1875 I come from the future

Chapter 127 Shandong Commune 8

[127] Shandong Commune (8)

Li Lu's agitation on the threshing field aroused the admiration of many villagers holding bowls of eating pig-killing vegetables. Many poor children have been hot in their hearts. They looked at the ragged clothes on their bodies, the corn shells wrapped in their feet, and the neat clothes of Yao Fan's soldiers, and immediately some people were eager to try. Planning to come over, they quietly asked Yao Fan's soldiers how to join the team.

Yao Fan thinks it's not surprising at all.

Some historians speculated that the average life expectancy of the Qing Dynasty was 33 years, while the Qing Dynasty royal family has a chronology to test. The life expectancy is only 32 years old. In a country where the life expectancy of the royal family is only 32 years old, will the average life expectancy be 33 years? Yao Fan felt that those with the title of expert and president of Manxue or Qing Dynasty Research Association were simply bullshit.

Their conclusion probably does not include the poor, especially the farmers at the bottom of society.

Since this dynasty is about to die in his early 30s, of course, the peasant uprising has never been interrupted from the beginning. Since people's lives are as low as grass, who cares how the poor die?

It's better to die of rebellion, starve to death, die of illness, and be tortured to death. Anyway, it's better to die happily. Therefore, there were various uprisings, large and small, as large as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Nian Army that swept several provinces, to a village and even more than a dozen bandits and thieves. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as blooming all over the ground.

But no matter how the rulers of the Qing Dynasty die, they must not want the people to die instead, so they always kill the rebels as late as possible or with other tortures. They hope to punish the rebels with physical torture, and more importantly, they hope to cause psychological terror to the living. Carry out threats.

In the suppression methods of the Qing Dynasty, the highest trick is to kill more people.

In short, the more barbaric the killing, the better. In the past, many Han emperors dared not use the methods of slaughtering the city, and the Qing Dynasty were extremely skilled.

Even at the end of the Qing Dynasty, this dynasty still maintained a cruel style.

Five days after the Hunan army broke through Nanjing, the corpses in the city were still blocked and smellless. All those who could not bear burden or dig cellars were killed. In short, all those who could not be slaves to provide military assistance were killed, and children under the age of two or three were also killed as a play. The Qing army killed people and burned the house. All the women were divided into the barracks for soldiers to die. Li Chendian, the commander of the Hunan Army, went crazy day and night to play with the beautiful woman he robbed. He couldn't stand it and didn't stop. Finally, he died because of the oil and lamp died more than ten days after the city was broken.

People are a kind of animal with psychological adaptability. When they are used to beheading and shave, and are used to all kinds of cruelty, and compare them with their tragic life, and find that the degree of pain between the two is not big, they naturally become very afraid of death. Even if the punishment is cruel, the peasants in the Qing Dynasty revolt It is still cut and grows like a weed. The Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, and many people volunteered to act as *, claiming that "the country does not know that there is a people, and the people do not know that there is a country."

The villagers of Niwanzi Village saw Yao Fan's generosity and benevolence, saw Yao Fan's soldiers wearing new clothes, saw the soldiers' healthy and ruddy faces, saw the soldiers as energetic as calves, and saw these foreign * knives and sophisticated weapons...

The poor farmers are moved!

The deep dream of "princes and princes will have a seed" burst out like young bamboo shoots awakened by the spring rain.

In addition, they have long heard that Yao Fan treats his soldiers like brothers and sisters, eating and sleeping together. The soldiers' monthly pay is as high as ten taels of silver and never deducted. The soldiers are full, dressed warm and have a status. These rumors have been confirmed in person today, and they are really true! The Yao Dong's opponent was so kind that he didn't have the air of being an official at all. I really don't know how he commanded the army. The villagers thought that the soldiers had come to the village many times to visit the poor and ask questions, helped the villagers repair the fences of the courtyard, carry water and send rice...

"Yao Dong's family, I want to join your rebels! I want to follow you to make a revolution! Kill the local tyrants and evil gentry!" The dog left in the village who was working on the Yaojiazhuang dock site ran to Yao Fan and knelt down and kowtowed.

"Please give me a gun, or give me a knife. I'm willing to follow the owner to kill local tyrants and officers and soldiers! I will kill whoever the host wants me to kill!" The dog is determined to join, and his public statement is to vote, because once he is reported by the villagers present, he will not escape death in the future.

Yao Fan smiled and helped him up, held his hand and said, "All our revolutionary team is equal and we don't want to kneel down!" Get up when you leave the dog."

At the moment when he clenched his hands with Yao Fan, the dog felt that there was a hot current all over his body and trembled excitedly.

Yao Fan let go of the dog's remaining hand, patted him on the shoulder to signal him to sit down, and turned around to preach to the villagers: "My fellow villagers, this country has never regarded working people as human beings. There is unequal exploitation and oppression everywhere. When will the poor end their hard life?

Folks, we can't wait for a good life to fall on us, and we can't expect unreliable reincarnation. If we want to live a good life, we can only rely on ourselves! We have to pick up the gun to have a good day. Without the protection of guns, our good days are rabbit tails, which can't grow!

Today I gave everyone money and food, and tomorrow I have to share the fields with everyone, but as soon as the Qing army arrives, can these things be preserved? I'm afraid I can't even save my life. The court will not reason with the farmers who work. The court will only speak to the landlords and old riches and help these local tyrants and evil gentry avenge our hard-working masses.

The villager Tiedan held a pig stick bone in his hand and was fighting tenaciously with it with his teeth. Hearing the words, he looked up and shouted, "Yao Dong's family, what do you think our village will do in the future? If you leave in the future, won't our village suffer?

Yao Fan said, "It's easy to do! As long as the big guys unite, beat all the Chinese rich and evil gentry, give all the land and wealth to the poor, and squeeze the whole world into the hands of us poor people, what are you afraid of? What the court are you afraid of!"

"Yao Dong's family, can you really beat the officers and soldiers?" A villager asked in the dark in the distance of the valley field.

"My fellow villagers, in the past, the Qing army was able to fish the common people, not because they had many people, but because they had excellent weapons, but now all countries in the world can build large ships, and weapons can be bought from foreign countries. The good days of the Qing army have gone back!"

Next, Yao Fan patiently preached the land policy and taxation of the new government, promising that in the future, all miscellaneous taxes will be exempted, and only one percent of the public grain will be collected, and all farmers who lease land will only receive up to 30% of the land output as rent. For all lending activities, the interest rate of one year cannot exceed 20%, and usury is not allowed to exploit the people.

To put it bluntly, these are rent reductions and interest rates. Yao Fan has not been able to eliminate private ownership of land at this stage.

The next day, Yao Fan got up early with the soldiers. All the soldiers, led by the villagers, went to the Zhai family's field, took out a tape measure and began to measure the Zhai family's land, and divided the fields to all the landless tenants and short-term workers in the village, according to 5 mu of land per household, and finally there were more than 10 mu left. Yao Fan called public land. It was announced that the public land was collectively owned by the whole village, and the village was responsible for hiring people to rent seeds, and the output was divided evenly among the whole village.

The tenants and poor farmers in the village are in a complicated mood. On the one hand, they are panicked and don't know what will happen in the future. On the other hand, they are extremely excited to surround Yao Fan to help come up with ideas and scramble to help the soldiers measure the land and play the boundary wooden sign on the field.

Zhai's livestock, houses, bedding, clothes, cages and furniture were all divided by Yao Fan to landless tenants and poor villagers in the village.

Li Lu was appointed as the acting village head of Niwanzi Village by Yao Fan, and formed a village committee with four other tenants assigned to the field in the village to deal with the small affairs of the village. Yao Fan left the three steel knives found by the Zhai family to take care of Li Lu, and also left the Zhai family's family's family to Li Lu.

Before leaving, Yao Fan told Li Lu: "We should discuss more with the elderly in the village. The village committee should unite all the people in the village and do things fairly. In addition, don't abuse the women of the Zhai family. The houses and clothes left for them cannot be allowed to be taken away by anyone. Leave them to live. We should organize villagers to help them learn to farm, so that they can support themselves and work in the field to support themselves.

Li Lu was a little confused when he heard Yao Fan's words. He really couldn't figure out how to manage the remaining women of the Zhai family.

"Chairman, won't you kill them?"

"We are a revolutionary team. We want to seize the world. We should have the mind and courage, and we can't kill people without blood debts. We need to transform their minds and let them know that the world has changed and the people are the masters of the country.

In the transformation of thought, one month is not enough, one month is not enough, one year is three years is not enough, and one year is not enough. Since truth and justice are in our hands, why are we afraid that time will grow longer?

"Chairman, you are so benevolent!" Li Lu sighed.

He made up his mind to kill the rest of the Zhai family as soon as Yao Fan left. The chairman's heart is too soft, and the grass is not eradicated, and the spring breeze blows again. I have to help the chairman eliminate the future problems!"

But Yao Fan's words embarrassed him. He didn't dare to listen to Yao Fan's instructions. He could only think aggrievedly, "I'll call a few working women in the village and take care of all the women of the Zhai family with a stick. In case they run away, it will be bad."

How did Yao Fan know what Li Lu was thinking? He still taught him sincerely: "Li Lu, you need to remember that as the village head, you need to develop the scale of the village committee, absorb the villagers who sincerely support our Shandong commune into the village committee, and take the village committee to help you engage in production. In addition, you have to come to Qingdao to participate in cadre training every month, take ideological and political classes, and then go back to the village to publicize the people.

This lasted until after 3 p.m. the next day, Yao Fan left with his troops. There were also seven young people in the village who made up their mind to go to Qingdao to participate in Shandong Commune and follow Yao Fan to rebel.