1875 I come from the future

Chapter 70 Queue Training

[70] Queue Training

With only three movements: standing upright, resting and standing, Yao Fan practiced for more than an hour, and his mouth was dry. His platoon leaders are energetic and have the opportunity to manage others in front of Yao Fan, making them feel very faceless.

"Reate! Look to the left! Stand upright! Look to the right!

li zheng! Take a break! Stand upright! Stand up! ......”

Yao Fan kept practicing these movements. Looking at the astringent performance of the guys, he couldn't help but beat his heart. He planned to let the 100 guys train in the morning and work in the afternoon, but if he followed this progress, I'm afraid he would have to switch to full-time training.

The high temperature in late July made all the trainers sweat profusely. The long-sleeved trousers and overalls of polyester cotton denim were all wet with sweat and turned blue and black, sticking to everyone. Bai Dagui and Li Shitou wore the brave clothes of Qing soldiers and were still sweaty.

"Okay, now everyone has learned three correct standing postures, and then we will learn to turn." Yao Fan does not use such a suffering language as the method of stopping and turning, but simply refers to turning.

"Everyone, look at my demonstration. I'm turning right now. Do you see it? Whichever side you turn, the center of gravity falls on which foot! The center of gravity is the weight of your body. Wherever the weight is on which foot, the center of gravity is..." Yao Fan said dry and looked at the guys anxiously.

After some chaotic training, most smart guys have mastered how to turn correctly, and all they need is to be proficient.

Yao Fan handed over the next training to the five platoon leaders and stood there to supervise. The morning training was carried out until noon, and it was about to eat. Yao Fan ordered all of them to run around the field twice before disbanding. So the guys lined up and ran down two laps along the edge of the cement playground for more than 1,000 meters, which almost made everyone tired of heatstroke.

So Yao Fan announced his dissolution for dinner, and the guys immediately relaxed and chatted with each other happily.

"Which one is the owner? Ask everyone to stand with him all morning. Look, the owner's hot and his clothes are all through. A man observed.

"Didn't you say that this is called military training? It's probably to practice better so that you can earn face for your family in the future." Another dark man untied his coat and fanned the wind.

"Since it's to earn face for the owner, I don't need to say anything. We must practice hard. Isn't it just standing? Don't work? I can stand from morning to night."

"Nonsense, as long as I manage to eat and drink, I can stand for a month, do you believe it? However, the standing method taught by my family is strangely tiring. My body is too straight, and I'm not used to it.

As for the personal soldiers sent by Wei Guofu, Bai Dagui and Li Stone, they couldn't help running up to find Yao Fan.

"Master Yao, there were a lot of people just now. I didn't dare to refute your face. Isn't it right for you to practice like this?" Bai Dagui said with a bitter face.

"How to practice?" Yao Fan asked.

"Master Yao, you just need to teach these guys to line up and walk. It's meaningless to stand like this all the time. Standing and turning are natural skills. There is no need to practice again. Master Yao, you are sweating all over. Bai Daguidao.

"Master Yao, do you want to practice something? If that's the case, you don't have to do it. The fish scale iron armor array, the three talent front array, and the six-in-one gossip array are all performed by the inspectors. That's the ability of the Green Camp to make a mixed rate. If you really want to fight, who still remembers the ball? It depends on the knife, it all depends on fierceness. If the host has time to practice these, it's better to find a serious gun stick instructor and practice some real skills. Li Stone explained.

"I don't want everyone to practice a big battle. As long as everyone can stand neatly and uniformly, and the team is neat, discipline can be guaranteed." Yao Fandao.

"By the way, Dagui and Stone, you are both veterans, but you don't need to practice this anymore. It's not hard for General Wei to ask you two to come over. So, you can help me go to Zhangluo a military band, and I'll allocate funds for you." Yao Fan asked tentatively.

"What military band?" Bai Dagui asked in a daze.

"Just find a few people who can play the flute, suona and horn. After my hometown is brave enough to practice, there will be a band to play in and out, which is also lively."

"Ao! It turns out that Master Yao likes this! This is easy to do! Leave it to us! My two brothers all know which one can blow or fight in these ten miles and eight townships. Bai Dagui happily took over the job.

"Master Yao is smart! In the future, take a few people who will blow and beat when they go out, which can not only refresh everyone, but also relieve boredom and walk without fatigue. Li Shi also quite agree with Yao Fan's idea.

"That's the case. In the future, I will give you two hundred taels of silver every month, and you two will be responsible for training the military band. Later, I will find you an office in the city as the government office of the township bravery. You can do it for me in the government office." Yao Fan laughed.

The two were overjoyed and quickly thanked Yao Fan.

"Dagui, do you think Yao Dong's family is going to take us away?" On the way back to the city after leaving Yao Fan, Li Stone asked.

Bai Dagui wiped his sweat and said, "If you have money, you have something to do, and you are still free. What else do you want? Master Yao is giving our general face to arrange such a leisurely business for us, otherwise you are willing to go to the sun to bask in the sun? Practice those things that have changed their tricks?"

Li Stone remembered that he almost blew up his chest just now and said, "Of course I don't want to. Although it's tired to stand up with my chest, it's okay. But if I run around the playground like just now, I have to faint!"

The lunch arranged by Yao Fan was very light but full. The steamed bread with winter melon and shrimp soup was open, and the guys ate round one by one.

Yao Fan asked the platoon leaders to take his future soldiers to take a nap in the newly built board room. Finally, he decided to adopt a full-time off-time training method, which means that he will continue training in the afternoon.

Yao Fan called his core guys, the big guys who once participated in the fight with Yao Fan, to have a meeting in the warehouse.

"Everyone has worked hard after training all morning. It is a great good thing that we can get the opportunity to practice township bravery. In the future, after our township bravery group practices, we will not be afraid that the Guo family will come to seek revenge. Yao Fandao.

"What the owner said." Li Hainiu and others supported it one after another.

"I would like to announce that in the future, the monthly silver of the big guys will continue as usual, and all those who participate in the training of the township bravery will add two taels of silver every month.

In addition, the construction of the board houses in Yaojiazhuang is almost complete. All 200 houses in District 1 have been built, and half of the houses in District 2 have been built. I looked at it yesterday. The quality is very good, and the top is also covered with the linoleum I brought last time. I'm not afraid of rain. Let's arrange it now. In the future, except for a few guys, the rest of us will not have to go back to the city and live in the village. In the past few days, let's clean up all the rooms, put them on the bed, and then move all the bedding rolls of the big house in the city here.

"Dong, what's wrong with our township brave group? If I practice like this every day in the future, my carpentry class leader will have no time to manage the construction site. Otherwise, I won't feel at ease if I don't stare at those kids to work. Li Jundao, the second platoon leader.

Yao Fan thinks so, but military training is obviously much more important.

"All the monitor participating in the training, don't care about the construction site for the time being. Each of you recommends an acting monitor from your own team on the construction site to help you manage the work on the construction site."

Yao Fanton paused and said, "In the future, all the guys can bring their families, but they can't go by themselves. They have to be run. After all, the training and construction tasks are very heavy now, and they can't be separated from people."

"There is no one in my family." Li Jundao.

"If you want to get married, you can also report it. Our business can ask the matchmaker for help so that everyone can get married and settle down here." Yao Fan came back this time and heard from Li Hainiu that there were often quarrels and even fights between the guys on the construction site, and even some guys went to the brothels after taking the moon silver. Yao Fan felt that these were all hormones that had nowhere to vent.

"I want to marry!" Li Jun was the first to sign up.

"I also want to marry!" Liu Jinbao immediately said, and after saying that, he added, "I have Yueyin from my boss now. I'm willing to add some money and ask my matchmaker to find me a big ass." Finally, he added, "Big buttocks are easy to raise."

He Shicheng said shyly, "I didn't know until I came back this time that my family had already told me a kiss, and I heard that my buttocks are not small."

As soon as this topic unfolded, the warehouse was suddenly a little chaotic. Yao Fan's core staff expressed their desire to get married, and at the same time expressed their agreement with Liu Jinbao's views and were willing to add more money to find a big ass.

Yao Fan saw that the topic was too far away and said urgently, "That's all for this problem. I will try my best to ask the matchmaker to find what you like. But whether you are looking for a wife or a business account to help you, you are not allowed to find a woman with small feet. Such women can't walk, and it is not suitable for us who want to do business. Besides, women with small feet can't work.

All the guys agreed that except for a few people who are a little sorry. According to them, the daughters of slightly rich families are wrapped in their little feet. They now earn ten or two yuan a month. They are a big man with great face and want to ask for a richer woman in the family.

Yao Fan resolutely * this thought: "You guys should take a good lead! Don't make it special!"

Li Hainiu firmly supports all the propositions of Yao Fan: "Whoever marries a little-footed woman is against his employer! Get out of here!"

So several guys who just expressed their regret have declared that in order to support their own family, they can completely abandon their selfishness.

Yao Fan took out a stack of photos from his bag. These are the portraits that Yao's father helped Yao Fan develop last time, which were all big guys under Yao Fan.

"I have taken these photos for a long time and haven't given them to you. Now I'll send them to you as a souvenir."

"Oh! The host! Isn't this me?" He Shicheng shouted in a panic.

"Ah! This is me! It's so similar! It's like alive!" Li Hainiu is not calm anymore.

"What kind of spell is this? Why do you look like me? Why is my face so round? Isn't the person behind me Liu Jinbao? What's the red one in his hand? Zhou No. 4 kept admiring.

As long as the guys who got their own photos, they were surprised and couldn't close their mouths, and there was a messy discussion. They all guessed what spell it was, which could reflect people and colors vividly.

Yao Fan was afraid that they would think this was a soul-dementing magic and explained: "This is a Western photo taken with a camera. The camera is the thing I often hang around my neck. That thing can remember the scenery and portraits and then print it on paper. This is a knowledge, but it is not a demon. I can teach you how to take photos in the future.

Listening to Yao Fan's words, everyone has a mind and hopes that one day they can learn this skill from their owners.

Yao Fan said, "This photo is a reward for everyone. In the future, as long as anyone is a big man, I will take a picture for him. If he gets married, I will take a picture for his wife, so that it can be passed on to generations and let your descendants know what your ancestors look like."

When Yao Fan said this, the value of the photos suddenly became precious. The guys held the photos in their hands and felt like they were holding heirlooms. It was not suitable to put them anywhere.

Yao Fan said, "I've also seen the photos. Take them all back. I'll put them in your bag so as not to lose them."

After collecting the photos, Yao Fan said, "The future training should be carried out every day. Don't be lazy. Each platoon leader should supervise his subordinates. Bai Dagui and Li Stone were sent to the city by me. The two platoons they were in had to make up for two people. Li Hainiu, you go back and choose two smart people and teach them alone in the evening.

Yao Fan took out the training outline he compiled on the way back to Qingdao and gave it to Li Hainiu.

"In the future, no matter whether I am or not, I will practice according to this outline. I will practice a queue for an hour in the morning, and then physical training to get a good body. I won't lose in the future."