1875 I come from the future

Chapter 124 Shandong Commune 5

[124] Shandong Commune (5)

Yao Fan tried to rely on Merriz to build a relationship with the German government. Whether this method is reliable or not, it is only a temporary strategy for Yao Fan.

This is an attempt to take advantage of each other. Yao Fan is not sure that Germany will definitely agree. Although Germany is eager to expand its power overseas at this time, it is obviously not strong enough compared with Britain, which deliberately suppressed them.

After saying goodbye to the Merridis, Yao Fan tried his best to carry out machine gun training and artillery training. The previously formed eight-person mortar class was split into four by Yao Fan, and expanded to four mortar classes with two old men and six new models, training from morning to night every day.

Machine gun training is especially valued by Yao Fan. Even though there is a shortage of manpower at present, Yao Fan still chose a platoon for machine gun training.

Selected by Yao Fan was a series of two platoons under Li Hainiu. Hu Guangting, the platoon leader, was entrusted with heavy responsibilities because of his excellent shooting performance and skilled rifle maintenance during this period.

Yao Fan stressed again at the machine gun shooting training ground at the foot of Beiling Mountain: "Hu Guangting, your 20 people are equipped with 4 machine guns, divided into 4 shooting groups, 5 people in each group, 1 main shooter 4 deputy shooters and gunners. This configuration is reasonable."

Hu Guangting scratched his head and said, "Chairman, but we found that the bullets on the backs of the four deputy shooters were not enough at all. A 100-round chain was finished in a few seconds! Chairman, I'm not talking nonsense. I'm calculating.

Yao Fan cried and said, "I said that the machine gun needs to be fired, and the trigger will be released in a second. The rate of fire of this thing is 600 to 1000 rounds per minute. I told you to turn on the gas regulator to the minimum. Even so, you can hit 6 to 8 shots in a second. If you hold it down, the rate of fire will be faster and faster, 1 Isn't the 00-fire bullet chain enough to be gone in just a few seconds? Unless a large group of enemies charge you at close range, you are not allowed to shoot repeatedly!"

Hu Guangting nodded and said, "Chairman, I understand. I will be more strict with comrades to save bullets in the future."


Yao Fan gathered his troops on the playground early this morning. He took Hu Guangting, the second platoon of Hu Guangting, Wang Guangxing of the second platoon of the third company, and Zhang Erbao in the first platoon of the fifth company. He was fully armed and prepared to go to the countryside to fight local tyrants and divide the fields.

During this period, Yao Fan did not dare to fight local tyrants to divide the land, but now there is no need to be cautious. Ten days have passed, and even the men of Yuchun's Shanghai sub-numbered and Tianjin sub-numbers have come back by boat, and there is still no sign of the Qing army gathering around Jiaozhou.

According to the information of the White Horse Association, the only two Manchurian Eight Banner Camps, Dezhou and Qingzhou Camps, are still in Nanshan, and there is no emergency gathering.

The Texas garrison has 550 personnel, which is far from Jiaozhou, and Yao Fan did not consider it. The Qingzhou garrison camp is relatively close, with 2,500 personnel and 150 kilometers away from the mouth of Qingdao, Jiaozhou. Yao Fan must still keep a close eye on it.

The reason why they keep a close eye on the Eight Banners at this stage is that the Eight Banners are well informed. Once there is a wind blows, they will definitely be notified. In addition, the management of the Eight Banners is a loose mess, and there are countless people who walk eagles and birds. It is more convenient for the White Horse Association to observe and inquire. As long as the garrison camp is tightened against these eight The supervision of the old flag soldiers can detect the wind blowing.

Yao Fan is very satisfied with Bai Xiaoqi's analysis. After all, this is an old gang that has fought with the court for decades. From their rich experience in fighting, it is definitely an old fried dough stick.

Yao Fan first held a temporary military deployment meeting on the playground, emphasized how to plan today's actions to fight against local tyrants, and then set out immediately.

Wang Xin's driver sent 20 people in a row and drove all ten Dafeng tractor trucks. Yao Fan ordered the soldiers to climb into the truck and drive to Niwanzi Village, the first destination of fighting the local tycoons.

In fact, the name of fighting local tycoons was not created by the Soviet Union. The first means to use the Northern Expeditionary Army to fight local tycoons. After they invaded Wuhan that year, they immediately organized a large number of urban unemployed and destitute farmers who relied on short-term workers to make a living to blackmail the squires and rich. To put it bluntly, *. According to the rich Different degrees, ranging from 30 to 2,000 silver.

Yao Fan's local tycoon has a different purpose. His biggest purpose is to divide the land and let the farmers all own their own land and sincerely support the new regime. Only by supporting the new regime can farmers keep the land they have.

And the wealth obtained by raiding the family can be used as military personnel to support soldiers.

The reason why Yao Fan chose Niwanzi Village and chose to loot the Zhai family is not because the Zhai family is the richest landlord in Jiaozhou. A landlord with more than 150 mu of land can never be the richest in Jiaozhou.

Yao Fan chose the Zhai family because of the weak defense of the Zhai family. There are only 11 people in the whole family, 4 adult men, and 3 rough servants. In addition, his family hired eight long-term workers and rented part of the fields to more than a dozen tenants to grow. While renting and farming, the tenants also had to be under the supervision of the Zhai family. The family can do all kinds of farm work for free, which is a condition for renting tenants, otherwise the land will not be rented.

Another reason for choosing the Zhai family is that there are many people working on the Yaojiazhuang construction site in Niwanzi Village. According to the summary of the staff sent by Yao Fan to inquire about information, they generally hate the Zhai family very much, saying that the Zhai family has been trying to collude with tax officials and officials to make it difficult for those farmers with land in the village, hoping to Some farmers broke down and sold the land to the Zhai family, thus achieving the purpose of land annexation.

"Hu Guangting, when you arrive in the village, you will take you to line up to ring the bell in the face of the Dragon King, ask the villagers to come to gather, and distribute the baked white flour cakes we brought on the threshing field in front of the Dragon King Temple."

"Yes, Chairman."

"Wang Guangxing, you take your platoon and take the bill of lading stamped with a big seal to Zhai's house to arrest people. As long as all the men are arrested, they are well tied up and escorted to the front of the threshing floor to teach them to kneel honestly. If anyone resists arrest and makes trouble, kill them all! All his women were locked in the firewood house and locked up, leaving four or five soldiers to take good care of them. Don't let them go.

"Yes, Chairman."

"Zhang Erpao took you to line up around the village to spread into a secret whistle. Be careful not to be found. If someone attacks, inform me. If someone in the village runs out to report the news, arrest them immediately."

"Yes, Chairman."


10 big harvest tractor trucks of Yao Fan and his party drove to Niwanzi Village, and each group immediately took action.

Yao Fan first looked for Li Lu. Li Lu's family has 5 mu of irrigated land. It is said that she is a middle peasant, but due to the drought and the death of her father, the harvest was greatly reduced and almost ruined because of medical expenses and funeral expenses.

Before, Li Lu found a job on the dock site in Yaojiazhuang. Because Yao Fan intended to attack each village, he deliberately chose the seemingly bold and resentful suffering among the people who came to work on the construction site in each village.

When Yao Fan recruited Li Lu at that time, he only told the truth and told him how the master of the Zhai family wanted to follow Xiang Yong's hand to seize his family's arable land.

At that time, Li Lu's reaction was very satisfactory to Yao Fan.

"Mom! I'm going back to reason with him! It's a big deal! I smashed his head with a hoe!" Li Lu is not very good. He is not so much like a farmer as a young man. But this courage of resistance made Yao Fan admire him very much.

"What will you do after you kill him?"

"I did it, wherever I went! Anyway, if it's not easy to live, then everyone doesn't want to live!" Li Lu is simply a rebel! Shandong people are tough, and they have always produced a straightforward person like Li Lu.

Yao Fan was overjoyed and decided to take Li Lu under his own hands.