1875 I come from the future

Chapter 64 Translation


Yao Fan and the Li brothers took a bus to Ding's house, and then quietly accompanied the three members of the Li family in the guest hall and listened to the three chatting with the five sons of the Ding family. Yao Fan remembered that Ding Baozhen had five sons and five daughters, accompanied by five sons in front of him, and none of his daughters came out.

Although Ding Baozhen knew that Li Jingxuan was a woman, it was not appropriate to find her daughter to accompany so many people, and exposed Li Jingxuan's identity.

Yao Fan knew that his status was just a businessman. Even if he came from overseas, he was not a big shot. Therefore, he basically didn't make any speeches, but just agreed with the people, increased their goodwill of himself, and occasionally boasted overseas news at the request of the people.

When the banquet opened and everyone sat down around the table, Ding Baozhen came out to enter the table. At this time, the dishes came up on a plate. Yao Fan toasted frequently during the banquet. His purpose tonight was to have a good relationship with the Ding family.

"Yao Fan, try it. Although this green bean curd is light, it is the most delicious in the world." Ding Baozhen pointed to a plate of green tofu and said to Yao Fan.

Yao Fan quickly picked up a chopstick.

"At the beginning, when I was in my hometown in Guizhou, my family of 30 or 40 spent no more than 400 taels of silver a year. Although not everyone wears silk and satin, everyone has two pieces of clothes to change. Although not everyone has meat to eat, there are two or three catties of meat at home every day. Life is alive and contented. Ding Baozhen said lightly.

"What adults have said is that nowadays some officials are willing to waste a lot of money." Yao Fan smiled and flattered him.

Ding Baozhen glanced at him: "Most of you businessmen only know how to make money, and don't know how to do good deeds and accumulate virtues. It's not sad at all if you throw out to buy concubines, but if you take out a tael of silver to help the people, you will immediately feel uneasy to eat and sleep."

Ding often listened and quickly said, "Dad, where did you say? Brother Yao is a guest you value, and he must be a righteous merchant."

Yao Fan was resentful when he heard Ding Baozhen's words. He was probably discouraged when he was raising donations from the people. He hurriedly said, "The younger generation would like to listen to the teachings of adults! That's what the adults said!

So after returning to China this time, I heard that Hu Xueyan, the Hui merchant, opened a Hu Qingyutang, claiming that it was really affordable, not to make money, but to save the disease. I was moved. I was willing to learn and was willing to donate 100,000 taels of silver. I also opened a pharmacy in Shandong, just called Yao Qingyutang! I don't want to make a profit, but to be able to cure diseases and save people and make good relationships. In the future, I will not take any silver out, and I am willing to donate 10,000 taels every month to treat the people.

Ding Baozhen's eyes lit up and said, "You can have this heart, which is a hundred times better than fooling me with 100,000 taels of silver!

It's just that I'm too careless to see the name of your business name, just like the word you took yourself. What's the name of Zaofan? There is no style." After saying that, Ding Baozhen shook his head.

Yao Fan saw Lao Ding say this and knew that he could not be stingy at this time. If he wanted to benefit, he must follow his words.

"I was originally an isolated person exiled overseas. Although I have learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge, it is indeed very sparse in terms of the collection of classics and history, which cannot be compared with many scholars in the Qing Dynasty.

It is the greatest honor in my life to be invited to sit with Lord Ding today. Tonight, I have a small request for Lord Ding to change my business name and the name of the pharmaceutical company I will establish.

Ding Baozhen had a few glasses of wine, and his face was also bloody. After listening to Yao Fan's words, he nodded slowly: "Then I will name your business name, just Yuchun. Fan Fan, the vegetation is lush, but when you meet spring, you will naturally seek wealth and development when you do business.

Yao Fan applauded with his hands in front of his chest and shouted, "Okay!!!" The exaggerated appearance is like Zhao Benshan's sketch character.

"Uncle Ding's name is good! Yuchun business name, Yuchun Yangxing, Yuchuntang, this name is easy to use. It is also used in the name of Yaotang, which also has the meaning of rejuvenation with wonderful hands. It's really good!" Li Jingfang also applauded.

The flower sedan chair was carried by everyone, and Ding Baozhen's five sons also praised their good name. Ding Baozhen couldn't help but be proud.

Yao Fan hit the railway while it was hot: "If Lord Ding is willing to help me write a plaque, I would like to buy words at the price of a thousand dollars!"

Ding Baozhen looked at Yao Fan meaningfully and said, "Okay, I'll write it to you, but I won't take a single article!" You just need to remember what you said today.

Yao Fan knew that Ding Baozhen was not only talking about the establishment of the pharmacy, but also about helping Ding Baozhen purchase machines.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, the Yao family does business in the world by relying on a letter." Yao Fandao.

Ding Baozhen was also straightforward and asked his family to get the pen and ink. On the spot, he wrote the eight characters "yu chun shang hao、yu**tang" on the copy in the lobby.

"As long as these eight big characters are engraved into plaques and countless copies are printed, their own subcolons in the country are protected, especially in Shandong, which is more useful than anything else. This blinding magic weapon is hard to buy!" Yao Fan thought.

"Your excellency! In the future, as long as you have the Western intelligence you need, the Yao family is willing to be your eyeliner. You have the Western machine you need, and the Yao family is willing to be the little ghost in your five ghosts!" Yao Fan cursed and hugged his thighs on the spot. Yao Fan completely tore off the old man who would be promoted to Sichuan admiral and minister of the Ministry of War next year.

Li Jingfang was not surprised by this, as if he had already seen that Yao Fan was such a person, and he did not feel sorry. After all, he originally hoped to help Yao Fan find a position in the Western affairs system in the Qing Dynasty. As for serving Ding Baozhen or his father Li Hongzhang, Li Jingfang did not care about it. After all, the resources in Li Hongzhang's hands There are too many, and it's not too rare for a Yao Fan.

Li Jingshu was a little frustrated and felt that Yao Fan's thighs were too tight. How could his father pull him in the future?

It turned out that this boy still had the intention of introducing Yao Fan to Li Hongzhang. He has the deepest contact with Yao Fan among these people, so he can best feel Yao Fan's special temperament. He deeply feels that this person represents not only his knowledge, but also represents a trend of the times. Li Jingshu often feels that there is a breath coming from Yao Fan's body, which makes people feel that a new era has come in a trance.

Although Li Jingxuan is a woman, she is as careful as her hair. The woman's unique sixth sense tells her that Yao Fan has a problem, but she can't see where the problem is.

Ding Baozhen was very happy. On the one's one, he was happy that he could get the help of such a valuable family as the Yao family. On the other, he was happy that Yao Fan suddenly said in front of the Li family that he was teaching the three bratted young children of the Li family to taste the indescribable feeling of making wedding clothes for others.

In order to show grandiance, Ding Baozhen said to Yao Fan in front of the three Li family:

"Yao Fan, you can help me find some Western science books recently. At present, although the Beijing Normal University is also translating Western science books, the progress is slow. It's better to ask for yourself. I have asked Shangzhi Academy to start translating, but I suffer from the lack of translation talents. I invited several foreigners to read and dictate. After the dictation of the scholars, the notes are sorted out, but the donkey's lips are still not right, and the progress is very slow.

Yao Fan knew that the Tongwen Hall of Beijing Normal University was actually a garbage heap, equivalent to a foreign language college in the Qing Dynasty, which was used to train minor officials for written translation and oral translation.

In principle, the ghost place only recruits children of the Eight Banners. The standard for Han people to enter is that they are under 30 years old and above the reputation of scholars, and it is best to recruit people and scholars. However, if a person is already a scholar and even a scholar before the age of 30, is it necessary to go to that damn place? For people under the age of 30, that is the real road to the imperial examination.

As for the children of the Eight Banners, they also look down on the Beijing Normal University. The children of the Eight Banners feel that learning foreign languages is equivalent to surrendering foreign countries. Basically, those who are willing to study are so stupid that they can't even read the official learning of the children of the Eight Banners. They have to be relegated or kicked out of the waste of the official learning of the Eight Banners. Even so, if you go there, you will be discriminated against by relatives and friends, and even break off diplomatic relations, and you can't afford to go out.

Therefore, this Qing Foreign Language College, also known as the Beijing Normal University Tongwen Hall, is usually dissatisfied with the recruitment of students, but there is a vest money and grain equivalent to the children of the flag man, and no serious student is willing to sign up. That's a vest money! Thirty-six taels of silver and 23 stone meters a year! One stone is equal to 120 catties!

You should know that the annual salary of seven-grade officials is only 45 taels of silver, 22 and a half meters, and eight-grades are even lower, only 40 taels of silver and 20 stone meters. The flag-paid vest money and grain have been treated more than seven or eight grades of officials.

Even if the vest money and food are given, the children of Baqi will not go to the language college. Do you think the children of Baqi have become a group of lazy wastes at this time?

Yao Fan said, "I heard from the merchants who passed by the capital, and the couplets in the capital wrote, 'There are many tricks, so that the small court set up a museum of the same text; the military aircraft has no long-term strategy, and it lures good disciples to worship different people as teachers.' Others say that this is 'not the same, the sven will be mourned.' Some people even say, 'Nonsense makes people follow Catholicism.'

Ding Baozhen said angrily, "What else do these people have except a mouth!" Later Hanshu. Yang's biography said that 'those who are rebellious will seek slander'. If they don't like it, they will spread rumors and make trouble at all, regardless of whether it is beneficial to the country!

Under their accumulation, now that the Beijing Normal University Tongwen can't even find a principal, and no one wants to find this scold!"

Yao Fan said, "There are so many ministers opposed in the court, so it is naturally difficult to find translation talents. In this case, it is really difficult for the college to translate books."

Ding Baozhen said, "The translation hall of Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau has translated a lot of books over the years, and there are all kinds of science books, but I can't rely on just one translation library in the Qing Dynasty, can I? At least three or two are enough.

Yao Fan said, "I think the adult has a book to translate, so give it to me. I will ask my children to translate it to the adult as soon as possible."

"Great kindness!" Ding Baozhen was overjoyed and praised.

"Yao Fan, you may find some of your children who are proficient in foreign literature to come to Shandong as translators and teachers?" Ding Baozhen asked.

Yao Fan didn't expect such a trouble and hurriedly said, "I can help find it, but I can't guarantee that someone is willing to come. After all, there are not many people who know the languages of the two countries. If there are some, they are also busy doing sea trade to make a lot of money. How can they be a small teacher?"

Ding Baozhen was a little disappointed when he heard the words. At present, his work of translating books in the college depends on the missionary's stammering into strange Chinese, and then the scholar guesses that the meaning of the words is recorded in written words. The translated thing has a very bad reading effect and is often difficult to understand.

Ding Baozhen was half full and got up and left.

The rest of the people had a meal, and then they were already chatting and laughing and getting acquainted with each other.

In this dining hall, more than a dozen red candles are burning on the candlestick, and the outer courtyard illuminated by bright flames is also transparent. You can see a pot of flowers and bonsai in the yard.

Dingtihe, the third son of the Ding family, said, "Tonight's flowers are really good, and the flowers are more beautiful under the candlelight."

Li Jingfang said, "Now the lotus flowers in Daming Lake are full, right?"

Ding's son often smiled and said, "Tomorrow, you will know that it is a beautiful scenery with endless lotus leaves."

Li Jing said, "Then we will visit Daming Lake tomorrow!"

So everyone decided to travel together next day.

Yao Fan smiled and said nothing. He knew that after this meal, he had established a reliable relationship with the Ding family.