordered his servants to take the gift presented by Yao Fan. Ding Baozhen looked at it and couldn't understand it.

"Don't worry about this foreign thing. You go and tell the kitchen to work hard tonight. When you eat later, you can ask Yao Fan what this is and what it is for."

Ding Titi often said, "I have sent someone to order. Dad, do you want to eat at the government or go to Junmen Lane at night?"

"Eat home and bring back all the gifts."



Yao Fan met the three people of the Li family in the east courtyard of the governor's office. He was brought into the room to drink tea before he sat down. Li Jingshu immediately said to Yao Fan, "Brother Yao, you really spent a lot of money and sent so many things."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "You're welcome. It's all for you to eat on the road."

Li Jingfang asked, "Brother Yao, to be honest, our brother didn't understand your generous gift for a long time. He only knew that the gold paper in the crystal box was wrapped in Western snacks, but what was in the crystal sleeve?"

Yao Fan woke up and said, "You mean the folding umbrella, right? Bring it to me and I'll open it for you."

So Yao Fan pulled out a paradise folding umbrella from the transparent plastic cover and opened it in front of the three people of the Li family.

A small stick was enlarged into a huge umbrella. The silver fan and purple fan complemented each other with luxury. The whole umbrella was like a handicraft with magic, and the three people were stunned.

Li Jingxuan immediately pulled out another one from the six fans sent by Yao Fan and opened the gourd in the same way, smiling happily.

"The number of things sent by Brother Yao is the most interesting. Only foreigners can really think of such a clever umbrella."

Yao Fan immediately corrected: "This is not invented by foreigners! It was invented by my predecessors, the Chinese!

And the world's first umbrella was also invented by the Chinese! In 1747, the British Hanwei brought an umbrella from China to England, which caused a sensation, because before, the British had never seen an umbrella. When the nobles met the rain, they generally did not go out, otherwise they had to rely on four servants to hold up a square mantle with a pole at the four corners to escape the rain.

Yao Fan silently worshipped the Chinese ancestors in his heart, indeed! The Chinese not only invented the umbrella, but also the folding umbrella was invented by an old professor at Beijing Normal University in 1957. The reason why it is called the old professor is because his surname is Lao and his name is Yan Ruo. After the invention of the folding umbrella, it immediately became popular in the world and made the life of all mankind better. Chinese people never lack creativity!

Hearing Yao Fan's explanation, the three sons of the Li family are very proud.

Li Jing said excitedly, "Yes! I also heard that Luban invented the umbrella! It's just that I didn't know before that it turned out that foreign people's umbrellas were also passed on by us Chinese!"

The three were excited and immediately opened all the six umbrellas given by Yao Fan. Six small silver flowers suddenly opened in the room, including sky blue, purple red, light green, orange yellow, and big red...

Yao Fan sneered and quickly taught the three kids to put away the umbrella. So the three of them put away the umbrellas one by one with great interest and carefully put them into the umbrella cover. Obviously, they liked it very much.

Li Jingshu asked Yao Fan, "Brother Yao, have you met Lord Ding?"


"What did Lord Ding say?"

"Lord Ding asked me to stay and help him run the machine bureau. I pushed it because my family business was too busy."

Hearing Yao Fan say this, Li Jing was a little disappointed.

Li Jingfang said, "People have their own aspirations. Besides, a machine bureau is indeed not a big origin. Brother Yao will push it."

Yao Fan said, "But I have promised Lord Ding to help him purchase machines from the West, so as not to teach the foreign bank to take advantage of it."

So the four chatted for a while, and Yao Fan boasted that Ferrero was still according to the royal dim sum. The three opened it and tasted it on the spot and immediately praised it.

The Li brothers then explained to Yao Fan that their father was Li Hongzhang.

Yao Fan was amazed at that time and praised a few words about Lord Li's hard work and loyalty to the country, and all three of them were happy.

Then the four got up and went to the Ding family courtyard for a banquet.

On the road, Li Jingxuan took a small car by himself. Yao Fan and Li Jing said that Li Jingfang took the same car and felt that the car was large and spacious.

Yao Fan casually said, "This car is elegant and spacious. I will buy one tomorrow."

Li Jingfang smiled and said, "This is the big saddle car of the Ding family, but it is not an ordinary small saddle car outside. Brother Yao, you can't buy it. It takes three people to take this car, and the two of them can walk steadily and decently.

Yao Fan was puzzled: "Why can't I buy it? Don't mention three people, I can afford to hire six people.

Li Jingfang smiled and said, "Brother Yao really doesn't understand this when he comes back overseas. It should be noted that ordinary small saddles can be sat by everyone, and the decoration is as ingenious as you can, renovate and compete for wonders.

But this is different. This is a big saddle car. It is the riding system of princes, full-man wives, honorable status and prominent people. Brother Yao, how can you get over the system?

Yao Fan couldn't help saying fuck in his heart.


Please put it in the bookshelf for collection! The more red tickets, the better! Thank you for your ridiculous thanks!