1875 I come from the future

Chapter 123 Shandong Commune 4

[123] Shandong Commune (4)

Meilis, a German businessman who started with Yao Fan's exclusive supply of dyes, also came to Qingdao at this time. Although he was half scared to death by the rumors of the plague as soon as he landed, he firmly believed that God would bless him this year as if he were the Pope, so he stayed fearlessly and proposed to see Yao Fan.

As soon as Yao Fan heard that Merrith had arrived, he immediately rushed to the dock area from the machine gun training ground. He now has an errand to see if Merisse can do it.

As soon as Yao Fan saw Merrith, he hugged him happily and pulled him to find an empty house in the customs, where the two began to talk secretly.

"James, there is no plague in Qingdao." Yao Fan told him frankly.

"What? Frank, what did you say? But I saw that the notices of the Qing government were covered with docks and walls! Is my translator lying to me?

"James, the actual situation is not what you see. In fact, these are all deceptive schemes."

"God, why did the Qing bureaucrats in Qingdao do such a trick! Are they crazy? Frank, you must know why.

"In fact, these deceptive notices and rumors were done by my men. James, just a week before you came to Qingdao, I launched a revolution, a revolution for freedom, democracy and independence for citizens and farmers. At present, Qingdao is under my control, and in order to win time for armed training, I have to use the excuse of plague to numb the officials of the Qing Dynasty.

"God! Oh my God! Bless this brave man!" Merrith stroked a cross with his hands on his chest.

"Frank, you know how brutal those Qing troops are! Once you are caught by them, these barbarians will cut you into sizes suitable for mice!"

"James, don't worry, I won't be scratched alive. I have the faith and strength to win! You have to believe me!

You should know that I have formed an army equipped*! In order to defend the victory of this revolution, we will fight with all our strength!"

Meilis looked up at Yao Fan's firm eyes. The Chinese had now thrown away the funny braided hat and combed his hair into a noble 28th. Under the sunlight shining in from the window, he exuded a soft light all over his body and looked like a nobleman from Europe.

At this moment, a hazy idea suddenly appeared in Merris's heart, "Maybe God let me come to Qingdao at this time to help Yao and help him fight for freedom against imperial power like the French Revolution!"

"Frank, you need arms! You must use Germany's best rifle to destroy the attack of the barbarians under the emperor, and the torch of justice and freedom must burn in Qingdao!" Merrith was inexplicably excited and said in a high tone.

He stared and clenched his fist and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes! You are different from them. You are a civilized aristocrat, and you even know noble German! I can't watch you being torn to pieces by those barbarians!"

Yao Fan smiled gently without saying, "Is German noble? Why do I think German is similar to European Henan dialect? Where is it noble?"

Frank, all the managers of German foreign banks in China are my friends! If you need arms, please feel free to ask me. I promise to represent you at a very low price! The German Army's Mauser 71 rear rifle is very good. If you need it, I will do my best to help you get that!"

"James, I want to thank you for your kindness, but I have been equipped with rifles and have enough weapons reserves, so I don't worry about the source of weapons at the time."

"Oh? French goods? British goods?" Merriz was very surprised. He really didn't expect that Yao Fan's rebellion was premeditated, and he had even prepared enough weapons and ammunition in advance.

"Chinese goods, produced by my family's secret arms factory, should be enough to cope with the war with the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, I don't have to spend a lot of money on advanced rifles.

James, what worries me most at the time is not arms, but the blockade from the sea. I am afraid that once the war breaks out, Qingdao's shipping routes will be completely cut off.

James, I need a sea power country to protect me from free trade!"

Meilis opened his mouth and thought for a long time, "Frank, your consideration is right. Once the Qing Dynasty imposes an embargo on you, Qingdao will not even be able to transport a piece of rice."

Yao Fan said, "James, I suspect that no country will tear up with the Qing Dynasty for the small free and democratic paradise I built, but I bet that if a German freighter travels between the concession wharf of Qingdao and Shanghai, or between the Japanese trade port Nagasaki The Qing government did not dare to withhold the ship or confiscate the goods.

"Frank, do you want me to be your smuggling captain?"

"Yes, of course, this sale is very risky, but I also provide great profits. All my goods can be handed over to your agent, and you can wholesale the goods to anyone in the concession in Shanghai or the open port of Japan.

I swear, James, I want you and your family to become the number one foreigner in Asia. As long as I can stand firmly, my regime is your bayonet in Asia!" Yao Fan took Meri's hand and painted the big cake fiercely.

At this moment, Merrith was strongly stimulated in his heart, and he naturally thought of "a pro-German regime!" A free port in Asia! A fortress of freedom on a barbaric continent! A piece of land under the sun! There is no doubt that I will receive the medal from the Kaiser for this!

God! Now I finally understand the noble mission you gave me on this trip! God bless the Emperor! God bless Germany!"

Yao Fan seemed to see through the idea of Merriz, and the devil whispered**: "I believe that His Majesty William I is very happy to see that in the far east, there is a friendly frozen port that can let German warships dock and add coal and water to supplement food.

I hereby promise that if His Majesty William I can guarantee Qingdao's free port status, Germany will enjoy full import and export duty-free status in Qingdao, which will make German goods more competitive than those of other countries.

However, in order to ensure that my regime is stable and not scolded by the Chinese, German citizens cannot have extrajurisdiction in Qingdao, and all crimes will be tried in public in accordance with the laws of the regime I established.

James, I assure you that these laws are civilized and just, without any insults and physical harm. Except for crimes that should be shot, other illegal acts will only be imprisoned for different years. My prison is very humane, even more clean, spacious and bright than in Germany. .

Except for giving Germany free trade and one-sided most-favoured-nation treatment, I will not accept any colonial request from any country, that is to say, I am diplomatically, military, politically and economically independent, and I do not recognize any suzerain!"

Meris rolled his throat excitedly and said, "Mr. Baland, the German minister to China, is in Beijing. I think I should go see him. Frank, before that, take care not to be torn apart by those barbarians.

After the conversation on that day, Yao Fan only received 20,000 taels of silver bills from Merrith, and loaded 10 tons of dyes on the cargo ship rented by Merrith, and the price per kilogram dropped from 45 taels like an avalanche to 30 taels! This goods is worth 300,000 taels!

"Next time to deliver with gold, James, remember, I need gold!"

Mellis nodded firmly: "My manager will be responsible for shipping the goods back to Shanghai, and I will take a boat to Beijing. Frank, you are waiting for my good news!"