1875 I come from the future

Chapter 71 Physical Training

[71] Physical training

Li Hainiu took over the 'physiqueue training outline' compiled by Yao Fancao and immediately turned over, and was more and more surprised.

"In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, the physical quality of all warriors is the foundation of their combat effectiveness. Especially when weapons are at a disadvantage, the physical quality of soldiers can make up for the lack of combat strength and reverse the disadvantage.

Outside the Qing Dynasty, it was pressured by the military forces of the great powers, because it was not as good as weapons, and its physical quality was also much worse. After that, nutrition and exercise were not as good as that, which was not innate.

If you want to resist foreign aggression, soldiers should strengthen their physical fitness and discipline. Physical fitness and discipline have always complement each other. Without strict discipline, you will not be able to practice good physical fitness. Without good physical fitness, it is not enough to discipline and abide by orders.

The so-called military physical fitness refers to the comprehensive biological ability that soldiers must have in order to complete various long-term, high-intensity and high-standard combat tasks assigned by commanders under various complex and difficult environmental conditions. Military physical training is a comprehensive biological training that integrates physiology, psychology, time biology and other multidisciplinary knowledge quality.

The training goal of our township bravery group is to have strong physical strength, endurance and speed ability to meet the needs of tactics and combat; the second is to equip township bravery with abundant energy to resist brain fatigue to meet the requirements of continuous combat; third, to equip township bravery with tenacity, so that It can overcome difficulties and withstand great psychological pressure on the battlefield; the fourth is to make Xiang Yong have a high degree of attention to resist environmental interference and devote himself to the battle without distractions; the fifth is to train Xiang Yong to have keen observation, rapid response ability and good action coordination ability to improve their battlefield survivability.

Our job is to make continuous efforts towards these five points every day, strengthen military physical training every day, and build a qualified township bravery that can resist foreign aggression.

The following is the most basic physical training outline I have planned............

Li Hainiu looked at ten lines, looked at it, trembled all over, and looked up at Yao Fan frequently. Yao Fan was talking and laughing with a group of big guys, asking everyone's life and ideological situation.

"The owner has been planning for a long time! It has been planned for a long time...

How lucky I am Li Hainiu! How dare you ask me to meet the master! If it is as written by the owner, this strong army can resist foreigners, so there is no need to worry about defeating the domestic demons! ......

Why do you have to practice standing and turning alone for so long? What exactly is the queue practice? ......”

Li Hainiu thought excitedly and continued to read down.

"The queue is only a ritual from the surface, but in essence it is an indispensable organizational form of all military activities and collective actions, and a subtle discipline and norm in training and life.

The ancient and modern famous army is not enough to form a circle without rules. The strictest queue training can strengthen the organizational ability of the army. The well-regulated queue contains the deep purpose of strictly governing the army according to law.

Good military posture, strict military appearance, excellent style, coordinated action, including strict organizational discipline! This has an irreplaceable effect on maximizing combat effectiveness and cultivating a regularized and strong army! Where do the qualities of an army, such as vigorous behavior, prohibition, obedience to orders and obedience to command come from? All from the queue training!

A day of queue training contains thousands of mechanical and repeated commands. Only by obeying orders again and again can soldiers strengthen their obedience and discipline..."

Li Hainiu understood and saw that he was convinced and threw himself to the ground.

"The boss is a great talent! See the micro-knowledge! Take care of the universe! See the truth in the ordinary! Compared with my boss, Li Hainiu, is simply a judgment of cloud and mud..."

That night, Yao Fan invited Sun Maowen, Wei Guofu and Liu Ziming to accompany him at Shijia Restaurant in Qingdao to celebrate Wannian.

After three rounds of drinking, Yao Fan said.

"To tell you the truth, brothers, I went to Jinan this time and met our number one person in Shandong, Lord Ding Baozhen!"

"Oh! Brother Yao met Lord Ding?! What are the instructions of the Taiwan master?" Sun Maowen was surprised.

Yao Fan looked at Sun Maowen and felt that he was not disguised.

"Brother Yao, how did you see Ding Junmen?" Wei Guofu asked in surprise.

Yao Fan's surprise at Wei Guofu, a rough man, is still a little uncertain.

"Brother Yao can actually see Lord Ding! How much money will it cost?" Liu Ziming's surprise is the strongest.

Yao Fan's purpose tonight is to pull the tiger's skin as a flag and brag about himself under the banner of Ding Baozhen.

"Ha, I, a sea merchant, was lucky enough to be invited by Lord Ding to go to his home in Junmen Lane to taste Lord Ding's family banquet. It's really a manifestation of my ancestors. I'm lucky for three lifetimes. Now that I think about it, that green tofu is really better than the delicacies of mountains and sea."

"Brother Yao said! Lord Ding has instructions!" Sun Maowen is very amazed.

"Lord Ding heard that my Yao family has deep roots overseas and asked me to help the machine bureau buy equipment. How can I teach Lord Ding to value such a military important matter? I must do my best and die!"

"Ah! But the machine that makes foreign guns and guns?" Wei Guofu was shocked!

"Exactly, there are also some steam engines and boilers, which are urgently needed materials in the Qing Dynasty."

Sun Maowen said happily, "That's so good! So good! Brother Yao can climb the big tree of Taiwan, which is a blessing in Qingdao, Jiaozhou. Brothers are really happy for you! In fact, I saw early in the morning that Brother Yao is the dragon and phoenix among people, knowledge, sensitive to learning and morality! If you get the rain and dew in one day, you will definitely make great success!

Come on! A toast to my brother here! No! No! No! Three cups!"

Sun Maowen stood up excitedly, poured his hands full of himself, and drank it all. Then, regardless of whether Yao Fan drank it or not, he drank two full cups in a row. His happy face looked as if he had seen Ding Baozhen himself.

Wei Guofu also laughed: "Brother Yao! If you get Ding Junmen's entrusted errands this time, what's the matter of Yaozu Guangzong? Brother, don't be biased and eat three glasses of my wine!"

So Yao Fan drank three more cups.

Liu Ziming simply left the table, took Yao Fan's hand, and sincerely squeezed his eyebrows and said, "Brother, remember to take care of your old brother after the rise! Come on! Let's go, brother! I'll have three drinks! Feel free."

After drinking, Yao Fan laughed and asked He Wannian to take out Ding Baozhen's authentic 'Uchun Company'.

"Three brothers, please look, what is this?"

Yao Fan showed his way.

"Ah! This payment... Ding Baozhen... Yuchun business... This is Lord Ding's Mobao!" Sun Maowen quickly came up to take a closer look and exclaimed, "I've heard for a long time that Lord Ding's book is fleshy and has his own demeanor. Today, I'm really fascinated by it!"

After saying that, Sun Maowen raised his glass to Yao Fan to find someone to frame the real deeds and toast three cups in a row.

Yao Fanxin said that your flattery is really too much. Not to mention whether your posture can be transmitted to Ding Baozhen's ears, even if it can be passed in, Lao Ding may not eat your trick. Besides, people will be transferred to Sichuan next year. You are doing useless work.

Liu Ziming said, "Brother Yao should engrave the plaque quickly! Suspended business name! Look at any dead ghost who dares to chew his tongue again!"

"Oh! Someone chewed bad things about me behind my back?"

Liu Ziming said, "Brother Yao sits down. That's just a group of prisoners in the customs muttering behind their backs. I will definitely treat them severely in the future and let them know that my brother Liu Ziming is not easy to mess with!"

Yao Fan knew that this was probably a matter of smuggling bribery, but since Liu Ziming was in charge of the customs, why did he care?

"Brother Yao, you came to me the day before yesterday and said that you donated a Mr. Lian for your family, but you didn't tell me that it was rewarded by Lord Ding. I still hide it from my brother. Should you pay a glass of wine?" Wei Guofu laughed.

"Haha, yes, yes, I drink." Yao Fan drank it all.

Wei Guofu also accompanied him with a cup with a smile and said, "I'm a rude person. If I have something to say, I can say it directly. If I had known that it was Lord Ding's personal reward, how could I have asked Bai Dagui and Li Stone to go over? Brother Yao, don't be more careful. According to the rules, the Qing Dynasty organized the township bravery to practice and insert people into the green camp. I will order the two of them to come back tomorrow to save money.

"It turned out that the placement of these two people was not ordered by Ding Baozhen. Yes, Ding Baozhen knew that I was mixed up with Qingdaokou. How could he rest assured to ask Wei Guofu to monitor me?" Yao Fan thought.

"Brother, Lao Wei is a rude person. There are many things that are not thoughtful. If you have something to say in the future, if you need any weapons, just come to my garrison camp to get it."

"How can this be? The weapons are all in the book. If there are fewer, you can't explain it."

Wei Guofu was used to eating empty meals and blushed when he heard the words: "What's not in the book? If you have a brother here, you can't shorten your brother. I have a lot of weapons there. If you need it, just come and get it."

About drinking, Wei Guofu suppressed his voice in front of everyone and said, "Brother, if you don't like Guo Jixiu, I will lend you some soldiers to protect you, so that you don't have to practice any local courage to beware. That dog dares to embarrass my brother. He deserves to be beaten!"

Sun Maowen was shocked: "Brother Wei is drunk, but he speaks carefully. I heard that Guo Jixiu was hurt by someone and was recovering from his wounds at home. He kept saying at a sky-high price that he wanted to revenge after his injury. Presumably his father already knew it at this time.

Yao Fan estimates that for such a long time, these people have probably seen the incident clearly.

"Guo Weizhong has written to join me, not only me, but also to all of you here, saying that we have colluded with smuggling!"

As soon as Yao Fan said this, most of the people were so scared that they woke up.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "But I have used money up and down, and Lord Ding Mingjian, so naturally I'm not afraid of him. A Jiangxi imperial historian really stretched out his hand too long.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Thinking of the Ding family banquet in Junmen Lane that night, I, Yao Fan, had the honor to see the five sons of the Ding family. Sure enough, they were all extraordinary and young and successful! Ding Tchang, the son of Ding's parents, especially Junjie, talked with me very much and revealed that he would go to Shanxi next year as an alternate governor.

I heard from Brother Ding that Lord Ding had personally gone to Lord Hu to clarify the facts for us. In addition, Brother Ding also sent a letter to his friend in Laizhou Prefecture to explain the matter. After hearing this, I immediately sent the money to Lord Hu's house to thank him for distinguishing right from wrong, so please don't worry.

Sun Maowen became happier and more happy. He pulled Yao Fan's cuffs happily and said, "Brother, we have such a ability. What else can we worry about in the future!"

Liu Ziming and Wei Guofu were also overjoyed and repeatedly greeted Yao Fan to drink.

That night, Sun Maowen said to Yao Fan that he wanted to be promoted to a higher level, but he suffered from no way to be abusing, hoping that Yao Fan could help him.

Wei Guofu also said that he heard that Zhou Jueen, a general of Denglai Dao, is going to be promoted, and there will be a real shortage soon. He hopes that Yao Fan can find a way for himself. He is willing to pay for activities by himself.

On the contrary, Liu Ziming said that he liked the position of customs inspection very much and hoped to continue to do it. Yao Fan knew that he just liked money. Probably because this position is easy to get money, I don't want to change my post and get promoted.

Yao Fan agreed to Sun Maowen and Wei Guofu's request, saying that he would do his best.

Before leaving, Wei Guofu quietly grabbed Yao Fan behind him, saying that no matter what he did in the future, even if he wanted to secretly ambush and kill Guo Jixiu, he was willing to contribute. This thick and dark words made Yao Fan's hair stand on end. After all, Guo Jixiu is the son of Jiangxi Yushi. If he really wants to kill people, it must be full of wind and rain! Ding Baozhen may not be able to cover it! How dare he, Yao Fan, commit such rampant murder?

If it hadn't been for Guo Jixiu's rude words that made Yao Fan angry last time, Yao Fan would not have broken his leg and arm. Wei Guofu is really obsessed with officials and wine to strengthen people!