1875 I come from the future

Chapter 130 The Sound of Drum Horn 2

[130] The sound of drums and horns to fight (II)

Yao Fan announced: "Each company selects one from the ten recruit platoons they have trained, plus the two veteran platoons before the company, three platoons form a teaching company, and the remaining nine new platoons form three new companies.

Li Hainiu, Li Jun, Zhou Shi, He Shicheng, Liu Jinbao and your five companies are now promoted to battalion, and the former deputy company commander has been promoted to battalion commander and deputy battalion commander. Each battalion is subordinate to four companies, each teaching company is numbered as one company, and the rest is successively promoted to two companies, three companies and four companies.

After this period of investigation and evaluation and screening, I have determined the candidates for the company commanders, who have previously performed well as learning models and training models, and now I issue orders.

Hu Guangting, the first company commander of the first battalion, Cao Jiujin, the second company commander Luo Qiren, and Zhu Dakui, the deputy company commander.................

Our army now has its own artillery. Although there is only one company, as the seed of our army's fire fighting group, its future is unlimited.

Now I read the appointment letter: Gui Ba, the commander of the first company of the gun company, and Peng Jiachang, the deputy commander of the gun company, under the jurisdiction of four artillery squads........."

With Yao Fan's reading, the named cadres stood up energetic one by one and shouted "To!"

Yao Fan read the order and said, "Now I will announce the adjustment of the treatment. The soldier's salary remains unchanged and is still ten taels of basic salary per month; the first-level salary of the platoon leader and deputy platoon commander is added five taels to the basic salary; the company commander and deputy company commander receive the second-level salary, adding ten taels to the basic salary; the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander receives three taels. Grade salary, add 20 taels to the basic salary.

Yao Fan looked up at everyone's faces and saw that everyone was still very satisfied with the salary, so he said assuredly, "Since you have no objection, let's do it like this. Let me remind you again that our revolutionary army is absolutely not allowed to eat empty meals! Cadres should always keep in mind the principle of suffering in the front and charging in the front, get along with the soldiers, eat and live together, and never be specialized!"

Yao Fan put his left hand on his waist and waved his right hand powerfully in front of him, giving a speech in front of the stage in the style of a leader in revolutionary film and television dramas:

"According to the discussion results of this military meeting, comprehensively considering the rules of the Qing army's combat, I analyzed that the current strategic ideas of the Qing army follow Zeng Guofan's experience in suppressing the people's uprising, that is, the six words 'solidate a hard village and fight a stupid war.' Therefore, once they find a large cluster activity of our army, they will form a camp and try to consume our army through the hard city. When our army can't attack and plan to retreat, they will use the so-called tactic of "attachback, rushing to its waist and tail" to try to defeat our army. This is a backward negative tactic, a right-leaning opportunistic military line, which we want to criticize!

The brave camp has always sought stability, and the Japanese marched no more than 40 miles. The so-called half-Japanese march and half-day camped. In the field battle, it was emphasized that the opponent should be the first and then attack. This negative right-leaning ideology runs through all their military activities and runs contrary to the revolutionary heroism emphasized by our army!

The Qing army likes to slow down, but our army has to fight at the speed of thunder and lightning to completely defeat these counter-revolutionary forces!"

The cadres under the stage looked at Yao Fan's leader and scolded Fang Yu's leadership and listened intoxicatedly. Some of the new cadres did not understand, but it did not hinder their respect for Yao Fan at all.

"The chairman is really knowledgeable!" Li Hainiu thought of it with difficulty.

Bai Xiaoqi was stunned and said that no wonder Yao Dong's family dared to rise up. It turned out that he actually knows how to fight the Qing army.

Yao Fan clenched his fist and said firmly, "At present, the enemy of Jimo County has closed four doors, and obviously has begun to guard against our army.

So I decided that in this battle, Li Hainiu's battalion served as an assault group to launch an attack on the south gate of Jimo County and blast the gate with explosive bags! Then rushed into the city to carry out a clean-edge battle. Completely annihilate the stubborn enemies in the city!

Li Jun's second battalion and the artillery company directly under the army served as the fire support group, launching long-range shooting and artillery strikes against the targets at the head of the city to ensure the smooth and rapid breakthrough of the assault group!

Liu Jinbao's third battalion served as a containment group and ambushed 1,000 meters north of Jimo County. Once the enemy reinforcements attacked, they immediately launched a containment attack on the enemy, and at the same time carried out position work to prepare to block the enemy.

The fourth battalion of the week serves as a reserve team and is ready to respond at any time after the fire group.

He Shicheng's five battalions are stationed at Qingdaokou and Yaojiazhuang, especially paying attention to the sea and using civil fortifications to control docks and ports. At this stage, we do not rule out the possibility that the enemy will invade from the sea.

Yao Fan's strategic thinking is completely different from the battle idea these days, and the shadow of modern combat thinking can be seen from the division of his battle group.

Bai Xiaoqi was stunned and said, "No matter whether about 500 people in the two camps of Li Hainiu and Li Jun can take down Jimo, is Yao Dong's family really the first war? Why do I hear him like a rebellious hand? He seems to be a general who is used to fighting.

When Yao Fan finished arranging the details one by one, he asked, "Do you understand?"

All the cadres stood up and shouted, "Yes! I understand!"

"Okay, the team will set out tonight to prepare for battle outside Jimo County and launch an attack at 6:30 at dawn! Now let's start all the tables!"

After saying that, Yao Fan took the cadres to proofread the watch to ensure that the whole time was consistent.

Bai Xiaoqi stood aside and stared at Yao Fan and his officers known as 'cadres'. She made up her mind that she must follow Yao Fan's troops tomorrow to see what he relied on. Unexpectedly, she didn't pay attention to a strong city that was defending, and unexpectedly shouted that she would attack an hour after the battle was launched. The slogan of entering the city!

Bai Xiaoqi also wears a watch given by Yao Fan in her hand. She always loves it like a treasure, so she knows that an hour is half an hour.

Bai Xiaoqi does not believe that someone in the world can attack a four-door closed city in half an hour.

"I'm afraid it's impossible for foreigners to come and fight with cannons, right?" Bai Xiaoqi thought.

In the temporary tent outside Jimo County, the candle was lit. Li Jun asked Yao Fan, "Chairman, what if the city gate is broken, what if the Mo garrison camp stubbornly resists in the city? Should I bring someone in?"

"No, you have to believe in Li Hainiu's battalion, and in case the enemy abandons the city and escapes, isn't it easy for you to chase him?"

"Yes, I understand."

arrived at 6:30. The sky was bright, and the east was as red as drunk as the morning sun. Yao Fan stood on a hill 500 meters away from Jimo City and ordered, "Start the attack!"