1875 I come from the future

Chapter 125 Shandong Commune 6

[125] Shandong Commune (6)

There are only 45 villages in Jiaozhou, more than 225 villages in Jimo County.

From the perspective of modern people, Niwanzi Village is a small village with a total of more than 200 people. In addition to the Zhai family, which is a landlord with more than 100 mu of land, there are also seven or eight rich farmers with more than 10 mu of land, and the rest are middle peasants, poor farmers and tenants.

With the bell ringing in front of the Dragon King Temple, the villagers began to rush to the valley farm. Yao Fan stood in front of the valley farm and watched Hu Guangting and the soldiers distribute white-faced pancakes. He smiled and shouted to the villagers: "My fellow villagers, take the cakes and sit down. Today, Niwanzi Village is going to hold a criticism meeting to criticize the local tyrants of the village. The inferior gentry Zhai family.

As soon as he heard this, the valley field suddenly became lively. The people sat side by side on the valley field and talked shoulder to shoulder: "What is the local tyrant and evil gentry?"

"What's wrong with the Zhai family? What has happened? I saw officers and soldiers coming to his house to arrest people.

"Don't talk about anything, listen to Yao Dong's family."

At this moment, Zhai's family is already jumping. Wang Guangxing took a row of 20 people to open the courtyard door and rushed in with a bayonet. When he saw Master Zhai, he threw the bill of lading covered with the seal of Jiaozhou Yamen on his face. "Look at it yourself!" I'm going to have a public trial today! Comrades, arrest him!"

Wang Guangxing said headlessly. Zhai Guiquan, the master of the Zhai family, didn't know what had happened at all, but when he saw this group of villagers carrying bayonets rush to the back hall and scolded angrily, "It's against you!" Against you! Stop, all of you! Don't ask! My son Zhai Huitang worked for Master Man of the Eight Banners in Qingzhou Camp! You grass ash dare to take me! I can't afford you later! You son of a bitch, why don't you quit! The back hall is my daughter's family. Whoever dares to go in, I will pay the government to kill him.

The soldiers were stunned and took a look at Wang Guangxing.

Wang Guangxing said, "It's him who farts, the chairman caught him!" After saying that, Wang Guangxing came forward and suddenly punched Zhai Guiquan's face with the basic boxing method of fighting training, knocking down Master Zhai's nose, and blood burst out of his nostrils and dripping down.

"If anyone disturbs people's hearts again, beat me hard! The host said that the revolution is not an invitation to dinner! These reactionary landlords and exploiting class dare to speak hard when they die!" Wang Guangxing applied the learning results of ideological and political courses.

Master Zhai, his two sons, housekeepers and other servants were dragged to the threshing floor, and the rest of the women were locked in the woodshed, with the left-behind soldiers.

When they saw that the people of the Zhai family were escorted, the villagers were surprised to find that Master Zhai's face was full of blood.

Yao Fan didn't care about the blood on Master Zhai's face. Since you want to fight local tycoons to divide the land, there will inevitably be bloodshed, because this is a life-to-death battle between the proletariat and the landlord class. Once you lose, the end will be a hundred times more miserable than this.

"Zhai Guiquan, you are honest about your crimes in front of the whole village!" Yao Fandao.

"Yao Dongjia! I have no grievances against you in the past. Why do you want to hurt me!" Zhai Guiquan was tied with his hands cut back and knelt in front of the threshing floor and shouted. The green satin cotton-covered horse coat was stained with nosebleed and embarrassed.

Yao Fan could have shot Zhai Guiquan directly and then divide the fields and floating wealth to poor farmers, but he knew that this was not a good way. If only divided the fields and did not hold a criticism meeting, he could not change people's concept of land ownership for thousands of years, which would lead to landlords disapproval, farmers' guilty and land. The master felt that the farmer owed him debt, and the farmer felt that he owed the landlord.

Only through the criticism meeting, which makes villagers and long-term workers and short-term workers complain bitterly, and the landlord wears a high hat of paper paste, can spiritually destroy the landlord's disapproval and farmers's heart.

The way to govern the world, changing customs is the highest level.

"Okay, I want you to be convinced today!" Yao Fan turned his head and said to Li Lu beside him, "For you."

Li Lu stood up and pointed to Zhai Guiquan, who was kneeled by the soldiers and said, "Zhai, do you still remember Bai Xi? I won't wrong you for this!"

Zhai Guiquan was shocked when he heard the words and turned his head without saying anything.

Li Lu shouted to the people on the threshing floor, "Guns, do you remember Bai Xi? The doll of the old Bai family, the tenant at the entrance of the village.

When they heard the name Bai Xi, the villagers shook their heads and sighed.

Li Lu continued: "Lao Bai died early. Bai Xi lost her parents. She was taken to work at home in the name of debt collection and worked for his family day and night. Last year, Zhai's family died of a milk horse. Zhai Guiquan said that Bai Xi raised him to death. He asked Wang Xiang, the housekeeper, tied him to the pillar, sucked him all over, and then threw him into the pig. In the circle.

When several old people in the village and I heard about this, we all ran to see it. When we saw that the doll's white flesh was pumped out, the eyes were bulging, and there was only one breath left. The iron egg's daughter-in-law took a bowl of rice soup and fed him. He couldn't even open his mouth to drink. That night, he was cut off in the coquettish pigsty pigsty. Zhai Guiquan couldn't even give up a straw mat, so he buried Bai Xi in the mud ditch of the back mountain!"

After saying that, Li Lu was extremely angry. She came up and grabbed Zhai Guiquan's braids, pulled his head over and scolded her face: "Old dog! Can you remember this! Do you dare to deny it!"

Zhai Huiwang, the son of Zhai Guiquan, knelt down and cursed, "Li Lu, you are an unnamed bastard. You have always stolen chickens and dogs. My father's mercy did not cure you, and you dare to bite back today!" What do you have to say alone! Tell someone else, is there anything wrong with you?"

Li Lu shouted at the person squatting in front of the threshing floor: "Iron egg! You said I had a lies!"

Tiedan stood up and dared not look at the Zhai family kneeling in front of him. He said tremblingly, "Brother Li Lu didn't say a word of lies. Every word is true."

Zhai Huiwang scolded, "What is an iron egg! Can a grass ash with no land and no house testify? This kind of thing can only be counted by testifying by the old man in the village!"

The iron egg daughter-in-law stood up and said, "Don't bully people! My iron egg never made up lies.

Li Lu arched her hand to an old man sitting on the ground and said, "Grandpa Li Tian, you went to Zhai's pigsty with me to see Bai Xi that day. Do you think this happened?"

The old man's name is Zhai Litian. When he heard Li Lu ask him, he didn't dare to raise his head and said, "I've been a poor man since I was a child. I only eat all day and didn't pay attention to anything."

Zhai Huiwang scolded: "Listen! Listen! What else are you looking for? The government has nothing to say, and you guys dare to rebel against it!" After saying that, he turned his head and shouted to Yao Fan, "The surname is Yao! How dare you to set up a private court to detain the squire, I must sue to the end!"

Hu Guangting suddenly became angry when he heard the words. He took a step forward and stabbed a bayonet on Zhai Huiwang's thigh, and suddenly blood suddenly burst out.

"How dare you talk!" Hu Guangting scolded.