1875 I come from the future

Chapter 128 Shandong Commune 9

[128] Shandong Commune (9)

"I can't do it myself every time I fight a local tycoon to divide the field." Yao Fan sat on the tractor and thought to himself, "I have to pull up the cadres alone as soon as possible to train a group of non-combat administrative cadres."

It was already evening when Yao Fan returned to Qingdao. As soon as he returned to the government and sat down, Li Hainiu rushed to report.

"The owner..."

"Call me chairman."

Yes! Chairman! Today, we canceled the military martial law as planned, and the rich people in the city ran away. They drove a large number of carriages and mules to escape, blocking the gate in the morning. Dong... Chairman, haven't you seen the situation this morning? The rich people in the city packed up their belongings and fled one by one in cages and carriages!"

"That's good. It saves trouble, Manatee, you requisition the empty house and give it to our recruits!"

"Chairman, I think it's better to catch up! Grab all these rich people." Li Hainiu clenched his fist and said, "Anyway, they have to report to the government when they escape. I don't think it's wrong to kill them."

"Hae, do you remember what I said in class the other day? Don't attack on all sides, unite the majority of people who can be united. Besides, we are not bandits, but a revolutionary army that wants to establish a regime. Yao Fan educated Li Hainiu.

"East...Chairman, that's what you said!" Li Hainiu nodded quickly.

"Don't panic, manate. If people leave, they will come back in the future. If people are dispersed, it will be difficult to collect!" Yao Fan stressed heavily.

"The buffalo must remember the chairman's teachings."

"Hainiu, the recruit training of the team must be fast. You should remember that the discipline order, internal affairs order and queue order I issued must be taken first! These three orders are the guarantee of the combat effectiveness of the army!

We are not bandits or feudal armies. We are revolutionary troops! It is the army of the people! The three regulations, collectively known as the Common Ordinance, are the most significant signs that distinguish the people's army from the feudal army. We must pay close attention to them at all times! Catch me day and night!"

Yes! Chairman."

"In addition to the three orders, there are three major trainings, shooting, dropping bombs, bayonet, and none of them can be careless."

"Chairman, didn't you say that the three major trainings are queues, shooting and bayonet?"

"The queue is now classified into three major orders, and soldiers should be strictly required to abide by them from life. As for the dropping of bombs, this is a very important combat method, and now we want to designating him as a formal training subject for new recruits. Yao Fan knew that our army's training during the Anti-Japanese War was basically to practice these three techniques.


After Li Hainiu left, Yao Fan casually ate some dry food and came to Yaojiazhuang to inspect the training of new recruits and select political cadres among the backbones.

"Third sister, thanks to your education during this period, the soldiers' ideological awareness has improved rapidly. You have to continue to strengthen this work and give it to you if you want money."

"Brother...Chairman, is it true that everyone in the city has run away?"


"So, the Qing soldiers are coming soon?" The third sister said worriedly.

"Don't worry, the eldest brother will beat the Qing soldiers to pieces." Yao Fan hopes to add confidence to everyone.


A few days later, the news came from Bai Xiaoqi's men, and the Eight Banners of the Qingzhou garrison camp began to practice. Moreover, the seven local garrison battalions under the general officers of Dengzhou Town also began to gather.

Yao Fan knew that his rebellion was finally leaked.

The soldiers came to block the water and cover the earth, and the highest military meeting of Shandong Commune was held in the conference room of Yaojiazhuang that night.

Yao Fan's five company commanders and platoon leaders all attended, and also invited Su Sanjie, Wang Gui and Bai Xiaoqi to attend.

"According to the information of the White Horse Club, the Qing army has begun to gather and train. I estimate that it will launch a tentative attack on our troops in the near future. I decided to take the initiative with the main purpose of eliminating the enemy's living forces. The first step is to defeat the ink camp under the commander-in-chief of Laizhou Town! Take Jimo County!" Yao Fan pointed to the map of Shandong hanging on the wall and said.

This map is a satellite map made by Yao Fan since 2011. The text above and various modern town houses have been deleted with image editing software. The green rendering is full of fields, and 1875 place names have been marked.

"Look, if the Qing army does not have Jimo as a bridgehead, it will not be able to attack Qingdao, and if we can't take Jimo, we can only shrink in Qingdao. It can be said that whoever takes Jimo will have the initiative. We all hope that the battle will be as far away from Yaojiazhuang, so it's time for us to send troops to control Jimo County.

Li Hainiu stood up and said, "Chairman, we are willing to fight the vanguard in this first battle! The Mo garrison camp is the Green Camp, and these empty things are full of only 500 people.

Yao Fan called his name and said, "Bai Xiaoqi, tell me about the information that your white horse will find out these days."

Bai Xiaoqi didn't mind Yao Fan's name: "Chairman Yao, the Green Battalion of the Mo garrison battalion is about 200. Although there are not many people, the city is strong and there is sufficient food and fodder. Compared with the wooden wall at the mouth of Qingdao, the wall of Jimo is higher and thicker, and it is a soil and stone structure, which is very difficult to fight. If the Green Camp closes the four doors and goes up to the wall and defends the city with birds and guns, your department is afraid that many brothers will be killed and injured. I don't know if Yao Dong's foreign guns can suppress the head of the city so that your brothers can set up stairs to the city.

Hearing this, everyone here looked at Bai Xiaoqi with strange eyes, which made her scalp tingle.

Because of Yao Fan's order, the commune treated the White Horse Club as a mercenary and was heavily guarded. The offices of the White Horse Club were arranged outside Yaojiazhuang, and it was never allowed to tell Bai Xiaoqi about the weapons and equipment of the revolutionary army.

"It doesn't matter. We will liberate Jimo." Yao Fandao.

"Nanjiefang?" Bai Xiaoqi, who attended the highest military meeting of Shandong Revolutionary Commune for the first time, did not understand.

"It's liberation!" Yao Fan wrote it down with chalk on the blackboard next to the map.

"Our goal of Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune is to launch a revolution to liberate all of China. Our army is called the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army."

After saying that, Yao Fan said to Su Sanjie, "Take the military flag."

The third sister took out the party flag brought by Yao Fan from 2011 and went to the front to show it to everyone. The golden sickle hammer emitted a strange light on the red flag.

Red symbolizes the revolution, and hammers and sickle symbolize the labor tools of workers and peasants. This flag means that we are the vanguard of the Chinese working people, coming from the working people and fighting for the liberation of the working people!" After explaining, Yao Fan also recited a poem, "The hammer smashes the new world, and the sickle cuts the old universe."